Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ... · Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer, (Grier) b 1746

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Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (3)

Descendants ofBenjamin Greer, (Grier)

Benjamin Greer, (Grier) b 1746

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (4)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (5)

Table of Contents

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Descendant Book

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Source Citations

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Source Citations

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Source Citations

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Source Citations

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Source Citations

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Seventh Generation

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Eighth Generation

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Ninth Generation

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294Name Index

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (6)


First Generation

1. Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9February 1746 in VA and died on 23 October 1816 in Green River, Green Co, KY at age 70.

Noted events in his life were:• He signed a will on 1 February 1816 in Green Co, KY. Will Records of Green

County, Kentucky 1796-1824Green County Wills Book 2OSPage: 3Name: Benjamin GreerWritten: 1 February 1816 My two youngest sons: Acouilla and Edmond Mydaughters: Sally, Elizabeth, and Polly My wife, Sarah My other children: John,Rachel, William Benjamin, Ann, Jesse, David Samuel, Joshua, and James Witnesses:Benjamin Bayless, Christopher Slinker, and James Hill Probated: 25 November1816 25 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack Benjamin made a will dated February 21, 1816 in Green County, Kentucky WillBook 2, page 3, in which he left property to his wife Sarah and younger children andhis ten older children $1. each. It is often a legal condition to a will to name eachchild. The will reads:"In the name of God, Amen. I, Benjamin Greer, of the County of Green, State ofKentucky, being through the goodness and mercies of God though weak in body, yetof sound mind and perfect understanding and memory, do constitute this my last willand testament and desire it may be recorded as such. I most humbly bequeath mysoul to God who gave it, beseeching (some damaged area) and my body buried likeseed in the ground, not to be lost but here buried to remain till the morning of theResurrection through Jesus Christ our Lord. As to my burial, I do desire to beinterred, at the discretion of my Executors, thereafter named, who, I doubt not willarrange it with prudence. As to my worldly estate, I will, and positively order that allmy debts be paid. First, I do bequeath to my two youngest sons namely, Aquilla andEdmond Greer, the two tracts of land I now live on to be equally divided betweenthem: and the rest of my estate to be equally divided between my three daughters:namely, Sally, Elizabeth and Polly Greer; but my wife, Sarah Greer to hold the samein her hands during life; but said children to have their equal part as they become ofa*ge or marry. At the discretion of my Executors to which I do appoint my wife SarahGreer, Aquilla Greer and Robert Erwin, and do constitute the executors of this mylast will and testament and trustees for my wife and children. In witness whereof Ihave hereunto set my had and Seal this twenty first day of February in the year of ourLord one thousand Eight hundred and sixteen. N.B. and I do will that all my otherchildren namely, John, Rachel, William, Benjamin, Ann, Jesse, David, Samuel,Joshua and James have one dollar each out of my estate. Signed Benjamin (X)Greer, witnesses: Benjamin Bayly, Christopher Hinker, James (X) Lile." (GreenCounty, Kentucky Will Records)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (7)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


(Note: glw: As you can see he only left his children from his first wife, one dollar,while leaving his land to the children of Sarah Jones Greer.) However, if the landgrants were found, it is possible that he had already given his older children landwhen they married as was often the custom.Aquilla, Sally, Elizabeth, Polly, Edmond and Thomas (Thomas may be questionableor he may have died before the will.) were all children of Benjamin and his secondwife, Sarah "Sallie" Atkinson Jones.He had ten (10) Children with Nancy Wilcox; James, William, Rachel, John,Benjamin, Nancy Ann, Jesse, David, Samuel and Joshua.Research: Geneva Greer White, "Geneva's Tree"

• Birth and Death: Name: Benjamin Greer Spouse: Nancy Wilcox Wilcoxen Parents:John Greer, Nancy Ann Birth Place: Co, Albermarle, VA Birth Date: 9 Feb 1745Marriage Place: Wilkes, County, NC Marriage Date: 1767 Death Place: Green, River,KY Death Date: 23 Oct 181625 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Story - not documented: Benjamin Cleveland was captured on the 22nd day of April,1781, while on a visit to his tenant, Jesse Duncan, at the lower end of the Old Fields -- probably the very spot at which the late NathanWaugh lived and died. Captain William Riddle was the leader of the gang which captured him, they havingstolen his horses from Duncan's barn the night before and led them up south fork of New River into a laurelthicket just above the house then occupied by Joseph and Timothy Perkins, about one mile distant. There were six or eight men with Riddle, and when they reached Benjamin Cutbirth'shome the day before, four miles above Duncan's home, and failed to get any information from him, theyabused him shamefully and left him under guard. Cleveland ran into the ambush and was taken into the Perkinshouse, which stool on the site of the house in which Nathan Waugh's son, Charles, now resides. (1915) Thephoto shows the present house and apple tree in its front under which it is said Cleveland was sitting whencaptured. Into this house, Zachariah Wells followed Cleveland and attempted to shoot him, but that brave (?)man seized Abigail Walters, who was present, and kept her between him and his would-be assassin. Cleveland was then taken up New River to the mouth of Elk Creek, and thence to"what has since been known as Riddle's Knob." This is some fourteen from Old Fields and in Watauga County. Herethey camped for the night.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (8)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


But they had been followed by young Daniel Cutbirth and a youth named Walters,Jesse Duncan, John Shirley, William Calloway, Samuel McQueen and Benjamin Greer, while Joseph Callowaymounted a horse and hastened to notify Captain Robert Cleveland, Ben's brother, on Lewis' Fork of the Yadkin. Five ofthese in Robert's advance party fired on Riddle's gang at the Wolf's Den early the next morning, andCleveland dropped behind the log on which he had been sitting slowly writing passes for the Tories, fearing thatwhen he should finish doing so he would be killed. Only Wells was wounded, the rest escaping, includingRiddle's wife. As it was thought that Wells would die from his wound, he was left on the ground to meet hisfate alone. But he survived. Wolf's Den The Wolf's Den, where Cleveland was rescued There is still a tradition in the neighborhood of the Wolf's Den that Ben Greer killed orwounded Riddle at that place soon after Cleveland's rescue, one version saying that Riddle was onlywounded and then taken to Wilkes and hanged. Indeed, the place in the gap between Pine Orchard andHuckleberry Knob, through which the wagon road from Todd to Riddle's Fork of Meat Camp Creek now runs, is stillpointed out as that at which Greer and his men camped in the cold and wind, without fire or tent, till they saw thecampfire on Riddle's Knob flame up, after which they crept up to that lonely spot and either killed or wounded theredoubtable Tory. Cleveland Hangs Riddle Soon after Cleveland's rescue Riddle and his men made a night raid into the YadkinValley, where, on King's Creek, they captured two of Cleveland's soldiers, David and John Witherspoon, and"spirited them away into the mountain region on the Watauga River in what is now Watauga County," wherethey both were sentenced to be shot, when it was proposed that if they would take the oath of allegiance to theking, repair to their home and speedily return with the O'Neal mare - a noble animal - and join the Toryband, their lives would be spared. This the Witherspoons agreed to, and returned with not only the mare, butwith Col. Ben Herndon and a party also, when they captured Riddle, Reeves and Goss, "killing and dispersingthe others." These were taken to Wilkesboro, court martialed and executed" on the hill adjoining

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (9)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


the village, "on a stately oak, which is yet (1881) standing and pointed out to strangers at Wilkesboro." Well,too, was captured and taken to Hughes' Bottom, one mile below Cleveland's Round About home-place, andhanged by plow lines from a tree on the river bank, without trial and in spite of the protestations of James Gwyn, alad of thirteen, whose noble nature revolted at such barbarity. But Cleveland's cruelty was too wellknown to need further comment, for it is recorded of him that he once forced an alleged horse-thief to cut offhis own ears with a dull case knife to escape death by hanging all without trial or evidence. Cleveland moved to South Carolina at the close of the Revolutionary War, where hedied while sitting at the breakfast table, in October, 1806, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. Cleveland Countyin this State was named in his honor. He was buried in the forks of the Tugalo and Chauga, OconeeCounty, South Carolina, but his grave with a stone marking it is in the churchyard of New Hope Baptist Church,near Stauntion, Wilkes County, North Carolina, according to several recent statements of Col. J. H.Taylor, the father of Mrs. John Stansbury of Boone. However, some claim that this is RobertCleveland's grave stone. So much for two versions of Riddle's death. But there is yet another version, for Col. W. W. Presnell, for many years register ofdeeds for Watauga County and a brave one-armed Confederate soldier, still points out at the foot of a ridge northof James Blair's residence, on Brushy Fork Creek, two low rock cliffs, between which and the hollowjust east of them stood until recently a large white-thorn tree upon which W. H. Dugger and other reputablecitizens of a past day said Cleveland had hanged Riddle and three of his companions. Certain it is, accordingto Dr. Draper, that "Colonel Cleveland was active at this period in sending our strong scouting parties toscour the mountain regions, and if possible, utterly break up the Tory bands still infesting the frontiers."Other say that two of these men were named Sneed and the third was named Warren. Other Links: Historical Sketches of Wilkes County, NC History of Western NC, Revolutionary Days

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (10)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Sources: A History of Watauga County, North Carolina, John Preston Arthur, published 1915 -file created by Faye Moran

• State Census of North Carolina: 1787, Wilkes Co, NC. Benjamin Greer on page 17126 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Three Forks Baptist Church: Watauga Co, NC. During the revolution Benjamine Greerapparently saw various services in the Wilkes County Militia, although documentaryrecord of this is scarce. One account of his most famous exploit, the rescue of Col.Benjamine Cleveland from the Tories in April 1781 near Meat Camp Creek, is relatedin A HISTORY OF WATAUGA COUNTY (Appendix B [in book]. The source ofthis account, in its earliest published version, is apparently Lyman C. Draper's KING'SMOUNTAIN AND ITS HEROES, 1881, photostats from which that relate to therescue are also attached (as Appendix F [in book] as well as a few pages ofsupplementary material from John Preston Arthur's WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA:A HISTORY, 1730 - 1913 (which is Appendix E [in book]. This adds the tradition,preserved in the Greer family, that is was Ben Greer who fired the shot that killed Col.Ferguson at King's Mountain. Lyman Draper unfortunately does not cite his sources forhis account which, although probably factual, was likely based on hearsay evidence andalso, perhaps, papers of Col. Cleveland. Wilkes County Militia rosters do not survive,not are any original pay vouchers issued to Benjamin Greer extant. However proof thathe did recieve payment for militia service is contained in the books of the NorthCarolina Treasurer and Comptroller, Revolutionary Army Accounts. In Book A of thisseries (Vol. 40, page 221) is recorded a payment in 1782 (?) Morgan District, whichincluded Wilkes County, as follows: "0879. To Benjamine Greer for Service pr ditto-.16-." The ditto refers to the statement "for Service pr Pay Roll" a few lines above. "The account of Benjamin's rescue of Col. Cleveland implies that he had moved hisresidence further west by 1781 to the South Fork of New River near the presentWatauga - Wilkes border, and in the area where Joshua Greer later lived. First, on 24January 1781 he entered a claim to 100 acres, apparently obtained from one Stringer,which was granted 9 July 1794 (#1121, photostat attached [in book]. Chain carriers forthe survey, 20 January 1791, were his sons Wm. Greer and John Greer. This land issaid to have been four miles above Cleveland's plantation at the "Old Field" where GapCreek enters the South Fork. After the war Benjamin continued to increase his holdingshere; on 16 July 1789 he entered a claim to 100 acres at his own line which was issued9 July 1794 (Wilkes #1199, photostat attached [in book]. That he had actually movedhis residence to this plantation is shown by the fact that he sold his Cub Creek land in1790: "Wilkes County Deeds B-1:73): This Indenture made this Twenty seventh day ofApril ... 1790 Between Benjamin Greer of the ... County of Wilkes ... and TurnerHampton of the county ... aforesaid ... witnesseth that for ... one hundred pounds ...hath ... sold ... unto the sd Turner Hampton ... a certain tract of parcel of alnd containingtwo hundred acres Lying ... on the Waters of cub creek, Beginning on a post oak andred oak sapling on a flat in Francis Hardgrave line ... John Greers line by a Path ...(signed) Benjamin Greer ... Witness: Rowland Judd, Isaac Walker, Francis Hardgrave."

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (11)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


"Benjamine was a member of the Three Forks Baptist Church in Watauga from 1790 to1800 (according to A HISTORY OF WATAUGA COUNTY) but had to leave thechurch in 1801 because of his intemperance.

• He appeared on the census in 1800 in Morgan, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Sarah GreerHome in 1800 (City, County, State): Morgan, Wilkes, North Carolina Free WhitePersons - Males - Under 10: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1 Free WhitePersons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 2 FreeWhite Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 2 Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over: 1Number of Household Members Under 16: 4 Number of Household Members Over 25:2 Number of Household Members: 927 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Benjamin married Nancy Wilcoxson [MRIN: 6527], daughter of John Wilcox, (SarahBoone) and Sarah Boone, (20), on 27 November 1763 in Rowan Co, NC. Nancy wasborn on 6 September 1746 in Lancaster Co, PA and died on 3 October 1790 in Wilkes Co, NCat age 44.

Children from this marriage were:+ 2 F i. Rachel Greer1 was born in March 1768 in Ashe Co, NC and died between

1840 and 1850 in Green Co, KY.Rachel married Robert Judd [MRIN: 56969] (d. 1847) between 1786 and1787 in Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 3 M ii. John Greer was born on 14 January 1770 in Ashe Co, NC and died after 10August 1850 in Johnson Co, TN..John married Nancy Owens [MRIN: 62167] (d. After 10 August 1850) in1787 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 4 M iii. William Greer was born in January 1772 in NC and died in 1862 in AsheCo, NC at age 90.William married Hannah Cartwright [MRIN: 6530] in 1788 in Ashe Co,NC.

+ 5 F iv. Cynthia Greer was born in 1774 in NC.Cynthia married William Hardin [MRIN: 9709].

+ 6 M v. Benjamin Greer was born in February 1774 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 7 M vi. Jesse Greer, Sr was born on 14 November 1778 in Wilkes Co, NC, died on

17 September 1869 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 90, and was buried inBlackburn/Howell Cemetery in Bald Mountain Twp, Watauga Co, NC.Jesse married Mary Polly Morris [MRIN: 54812] (d. 28 February 1880) on17 January 1800 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 8 M vii. David Vincent Greer was born on 2 February 1781 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied before 30 September 1850 in Watauga Co, NC.David married Nancy Hodges [MRIN: 31622] (d. 1865) in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 9 M viii. James Greer was born on 17 September 1783 in Wilkes Co, NC and died inSeptember 1869 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 86.James married Mary Mollie Hampton [MRIN: 54886] (d. 1814).

+ 10 M ix. Samuel Greer was born on 28 November 1785 in Wilkes Co, NC and diedon 20 April 1872 in Ashe Co, NC at age 86.Samuel married Sarah 'Sallie' Church [MRIN: 57155] (d. 1 May 1860) in

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (12)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1820 in NC.+ 11 M x. Joshua Greer was born in April 1788 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in 1838 in

Ashe Co, NC at age 50.Joshua married Jane Church [MRIN: 61623].

Benjamin next married Sarah Atkinson Jones [MRIN: 6528] on 26 April 1791 in Wilkes Co,NC. Sarah was born on 30 September 1772 in NC and died on 30 October 1852 in HolmesCo, OH at age 80.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 26 April 1791, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Benjamin Greer Spouse: Sarah Jones

Marriage Date: 26 Apr 1791 Marriage County: Wilkes Marriage State: North CarolinaSource: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT26 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Affair: Separation from Nancy Wilcoxson </tree/9472705/person/-671570094/fact/13487874437> North Carolina<> It is noted that Ben Greer was having an affair with Sarah Jones.Nancy Wilcoxson left Ben Greer upon finding out this information 26 Aug 2012 DorthyGrissom Mack

Noted events in her life were:• Will of Benjamin Greer: 1 February 1816, Green Co, KY. Will Records of Green

County, Kentucky 1796-1824Green County Wills Book 2OSPage: 3Name: Benjamin GreerWritten: 1 February 1816 My two youngest sons: Acouilla and Edmond Mydaughters: Sally, Elizabeth, and Polly My wife, Sarah My other children: John,Rachel, William Benjamin, Ann, Jesse, David Samuel, Joshua, and James Witnesses:Benjamin Bayless, Christopher Slinker, and James Hill Probated: 25 November 181625 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Finda A Grave: 31 October 1852, Holmes Co, OH. Name: Sarah Jones Greer BirthDate: 30 Sep 1772 Age at Death: 80 Death Date: 31 Oct 1852 Burial Place: HolmesCounty, Ohio, USA URL: Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack Not sure if this is Sarah Jones that married Benjamin Greer.

Children from this marriage were:+ 12 M i. Thomas Greer was born on 3 October 1790 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 13 M ii. Edmond Greer was born in 1793 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 14 F iii. Sally Greer was born in 1794 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 15 F iv. Elizabeth Greer was born in 1795 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 16 M v. Aquilla Greer was born in 1797 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in August 1874

in Graves Co, KY at age 77.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (13)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 17 F vi. Polly Greer was born in 1799 in Wilkes Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (14)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Source Citations 1. Sarah ROCKENFIELD, "Our Boone Families" by Sarah ROCKENFIELD (Whipporwill Publications,Evansville, IN), p357.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (15)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (16)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Second Generation (Children)

2. Rachel Greer1 (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1768 in Ashe Co, NC and diedbetween 1840 and 1850 in Green Co, KY.

Rachel married Robert Judd [MRIN: 56969] between 1786 and 1787 in Wilkes Co, NC.Robert was born in 1765 in VA and died in 1847 in Green Co, KY at age 82.

The child from this marriage was:+ 18 M i. John Greer Judd was born on 15 March 1811 in Green Co, KY and died in

1844 in Cookeville, Putnam Co, TN at age 33.John married Martha Ann Elizabeth Sympson [MRIN: 57153] (d. 1901) on25 October 1831 in Green Co, KY.

3. John Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 14 January 1770 in Ashe Co, NC and diedafter 10 August 1850 in Johnson Co, TN..

Noted events in his life were:• War 1812: NC. Name: John N Greer Company: 7 REG'T (PEARSON'S) NORTH

CAROLINA MIL. Rank - Induction: PRIVATE Rank - Discharge: PRIVATE RollBox: 85 Roll Exct: 60212 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack Not certain that this is John Greer who married Nancy Owens. They were in TN by1814

• Early Census Index: 1790, Rowan Co, NC. Name: John Greer Home in 1790 (City,County, State): Rowan, North Carolina Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 4 FreeWhite Persons - Males - 16 and over: 1 Free White Persons - Females: 2 Number ofHousehold Members:6 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Tax list: 1814, Washington Co, TN. Name: John Greer State: TN County: WashingtonCounty Township: No Township Listed Year: 1814 Record Type: Tax list Database:TN Early Census Index6 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Johnson Co, TN. Name: John Greer Home in1840 (City, County, State): Johnson, Tennessee Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru19: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 70 thru79: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 2 Free White Persons - Females - 60thru 69: 1 Persons Employed in Agriculture: 3 No. White Persons over 20 Who CannotRead and Write: 1 Free White Persons - Under 20: 3 Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1Total Free White Persons: 6 Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 613 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 10 August 1850 in District 1, Johnson Co, TN. JohnGreer age 82 NC no occupation 700pp

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (17)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Nancy age 71 NCdwelling 64 living in dwelling 65 is son David age 296 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack Unable to find a death record for John Greer age 82 in 1850

• Descendant information: 13 April 2012, Sharon Buck. I sent you a note earlier aboutmy quest for ancestor Sarah Boone and I had kept it simple thinking that might be bestfor a first contact... then I started thinking you might think I was a real lightweightwaiting for you to show me the way so I thought I had best sent you a more completesummation. I have Sarah Cassandra Boone 1724-1815, sister of Daniel Boone,frontiersman, and daughter of Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan. She married JohnWiIcoxson 1720-1782, and I am descended from two of her children, SamuelWilcoxson 1755-1825 and Nancy Wilcoxson. Samuel married Anna Jordan 1756-1840 and they had a son Isaiah Wilcoxson 1796-1879 who married Fannie Greer andhad a son Rev. William Billy Wilcox 1818-1909 who married Lavina Baker Hatton andthey had a daughter martha Mattie Wilcox 1861-1920 who was my maternalgrandfather's mother. She married Albert T. Greer 1858-1930 and their son wasJoseph Franklin Greer, my grandfather. 1880-1947. From Sarah's daughter Nancy1745-1790 who married Benjamin Greer 1746-1816 they had a son John Greer 1770-1850 who married Nancy Owens and their son was Elijah Greer 1806-1870. Elijahmarried Sarah Hawkins and their son was my great-grandfather Albert T. Greer whowas my grandfather Joseph Franklin Greer's father. I hope these begats are not too biga muddle.Anyway, I would like to find out more about this ancesotor Sarah Boone and herinteresting family.Sincerely,Sharon Buck

John married Nancy Owens [MRIN: 62167] in 1787 in Ashe Co, NC. Nancy was born in1779 in Rowan Co NC and died after 10 August 1850 in Johnson Co, TN.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 1787, Ashe Co, NC. Name: John Greer Spouse: Nancy Owens Parents:

Benjamin Greer, Nancy Wilcox Wilcoxen Birth Place: County, Ashe, NC Birth Date:14 Jan 1770 Marriage Date: 1787 Death Date: 180913 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 10 August 1850 in District 1, Johnson Co, TN. Nancy

Greer age 71 NC living with husband John Greer age 82 NC.dwelling 64 Unable to find death record for Nancy.6 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (18)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 19 M i. Elijah Greer was born in 1806 and died on 11 July 1870 in Johnson Co, TN

at age 64.Elijah married Sarah Hawkins [MRIN: 62168] (d. September 1853) in 1826in Johnson Co, TN.Elijah next married Mary A. Shaw [MRIN: 62174] on 8 February 1857 inAshe Co, NC.

+ 20 M ii. Thomas Greer was born in 1798 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1885 in LaurelBloomery, Johnson Co, TN at age 87.Thomas married Mary Ann Arter [MRIN: 62500] (d. 1849) in 1828 inJohnson City, Washington Co, TN.

+ 21 M iii. Joshua Greer was born in 1801 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 22 M iv. Andrew J. Greer was born in 1818 in TN and died on 27 June 1863 in

Rome, Floyd Co, GA at age 45.+ 23 M v. David S. Greer was born in 1821 in Johnson Co, TN and died in August

1880 in Watauga Co, NC at age 59.

4. William Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1772 in NC and died in 1862 inAshe Co, NC at age 90.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 21 January 1772 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: William Greer Father:

Benjamin Greer Mother: Nancy Wilcox Wilcoxen Birth Date: 21 Jan 1772 City: AsheState: NC Country: USA29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• NC Early Census Index: 1800, Morgan, Ashe Co, NC. Name: William Green[William Grier] <javascript:TGN.Ancestry.Search.Orem.DoOrem(308504)> [William Greer] <javascript:TGN.Ancestry.Search.Orem.DoOrem(308504)>Homein 1800 (City, County, State): Morgan, Ashe, North Carolina Free White Persons -Males - Under 10: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1 Free White Persons -Females - Under 10: 3 Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1 Number ofHousehold Members Under 16: 4 Number of Household Members: 629 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• NC Early Census Index: 1810, Ashe Co, NC. Name: W Greer Home in 1810 (City,County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 1 FreeWhite Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1 Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 5Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru25: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 Number of Household MembersUnder 16: 7 Number of Household Members Over 25: 2 Number of HouseholdMembers: 1029 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• NC Early Census Index: 1815, Ashe Co, NC. Name: William Greer State: NC County:Ashe County Year: 1815 Database: NC Early Census Index

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (19)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Wm Greer[Wm Grar] Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Free WhitePersons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 70 thru 79: 1 Free WhitePersons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1 FreeWhite Persons - Females - 70 thru 79: 1 Persons Employed in Agriculture: 3 FreeWhite Persons - Under 20: 3 Total Free White Persons: 5 Total All Persons - FreeWhite, Free Colored, Slaves: 529 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. William Greer 60 NCfarmer 300Hannah age 78 NCHamilton age 24 NC farmerdwelling 136629 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died in 1862 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: William Greer Spouse: Hannah CartwrightParents: Benjamin Greer, Nancy Wilcoxson Birth Place: US, NC Birth Date: 21 Jan1772 Death Place: US, NC Death Date: 186229 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Descendant information: 19 November 2012. Name: William GreerBirth: 21 Jan 1768 in Rowan Co.NCDeath: 1862 in Ashe Co. NCThe records are confusing about the dates. (this was not unusual for the times)It is not certain that the birth date is correct so the date given here will be based on theonly real Record available:1860 Ashe County NC CensusNorth Fork Township HH 520Wm. Greer 92Hannah 91If this Census is correct and he is 92 here he would have been born about 1768. If hedied in 1862, he would have been 94 when he died which makes this Census also lineup with the dates. So this would seem to be correct. Family Data Collection - Individual Records Record (Ancestry)Name: William GreerSpouse: Hannah CartwrightParents: Benjamin Greer , Nancy Wilcox WilcoxenBirth Place: County, Ashe, NCBirth Date: 21 January 1772 (Birthdate incorrect but this is where the mistake wasmade.)Marriage Date: 1788Death Place: Ashe, County, NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (20)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Death Date: 18621820 Ashe Co.NC census; Males Females0 10 16 18 26 45+ 0 10 16 26 45+9 16 18 26 45 9 16 26 45William Greer 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 4 1 0 11860 Ashe County NC CensusNorth Fork Township HH 520Wm. Greer 92Hannah 91If this Census is correct and he is 92 here he would have been born about 1768. If hedied in 1862, he would have been 94 when he died which makes this Census also lineup with the dates. So this would seem to be correct.William and Hannah lived a very long life in the mountains of North Carolina, whereeven now you find you cannot see the sky from the roads in some places for the lushgreen branches that reach out to touch each other. The houses still hang from thehillsides as though clinging to life itself. How did they ever get across these mountainssuch a long time ago? William died in 1862 during the Civil War. He was too old to goto war. (Note:glw)Father: Benjamin Greer b: 9 Feb 1745/46 in Augusta Co.VAMother: Nancy Wilcoxon Wilcox b: 17 Mar 1744/45 in Berks Co.PAThis diary confirms the death date of William.Record: "A Journal", Written by Francis Marion Wilcox, Part 3, 1897:"Grandfather, while hunting and roaming over the hills of this new country, becameacquainted with one William Greer, whose wife (Hannah Cartwright) was a relative ofthe eccentric Peter Cartwright, being herself the mother of several young ladies amongwhom was Jacintha, who afterward married one Hardin Parsons, and one namedFannie. Isaiah became all broken up on the latter. He courted, wooed and won her handand about the year 1817, they as before stated, were married and settled on the NewRiver in Ashe County, North Carolina.""William Greer remained on the waters of New River until removed by death during thespring of 1862, being near ninety seven years old. He always longed for Kentucky andbelieved it to be the "promised land". His wife Hannah also died there in the same yearbeing up into ninety. He heard their funerals preached by Uncle William Wilcox in thesummer of 1862."(This diary was very accurate and confirms their death dates.)Research; Geneva Greer White, "Geneva's Tree".

• Another version of information: "On or about the year 1820, William Greer with hisfamily, also Isaiah Wilcox, his son-in-law, concluded to migrate to the Three Forks ofthe Kentucky River in the State of Kentucky, what is now called Owsley County,Kentucky. They made the trip like the Boones on horseback and pack mules and aftercrossing many high hills and precipitous mountains, they finally arrived at the end oftheir journey and made another addition to the few then comprising the settlement atthe Three Forks of Kentucky River (where now the town of Proctor is located). Herefor a short time they devoted their attention principally to hunting and farming andblazing out new lines of travel and while here in this wilderness home, on the 7th ofMarch 1821, Isaiah's second son was born whom he named after his father, calling his

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (21)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


son Samuel. "The small colony became homesick and as the Indians quite often made dashes intothe wilds of Kentucky in search of game and generally decorated their belts with moreor less white scalps. This magnified their horrors and made them long for the flesh potsmore than ever and on or about the fall of 1821 or in the spring of 1822, they pulled upstakes, packed their horses and mules and after a long, yet successful journey theyarrived in Ashe County North Carolina where all settled anew. Some of those whor*turned to lament their choice, while others were only to remain, gather fresh courageand be off again20 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Hannah Cartwright [MRIN: 6530] in 1788 in Ashe Co, NC. Hannah wasborn in July 1772 in Rowan Co NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 24 F i. Jacintha Greer was born after 1788 in Patricia Kidd

[emailprotected] 5 Jan 01.Jacintha married William Hardin Parsons [MRIN: 31020].

+ 25 F ii. Aley Greer was born after 1788 from Bill Scroggin Info 6 Jan 2000.Aley married someone.

+ 26 F iii. Sarah Greer was born in May 1793 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 21 March1862 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 68, and was buried on 23 March 1862in Old Hopewell Cem, Boone, Watauga Co, NC.Sarah married Levi Blackburn [MRIN: 63294] (d. May 1871).

+ 27 F iv. Frances Fannie Greer was born in 1796 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in 1866in Ashe Co, NC at age 70.Frances married Isaiah Wilcoxson [MRIN: 5200] (d. 20 February 1870)before 1816 in Divorced Per Francis Marion Wilcox Journal.

+ 28 M v. Isaac Newton Greer was born on 10 March 1798 in Ashe Co, NC and diedon 10 January 1871 in Robinson Creek, Pike Co, KY at age 72.Isaac married Nancy Norris [MRIN: 61685] (d. 1878) on 9 January 1821 inAshe Co, NC.

+ 29 F vi. Mary Polly Greer was born in November 1799 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 30 F vii. Nancy Greer, (Not Documented daughter) was born in 1801 in Ashe Co,

NC and died after 1880 in Ashe Co, NC.Nancy married Buckner Tatum [MRIN: 61921] (d. October 1897) in NotMarried.

+ 31 F viii. Charlotte Greer was born in 1802 in Ashe Co, NC, died in November1882 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at age 80, and was buried on Younce farmilyfarm.Charlotte married Elijah Younce [MRIN: 61749] (d. 27 November 1886) on14 March 1821 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 32 F ix. Elizabeth Greer was born in 1804 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in 1850 inWilkes Co, NC at age 46.Elizabeth married Larkin Owen [MRIN: 63203] (d. 10 May 1894) in 1824 inWilkes Co, NC.

+ 33 M x. Hamilton Greer was born in 1826 in Ashe Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (22)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


5. Cynthia Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1774 in NC.

Cynthia married William Hardin [MRIN: 9709]. William was born in 1774 [emailprotected] Patricia Parsons 3 1998 and died in Looking For Info This Fam..

6. Benjamin Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1774 in Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 14 February 1774 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Benjamin Greer

Father: Benjamin Greer Mother: Nancy Wilcox Wilcoxen Birth Date: 14 Feb 1774City: Ashe State: NC Country: USA

• He appeared on the census in 1830 in Hickman Co, TN. Name: Benjamin Greer Homein 1830 (City, County, State): Hickman, Tennessee Free White Persons - Males - 40thru 49: 1 Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2 Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1 Slaves - Females- Under 10: 1 Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 4 Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 2 FreeWhite Persons - 20 thru 49: 1 Total Free White Persons: 1 Total Slaves: 10 Total - AllPersons (Free White, Slaves,25 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 7 August 1820 in Hickman Co, TN. Name: BenjaminGreen[Benjamin Greer] <javascript:TGN.Ancestry.Search.Orem.DoOrem(994588)>Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Hickman, Tennessee Enumeration Date: August7, 1820 Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 26thru 44: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 Slaves - Males - Under 14: 2Slaves - Males - 45 and over: 1 Slaves - Females - Under 14: 4 Slaves - Females - 14thru 25: 1 Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 2 Number of Persons - Engaged inAgriculture: 5 Free White Persons - Under 16: 2 Free White Persons - Over 25: 2 TotalFree White Persons: 4 Total Slaves: 10 Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored,Other: 1425 Aug 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

7. Jesse Greer, Sr (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 14 November 1778 in Wilkes Co,NC, died on 17 September 1869 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 90, and was buried inBlackburn/Howell Cemetery in Bald Mountain Twp, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 14 November 1778 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Jesse Greer Father:

Benjamin Greer Mother: Nancy Wilcoxson Birth Date: 14 Nov 1778 City: US State:NC Country: USA5 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Information: In a "History of Some of the Greers", Annie Greer Heaton of Heaton, N.C., gave to the Genealogical Society of Watauga County, PO Box 126, Boone, NC2860, permission to print the "Notebook of Jesse Greer. Jesse Greer who was theson of Benjamin Greer and Nancy Wilcox was born in Wilkes County, NorthCarolina on the 14th November 1778. This is part of the notebook and was copied as

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (23)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


closely as possible."A Smawl Travil of Jesse Grear""Then traveled on to the year of maturity under a tender father and mother and at 16years old, I left my parents against their will, then serving the Devil was all my delighttill the year 1800, then married Polly Morris who was born a daughter of Henry andFranky Morris on the 17th September 1787. Then went on in the Gall of Bitterness astho there was no soul to save or to be lost til the year 1810 at the baptism of brotherBenjamin. I began to think that my soul must dwell with the rich man. Then I betookmy self to trying to pray for about ten months. But the Devil pursuaded me it was sohard that I could pray no longer, but betook my self to cursing and swearing anddrinking and all kinds of sin til the year 1814. Very gardless we went to meeting to theOldfeel (Old Fields) meeting house but there was no ministry came to preach, but asthey thought proper that they should sing and pray one of them began and as I set Isaw a small child about twelve or thirteen years old crying as if he would breake herheart, and it seamed to strike me like a clap of thundeer, to think that God was atwork with such small children and I still in the gall of bitterness then I went hencetrying to pray but it oppressed to me that God would not hear my weak pertishion. Isoon began to think that I had passed the day of grace and soon betook my self to myfriends and to the people of God to see if they could give any conslation; but I had togo moving through the wilderness until 1815. I had been from home and on my returnhome some hour in the night I thought if I was lost, I would die a praying and as I wastrying to pray, I thought that my Blessed Jesus meet with me and bid me not fear, thenI went home rejoycing and praising God that I had been lost but now was found;and in the time to follow him my companion (his wife) got a hope that she had madepeace with God and we was received in to the Baptist Church and was Baptised onthe 4th Sunday in June 1815.It is believed that this must have been copied by Jesse Greer, Jr. from the journal keptby this Jesse Greer. "The Jesse Greer Notebook""Page 1. Jesse Greer and Polly Morris were married Jan 17th 1800"Births BornFanny Greer Jan 29th 1801 (Frances)

Jesse married Mary Polly Morris [MRIN: 54812] on 17 January 1800 in Ashe Co, NC. Marywas born on 10 August 1788 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 28 February 1880 in Todd, AsheCo, NC at age 91.

Noted events in their marriage were:• About the Marriage: Mary (Polly) Morris Greer's father lived on the Yadkin River at

Holman's Ford. She was not quite 13 yrs. old when it became known she was to bemarried to Jesse Greer, Sr. and her father objected. Jesse and Mary decided to elope.Jesse approached the place where they were to meet at the river. Polly on one side of theriver and Jesse on the other side. The water was deep, so Jesse made stilts and stilted,carrying his rifle, over to the other side of the river to get Polly. The bride to be, climedupon his shoulders and he turned and stilted back to safety.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (24)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 34 F i. Frances Greer was born on 30 January 1801 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 24

October 1850 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN at age 49, and was buried on 24October 1850 in Watauga Co, NC.Frances married Thomas Jones [MRIN: 61985] (d. 1872) on 14 January 1823in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 35 M ii. Benjamin Greer was born on 9 May 1802 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 36 M iii. Joshua Greer was born on 18 December 1803 in Ashe Co, NC and died on

21 February 1878 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 74.Joshua married Nancy Cearley [MRIN: 61684] on 23 September 1822 inWilkes Co, NC.

+ 37 F iv. Nancy Greer was born on 21 February 1805 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 38 M v. Jesse Greer, Jr was born on 16 December 1806 in Ashe Co, NC and died on

11 February 1892 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 85.Jesse married Frances Brown [MRIN: 59086] (d. 2 December 1905) on 18November 1828 in Ashe Co, NC (had several children).

+ 39 F vi. Mary Polly Greer was born on 9 June 1808 in Ashe Co, NC and died in June1898 in Ashe Co, NC at age 90.Mary married William Gentry [MRIN: 61926] (d. February 1892) in 1827 inJohnson Co, TN.

+ 40 F vii. Sally Greer was born on 4 November 1810 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 41 F viii. Jenny Greer was born on 3 October 1812 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 42 F ix. Betsy Greer was born on 17 March 1814 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 43 M x. Joseph Greer was born on 13 December 1815 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 44 M xi. Andrew Greer was born on 16 April 1818 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1878

in Watauga Co, NC at age 60.Andrew married Nancy Jane Clawson [MRIN: 54823] (d. 1866) on 8January 1844 in NC Prob Ashe Co Living There In 1850.Andrew next married Leah Lunceford Norris [MRIN: 54824] (d. 11 March1927) in 1866 in NC.

+ 45 M xii. Franklin Greer was born on 2 February 1822 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on12 August 1880 in Watauga Co, NC at age 58.Franklin married Charlotte Rebecca Younce [MRIN: 61693] (d. 13September 1912) in 1839 in NC.

+ 46 M xiii. Isaac Greer was born on 14 October 1823 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 47 M xiv. William Greer was born on 19 June 1825 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 48 M xv. James Y. Greer was born on 14 August 1827 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 49 F xvi. Elvira Greer was born on 16 February 1830 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

October 1898 in Pike Co, KY at age 68.Elvira married William Greer [MRIN: 61686] (d. 17 May 1901) before 1849in Ashe Co, NC.

8. David Vincent Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 2 February 1781 in Wilkes Co,NC and died before 30 September 1850 in Watauga Co, NC.

David married Nancy Hodges [MRIN: 31622], daughter of Thomas Hodges, (First in NC) and Betsy or Nancy Cottrell, in Ashe Co, NC. Nancy was born in 1788 in Wilkes Co, NCand died in 1865 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co, NC at age 77.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (25)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: Name: Nancy Hodges Gender: Female Birth Year: 1788 Spouse Name:

David Greer Spouse Birth Year: 17816 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 30 September 1850 in Watauga Co, NC. Nancy Greer

age 62 NCVIncent age 31 NCEliza age 22 NCdwelling 4205 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 24 August 1860 in Meat Campt, Watauga Co, NCMortez Mills & Elk Cross Roads. Nancy Greer age 72 NC ole lady (this is on censusrecord)dwelling 4705 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 50 M i. William Greer was born in 1806 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in July 1883 in

Watauga Co, NC at age 77.+ 51 M ii. Thomas Greer was born in March 1808 in Ashe Co, NC and died in July

1883 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC at age 75.Thomas married Mary Ray [MRIN: 63161] (d. 26 March 1906) on 21February 1839 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 52 M iii. Jesse Wilcox Greer was born in June 1811 in Ashe Co, NC.Jesse married Elizabeth Winkler [MRIN: 61792] (d. February 1889).

+ 53 F iv. Mary Greer was born in 1812.Mary married Isaac Winkler [MRIN: 62122] (d. 1879) in 1839 in WataugaCo, NC.

+ 54 M v. John Greer was born in 1815 in Watauga Co, NC.John married Lucinda Kemp [MRIN: 62117] in 1839 in Watauga Co, NC.

+ 55 F vi. Sarah 'Sally' Greer was born in September 1829 in Ashe Co, NC and died in1908 in Elk Park, Avery Co, NC at age 79.Sarah married George Washington McGuire, Sr. [MRIN: 61791] (d. July1901) in 1847.

9. James Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 17 September 1783 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied in September 1869 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 86.

James married Mary Mollie Hampton [MRIN: 54886]. Mary was born in 1790 in WilkesCo, NC and died in 1814 in Ashe Co, NC at age 24.

Children from this marriage were:+ 56 F i. Rachel Greer was born in 1808 in NC.

Rachel married David Tribet Trivett [MRIN: 61865].+ 57 M ii. James Greer was born in 1811 in NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (26)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


James married Ann Roberts [MRIN: 61866].+ 58 M iii. Benjamin Greer was born in April 1812 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 2 July

1893 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN at age 81.Benjamin married Elizabeth Reece [MRIN: 61916] (d. 29 July 1888).

+ 59 M iv. Alexander Greer was born in 1814 in Carter Co, TN.Alexander married Lydia Curd [MRIN: 54887].

+ 60 F v. Lydia Greer was born in August 1823 in NC and died in June 1912 inArkansas City, KS at age 88.Lydia married Charles Lewis [MRIN: 61867] (d. January 1890).

+ 61 M vi. William Samuel Greer was born in December 1823 in NC and died on 24July 1886 in Johnson Co, TN at age 62.William married Mary Williams [MRIN: 61868] (d. 29 March 1902).

+ 62 M vii. Joel W. Greer was born in 1825 in Ashe Co, NC.Joel married Margaret Elizabeth Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61869].

+ 63 M viii. Andrew S. Greer was born on 5 January 1827 in Ashe Co, NC and died on27 May 1900 in Hawkins Co, TN at age 73.Andrew married Sarah Wilson [MRIN: 61870] (d. 3 January 1902) on 3January 1902 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

10. Samuel Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 28 November 1785 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 20 April 1872 in Ashe Co, NC at age 86.

Noted events in his life were:• Descendant information: Samuel Greer

Samuel Greer, son of Benjamin Greer and Nancy Wilcoxson, was born 26 November1785 in Old Fields, North Carolina, and died in Ashe Co. 20 Apr 1872. He marriedSarah (Sally) Church, daughter of Phillip Church and Sarah Hannah Andrews, possiblyabout 1820 since their first-born was in 1821; Sarah Sally Church was a sister of Jane"Jennie" Church, who married Joshua Greer, Samuel's brother and my ancestor. Nobond survives for Joshuas marriage, but these are quite clearly incomplete for Ashe Co.Apparently Joshua married shortly after 1810 as he is first listed in Ashe Co. in theCensus of 1820, aged 26-45, with a wife of the same age and 3 sons and a daughterunder age 10. Since there are two brothers married to two sisters, it is possible therewas a double wedding about 1810. Sarah "Sallie" Church was born in 1790 and diedon 1 May 1860 in Shulls Mills, Watauga County, North Carolina. Phillip Church andSarah Hannah Andrews were married in 1791. Philip Church was born 3 Dec 1767 atLewis Forks, Rowan / Wilkes Co and died Aug 1859 in Ashe Co. He was the son ofJohn Church. Sarah Hannah Andrews was born in 1775 in Avery Co.The children of Samuel and Sarah, still alive in 1915, are identified in A History ofWatauga as:Elizabeth (Greer) Hendrix (1821 - ?) (94 in 1915) Finley Greer (1823 - ?) (92 in 1915)William Riley Greer (b. 3 Apr 1824 - d. 24 Apr 1925) (90 in 1915); William RileyGreer married Francis T. Watson (b. abt. 1832 in Watauga Co.); William Riley andFrancis had 3 daughters: Nancy Elizabeth "Betsy"Greer (b. c.1850) who married John Alexander "Alex" Miller; daughter Louisa A.(Ann?born about 1852 - died after 1880 and before 1900 census) who was married (in the1880 census) to John Richard Winebarger (son of John Jr. and Martha Castle

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (27)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Winebarger); daughter Sarah (1864 - 1943) who it appears was married to the sameWinebarger after her older sister died. Tom Greer

• He appeared on the census in June 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Samuel Greer age73 NC farmer 200 300Lucinda age 34 NCMary age 13 NCdwelling 722 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Samuel married Sarah 'Sallie' Church [MRIN: 57155], daughter of Philip Church andSarah Hannah Andrews, in 1820 in NC. Sarah was born in 1790 and died on 1 May 1860 inWatauga Co, NC at age 70.

Children from this marriage were:+ 64 M i. Finley Greer was born in March 1823 in Stoney Fork, Ashe Co, NC and died

in October 1918 in Ashe Co, NC at age 95.Finley married Mary Polly Greer [MRIN: 61755] (d. 1914) on 22 March1853 in Watauga Co, NC.

+ 65 M ii. David Greer was born in 1821 in Watauga Co, NC and died in April 1871 atage 50.David married Ann Watson [MRIN: 61752].

+ 66 M iii. John Greer was born in 1821 in Watagua Co, NC and died in 1869 at age 48.+ 67 F iv. Elizabeth Greer was born in 1822 in Watauga Co, NC.

Elizabeth married Gilson Hendrix [MRIN: 61753].+ 68 M v. William Raleigh (Riley) Greer was born on 3 May 1824 in Ashe Co, NC

and died on 24 April 1925 in Rutherford, Watauga Co, NC at age 100.William married Francis T. Watson [MRIN: 63255] (d. February 1900) on31 March 1849 in Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 69 F vi. Lucinda Greer was born in 1826 in Oildfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 22April 1873 in Watauga Co, NC at age 47.Lucinda married someone.

+ 70 F vii. Cindy Emeline Greer was born in 1828 in Watauga Co, NC and died in1920 at age 92.Cindy married Andrew J. Younce [MRIN: 61750] (d. 1870) on 5 October1851.

+ 71 F viii. Louisa Greer was born in September 1832 in Ashe Co, NC and died inMarch 1914 in Watauga Co, NC at age 81.Louisa married Silas Morphews [MRIN: 61754] (d. February 1884).

11. Joshua Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1788 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in1838 in Ashe Co, NC at age 50.

Joshua married Jane Church [MRIN: 61623], daughter of Philip Church and SarahHannah Andrews,. Jane was born in 1794 in Wilkes Co, NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 72 M i. Jesse W. Greer was born in 1812 in NC.+ 73 M ii. John Greer was born in 1814 in NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (28)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 74 M iii. Benjamin Greer was born in 1816 in NC and died in 1870 in NC at age 54.+ 75 F iv. Matilda Greer was born in January 1822 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

January 1909 in Ashe Co, NC at age 87.+ 76 F v. Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer was born on 25 September 1827 in Watauga Co,

NC and died on 7 January 1920 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 92.Lucinda married John Samuel Trivett [MRIN: 61622] (d. April 1873) on 3September 1845 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 77 M vi. Zachariah Shadrack D. Greer was born in 1824 in Watauga Co, NC.Zachariah married Anna Louise Winkler [MRIN: 62121].

12. Thomas Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 3 October 1790 in Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 3 October 1790 in Ashe Co, NC. Thomas Wilcoxson - born out of

wedlock - Benjamin married Sarah Adkinson Jones in 1791. rdrdbrdrw10 rdrdbrdrw10 ntblSeparation from Nancy Wilcoxson</tree/9472705/person/-671570094/fact/13487874437> North Carolina<> It is noted that Ben Greer was having an affair with Sarah Jones.Nancy Wilcoxson left Ben Greer upon finding out this information

13. Edmond Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1793 in Wilkes Co, NC.

14. Sally Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1794 in Wilkes Co, NC.

15. Elizabeth Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1795 in Wilkes Co, NC.

16. Aquilla Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1797 in Wilkes Co, NC and died inAugust 1874 in Graves Co, KY at age 77.

17. Polly Greer (Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1799 in Wilkes Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (29)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Source Citations 1. Sarah ROCKENFIELD, "Our Boone Families" by Sarah ROCKENFIELD (Whipporwill Publications,Evansville, IN), p357.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (30)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Third Generation (Grandchildren)

18. John Greer Judd (Rachel Greer 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 15 March 1811 inGreen Co, KY and died in 1844 in Cookeville, Putnam Co, TN at age 33.

John married Martha Ann Elizabeth Sympson [MRIN: 57153] on 25 October 1831 inGreen Co, KY. Martha was born in 1815 in Chesterfield, VA and died in 1901 in Cookeville,Putnam Co, TN at age 86.

The child from this marriage was:+ 78 F i. Rebecca Judd1 was born on 6 August 1832 in Green Co, KY and died on 9

February 1913 in Henry, Clinton Co, MO at age 80.Rebecca married Madison F W Julian [MRIN: 57154] (d. Bef 1913) in 1850in Cookeville, Putnam Co, TN.

19. Elijah Greer (John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1806 and died on 11 July 1870 inJohnson Co, TN at age 64.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Elijah Gear

[Elijah Greer] Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Free WhitePersons - Males - Under 5: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1 Free WhitePersons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1 Free WhitePersons - Females - Under 5: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2 Free WhitePersons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1 PersonsEmployed in Agriculture: 2 Free White Persons - Under 20: 7 Free White Persons - 20thru 49: 2 Total Free White Persons: 9 Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored,Slaves: 96 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Elijah Greer age 44NC farmer 575Sally age 42 NCNancy age 22 NCMary age 19 NCRebecca age 17 NCAndrew age 16 NC laborerJane age 15 NCNoah age 12 NCFrances age 9 NCThomas age 7 NCJohn age 5 NCWashington age 3 NCSarah age 2 NCdwelling 138713 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 June 1860 in North Fork, Ashe Co, NC. Elijah Greer

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (31)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


age 52 NC farmer 1000 1100Mary age 38 NCRebecca age 27 NCNoah age 21 NCThomas age 16 NCJohn age 15 NCWashington age 15 NCNancy age 11 NCGaston age 7 NCAlbert age 1 NCdwelling 22213 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 11 July 1870 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Elijah Greer Spouse: Sarah HawkinsParents: John Greer, Nancy Owens Birth Place: County, Ashe, NC Birth Date: 1806Marriage Place: Ashe, County, NC Marriage Date: 1826 Death Place: Johnson, County,TN Death Date: 11 Jul 187014 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack I think this is incorrect death date as Elijah Greer age 62 on the 27 Aug 1870 census atOldfield, Ashe Co, NC PO Jefferson

• He appeared on the census on 27 August 1870 in Oldfield, Ashe Co, NC PO Jefferson.Elijah Greer age 62 TN farmer 2800 100Mary Greer age 48 NC keep house 260 500Gaston age 17 NC works farmAlbert age 12 NCElizabeth Shaw age 75 NC (mother of Mary Shaw Greer)dwelling 73 living at 72 is Noah Greer13 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Elijah married Sarah Hawkins [MRIN: 62168] in 1826 in Johnson Co, TN. Sarah was bornin 1808 in NC and died in September 1853 in Johnson City, Carter Co, TN at age 45.

Children from this marriage were:+ 79 F i. Nancy Greer was born in 1828 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 80 F ii. Rebecca Greer was born in 1833 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 81 M iii. Andrew Greer was born in 1834 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 30 March

1864 in Nashville, Davidson Co, TN at age 30.+ 82 F iv. Jane Greer was born in 1835 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 83 M v. Noah Greer was born in 1838 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 84 M vi. Frances Greer was born in 1841 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 85 M vii. Thomas Greer was born on 7 January 1844 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 5

September 1928 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 84, and was buried inZionville, Watauga Co, NC.Thomas married Mary Evaline Bledsoe [MRIN: 62953] (d. 2 June 1938) on7 October 1870 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 86 M viii. John Greer was born in 1845 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 87 M ix. Washington Greer was born in 1847 in Ashe Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (32)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 88 F x. Sarah Greer was born in 1848 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 13 February1937 in Watauga Co, NC at age 89.

+ 89 M xi. Gaston Greer was born before September 1853 in Ashe Co, NC and died on14 December 1925 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 90 F xii. Mary Polly Greer was born in February 1831 in Zansville, NC and died in1914 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.Mary married Finley Greer [MRIN: 61755] (d. October 1918) on 22 March1853 in Watauga Co, NC.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 64)

Elijah next married Mary A. Shaw [MRIN: 62174], daughter of Thomas Benjamin Shaw and Elizabeth Graybeal, on 8 February 1857 in Ashe Co, NC. Mary was born in 1820 inAshe Co, NC and died in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 18 June 1880 in Oldfield, Ashe Co, NC. Mary A. Greer

age 56 NCElizabeth Shaw age 94 NC motherdwelling 23 son Albert T. Greer age 20 living at dwelling 2413 April 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 91 M i. Albert T. Greer was born in June 1858 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 4

September 1928 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 70, and was buried inR12 Isaiah S. Wilcox farm cem - Elk Twpship.Albert married Martha Mattie Wilcox [MRIN: 62169] (d. After 10 January1920) in 1877 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at lease sixteen children.

20. Thomas Greer (John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1798 in Ashe Co, NC and diedin 1885 in Laurel Bloomery, Johnson Co, TN at age 87.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Johnson Co, TN. Name: Thomas Greer Home in

1840 (City, County, State): Johnson, Tennessee Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9:1 Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:1 Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1 Free White Persons - Females - Under 5:1 Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2 Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru14: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1 Persons Employed in Agriculture: 3No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 2 Free White Persons -Under 20: 6 Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 3 Total Free White Persons: 9 Total AllPersons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:6 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1850 in District 1, Johnson Co, TN. Tho Greer age 52 TNfarmer 500Mary age 40 TNJoseph A. age 19 TN laborerElizabeth age 17 TN

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (33)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Margaret 15 TNMary Jane 9 TNThomas B. age 5 TNZachary T. age 2 TNdwelling 466 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 20 June 1870 in District 1, Johnson Co, TN PO WardsIron Works. Thomas Greer age 70 TN farmer 500 300Mary age 58 VAMargaret L. age 21 TNSarah M. Pearce age 7 TNdwelling 1067 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 10 June 1860.

Thomas married Mary Ann Arter [MRIN: 62500] in 1828 in Johnson City, Washington Co,TN. Mary was born in 1810 in VA and died in 1849 in Laurel Bloomery, Johnson Co, TN atage 39.

Children from this marriage were:+ 92 M i. John Roe Greer was born in May 1823 in Carter Co, TN and died in 1902 in

TN at age 79.+ 93 M ii. Joseph A. Greer was born 223 Nov. 1829 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 25

May 1900 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN.Joseph married Mary Jane Smith [MRIN: 62501] on 8 June 1854 in JohnsonCo, TN.

+ 94 F iii. Elizabeth Greer was born in 1833 in TN.+ 95 F iv. Margaret Greer was born in 1835 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN.+ 96 F v. Rebecca Greer was born in 1839 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN and

died in 1895 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN at age 56.+ 97 F vi. Mary Jane Greer was born in 1841 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN.+ 98 M vii. Thomas B. Greer was born on 18 January 1845 in Johnson City, Washington

Co, TN and died 26 June1909 in Washington, , VA.+ 99 M viii. Zachary T. Greer was born in 1848 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 19

February 1927 in Bristol, Washington Co, VA at age 79.Zachary married Ellen Susan J. Arnolds [MRIN: 63109] (d. 26 December1890) on 3 January 1867 in Johnson Co, TN.

+ 100 M ix. Robert S. Greer was born in 1857 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN.

21. Joshua Greer (John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1801 in Ashe Co, NC.

22. Andrew J. Greer (John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1818 in TN and died on 27June 1863 in Rome, Floyd Co, GA at age 45.

23. David S. Greer (John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1821 in Johnson Co, TN anddied in August 1880 in Watauga Co, NC at age 59.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (34)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 10 August 1850 in District 1, Johnson Co, TN. David

Greer age 29 TN farmerBarbara age 28 VASusannah age 6 TNEdward W. age 3 TNRufus R. age 1 TNdwelling 65, his father John Greer living dwelling 646 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

24. Jacintha Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1788 in Patricia [emailprotected] 5 Jan 01.

Jacintha married William Hardin Parsons [MRIN: 31020]. William was born in 1788.

The child from this marriage was:+ 101 M i. Isaac Parsons was born in 1810 in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13 Jan

01.Isaac married Louisa Dixon [MRIN: 31022] in 1830.

25. Aley Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1788 from Bill Scroggin Info6 Jan 2000.

Aley married someone.

26. Sarah Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1793 in AsheCo, NC, died on 21 March 1862 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 68, and was buried on 23March 1862 in Old Hopewell Cem, Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 23 March 1862 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Sarah Greer Blackburn

Birth Date: 20 May 1793 Age at Death: 68 Death Date: 23 Mar 1862 Burial Place:Boone, Watauga County, North Carolina, USA7 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack Old Hopewell Cem, Boone, Watauga Co, NC

Sarah married Levi Blackburn [MRIN: 63294]. Levi was born in 1794 in Ashe Co, NC, diedin May 1871 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 77, and was buried in Old Hopewell Cem,Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• Finda A Grave: May 1871, Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Birth:1794Death:May, 1871

Family links:Spouse:Sarah Greer Blackburn (1793 - 1862)* Children:

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (35)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Elizabeth Blackburn Miller (1815 - 1877)*William Blackburn (1822 - ____)*Edmund Blackburn (1825 - 1877)*Isaac Blackburn (1827 - 1864)*John L Blackburn (1831 - 1916)*Hamilton B Blackburn (1834 - 1892)*Sarah B Davis (1838 - 1907)*Rebecca Blackburn Miller (1839 - 1911)* *Calculated relationshipBurial:Old Hopewell CemeteryBooneWatauga CountyNorth Carolina, USACreated by: Chet WalkerRecord added: Oct 14, 2011Find A Grave Memorial# 78416282

• Descendant information: Blackburn, LeviLevi Blackburn 1794-1871 was known as both the "Father of Methodism" and "TheBuilder of Churches" in Watauga County, N. C. He also operated a store and grist millin the Todd-Meat Camp section of Ashe and Watauga Counties, N. C.See Watauga County Heritage Book, Vol. I

• Court Record: 6 September 1871, Ashe Co, NC Superior Court. COURTRECORDSAshe Co.,NC, Superior Court ; William Blackburn & Others vs WesleyGentry and Others, petition for sale of land for partition,Sept 6th 1871. The petition of William Blackburn, Edmund Blackburn, John Blackburn, H.B.Blackburn, Hannah Campbell, Jonathan Miller & wife Rebecca, William Miller &wife Elizabeth, William Davis & wife Sally against Wesley Gentry, Elizabeth Gentry,James Gentry, Hamilton Gentry, Burgess Blackburn, Sunilda Blackburn, EmilineBlackburn, _______Blackburn and _______Blackburn. Respectfully showeth thatLevi Blackburn late of Ashe County is dead leaving him surviving your petitionersand the defendants his only heirs at law and sole next of kin. That at the time of hisdeath he was sized and possessed of a tract or parcel of land lying in Ashe and inWatauga Counties adjoining the lands of H. A. Dobbins, Wm. Howell and otherscontaining two hundred and thirty six acres more or less which descended (?) yourpetitioners as tenants in common. That there is a valuable mill on said land and thatfrom the (nature?) of the land the mill and the number and (commixion) of theparties of this suit to with the heirs actual partition of th land cannot be made without material injury to the parties. That Wm. Blackburn, Edmund Blackburn, John Blackburn, H.B. Blackburn,Hannah Campbell, Rebecca Miller, Elizabeth Miller and Sally Davis are eachentitled to our tenth part of said land and taht Wesley Gentry, Elizabeth Gentry,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (36)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


James Gentry and Hamilton Gentry heirs of Nancy Gentry are entitled together toone tenth share of the said land and that Burgess Blackburn, Sunilda Blackburn,Emiline Blackburn, ______Blackburn and ______Blackburn heris of IsaacBlackburn decd, are together entitled to one tenth part of said land and that JamesGentry, Hamilton Gentry, Emiline Blackburn, ________Blackburn and______Blackburn are minors and that the difendants are all now residents of thisstate. Petitoners therefore pray that publication be made for secessive weeks in "TheMountain Messenger" a newspaper published in the town of Jefferson summoningthe defendants to appear at the court house in Jefferson with in twenty days afterthe expiratio of the said weeks advertising and snsere the petition of petitioners. andgiving them notice that unless they appear and answer with in that time theptetitoners will be heard in part as to them. Your petitioners further pray that you will order and decree that the land shallbe sold on such terms you may decree just by some person who you may orderand that the purchase money be divided among the parties acording to theirrespective interest. and that you will appoint some decent person to act as guardianand (?) for the infant defendants James Gentry, Hamilton Gentry minor heris ofNancy Gentry and for Emiline Blackburn, ______Blackburn and______Blackburn to defend and assure for these in the (?)and grant all such otherand further relife as the case may require . (Todd Atty.)

The child from this marriage was:+ 102 M i. William Blackburn Blackburn was born in September 1822 in NC.

William married Malinda Ray [MRIN: 63296].

27. Frances Fannie Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1796 in Wilkes Co,NC and died in 1866 in Ashe Co, NC at age 70.

Noted events in her life were:• She was divorced Divorce in Not Sure If Officially Divorced He M 2ND Time.

• Descendant information: Dir Line Greg Greene Submitted By Jennie [emailprotected] (Bscroggins Info) (Some of his information is notnecessarily correct. DMACK)

Frances married Isaiah Wilcoxson [MRIN: 5200], son of Samuel Wilcoxson and AnnaJordan, before 1816 in Divorced Per Francis Marion Wilcox Journal. Isaiah was born in 1798in Rowan Co, NC,2 died on 20 February 1870 in Willard, Carter Co, KY at age 72, andwas buried in East Carter County Memory Garden in Grayson, Carter Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He was divorced in Not Sure If Officially Div From Fanny.

• Information: Name: Isaiah Wilcox Side Served: Confederacy State Served: NorthCarolina Service Record: Enlisted as a Private.Enlisted in Company D, 58th P. Rangers Infantry Regiment North Carolina </cgi-bin/sse.dll?&ti=0-&db=hdsregiment&f0=165&f11=Confederacy>.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (37)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Sources: 16

• He appeared on the census in 1820 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Isaiah Willco*ckson Homein 1820 (City, County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25:1 Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1 Free White Persons - Under 16: 3Total Free White Persons: 5 Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 519 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Isaiah Willcox Home in1840 (City, County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru49: 1 Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 3 Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru9: 2 Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 3 Free White Persons - Females - 40thru 49: 1 Persons Employed in Agriculture: 9 Free White Persons - Under 20: 8 FreeWhite Persons - 20 thru 49: 2 Total Free White Persons: 10 Total All Persons - FreeWhite, Free Colored, Slaves: 10 19 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1860 in District 1, Pike Co, KY. Isaak Wilcox age 63 KYfarmer 100 200Sarah age 30 KYDuerune age 12 KY (probably born VA)Louisa age 9 KY (1870 census has VA)A. J. age 6 KYHiram age 4 KYCaroline age 1 KYdwelling 11219 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died in February 1870 in Carter Co, KY. Name: Isaak Wilcox Gender: Male Race:White Marital Status: Married Place of Birth: North Carolina Estimated Birth Year: abt1796 Age: 74 Month of Death: Feb Cause of Death: Inflammation of Stomach CensusYear: 1870 Census Location: (City, County, State)Precinct 5, Carter, Kentucky Line: 5 Archive Collection Number: T655 19 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Information: 19 November 2011, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Isaiah Wilcoxsen Spouse:Sarah Mullins Parents: Samuel Wilcoxson, Anna Jordon Birth Place: Wilkes Co, NCBirth Date: 1796 Death Place: KY Death Date: 1870 19 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Information from Gary Hodges: 15 February 2012.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (38)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Birth: Feb. 25, 1796 North Carolina, USA Death: Feb. 20, 1870 Carter CountyKentucky, USA Born Isaiah Willco*ckson / Willcoxen, a son of Samuel and Anna(Jordan) Willco*ckson, Isaiah was the first of our line to shorten the surname to Willcox/ Wilcox. The following information regarding Isaiah Wilcox is taken from the journalwritten in the 1890s by his grandson, Francis Marion Wilcox, who knew Isaiah well."His Christian name was Isaiah and he was born in Wilkes County, North Carolina onFebruary 20th 1796 and remained in said county with his father until grown.

• Descendant information: Name: Isaiah Wilcox Birth: 20 Feb 1796 in Wilkes Co/now Ashe, North Carolina Death: 10 Feb 1879 in Carter Co.Kentucky (also..Death: 20 Feb 1870) Burial: 1879 Little Sinking Creek, Carter County, Kentucky Burial: 1893 exhumed & reinturned at Deer Creek, Carter Co. KY Family Data Collection - Individual Recordsabout Isaiah WilcoxsenName: Isaiah WilcoxsenSpouse: Sarah MullinsParents: Samuel Wilcoxson, Anna JordonBirth Place: Wilkes CO, NCBirth Date: 1796Death Place: KYDeath Date: 1870 U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880about Isaak Wilcox (Isaiah)Name: Isaak WilcoxGender: MaleRace: WhiteMarital Status: MarriedPlace of Birth: North CarolinaEstimated Birth Year: abt 1796Age: 74Month of Death: FebCause of Death: Inflammation of StomachCensus Year: 1870Census Location: (City, County, State)Precinct 5, Carter, KentuckyPage: 245Line: 5Roll: T655_15(Note: My death date was 10 Feb 1879 but the mortality Schedule above seems to putthe date Feb and names the Census year as 1870.)Notes:Isaiah Wilcox had Myla Wilcox who married Henry T. Miller. Francis Marian Wilcoxsays in his journal, of 1897; A Journal Written By, Francis Marion Wilcox, 1897: Thisjournal was found on the Johnson County, Tennessee Genealogy page and placed thereby Mary Floy Katzman or on New River Notes, web site by Jeff Weaver.As told by Francis Marion Wilcox:

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (39)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


"Grandfather Isaiah Wilcox was a man of about five feet ten inches tall, would weighabout one hundred and sixty five pounds at his fighting weight in middle age. He wasfair complected and a good looking man, with straight black hair, blue eyes, shoulders alittle stooped and as age came upon him he became more so. He was a man of ratherslow speech, yet positive and firm when not roiled. Yet when his temper becamearoused, his whole frame seemed set in motion and his tongue worked as though on apivot.""He was a man possessed of a quick temper, yet he controlled it in a becoming mannerand if enraged, lie a troubled water he soon became smoothed down and was apleasant as though nothing had disturbed his peace and quietude.""In the days of his young manhood, he more than once was assailed by young bloodswho desired to test his manhood. They offered insults and received blows until satisfiedto say enough. He did not seed pugilistic engagements, yet accommodated thosemaking a trespass on his good nature. Hiram, his second son by his second wife, SarahMullins, more fully represents his temperament in youth that I can (confirm) from hisown descriptions of himself to me.""He was fond of telling hunting stories..true, which were always patiently listened to byus boys and relished at all times. He possessed much good judgment and was able togive advice well calculated to benefit all." He wore a 71/4 hat in size, a number 15collar, 37 coat and vest, pants 33 by 33, shoes number 9 and often 10. One of hisfavorite sayings in the pulpit was, "Sometimes Old Zade gets into very deep water and'tis with much difficulty he wades out!" When attended by the Spirit in addressing anaudience and when warmed up, he would invariably call them all "Children - Children".His prayers offered were such as seemed coming from the heart, made by groaningsand utterings of the Spirit, yet destined to reach the Courts of Heaven, pierce the earsof a kind Savior, Jesus Christ, when he preached and plead for those lost by Adam'stransgressions."He was in politics a Republican, deep and dyed in the wool. He believed in oneGovernment, one flag and one Constitution and a government for all. He died a poorman, yet it is often said to the writer that at death he would be as rich as thosepossessed of their earthly millions."The second wife of Isaiah Wilcox was as stated before a Miss Sarah Mullins bornMarch 1826 and daughter of one John Mullins". This record by Francis Marion Wilcoxalso gives the names of the children of this family and other information.Source: "A Journal by Francis Marion Wilcox".Francis Marion Wilcox writes in, "A Journal Written by Francis Marion Wilcox, 1897and presented to the public by Mary Floy Katzman, and sent to Mary Katzman andJeffery Weaver (Of New River Notes) by Bill Howe of Denver, Colorado.Of Myla Wilcox the ancestor of the Miller/Weaver connection; he says the following:"Grandmother is interred in a family cemetery near Uncle Henry Miller's at what isknown as Stagg's Creek, I believe a cemetery of North Fork near New River. HenryMiller married Magley Wilcox. Grandmother Wilcox was 66 years old when she died."Francis Marion tells us they had 12 Children: Dicy, William, Samuel, Jacintha, Arah,Myley, Sidney, Nancy, Matilda, Martha, Deborah and Annie. (Here he calls herMyley) (A child Martin is often been listed with this family, but there is no basis for it,that I can find)He had 12 Children with first wife, Frances Fannie Greer and 10 with his second wife,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (40)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Sarah Sallie Mullins for a total of 22 Children.Source: Diary by permission. New River Notes, Jeff WeaverResearch: Geneva Greer White, "Geneva's Tree"added this on 22 Mar 2009

• Descendant information: 30 July 2012. Dorothy, My wife and I met you at a Boone reunion several years ago. Sarah Boone Wilcoxson isher 5th great-grandmother.I was wondering what you thought of the book "Boone Family to America 1670-1720"by Jim White. He takes the ancestors farther back then George Boone I. He hasMarmande Boone born in France, his son John born in France, his son Robert born inEngland and his son George I born in England. Do you believe these are possibleancestors?Also, there is an interesting picture of Samuel Wilcox (1821-1864) on Find A Grave. Itwas added in 2010. Samuel ( son of Isaiah, son of Samuel, son of Sarah BooneWilcoxson) and his father Isaiah are both buried in East Carter County Memory Gardenin Grayson, Ky. Jim Johnston

Children from this marriage were:+ 103 F i. Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson was born in 1816 in Rowan Co, NC Dir Line

[emailprotected] 22 Nov 1999 (Wilcox) and died in 1892 in Ashe Co, NCat age 76.Docia married Owen Trivett [MRIN: 7539].

+ 104 M ii. William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. was born on 7 December 1818 in Ashe Co,NC and died on 30 January 1909 in Ashe Co, NC3 at age 90.William married Lavina 'Vinney' Baker Hatten [MRIN: 7541].

+ 105 M iii. Samuel Wilcox was born in 1821 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 15 March 1864 inParis, Bourbon Co , KY at age 43, and was buried in East Carter CountyMemory Garden in Grayson, Carter Co, KY.Samuel married Barbary Houck [MRIN: 7542] (d. 1892) on 14 August 1839in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 106 F iv. Jacintha Cynthia Wilcox was born in 1824 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 107 F v. Arah Ary Wilcox was born in 1825 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1866 at age

41.Arah married Morgan Patrick [MRIN: 7546].

+ 108 F vi. Sydney Cindy Wilcox was born in 1827 in Ashe Co, NC4 and died in 1857in KY at age 30.Sydney married Jesse Houck [MRIN: 7545] before 1846.

+ 109 F vii. Malinda Wilcox was born in 1828 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1894 at age66.Malinda married Henry T Miller [MRIN: 7547].

+ 110 F viii. Nancy Matilda Wilcox was born in 1830 in Rowan Co, NC Dir Line Greg

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (41)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Greene Submitted By Jennie Mason and died in 1881 in KY at age 51.Nancy married Solomon Mullins [MRIN: 7872] in 1850.

+ 111 F ix. Deborah Wilcox was born in 1835 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1865 at age30.Deborah married James "Mean Jim" Richardson [MRIN: 7548].

+ 112 F x. Ann Wilcox was born in 1836 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1875 at age 39.+ 113 F xi. Martha Wilcox was born in 1837 in Ashe Co, NC.

Martha married Solomon Miller [MRIN: 7549].

28. Isaac Newton Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 10 March 1798 inAshe Co, NC and died on 10 January 1871 in Robinson Creek, Pike Co, KY at age 72.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 10 March 1798 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Isaac Newton Greer Father:

William Greer Mother: Hannah Cartwright Birth Date: 10 Mar 1798 City: Ashe State:NC Country: USA29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• NC Early Census Index: 1815, Ashe Co, NC. Census, 1790-1890<> about Isaac GreerntblName:Isaac Greerntbl State:NCntbl County:Ashe CountyntblYear:1815ntbl Database:NC Early Census Index

• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Isaac Greer age 56NC farmer 1000Nancy age 47 NCSon age 18 NC laborerson age 15 NC laborerMargaret age 15 NCMary age 12 NCdwelling 1364 this census difficult to read29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 11 June 1860 in District, Pike Co, KY. Isaac Greer age62 NCNancy age 56 KYMargret age 15Mary age 12dwelling 15529 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 5 July 1870 in Dist 19, Pike Co, KY PO RobinsonCreek. Isaac Greer age 72 NC farm laborNancy age 65 NCdwelling 106 living with their Philip Greer29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (42)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• He died on 10 January 1871 in Pike Co, KY. Name: Isaac Newton Greer Spouse:Nancy Norris Parents: William Greer, Hannah Cartwright Birth Place: County, Ashe,NC Birth Date: 10 Mar 1798 Marriage Place: Ashe, County, NC Marriage Date: 9 Jan1821 Death Place: Pike, County, KY Death Date: 10 Jan 187129 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Isaac married Nancy Norris [MRIN: 61685], daughter of William Norris and HannahCase, on 9 January 1821 in Ashe Co, NC. Nancy was born on 14 April 1803 in Wilkes Co, NCand died in 1878 in Pike Co, KY at age 75.

Children from this marriage were:+ 114 M i. William Greer was born in December 1823 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 17

May 1901 in Prestonburg, Floyd Co, KY at age 77.William married Elvira Greer [MRIN: 61686] (d. October 1898) before 1849in Ashe Co, NC.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 49)+ 115 M ii. James J. Greer was born in August 1827 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 3

February 1912 in Pike Co, KY at age 84.James married Frances Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61690] (d. Bef 3 May 1910) in1850 in Ashe Co, NC.James next married Nellie Meade, Mrs. [MRIN: 61692] before 3 May 1910in Pike Co, KY.

+ 116 M iii. Isaac Greer was born in 1830 in Ashe Co, NC and died in Pike Co, KY.Isaac married Barbara Younce [MRIN: 61687] (d. 26 April 1913) before 4December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 117 M iv. Levi Crittenden Greer was born on 13 June 1833 in Ashe Co, NC and diedon 5 July 1908 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 75.Levi married Catherine Johnson [MRIN: 61688] on 30 March 1881 in PikeCo, KY.Levi next married Almyra Miller [MRIN: 61689] (d. 7 March 1879) before11 June 1860 in Pike Co, KY.

+ 118 F v. Margaret Greer was born in 1835 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 119 F vi. Mary Greer was born on 28 December 1848 in Watauga Co, NC, died on

15 October 1931 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 82, and was buriedon 16 October 1931 in Zionville Baptist Church Cem, Zionville, Watauga Co,NC.Mary married Phillip Greer [MRIN: 61694] (d. 9 May 1941) on 16November 1864 in Watauga Co, NC.

29. Mary Polly Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1799 in AsheCo, NC.

30. Nancy Greer, (Not Documented daughter) (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1801 in Ashe Co, NC and died after 1880 in Ashe Co, NC.

Nancy married Buckner Tatum [MRIN: 61921] in Not Married. Buckner was born inOctober 1802 in NC and died in October 1897 in KS at age 95.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (43)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 120 F i. Charlotte 'Lottie' Greer, (Father not known) was born in October 1823 in

Ashe Co, NC and died in August 1889 in Ashe Co, NC at age 65.Charlotte married William Houck [MRIN: 61922] (d. February 1891) in1844 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 121 F ii. Temperance Tatum Greer was born in May 1827 in Ashe Co, NC and diedin December 1916 in Ashe Co, NC at age 89.Temperance married Jacob Houck [MRIN: 61924] (d. November 1902) on25 December 1843 in Ashe Co, NC.

31. Charlotte Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1802 in Ashe Co,NC, died in November 1882 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at age 80, and was buried on Youncefarmily farm.

Charlotte married Elijah Younce [MRIN: 61749], son of Younce and MargarethaTesch, on 14 March 1821 in Ashe Co, NC. Elijah was born in 1804 in Ashe Co, NC, died on27 November 1886 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at age 82, and was buried on Younce farmilyfarm.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 14 March 1821, Ashe Co, NC. Groom: Elijah Younce Bride: Charlotte Greer

Bond date: 14 Mar 1821 Bond #: 000002377 Level Info: North Carolina MarriageBonds, 1741-1868ImageNum: 003118 County: Ashe Record #: 02 008 Bondsman: James HathornWitness: A. Parkes (Deputy Clerk19 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Elijah Younce Home in

1840 (City, County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Free White Persons - Males - Under5: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:1 Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1 Free White Persons - Females - Under 5:1 Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru14: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1 Persons Employed in Agriculture: 1Free White Persons - Under 20: 6 Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2 Total Free WhitePersons: 8 Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 819 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Elijah Yance age 46NC farm handCharlotte age 48Andrew age 19 NC farm handElijah age 15 NC labor (twin?)Polly age 11 NCMary age 15 NC (twin?)John age 5 NCdwelling 135719 Nov 2012 Isaac Yance age 26 next door at 1359

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (44)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in September 1860 in South Eastern District, Ashe Co, NC.Elijah age 56 NC farmer 1500 1800Charlotte age 58 NCRhoda age 21 NCMalinda age 18 NCJohn age 15 NCdwelling 182619 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 27 August 1870 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC Jefferson.Elijah Younce age 66 NCChrlotte age 68 NCRhoda age 24 NCMalinda age 22 NCdwelling 5519 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 9 June 1880 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Elijah Younceage 76 farmerCharlotte age 77 NCRhoda E. age 40 NCMary M. age 37 NCdwelling 6119 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 122 M i. Isaac Younce was born in 1824 in Ashe Co, NC.

Isaac married Elizabeth Younce, Mrs. (?) [MRIN: 63184].+ 123 M ii. Andrew J. Younce was born in 1830 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1870 at age

40.Andrew married Cindy Emeline Greer [MRIN: 61750] (d. 1920) on 5October 1851.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 70)+ 124 M iii. Elijah Younce, (Twin) was born in 1835 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 125 F iv. Rhoda Younce was born on 11 July 1839 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 29

October 1917 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at age 78, and was buried on theYounce family farm.Rhoda married someone in Never Married.

+ 126 F v. Mary Malinda Younce was born in 1842 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 17November 1918 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at age 76, and was buried onYounce family farm.Mary married someone in Never Married.

+ 127 M vi. John Younce was born in 1845 in Ashe Co, NC.

32. Elizabeth Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1804 in Wilkes Co, NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (45)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


and died in 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 46.

Elizabeth married Larkin Owen [MRIN: 63203], son of Aaron Owen and RhodaOwen, in 1824 in Wilkes Co, NC. Larkin was born on 31 October 1804 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied on 10 May 1894 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 89.

Noted events in his life were:• Obituary Larkin Owen: Obituary

Copied from the original Minutes of Blue Ridge Baptist Association With Member Churches in Ashe, Watauga and Wilkes Counties North Carolina Page 51 Obituaries To the memory of Larkin Owens, deceased.Brother Larkin Owens, was born October 31st 1804 and died May the 10th 1894, aged89 years and 6 months. He was a member of the Old Fields Church.He is gone from all the troubles in this life, and is here mourned and we trust our loss ishis eternal gain.So farewell to our old aged brother. We will see him no more in this world.God bless his children and friends till the judgement day. Far from a world of sin and strife He now enjoys a heavenly life And joins to praise and shout and sing And make the heavenly arches ring.

• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Wheelers District, Wilkes Co, NC. about Larkin OwensntblName:Larkin Owensntbl Home in 1840 (City, County, State):WheelersDistrict, Wilkes, North Carolinantbl Free White Persons - Males - Under5:3ntbl Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9:2ntbl Free White Persons -

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (46)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Males - 10 thru 14:1ntbl Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39:1ntbl FreeWhite Persons - Females - Under 5:1ntbl Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru14:1ntbl Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29:1ntbl Free White Persons- Females - 30 thru 39:1ntbl Persons Employed in Agriculture:4ntbl No. WhitePersons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write:2ntbl Free White Persons - Under20:8ntbl Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:3ntbl Total Free WhitePersons:11ntbl Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:1120 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in September 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC. Larkin Owen age 47Wilkes Co, NC farmerElizabeth age 47 Wilkes Co, NCMary age 14 Wilkes Co, NCPhilip age 13 Wilkes Co, NCBenjamin age 11 Wilkes Co, NCElijah age 9 Wilkes Co, NCBarnet age 6 Wilkes Co, NCRhody age 6 Wilkes Co, NCdwelling 1200 living at 1201 is Gabriel Church20 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 11 August 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC JobsCabin. Larkin Owens age 58 NC farmer 25Tempey age 38 NCSidney age 9 NCAlexander Church age 11 NCDavid Boon age 8 NCdwelling 92630 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack925 is Philip Owens, 927 Mry Owens , 928 Ben Owens, 930 is William Owens

• He appeared on the census on 23 July 1870 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC POWilkesboro. Larkin Owens age 68 NC farmer 100 300Sarah C. Church age 3(Where is Tempy as she shows back up on 1880 census)30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Larkin Owensage 78 NC farmerTempy age 60 TNDwelling 87 and William L. Greer at 8630 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 128 M i. Andrew J. Owen was born in February 1825 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 129 F ii. Alice Owen was born on 3 February 1827 in Jobs Cabin, Wilkes Co, NC and

died on 29 May 1916 in Jobs Cabin Summits, Wilkes Co, NC at age 89.Alice married Aaron Beshears [MRIN: 63207] (d. 10 February 1892).

+ 130 M iii. Hiram Phillip Owen was born in 1833 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in 1859 inWilkes Co, NC at age 26.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (47)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 131 F iv. Mary Owen, (Spinster) was born in 1834 in Jobs Cabin, Wilkes Co, NC anddied on 18 March 1877 in Jobs Cabin, Wilkes Co, NC at age 43.Mary married someone.

+ 132 M v. Phillip Owen was born in 1837 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 20 July 1864in Winchester, Frederick Co, VA at age 27.Phillip married Sarah Owen, Mrs. [MRIN: 63407].

+ 133 M vi. Benjamin Owen was born in 1840 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 14November 1861 in Killed In Civil War at age 21.Benjamin married Violette Wilcox [MRIN: 63402].

+ 134 M vii. Elijah Owen was born in 1842 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 7 May 1909 inAshe Co, NC at age 67.

+ 135 M viii. Barnet Owen was born in 1844 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 136 M ix. Rhody Owen was born in 1844 in Wilkes Co, NC.

33. Hamilton Greer (William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1826 in Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Hamilton Greer age

24 NC farmer living with his parentsdwelling 136629 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

34. Frances Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 30 January1801 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 24 October 1850 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN at age 49, and wasburied on 24 October 1850 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• Finda A Grave: 24 October 1850, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Fanny Jones Birth Date: 30

Jan 1801 Age at Death: 49 Death Date: 24 Oct 1850 Burial Place: Watauga County,North Carolina, USA URL: July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Frances married Thomas Jones [MRIN: 61985] on 14 January 1823 in Ashe Co, NC.Thomas was born in 1780 in NY, died in 1872 in Avery Co, NC at age 92, and was buried inMt. Gilead Cemetery.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 9 September 1850 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Thomas

Jones age 58 NY Cotton?Frances age 49 NCJesse age 20 NC farmer 300Sarah age 17 NCWilliam age 11 TNMahala Greer age 16 NCdwelling 2323 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (48)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 137 M i. Hiram Jones was born in June 1823 in Ashe Co, NC and died in December

1899 in Watauga Co, NC at age 76.Hiram married Sarah Musgrave [MRIN: 61984] (d. 10 February 1872).

+ 138 M ii. Jesse Jones was born in 1830 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 139 F iii. Sarah Jones was born in 1833 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 140 M iv. William Jones was born in 1839 in Johnson Co, TN.

35. Benjamin Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 9 May 1802 in Ashe Co,NC.

36. Joshua Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 18 December 1803 inAshe Co, NC and died on 21 February 1878 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 74.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Joshua Gren

[Joshua Greer] Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Free WhitePersons - Males - Under 5: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 2 Free WhitePersons - Males - 15 thru 19: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1 Free WhitePersons - Females - Under 5: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1 Free WhitePersons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1 FreeWhite Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1 Persons Employed in Agriculture: 1 FreeWhite Persons - Under 20: 10 Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1 Total Free WhitePersons: 12 Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 1223 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 27 October 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC. Joshua Greer age 50Wilkes Co, NC farmingNancy age 45 WilkesEdmond age 21 WilkesElizabeth age 18 WilkesWilliam age 16 WilkesLafayette age 10 Wilkesdwelling 175423 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 11 June 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC WarriorCreek. Josh Greer age 59 NC farmer 2000 2700Nancy age 57 NCLafayette age 19 NC farm laberMillia Watts age 22 NC spinsterdwelling 8223 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Joshua married Nancy Cearley [MRIN: 61684] on 23 September 1822 in Wilkes Co, NC.Nancy was born in May 1803 in Wilkes Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (49)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 141 M i. Jesse F. Greer was born on 23 May 1827 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 22

July 1864 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 37.Jesse married Martha Eads Carlton [MRIN: 7544] (d. 9 November 1923) on10 December 1847 in Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 142 F ii. Ruth Greer was born on 14 November 1827 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 143 M iii. Edmond Greer was born on 23 October 1829 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in

1900 at age 71.+ 144 F iv. Elizabeth Greer was born in 1832 in Wilkes Co, NC.

Elizabeth married Gilson Hendrix [MRIN: 62935] on 1 November 1847 inWilkes Co, NC.

+ 145 M v. William Greer was born in 1834 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 146 M vi. Hiram Lafayette Greer was born on 7 January 1840 in Wilkes Co, NC and

died on 7 August 1892 in Caldwell Co, NC at age 52.Hiram married Cornelia Caroline Isbell [MRIN: 62936] on 17 April 1867 inKings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

37. Nancy Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 21 February 1805 in AsheCo, NC.

38. Jesse Greer, Jr (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 16 December 1806 inAshe Co, NC and died on 11 February 1892 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 85.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 9 September 1850 in Dist 9, Johnson Co, TN. Jesse

GREER age 43 NC FarmerFrances age 40 NCWilburn age 16 NCPolly age 12 NCMargaret A age 7 NC

• He appeared on the census on 26 June 1860 in North Fork, Ashe Co, NC PO NorthFork. Jesse GREER age 55 NC Farmer 600ppFrances age 50 NCMary age 21 NCMargaret age 19 NC

• He appeared on the census on 9 October 1870 in Laurel, Ashe Co, NC PO North Fork.Jesse GREER age 63 NC Farmer 1000 600Frances age 54 NC

Jesse married Frances Brown [MRIN: 59086] on 18 November 1828 in Ashe Co, NC (hadseveral children). Frances was born on 16 November 1810 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 2December 1905 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 95.

Children from this marriage were:+ 147 F i. Emeline Greer was born on 5 October 1826 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 20

May 1859 at age 32.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (50)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 148 F ii. Caroline Nancy Greer was born on 10 December 1828 in Ashe Co, NC anddied on 8 September 1911 in Ashe Co, NC at age 82.Caroline married Isaac Wilson, Lt [MRIN: 59087] (d. 16 June 1864).

+ 149 M iii. Wilburn H Greer was born on 19 October 1833 in Ashe Co, NC and diedon 27 February 1925 in Banner Elk, Avery Co, NC at age 91.

+ 150 F iv. Mahala Greer was born in 1834 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 151 F v. Margaret A Greer was born on 8 October 1842 in Ashe Co, NC and died on

24 April 1891 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 48.+ 152 F vi. Mary Greer was born on 9 October 1842 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 7

February 1889 in Ashe Co, NC at age 46.

39. Mary Polly Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 9 June 1808 in AsheCo, NC and died in June 1898 in Ashe Co, NC at age 90.

Mary married William Gentry [MRIN: 61926] in 1827 in Johnson Co, TN. William was bornin December 1803 in Johnson Co, TN and died in February 1892 in Ashe Co, NC at age 88.

40. Sally Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 4 November 1810 in AsheCo, NC.

41. Jenny Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 3 October 1812 in AsheCo, NC.

42. Betsy Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 17 March 1814 in Ashe Co,NC.

43. Joseph Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 13 December 1815 inAshe Co, NC.

44. Andrew Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 16 April 1818 in AsheCo, NC and died in 1878 in Watauga Co, NC at age 60.

Andrew married Nancy Jane Clawson [MRIN: 54823] on 8 January 1844 in NC Prob AsheCo Living There In 1850. Nancy was born on 24 October 1816 in Shawneehaw, Watauga Co,NC and died in 1866 at age 50.

Children from this marriage were:+ 153 F i. Martha Jane Greer was born on 2 August 1846 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 154 F ii. Mary Jane Greer was born in October 1848 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 155 M iii. William Franklin Greer was born on 23 June 1850 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 156 M iv. Henry M Greer was born on 5 January 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 157 F v. Ellen Greer was born in 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 158 M vi. Charles W Greer was born on 2 November 1855 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 159 F vii. Margaret E Greer was born in November 1857 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 160 F viii. Martitia A Greer was born in May 1860 in Ashe Co, NC.

Andrew next married Leah Lunceford Norris [MRIN: 54824] in 1866 in NC. Leah was bornon 16 September 1846 in NC and died on 11 March 1927 in Dry Run, Johnson Co, TN BurBaker's Gap Cem at age 80.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (51)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 161 F i. Caroline Greer was born in 1862 in NC.+ 162 M ii. Thomas Greer was born in 1864 in NC.+ 163 F iii. Julia Elizabeth Greer was born on 5 July 1874 in Johnson Co, TN and died

on 8 October 1968 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 94.Julia married Roby Spencer Shook [MRIN: 54825] (d. 4 May 1951) on 14November 1895 in Watagua Co, NC.

+ 164 M iv. James Madison Greer was born in Johnson Co, TN.

45. Franklin Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 2 February 1822 inWilkes Co, NC and died on 12 August 1880 in Watauga Co, NC at age 58.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 2 February 1822 in Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Franklin Greer Spouse:

Charlotte Younce Parents: Jesse Greer, Polly Morris Birth Place: County, Wilkes, NCBirth Date: 2 Feb 1822 Marriage Date: 1839 Death Place: Watauga Death Date: 14 Aug1879 29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Franklin Greer age29 NC farmer 300Charlotte age 27 NCPhillip age 8 NCMary age 6 NCKelly age 4 NCAndrew age 1 NCdwelling 139130 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 12 August 1860 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC POSugar Creek. Franklin Greer age 38 NC farmer 800 600Charlotte age 36 NCPhillip age 16 NCMary age 14 NCSally age 12 NCAndrew age 10 NCJohn age 7 NCWilliam age 5 NCGeorge age 8/12 NCHenry Grogan age 21 NCdwelling 56130 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 5 September 1870 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC POSugar Creek. Franklin Greer age 48 NC farmer 1500 400Charlotte age 47 NCWilborn age 14 NCGeorge age 10 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (52)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


dwelling 87 son Andrew at dwelling 8830 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 12 August 1879. This death date cannot be correct. Franklin Greer is livingwith his son Philip on the 1880 census and also Charlotte Younce Greer, mother ofPhilip still living and with Franklin on this census.29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Franklin Greerage 56 NCCharlotte age 56 NCliving with their son Philip Greer29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Franklin married Charlotte Rebecca Younce [MRIN: 61693], daughter of SolomonYounce and Sarah Sallie Rowland, in 1839 in NC. Charlotte was born in August 1822 in NCand died on 13 September 1912 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC at age 90.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in 1880 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Charlotte Greer

age 56Franklin Greer age 56living with their son Philip29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 5 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY.Charlotte Greer Aug 1823 NC wd 7 children 6 livingdwelling 145 living with her daughter Mary Greer Reece29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 20 May 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.Charlotte Greer age 86 NC wd living with son Phillip Greerdwelling 23929 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 165 M i. Phillip Greer was born on 21 November 1843 in Shawaneehaw, NC, died on

9 May 1941 in Sugar Grove, Watauga Co, NC at age 97, and was buried inZionville Baptist Church Cem, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.Phillip married Mary Greer [MRIN: 61694] (d. 15 October 1931) on 16November 1864 in Watauga Co, NC.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 119)+ 166 F ii. Mary Greer was born in July 1845.

Mary married William Reece [MRIN: 61695] before 1884 in KY.+ 167 F iii. Kelly Greer was born in 1846 in Watagua Co, NC and died before 12 August

1860 in Watagua Co, NC.+ 168 F iv. Sally Greer was born in 1848 in Cove Creek, NC.+ 169 M v. Andrew Hugh Greer was born in November 1849 in Cove Creek, Watauga

Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (53)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Andrew married Mary Polly Wilson [MRIN: 61697] (d. 24 February 1879)in 1869 in Watauga Co, NC.Andrew next married Rachel Alice Fritts [MRIN: 63181] (d. 2 March 1951)on 20 October 1879 in Watauga Co, NC.

+ 170 M vi. John Greer was born in 1853 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC and died in 1902in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 49.

+ 171 M vii. William Greer was born in 1855 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 172 M viii. George Greer was born in January 1860 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

George married Clarice Isaacs [MRIN: 61698] on 9 September 1883 inJohnson Co, KY.

46. Isaac Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 14 October 1823 in AsheCo, NC.

47. William Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 19 June 1825 in Ashe Co,NC.

48. James Y. Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 14 August 1827 in AsheCo, NC.

49. Elvira Greer (Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 16 February 1830 in AsheCo, NC and died in October 1898 in Pike Co, KY at age 68.

Elvira married William Greer [MRIN: 61686], son of Isaac Newton Greer and NancyNorris, before 1849 in Ashe Co, NC. William was born in December 1823 in Ashe Co, NC anddied on 17 May 1901 in Prestonburg, Floyd Co, KY at age 77.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. William Greer age

26 NC farmerElvira age 22 NCCalvin age 1 Isaac age 20 NC (this is his brother and Barbry is his wife)Barbry age 15 NCdwelling 1365 his father in dwelling 136429 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 173 M i. Calvin Greer was born in 1849 in Ashe Co, NC.

50. William Greer (David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1806 in Wilkes Co,NC and died in July 1883 in Watauga Co, NC at age 77.

51. Thomas Greer (David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1808 in AsheCo, NC and died in July 1883 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC at age 75.

Thomas married Mary Ray [MRIN: 63161], daughter of William Ray and Nancy Smith,(William Ray), on 21 February 1839 in Ashe Co, NC. Mary was born on 22 September 1813in Ashe Co, NC and died on 26 March 1906 in Watauga Co, NC at age 92.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (54)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 174 M i. Larkin Greer was born in 1841.+ 175 F ii. Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer was born in August 1846 in Trade, Johnson Co,

TN, died on 24 December 1931 in Watauga Co, NC at age 85, and was buriedin Union Church Cem, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.Martha married Solomon Younce [MRIN: 63162] (d. 20 February 1922) in1871 in Watauga Co, NC (Not documented).

+ 176 F iii. Eveline Greer was born in December 1854 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN anddied on 12 September 1901 at age 46.

52. Jesse Wilcox Greer (David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1811 inAshe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 29 August 1860 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC PO

Stony Fork & Rotherwood. Jesse W. Greer age 48 NC farmer 300 200Elizabeth age 48 NCWilliam M age 24 NCVincent age 20 NCNewton age 17 NCCatherine age 15 NCLouisa age 13 NCMilly age 11 NCAnn age 9 NCElizabeth age 7 NCShadrack age 4 NCdwelling 504 living next to John Greer in dwelling 5105 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Civil War: 20 July 1862, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Jesse Greer Residence: Ashe County,North Carolina Occupation: Farmer Enlistment Date: 20 Jul 1862 Rank at enlistment:Private Enlistment Place: Ashe County, NC State Served: North Carolina ServiceRecord: Enlisted in Company L, North Carolina 58th Infantry Regiment </cgi-bin/sse.dll?&ti=0-&db=hdsregiment&f0=165&f11=Confederacy> on 20 Jul 1862.Sources: North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster5 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 27 July 1870 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC PO Boone. JesseGreer age 58 NC farmer 275 125Elizabeth age 58 NCCatherine age 27 NCWilliam age 35 NC works farmLouisa age 25 NCMilley age 23 NCAnn age 21 NCElizabeth age 19 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (55)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Sarah age 11 NC5 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC. Jesse W Greer age 68NC CarpenterElizabeth age 68 NCWilliam M. age 44 NC works farmAnnie age 27 NCShade age 22 NC works farmJoseph age 7 NC grandsondwelling 455 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Jesse married Elizabeth Winkler [MRIN: 61792]. Elizabeth was born in January 1812 in NCand died in February 1889 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC at age 77.

Children from this marriage were:+ 177 M i. William M. Greer was born in 1836 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 178 M ii. Vincent Greer was born in 1840 in Watagua Co, NC.+ 179 M iii. Newton Greer was born in 1843 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 26

February 1934 in Watauga Co, NC at age 91.Newton married Elizabeth Wheeler [MRIN: 62118] (d. 25 November 1933)on 29 October 1863 in Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 180 F iv. Catherine Greer was born in 1845 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 181 F v. Louisa Greer was born in 1847 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 31 July 1928

in Elk, Watauga Co, NC at age 81.+ 182 F vi. Milley Greer was born in 1849 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC.+ 183 F vii. Ann Greer was born in November 1850 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC.+ 184 F viii. Elizabeth Greer was born in 1853 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC.+ 185 M ix. Shadrack H. Greer was born in August 1856 in Watauga Co, NC and died

on 4 July 1930 in Watauga Co, NC at age 73.+ 186 M x. Joseph S. Greer, Grandson was born in March 1873 in Watauga Co, NC.

53. Mary Greer (David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1812.

Mary married Isaac Winkler [MRIN: 62122] in 1839 in Watauga Co, NC. Isaac was born in1808 and died in 1879 at age 71.

The child from this marriage was:+ 187 F i. Sarah A. Winkler was born in 1844 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 6

January 1915 in Watauga Co, NC at age 71.Sarah married Riley Greer [MRIN: 62123] (d. 1900).

54. John Greer (David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1815 in Watauga Co,NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in September 1850 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC. John

Greer age 33 NCLucinda age 27 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (56)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


David age 10 NCRiley age 9 NCVira E. age 5 NCSarah age 2 NCdwelling 34126 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 29 August 1860 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC StonyFork & Rotherwood. John Greer age 45 NC FarmerLucinda age 40 NCElvira E. age 15 NCSarah L age 13 NCJames C age 10 NCdwelling 510 and his brother Jesse living dwelling 50425 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

John married Lucinda Kemp [MRIN: 62117] in 1839 in Watauga Co, NC. Lucinda was bornin 1820 in Watauga Co, NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 188 M i. Riley Greer was born in December 1840 in Watauga Co, NC and died in

1900 in Watauga Co, NC at age 60.Riley married Sarah A. Winkler [MRIN: 62123] (d. 6 January 1915).

(Duplicate Line. See Person 187)+ 189 M ii. David Greer was born in 1843 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 10 March

1863 in Knoxville, Knox Co, TN at age 20.+ 190 F iii. Elvira E. Greer was born in 1845 in NC.+ 191 F iv. Sarah L. Greer was born in 1847 in NC.+ 192 M v. James Calvin Greer was born in January 1848 in Watauga Co, NC.

James married Lucy Anna Simmons [MRIN: 62119] (d. 1907) in 1867 inWatauga Co, NC.

55. Sarah 'Sally' Greer (David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1829in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1908 in Elk Park, Avery Co, NC at age 79.

Sarah married George Washington McGuire, Sr. [MRIN: 61791], son of Richard McGuire and Fannie Church, in 1847. George was born in December 1827 in Meat Camp, Ashe Co,NC and died in July 1901 in Beech Mountain, Watauga Co, NC at age 73.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1850 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC. George McGuire age

23 NC farmerSarah age 23 NCWilliam age 1 NCdwelling 4275 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Civil War: 20 July 1862, Ashe Co, NC. Name: George W McGuire Residence: AsheCounty, North Carolina Occupation: Farmer Age at enlistment: 34 Enlistment Date: 20

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (57)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Jul 1862 Rank at enlistment: Private Enlistment Place: Ashe County, NC State Served:North Carolina Survived the War?: Yes Service Record: Enlisted in Company L,North Carolina 58th Infantry Regiment </cgi-bin/sse.dll?&ti=0-&db=hdsregiment&f0=165&f11=Confederacy> on 20 Jul 1862.Birth Date: abt 1828 Sources: North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster5 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died in July 1901 in Beech Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Name: George McguireDeath Date: Jul 1901 City: Beech Mountain State: NC Country: USA5 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 193 M i. William McGuire was born in 1849 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC.+ 194 M ii. Leander Webster McGuire was born on 9 July 1860 in Meat Camp,

Watauga Co, NC and died on 10 June 1947 in Beech Mountain, Avery Co,NC at age 86.Leander married Nancy Louise Trivet [MRIN: 54811] (d. 5 May 1947) on 10August 1879 in Shawneehaw, Watauga Co, NC.

56. Rachel Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1808 in NC.

Rachel married David Tribet Trivett [MRIN: 61865]. David was born in 1807 in NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 195 F i. Elizabeth Trivett was born in December 1830 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 196 M ii. Thomas Trivett was born in 1832 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 24 June 1864

at age 32.+ 197 M iii. Sidney Trivett was born in 1833 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1903 at age 70.+ 198 F iv. Mary Trivett was born in 1838 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1908 at age 70.+ 199 F v. Rhoda Trivett was born on 10 May 1845 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27

July 1942 in Ashe Co, NC at age 97.+ 200 M vi. Asa Trivett was born in 1853 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1923 at age 70.

57. James Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1811 in NC.

James married Ann Roberts [MRIN: 61866]. Ann was born in 1811.

58. Benjamin Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1812 in Ashe Co, NCand died on 2 July 1893 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN at age 81.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 July 1860 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN PO Trade.

Benjamin Greer age 48 NC farmer 700 750Elizabeth age 52 NCSarah age 16 TNBenjamin F. age 13 TNMary E age 9 TNWilburn age 6 TN

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (58)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


dwelling 40 Hiram Jones living dwelling 40 It is his daughter Sarah E that married aGreer, as yet unidentified.6 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Benjamin Greerage 68 NC FarmingElizabeth age 72 NCdwelling 7718 son Benjamin F. living dwelling 771916 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Benjamin married Elizabeth Reece [MRIN: 61916]. Elizabeth was born in 1805 in WilkesCo, NC and died on 29 July 1888 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN at age 83.

Children from this marriage were:+ 201 F i. Sarah Greer was born in 1844 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 202 M ii. Benjamin Franklin Greer was born in March 1847 in Trade, Johnson Co,

TN, died on 10 January 1917 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 69, andwas buried in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.Benjamin married Rebecca Younce [MRIN: 61988] (d. 22 April 1930) on 26October 1866 in Johnson Co, TN.

+ 203 F iii. Mary Elizabeth Greer was born in October 1849 in Johnson Co, TN anddied in January 1944 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 94.Mary married Alvin Wilcox [MRIN: 61915] (d. 17 January 1917) in April1866 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 204 M iv. Wilburn Greer was born in 1854 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 205 M v. James W. Greer was born in 1851 in NC.

59. Alexander Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1814 in Carter Co, TN.

Alexander married Lydia Curd [MRIN: 54887], daughter of Ezekial Curd and AbigailStewart,. Lydia was born in 1814 in TN and died in Grayson Co, VA.

Children from this marriage were:+ 206 M i. James Greer was born in 1839.

James married Edith Perry [MRIN: 54888].+ 207 M ii. Alexander Greer was born in 1837 and died in 1919 at age 82.

Alexander married Nancy Osborne [MRIN: 63199] (d. 15 October 1934) on20 March 1859 in Johnson Co, TN.

60. Lydia Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1823 in NC and died inJune 1912 in Arkansas City, KS at age 88.

Lydia married Charles Lewis [MRIN: 61867]. Charles was born in January 1822 in Ashe Co,NC and died in January 1890 in Arkansas City, KS at age 68.

61. William Samuel Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1823 inNC and died on 24 July 1886 in Johnson Co, TN at age 62.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (59)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 July 1860 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN PO Trade.

William Greer age 36 NC farmer 600 400Mary age 36 TNElizabeth age 11 TN\James age 9 TNWilliam W. age 6 TNJohn W. age 3 TNBenjamin T age 1 TNWilliam S. Williams age 70 NCElizabeth age 52 NCdwelling 39 living next to his brother Benjamin at dwelling 406 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Mary Williams [MRIN: 61868], daughter of William S. Williams andElizabeth Williams, Mrs.,. Mary was born in March 1824 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 29March 1902 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN at age 78.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 14 June 1900 in Civil District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Polly

Greer March 1824 TN living with son Benjamindwelling 2926 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 208 F i. Elizabeth Victoria Greer was born in 1849 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 209 M ii. James Greer was born in 1851 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 210 M iii. William Samuel Greer, Jr. was born in 1854 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 211 M iv. John W. Greer was born in 1856 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 212 M v. Benjamin Thomas Greer was born in April 1859 in Johnson Co, TN and

died in April 1930 in Ashe Co, NC at age 71.Benjamin married Cora Elizabeth Houck [MRIN: 61874] (d. June 1957) on25 March 1880 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 213 M vi. Benjamin Thomas Greer was born in April 1859 in Trade, Johnson Co, TNand died in April 1930 in Ashe Co, NC at age 71.

+ 214 M vii. Winfield Scott Greer was born in 1862 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 215 M viii. Henry Wilson Greer was born in 1868 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 216 M ix. George W. Greer was born in October 1870 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

62. Joel W. Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1825 in Ashe Co, NC.

Joel married Margaret Elizabeth Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61869]. Margaret was born in 1825.

63. Andrew S. Greer (James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 5 January 1827 in AsheCo, NC and died on 27 May 1900 in Hawkins Co, TN at age 73.

Andrew married Sarah Wilson [MRIN: 61870] on 3 January 1902 in Boone, Watauga Co,NC. Sarah was born on 14 July 1828 in Carter Co, TN and died on 3 January 1902 in HawkinsCo, TN at age 73.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (60)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


64. Finley Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1823 in Stoney Fork,Ashe Co, NC and died in October 1918 in Ashe Co, NC at age 95.

Finley married Mary Polly Greer [MRIN: 61755], daughter of Elijah Greer and SarahHawkins, on 22 March 1853 in Watauga Co, NC. Mary was born in February 1831 inZansville, NC and died in 1914 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.

Children from this marriage were:+ 217 M i. Greer.+ 218 F ii. Malinda Miley Greer was born in June 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.

Malinda married Miles Winebarger [MRIN: 61756].+ 219 M iii. Samuel Washington Greer was born on 22 February 1856 in Watauga Co,

NC and died on 26 February 1951 in Watauga Co, NC at age 95.Samuel married Martha E. McGuire [MRIN: 61757] (d. 22 January 1930)on 13 April 1876 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 220 M iv. Andrew Gilson Greer was born in January 1859 in Watauga Co, NC anddied in September 1862 in Watauga Co, NC at age 3.

+ 221 M v. James Hamilton Greer was born in May 1862 in Ashe Co, NC and died inNovember 1945 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.James married Evaline Gentry [MRIN: 61759] in 1881 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 222 F vi. Sarah L. Greer was born in November 1863 in Watauga Co, NC and diedPct 1946 at age 83.Sarah married Samuel Ellis Morphews [MRIN: 61758].

+ 223 M vii. Noah Greer was born in December 1870 in Watauga Co, NC and died inJanuary 1952 at age 81.Noah married Frances Watson [MRIN: 61760] (d. July 1956).

+ 224 M viii. Elijah Greer was born in August 1871 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and diedin February 1947 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.Elijah married Nancy Jane Jackson, (Twin) [MRIN: 61762] (d. 9 April1971).

+ 225 M ix. Thomas Riley Greer was born in March 1875 in Watauga Co, NC and diedin March 1960 in Caldwell Co, NC at age 85.Thomas married Mary Seahorn [MRIN: 61763].

65. David Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1821 in Watauga Co, NC anddied in April 1871 at age 50.

David married Ann Watson [MRIN: 61752]. Ann was born in 1821.

66. John Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1821 in Watagua Co, NC anddied in 1869 at age 48.

67. Elizabeth Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1822 in Watauga Co, NC.

Elizabeth married Gilson Hendrix [MRIN: 61753]. Gilson was born in 1822.

68. William Raleigh (Riley) Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 3 May 1824in Ashe Co, NC and died on 24 April 1925 in Rutherford, Watauga Co, NC at age 100.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (61)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


William married Francis T. Watson [MRIN: 63255], daughter of Thomas Watson andGrace Allen, on 31 March 1849 in Wilkes Co, NC. Francis was born in 1832 in Watauga, ,NC and died in February 1900 in Watauga Co, NC at age 68.

Children from this marriage were:+ 226 F i. Nancy Elizabeth Greer was born in July 1850 and died on 12 June 1923 in

Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC at age 72.Nancy married John Alexander Miller [MRIN: 63256] (d. 1936).

+ 227 F ii. Louisa Ann Greer was born in 1849 in NC and died in 1895 at age 46.Louisa married John Richard Winebarger [MRIN: 63257].

+ 228 F iii. Mary Elizabeth Greer was born on 5 December 1853 in NC and died on 17November 1916 in Watsonville, Santa Cruz Co, CA at age 62.

+ 229 M iv. Samuel C. Greer was born on 7 February 1858 in Watauga Co, NC and diedon 10 June 1898 in Watauga Co, NC at age 40.Samuel married Rebecca Cobitha Watson [MRIN: 63259] (d. 25 June1921).

+ 230 M v. Thomas M. Greer was born on 16 February 1859 in Watauga Co, NC anddied on 29 June 1940 at age 81.Thomas married Winsey Watson [MRIN: 63261] (d. 24 January 1941)18778.

+ 231 M vi. James Larkin Greer was born on 15 September 1861 in Watauga Co, NCand died on 29 June 1940 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC at age 78.

+ 232 M vii. Elijah Calloway Greer was born on 15 September 1861 in Watauga Co, NCand died on 18 December 1941 in Greensboro, Guilford Co, NC at age 80.Elijah married someone Mary A. Watson [MRIN: 63262] on 26 December1896 in Watauga Co, NC.

+ 233 F viii. Rhoda Melinda Greer was born on 11 June 1867 in Watauga Co, NC anddied on 11 March 1941 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC at age 73.Rhoda married Henry Patterson Greene [MRIN: 63263].

+ 234 F ix. Julia M. Greer was born on 30 September 1870 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 7March 1961 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 90, and was buried in WatsonCemetery, Laural Springs, Watauga Co, NC.Julia married David Wilborn Trivett [MRIN: 63265] (d. 23 January 1933)on 3 September 1896 in Ashe Co, NC.

69. Lucinda Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1826 in Oildfields, Ashe Co,NC and died on 22 April 1873 in Watauga Co, NC at age 47.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in June 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Lucinda Greer

age 34 NC living with her fatherdwelling 722 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Lucinda married someone.

Her child was:+ 235 F i. Mary Greer, (Not documented) was born in 1853 in Oldfields, Ashe Co,


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (62)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


70. Cindy Emeline Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1828 in Watauga Co,NC and died in 1920 at age 92.

Cindy married Andrew J. Younce [MRIN: 61750], son of Elijah Younce and CharlotteGreer, on 5 October 1851. Andrew was born in 1830 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1870 at age40.

Children from this marriage were:+ 236 M i. Roby Younce was born in 1862 in NC and died after 1896 in NC.

Roby married Minda Ellen Ray [MRIN: 61751] (d. 13 January 1953) before1880 in Watauga Co, NC.

+ 237 M ii. Philip Younce was born on 3 October 1825 in Todds, Ashe Co, NC.+ 238 M iii. Milton L. Younce was born in December 1857 in Watauga Co, NC and died

on 18 August 1929 in Patterson, Caldwell Co , NC at age 71.+ 239 F iv. Nancy Elizabeth Younce was born on 2 November 1859 in Watauga Co, NC

and died on 3 September 1925 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC at age 65.+ 240 F v. Martha Younce was born in 1885 in Watauga Co, NC.

71. Louisa Greer (Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1832 in Ashe Co,NC and died in March 1914 in Watauga Co, NC at age 81.

Louisa married Silas Morphews [MRIN: 61754]. Silas was born in July 1823 in Ashe Co,NC and died in February 1884 in Ashe Co, NC at age 60.

The child from this marriage was:+ 241 M i. Samuel Ellis Morphews was born in November 1859 in Watauga Co, NC.

Samuel married Sarah L. Greer [MRIN: 61758] (d. Pct 1946).

(Duplicate Line. See Person 222)

72. Jesse W. Greer (Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1812 in NC.

73. John Greer (Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1814 in NC.

74. Benjamin Greer (Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1816 in NC and died in1870 in NC at age 54.

75. Matilda Greer (Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1822 in Ashe Co,NC and died in January 1909 in Ashe Co, NC at age 87.

76. Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer (Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 25September 1827 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 7 January 1920 in Cove Creek, WataugaCo, NC at age 92.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 7 January 1920 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Mrs Lucy Trivett

[Mrs Lucy Greer] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 92 Birth Date: 25 Sep 1827 BirthPlace: Watauga Death Date: 7 Jan 1920 Death Location: Cove Creek, WataugaSpouse's Name: John Trivett Father's Name: Joshua Greer Mother's Name: Jane Church

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (63)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


22 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Lucinda married John Samuel Trivett [MRIN: 61622], son of William Trivett and LydiaLathum, on 3 September 1845 in Ashe Co, NC. John was born in 1820 in NC and died in April1873 in Brownwood, Ashe Co, NC at age 53.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 3 September 1845, Ashe Co, NC. Groom: John Trivitt Bride: Lucy Greer

Bond_Date: 3 Sep 1845 Bond #: 000002291 Level Info: North Carolina MarriageBonds, 1741-1868ImageNum: 003119 County: Ashe Record #: 02 008 Bondsman: James HarveyWitness: Jno. Ray22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 August 1870 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC PO

Jefferson. John Trivett age 50 NC works farmLucy age 45 NCSmith age 21 NC farm laborMartha age 17 NCEllen age 16 NCEvaline age 14 NCJames age 12 NCJoseph age 10 NCSamuel age 8 NCArthur age 5/12 NCdwelling 101 William Trivett age 74 living at 100 and William Wilcoxson age 53 at 98with William Wilcoxson age 24 at dwelling 9922 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 242 M i. Thomas Smith Trivett was born on 11 April 1848 in Ashe Co, NC and died

on 24 February 1938 in Tamerack, Watauga Co, NC at age 89.Thomas married Martha Lettie Holly Watson [MRIN: 61621] (d. 1888).

+ 243 F ii. Martha Trivett was born in 1853 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 244 F iii. Ellen Trivett was born in 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 245 F iv. Evaline Trivett was born in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 246 M v. James Trivett was born in 1858 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 247 M vi. Joseph Trivett was born in 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 248 M vii. Samuel Trivett was born in 1862 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 249 M viii. John Samuel Trivett was born on 10 April 1864 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC

and died on 6 February 1953 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 88.+ 250 M ix. Arthur Trivett was born in April 1870 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

77. Zachariah Shadrack D. Greer (Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1824 inWatauga Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (64)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Shadrach

Greer age 56 NC farmerLouisa age 56 NCAlice age 17 NCGeorge W. age 14 NCSarah Black age 21 NC boarderdwelling 7826 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Zachariah married Anna Louise Winkler [MRIN: 62121]. Anna was born in 1824 in NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 251 M i. George Washington Greer was born on 8 February 1866 in Watauga Co,

NC and died on 21 May 1943 in Pike, Watauga Co, NC at age 77.George married Emily E. Yates [MRIN: 62120].

+ 252 F ii. Alice Greer was born in 1863 in Watauga Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (65)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Source Citations 1. Sarah ROCKENFIELD, "Our Boone Families" by Sarah ROCKENFIELD (Whipporwill Publications,Evansville, IN), p357.

2. WFT CD7 #45878 June 1997 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK.

3. Broderbund CD 7 #4587, Bur McGuire-Phillips Fam Cen located on Railroad grade near Todd, NC.

4. V7.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (66)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Fourth Generation (Great-Grandchildren)

78. Rebecca Judd1 (John Greer Judd 3, Rachel Greer 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 6 August 1832 in Green Co, KY and died on 9 February 1913 in Henry,Clinton Co, MO at age 80.

Rebecca married Madison F W Julian [MRIN: 57154] in 1850 in Cookeville, Putnam Co,TN. Madison was born in May 1824 in Cookeville, Putnam Co, TN and died before 1913 inHenry, Clinton Co, MO.

79. Nancy Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1828 in Ashe Co,NC.

80. Rebecca Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1833 in AsheCo, NC.

81. Andrew Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1834 in AsheCo, NC and died on 30 March 1864 in Nashville, Davidson Co, TN at age 30.

82. Jane Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1835 in Ashe Co,NC.

83. Noah Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1838 in Ashe Co,NC.

84. Frances Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1841 in AsheCo, NC.

85. Thomas Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 7January 1844 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 5 September 1928 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NCat age 84, and was buried in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 5 September 1928 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Thomas Greer

Gender: Male Race: White Age: 84 Birth Date: 7 Jan 1844 Birth Place: Ashe, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 5 Sep 1928 Death Location: Cove Creek, WataugaSpouse's Name: Mollie Greer Father's Name: Elijah Greer Mother's Name: Sallie Greer25 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Thomas married Mary Evaline Bledsoe [MRIN: 62953] on 7 October 1870 in Ashe Co,NC. Mary was born on 12 May 1850 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 2 June 1938 in Zionville,Watauga Co, NC at age 88.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 7 October 1870, Ashe Co, NC. Groom: Thomas Greer Bride: Mollie E

Bledsoe Bond date: 7 Oct 1870 Bond #: 000001765 Level Info: North CarolinaMarriage Bonds, 1741-1868

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (67)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


ImageNum: 000721 County: Ashe Record #: 02 003 Witness: G. W. Ray (Reg25 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

86. John Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1845 in Ashe Co,NC.

87. Washington Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1847 in AsheCo, NC.

88. Sarah Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1848 in Ashe Co,NC and died on 13 February 1937 in Watauga Co, NC at age 89.

89. Gaston Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born before September1853 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 14 December 1925 in Ashe Co, NC.

90. Mary Polly Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February1831 in Zansville, NC and died in 1914 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.

Mary married Finley Greer [MRIN: 61755], son of Samuel Greer and Sarah 'Sallie'Church, on 22 March 1853 in Watauga Co, NC. Finley was born in March 1823 in StoneyFork, Ashe Co, NC and died in October 1918 in Ashe Co, NC at age 95.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 64)

91. Albert T. Greer (Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June1858 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 4 September 1928 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age70, and was buried in R12 Isaiah S. Wilcox farm cem - Elk Twpship.

Albert married Martha Mattie Wilcox [MRIN: 62169], daughter of William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. and Lavina 'Vinney' Baker Hatten, in 1877 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at lease sixteenchildren. Martha was born in 1863 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC, died after 10 January 1920 inAshe Co, NC, and was buried in R12 Isaiah S. Wilcox farm cem - Elk Twpship.

Noted events in her life were:• Descendant information - Sharon Buck: I sent you a note earlier about my quest for

ancestor Sarah Boone and I had kept it simple thinking that might be best for a firstcontact... then I started thinking you might think I was a real lightweight waiting foryou to show me the way so I thought I had best sent you a more complete summation.I have Sarah Cassandra Boone 1724-1815, sister of Daniel Boone, frontiersman, anddaughter of Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan. She married John WiIcoxson 1720-1782, and I am descended from two of her children, Samuel Wilcoxson 1755-1825and Nancy Wilcoxson. Samuel married Anna Jordan 1756-1840 and they had a sonIsaiah Wilcoxson 1796-1879 who married Fannie Greer and had a son Rev. WilliamBilly Wilcox 1818-1909 who married Lavina Baker Hatton and they had a daughtermartha Mattie Wilcox 1861-1920 who was my maternal grandfather's mother. Shemarried Albert T. Greer 1858-1930 and their son was Joseph Franklin Greer, mygrandfather. 1880-1947. From Sarah's daughter Nancy 1745-1790 who marriedBenjamin Greer 1746-1816 they had a son John Greer 1770-1850 who married

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (68)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Nancy Owens and their son was Elijah Greer 1806-1870. Elijah married SarahHawkins and their son was my great-grandfather Albert T. Greer who was mygrandfather Joseph Franklin Greer's father. I hope these begats are not too big amuddle.Anyway, I would like to find out more about this ancesotor Sarah Boone and herinteresting family.Sincerely,Sharon Buck

Children from this marriage were:+ 253 F i. Amy Tressie Greer was born 18998 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 254 F ii. Mary G. 'Jennie' Greer was born in 1878 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 255 F iii. Ellen Greer was born in 1883 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 31 January 1944

in Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV at age 61.+ 256 M iv. William Greer was born in March 1886 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 257 M v. Carl Ellison Greer was born on 21 January 1890 in Ashe Co, NC and died

on 11 April 1963 in Ashe Co, NC at age 73.Carl married Beulah Bell McGuire [MRIN: 63278] (d. 13 February 1968) on8 October 1909 in Watauga Co, NC by B. F. Wilcox.

+ 258 M vi. Joseph Franklin Greer was born in January 1891 in Ashe Co, NC and diedon 29 February 1948 in Beckley, Raleigh, West Virginia at age 57.Joseph married Mary E. Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 62956].

+ 259 F vii. Lervia Hester Greer was born in September 1893 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 260 F viii. Francis Greer was born in 1897 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 261 F ix. Ruth Lizzie Greer was born on 6 September 1902 in Ashe Co, NC and died

on 25 June 1979 in Watauga Co, NC at age 76.+ 262 F x. Cleo Grace Greer was born on 22 November 1904 in Ashe Co, NC and died

on 31 March 1969 in Ashe Co, NC at age 64.

92. John Roe Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1823 inCarter Co, TN and died in 1902 in TN at age 79.

93. Joseph A. Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born 223 Nov.1829 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 25 May 1900 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 20 June 1870 in District 1. Johnson Co, TN PO Wards

Iron Works. Joseph Greer age 31 TN farmer 800 1000Mary J. age 32 TNRachel E. age 14 TNReuben C. age 12 TN farm laborWilliam T age 8 TNJohn S. age 5 TNSamuel B. age 1 TNdwelling 105 his father in dwelling 1066 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (69)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• He appeared on the census in 1880 in District 1, Johnson Co, TN. Joseph Greer age 50TN farmerMary Jane age 42 TNRachel E. age 24 TNReuben C. age 22 TN works on farmBenjamin W. age 20 TNWilliam T. age 18 TNJohn S. age 15 TNSamuel B. age 11 TNCharles L. age 9 TNRussell W. age 7 TNZachariah T. age 5 TNThomas age 81 TN fatherMary age 67 step motherMargaret L. Smith age 30 TN step sisterSarah M. Pierce age 16 TN step sisterdwelling 707 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Joseph married Mary Jane Smith [MRIN: 62501] on 8 June 1854 in Johnson Co, TN. Marywas born in 1838 in TN.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 8 June 1854, Johnson Co, TN. Name: Joseph Greer Spouse: Mary J Smith

Marriage Date: 8 Jun 1854 Marriage County: Johnson7 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in her life were:• Widow Pension Application: TN. Name: Joseph A. Greer Soldier Name: Joseph A.

Greer State Served: TN Application Type: Widow Application Numbers: W9215Application Location: Perry, TN Note: The name Greer, Joseph A. appears on aTennesse Confederate Application Info: A photocopy of this pension application maybe obtained from the Tennessee State Library and Archives. Please contact theTennessee State Library and Archives for pricing and availability at the followingaddress: Tennessee State Library and Archives,7 June 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 263 F i. Rachel E. Greer was born in 1856 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 264 M ii. Reuben C. Greer was born in 1858 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 265 M iii. Benjamin W. Greer was born in 1860 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 266 M iv. William T. Greer was born in 1862 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 267 M v. John S. Greer was born in 1865 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 268 M vi. Samuel B. Greer was born in 1869 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 269 M vii. Charles L. Greer was born in 1871 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 270 M viii. Russell W. Greer was born in 1873 in Johnson Co, TN.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (70)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 271 M ix. Zachariah T. Greer was born in 1875 in Johnson Co, TN.

94. Elizabeth Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1833 in TN.

95. Margaret Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1835 inJohnson City, Washington Co, TN.

96. Rebecca Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1839 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN and died in 1895 in Johnson City, WashingtonCo, TN at age 56.

97. Mary Jane Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1841 inJohnson City, Washington Co, TN.

98. Thomas B. Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 18 January1845 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN and died 26 June1909 in Washington, , VA.

99. Zachary T. Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1848 inJohnson Co, TN and died on 19 February 1927 in Bristol, Washington Co, VA at age 79.

Zachary married Ellen Susan J. Arnolds [MRIN: 63109] on 3 January 1867 in Johnson Co,TN. Ellen was born in 1844 in VA and died on 26 December 1890 in Friendship, WashingtonCo, VA at age 46.

Children from this marriage were:+ 272 M i. Robert E. Greer was born in 1868 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 273 M ii. William Oliver Greer was born on 21 February 1870 in Johnson Co, TN and

died on 8 February 1904 in Johnson Co, TN at age 33.+ 274 M iii. Andrew F. Greer was born in 1874 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 275 F iv. Mary E. Greer was born in 1877 in Johnson Co, TN.

100. Robert S. Greer (Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1857 inJohnson City, Washington Co, TN.

101. Isaac Parsons (Jacintha Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1810 in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13 Jan 01.

Isaac married Louisa Dixon [MRIN: 31022] in 1830. Louisa was born in 1810.

The child from this marriage was:+ 276 M i. Adolphus Parsons was born after 1830 in Patricia Ann [emailprotected]

13 Jan 01.Adolphus married Mary Josephine Hall [MRIN: 31023] in 1855.

102. William Blackburn Blackburn (Sarah Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in September 1822 in NC.

William married Malinda Ray [MRIN: 63296], daughter of William Ray and Nancy Smith,(William Ray),. Malinda was born on 4 December 1824 in Ashe Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (71)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


103. Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1816 in Rowan Co, NC Dir Line [emailprotected] 22 Nov 1999 (Wilcox) anddied in 1892 in Ashe Co, NC at age 76.

Docia married Owen Trivett [MRIN: 7539]. Owen was born in 1815 in NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Owen Lubit

[Owen Trebit] Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Ashe, North Carolina Free WhitePersons - Males - Under 5: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 2 Free WhitePersons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1 PersonsEmployed in Agriculture: 6 Free White Persons - Under 20: 4 Free White Persons - 20thru 49: 2 Total Free White Persons: 6 Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored,Slaves: 622 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 3 June 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Owen Trivettage 50 NC farmer 400 200Docia age 44 NCMorgan age 16 NCJohn age 13 NCSilas age 12 NCWelborn age 10 NCSolomen age 7 NCMiley age 6 NCMatilda age 4 NCJoseph age 2 NCdwelling 3222 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 277 M i. Nathaniel C. Trivett was born in 1837 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27 May

1864 in Ashland, Boyd Co, KY at age 27.Nathaniel married someone Hannah Greer [MRIN: 61617] on 2 April 1858in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 278 M ii. Morgan Trivett was born in 1844 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 279 M iii. John Trivett was born in 1847 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 280 M iv. Silas Trivett was born in 1848 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 281 M v. Welborn Trivett was born in 1850 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 282 M vi. Solomon Trivett was born on 29 February 1852 in Ashe Co, NC and died on

23 January 1926 in Ashe Co, NC at age 73.Solomon married Sarah Ellen Nelson [MRIN: 12852] (d. 19 November1910).

+ 283 F vii. Miley Trivett was born in 1854 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 284 F viii. Matilda Trivett was born in 1856 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 285 M ix. Joseph Trivett was born in 1858 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

104. William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (72)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1) was born on 7 December 1818 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 30 January 1909 in Ashe Co,NC2 at age 90.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 November 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. William Wilcox

age 32 NC farmer 250Luvina age 30 NCMartin age 10 NCAlvin age 6 NCIsaac age 4 NCWilliam age 4 NCElizabeth age 1 NCdwelling 1313 living in dwelling 1314 is Jesse Ray age 28 and 1312 Jerry Ray b 179420 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 1 June 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. WilliamWilcoxson age 40 NC farmer 400 300Vinney age 40 NCAlvin age 17 NCIsaiah age 15 NCWilliam age 14 NCElizabeth age 11 NCCatherine age 9 NCSamuel age 6 NCMartha age 4 NCMary age 1 NCdwelling 3522 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 25 October 1870 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC POJefferson. William Wilcoxon age 53 NC farmer 700 580Lavina age 50 NCCatharine age 18 NCSamuel age 16 NC works farmMatilda age 14 NCMary age 11 NCMartha age 7 NCdwelling 98 son William living at dwelling 9922 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Lavina 'Vinney' Baker Hatten [MRIN: 7541]. Lavina was born in 1818and died in Ashe Co, NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 286 M i. Alvin Wilcox was born in July 1841 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 17 January

1917 in Shady Valley, Johnson Co, TN at age 75.Alvin married Mary Elizabeth Greer [MRIN: 61915] (d. January 1944) inApril 1866 in Ashe Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (73)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


(Duplicate Line. See Person 203)+ 287 M ii. Martin Van Buren Wilcox was born in 1844 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

1919 in Ashe Co, NC3 at age 75.Martin married Rebecca Iva Wilson [MRIN: 7540] (d. Bef 2 June 1880)before 1861.Martin next married Mary E. 'Mollie' Tucker [MRIN: 61613] (d. 21 August1914) in 1892 in Watauga Co, NC.

+ 288 M iii. Isaiah S. Wilcox was born in 1845 in NC and died on 14 January 1929 inAshe Co, NC at age 84.Isaiah married Martha Ann Tucker [MRIN: 61863] (d. May 1915) on 16January 1866 in Johnson Co, NC.Isaiah next married Anna S. Ray [MRIN: 61864] on 1 July 1927 in Ashe Co,NC.

+ 289 M iv. William Wilcox was born in 1846 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 26 November1922 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC at age 76, and was buried on 30November 1922 in Brownwood, Watauga Co, NC.William married America Brown 'Ann' Ray [MRIN: 61630].

+ 290 F v. Catharine Wilcox was born in 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 291 F vi. Matilda Wilcox was born in 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 292 M vii. Samuel Alvin Wilcox was born on 15 January 1854 in Rowan Co, NC and

died on 14 March 1940 in Ashe Co, NC at age 86.Samuel married Elvira Chloe "Ella" Walters [MRIN: 16909] (d. 25December 1896) in 1873 in Ashe Co, NC.Samuel next married Jane Jennie E. Houck [MRIN: 61639] (d. May 1950)on 13 April 1897 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 293 F viii. Mary Wilcox was born in 1859 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 294 F ix. Martha Mattie Wilcox was born in 1863 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC, died

after 10 January 1920 in Ashe Co, NC, and was buried in R12 Isaiah S.Wilcox farm cem - Elk Twpship.Martha married Albert T. Greer [MRIN: 62169] (d. 4 September 1928) in1877 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at lease sixteen children.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 91)

105. Samuel Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1821 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 15 March 1864 in Paris, Bourbon Co , KY atage 43, and was buried in East Carter County Memory Garden in Grayson, Carter Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 14 August 1850 in Pike Co, KY. Saml Wilcox age 39 NC

farmerBarbary age 33 NCFrancis M age 8 NCElizabeth age 5 NCIsaac age 3 NCHawleton 0/12 KYdwelling 277

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (74)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in Dist 1, Pike Co, KY. Samuel WILCOXage 39 KY Farmer 500 250Barbary age 44 NCMarion age 18 NCElizabeth age 15 NCIsaah age 13 NCH H age 11 NCWilliam age 9 KYBoon age 4 KYSamuel age 1 KYdwelling 186 living in dwelling 185 is Nathan Trivett son of Docia Wilcox and OwenTrivett11 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

• Civil War: 1 October 1864, Paris, Bourbon Co , KY. Civil War Soldiers<> about Samuel WilcoxntblName:Samuel Wilcoxntbl Enlistment Date:1 Oct 1863ntbl SideServed:Unionntbl State Served:Kentuckyntbl Service Record:Enlisted as aPrivate on 1 October 1863. Enlisted in Company D, 40th Infantry RegimentKentucky </cgi-bin/sse.dll?&ti=0-&db=hdsregiment&f0=796&f11=Union> on 1Oct 1863. Died Company D, 40th Infantry Regiment Kentucky </cgi-bin/sse.dll?&ti=0-&db=hdsregiment&f0=796&f11=Union> on 15 Mar 1864 at Paris, KY.ntbl Sources:78

• Death - Information from Gary Hodges: 15 March 1864, Paris, Bourbon Co , KY.ntbl Samuel "Sam" Wilcox Mar. 7, 1821 Lee County Kentucky, USADeath: Mar. 15, 1864 Paris Bourbon County Kentucky, USA Samuel "Sam"Wilcox, a son of Isaiah and Fannie (Greer) Wilcox, was born in what is now Lee Co.,KY on March 7, 1821. When he was 11 months old, his family moved to Ashe Co.,NC, where his parents had lived previously. Samuel grew up in Ashe and married there on August 22, 1839 to Barbara Houck. In 1850, Samuel andBarbara moved their family to Pike Co., KY, where they remained until 1862 whenthey moved further north to Carter Co., KY. In Carter County, Samuel and Barbaraestablished their home on a stream called Deer Creek. In October, 1862, severalmonths after moving to Carter County, Samuel and his son, Francis Marion Wilcox,enlisted in Co. D of the KY Mounted Infantry, Union Army. While in service, Samuelcontracted pneumonia and died at Paris, Bourbon Co., KY on March 15, 1864. In1893, Samuel's son, Francis Marion Wilcox, recorded in a journal the followingdescription of Samuel Wilcox: "Father, about February 1st, 1864 took pneumonia feverwhile in camp. I had him took to a Mrs. Sarah E. Howells where we had been havingour rations cooked then went for Dr. Hopson of Paris,Kentucky. He treated him for about three weeks. Father was on the mend but beingremoved then to the hospital, the doctors changed. He took a relapse and after asevere illness on the night of March 15, 1864 at about fifteen to ten o'clock, hebreathed his last. arriving at the end of life's journey at age of forty three years, nomonths and eight days. On the 16th he (in charge of Comrade James M. Clay) was

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (75)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


started home for burial where he arrived on or about the 22 of March being interred ona mound northeast of the old home on Deer Creek, Carter County, Kentucky at a sitenamed by himself to me on his deathbed. His knowledge and reason remained gooduntil the last day of his life. He knew his end was drawing near and sent word toMother and the little ones at home so soon to behold him sleeping in death, he who hadso recently parted from them in such high hopes of meeting them soon again." "Fatherwas six feet and one-half inches tall, large and rawboned, long arms, long fingers. Hewas rather commanding in appearance, black hair and blue eyes, rather good looking,wore #16 collar, 7 1/4 hat, #11 size shoe on account of a corn - one too large (size 10a better fit). He wore size 40 coat, pants 36 x 36. He would weigh about 175 lbs in thesummer and 180 to 185 in the winter. He was good natured among us kids, wouldquarrel sometimes (considerably) yet seldom used the rod. No doubt he would havegot along better if he had applied it more and done less talking which no doubt hischildren learned to their satisfaction. He was charitable and not inclined to pain theirminds. To sum up in a few closing words on the whole matter about our dear father, wemust say he was a man possessed of a good mind, had a generous heart and a soulvery large - enough to reach out towards suffering humanity and extend a charitablehand to those in distress wherever found. While a resident of Pike County, Kentuckyduring the twelve years he

• Descendant information: 30 July 2012. Dorothy, My wife and I met you at a Boone reunion several years ago. Sarah Boone Wilcoxson isher 5th great-grandmother.I was wondering what you thought of the book "Boone Family to America 1670-1720"by Jim White. He takes the ancestors farther back then George Boone I. He hasMarmande Boone born in France, his son John born in France, his son Robert born inEngland and his son George I born in England. Do you believe these are possibleancestors?Also, there is an interesting picture of Samuel Wilcox (1821-1864) on Find A Grave. Itwas added in 2010. Samuel ( son of Isaiah, son of Samuel, son of Sarah BooneWilcoxson) and his father Isaiah are both buried in East Carter County Memory Gardenin Grayson, Ky. Jim Johnston

Samuel married Barbary Houck [MRIN: 7542], daughter of George W Houck andBarbara, on 14 August 1839 in Ashe Co, NC. Barbary was born in 1814 in NC and died in1892 in KY at age 78.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 23 June 1880 in Precinct 5, Carter Co, KY. Barbary

Wilcox age 66 NCdwelling 346 living at dwelling 345 is son Isaiah Wilcox age 3222 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (76)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 295 M i. Jerome Wilcox was born in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1843 in Ashe

Co, NC at age 3.+ 296 M ii. Francis Marion Wilcox was born on 20 November 1851 in Creston, Ashe

Co, NC, died on 9 June 1917 in Ashe Co, NC at age 65, and was buried inFinley Cem, , Ashe Co, NC.Francis married Hattie Abbott [MRIN: 7888].

+ 297 F iii. Elizabeth Wilcox was born in 1845 in NC.Elizabeth married William P Lewis [MRIN: 7889].

+ 298 M iv. Isaiah Wilcox was born in June 1848 in Ashe Co, NC and died in March1906 in Carter Co, KY at age 57.Isaiah married Mary Judith McDavid [MRIN: 61849] (d. May 1926) on 26January 1871 in Carter, Carter Co, KY.

+ 299 M v. Hamilton Hardin Wilcox, Physcian/Surgeon was born in 1849 in NC anddied on 10 December 1925 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD at age 76.Hamilton married Mary Ellen Abbott [MRIN: 7890] (d. 3 May 1905).Hamilton next married Lura B [MRIN: 61190] after 3 May 1905 in HotSprings, Fall River, SD.

+ 300 M vi. William Wilcox was born in February 1852 in KY and died on 22 April 1930in Pike, Carter Co, KY at age 78.William married Ellen Frances Heaberlin [MRIN: 61850] (d. 1895) on 20December 1875 in Carter Co, KY.William next married Deborah Ann Harris [MRIN: 61851] (d. 30November 1941) on 12 August 1899 in Carter, Carter Co, KY.

+ 301 M vii. Daniel Boone Wilcox was born in 1856 in Pike Co, KY.+ 302 M viii. Samuel V. Wilcox was born in 1859 in Pike Co, KY.

106. Jacintha Cynthia Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1824 in Ashe Co, NC.

107. Arah Ary Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1825 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1866 at age 41.

Arah married Morgan Patrick [MRIN: 7546]. Morgan was born in 1820.

108. Sydney Cindy Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1827 in Ashe Co, NC4 and died in 1857 in KY at age 30.

Sydney married Jesse Houck [MRIN: 7545] before 1846. Jesse was born in 1827.

Children from this marriage were:+ 303 F i. Sidney Houck was born in 1846.+ 304 M ii. Samuel Houck was born in 1848.+ 305 M iii. George Houck was born after 1850.+ 306 M iv. Isaiah Houck was born after 1850.+ 307 F v. Frances Houck was born in July 1850.+ 308 F vi. Barbara Houck was born in 1852.+ 309 M vii. William Houck was born on 27 March 1856.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (77)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


109. Malinda Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1828 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1894 at age 66.

Malinda married Henry T Miller [MRIN: 7547]. Henry was born in 1828.

110. Nancy Matilda Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1830 in Rowan Co, NC Dir Line Greg Greene Submitted By Jennie Mason anddied in 1881 in KY at age 51.

Nancy married Solomon Mullins [MRIN: 7872] in 1850. Solomon was born in 1830 in DirLine Greg Greene Submitted By Jennie Mason.

The child from this marriage was:+ 310 M i. Samuel Mullins was born after 1850 in Dir Line Greg Greene Submitted By

Jennie Mason.Samuel married Polly Mullins, Mrs [MRIN: 31562] after 1870.

111. Deborah Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1835 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1865 at age 30.

Deborah married James "Mean Jim" Richardson [MRIN: 7548]. James was born in 1835.

112. Ann Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1836 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1875 at age 39.

113. Martha Wilcox (Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1837 in Ashe Co, NC.

Martha married Solomon Miller [MRIN: 7549]. Solomon was born in 1837.

The child from this marriage was:+ 311 F i. Ellen Miller was born on 22 May 1869 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 6 March

1937 in Ashe Co, NC at age 67.Ellen married Larkin Monroe Ray [MRIN: 61879] (d. 30 April 1936).

114. William Greer (Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in December 1823 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 17 May 1901 in Prestonburg, Floyd Co,KY at age 77.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. William Greer age

26 NC farmerElvira age 22 NCCalvin age 1 Isaac age 20 NC (this is his brother and Barbry is his wife)Barbry age 15 NCdwelling 1365 his father in dwelling 136429 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Elvira Greer [MRIN: 61686], daughter of Jesse Greer, Sr and Mary PollyMorris, before 1849 in Ashe Co, NC. Elvira was born on 16 February 1830 in Ashe Co, NCand died in October 1898 in Pike Co, KY at age 68.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (78)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


(Duplicate Line. See Person 49)

115. James J. Greer (Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inAugust 1827 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 3 February 1912 in Pike Co, KY at age 84.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 11 June 1860 in District, Pike Co, KY. James Greer age

32 laborer 50ppFanny age32 NC

• He appeared on the census on 17 June 1880 in District 96, Pikeville, Pike Co, KY.James J. Greer age 52 NC farmerFrances age 52 NCJames age 17 KY works farmHannabretta age 14 KYMonroe age 20 KY farm labor29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 2 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY.James W. Greer Aug 1827 NCFrancis Dec 1877 m50 7 children 5 livingJames Sept 1862 KYJane Aug 1868 KY daughter in lawdwelling 476

• He appeared on the census on 3 May 1910 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY.James W. Greer age 47 KY m2 farmerNellie age 23 KY m2 1CBurton Meade age 4 KY step sonFannie Greer age 83 NC wddwelling 18129 Nov 2001 Dorthy Grissom Mack

James married Frances Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61690] in 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Frances wasborn in December 1827 in NC and died before 3 May 1910 in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 3 May 1910 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY.

Fannie Greer age 83 NC wd 7 children 4 livingdwelling 181 living with her son James W. Greer29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 312 F i. Mary Louisa Greer was born in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 313 M ii. Monroe Greer was born in 1860 in Pike Co, KY.+ 314 M iii. James W. Greer was born in September 1862 in Pike Co, KY.

James married Jane Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61691].+ 315 F iv. Henrietta Greer was born in 1866 in Pike Co, KY.

James next married Nellie Meade, Mrs. [MRIN: 61692] before 3 May 1910 in Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (79)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Nellie was born in 1877 in KY.

The child from this marriage was:+ 316 M i. Burton Meade, (Stepson) was born in 1906 in Pike Co, KY.

116. Isaac Greer (Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1830 inAshe Co, NC and died in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Isaac Greer age 20

NC farmerBarbry age 15 NCdwelling 1365 living in home with his brother William Greer m to Elvira.His father in dwelling 1364.29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 11 June 1860 in District, Pike Co, KY. Isaac Greer age30 NC farmerBarbry age 25 NCSatre age 8 NCMary age 6 NCMarth age 4 NCdwelling 155 living with his parents29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Isaac married Barbara Younce [MRIN: 61687], daughter of Solomon Younce andSarah Sallie Rowland, before 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Barbara was born inAugust 1834 in NC and died on 26 April 1913 in Waynesburg, , KY at age 78.

Children from this marriage were:+ 317 M i. Satre Greer was born in 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 318 F ii. Mary Greer was born in 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 319 F iii. Martha Greer was born in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.

117. Levi Crittenden Greer (Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornon 13 June 1833 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 5 July 1908 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 13 June 1833 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Levi Crittenden Greer Father:

Isaac Newton Greer Mother: Nancy Norris Birth Date: 13 Jun 1833 City: Ashe State:NC Country: USA29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 11 June 1860 in District, Pike Co, KY. Levi Greer age 26NC farmingAlmira age 24 NCMarkus L age 5/12dwelling 15429 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (80)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• He appeared on the census on 5 July 1870 in District 9, Pike Co, KY PO RobinsonCreek. Levi Greer age 36 NC farmer 600 340Almira L. age 34 NCMarcus L age 11 NCIsaac N age 2 KYJohn A age 3 KYLeroy age 4/12 KYNancy Johnson age 20 KY domestic servantJoseph M. Greer age 15 NC farm labordwelling 10729 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 3 June 1880 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY. LeviGreer age 46 NC farmingIsaac N. age 15 NC farm laborJohn H age 12 KYLeroy age 10 KYNancy B age 6 KYFlorence A age 4 KYdwelling 1329 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY. LeviGreer June 1833 NC farmerCatherine March 1846 KY m19 1 childFrances Nov 1885 KYdwelling 10529 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Levi married Catherine Johnson [MRIN: 61688] on 30 March 1881 in Pike Co, KY.Catherine was born in March 1846 in KY.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 30 March 1881, Pike Co, KY. Name: Levi Greer Spouse: Catharine Johnson

Marriage Date: 30 Mar 1881 County: Pike State: KY29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 320 F i. Frances Greer was born in November 1885 in Pike Co, KY.

Levi next married Almyra Miller [MRIN: 61689] before 11 June 1860 in Pike Co, KY.Almyra was born on 15 April 1831 in Meat Camp, NC and died on 7 March 1879 in Myra,Pike Co, KY at age 47.

Children from this marriage were:+ 321 M i. Marcus De Lafayette Greer was born in February 1860 in Pike Co, KY and

died on 20 September 1935 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 75.Marcus married Drucilla Mullins [MRIN: 61702] (d. 12 November 1935) on15 May 1879 in Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (81)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 322 M ii. Isaac Newton Greer was born in February 1865 in Pike Co, KY and died on24 April 1957 in Waynesburg, Lincoln Co, KY at age 92.Isaac married Nancy Adington [MRIN: 61699] (d. After 6 June 1900) on 16September 1885 in Pike Co, KY.Isaac next married Gertrude Vanover [MRIN: 61700] on 29 April 1904 inPike Co, KY.

+ 323 M iii. John Ulysses Greer was born in May 1867 in Pike Co, KY and died inFebruary 1972 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 104.John married Minta M. Mullins [MRIN: 61705].

+ 324 M iv. Leroy Greer was born in March 1870 in Pike Co, KY.+ 325 F v. Nancy B. Greer was born in 1874 in Pike Co, KY.+ 326 F vi. Florence Angeline Greer was born in 1876 in Pike Co, KY.

118. Margaret Greer (Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1835 in Ashe Co, NC.

119. Mary Greer (Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 28 December 1848 in Watauga Co, NC, died on 15 October 1931 in Cove Creek,Watauga Co, NC at age 82, and was buried on 16 October 1931 in Zionville Baptist ChurchCem, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 15 October 1931 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Mary Greer

Gender: Female Race: White Age: 82 Birth Date: 28 Dec 1848 Birth Place: Ashe,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 15 Oct 1931 Death Location: Cove Creek,Watauga Spouse's Name: Philip Greer Father's Name: Isaac Greer Mother's Name:Nancy Norris29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Mary married Phillip Greer [MRIN: 61694], son of Franklin Greer and Charlotte RebeccaYounce, on 16 November 1864 in Watauga Co, NC. Phillip was born on 21 November 1843 inShawaneehaw, NC, died on 9 May 1941 in Sugar Grove, Watauga Co, NC at age 97, and wasburied in Zionville Baptist Church Cem, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 16 November 1864, Watagua Co, NC. ceremony performed by Rev. James


Noted events in his life were:• Civil War: 1861-1865, NC. Name: Phillip Greer Side: Confederate Regiment

State/Origin: North Carolina Regiment Name: 58 North Carolina Infantry. RegimentName Expanded: 58th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry Company: G M Rank In:Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank Out Expanded: Private FilmNumber: M230 roll 1529 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (82)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• He appeared on the census on 5 July 1870 in Dist 9, Pike Co, KY PO Robinson Creek.Philip Greer age 26 NC farmer 450 700Mary age 22 NCFranklin age 6/12 NCIsac age 72 NCNancy age 65 NCdwelling 10629 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Philip Greer age37 NCMary age 32 NCFranklin age 10 NCNancy age 7 NCAndrew age 5 NCCIcero age 2 NCCharlotte age 56 NCFranklin age 56 NC29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 2 July 1900 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. PhilipGreer Nov 1843 NC farmerMary Dec 1844 NC m36 11 children 8 livingAndy J March 1875 KY farmerCIcero W. Jan 1878 KY farmerAlice M. Sept 1884 NCThomas M. July 1888 NCHarrison F. Oct 1892 NCdwelling 9129 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 20 May 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. PhillipGreer age 66 NC farmerMary age 61 NC m45 11 children 8 livingIsaac G age 28 NC teacherHarrison age 17 NC farm laborGertie age 21 NC nieceCharlotte age 86 NC wd Motherdwelling 23929 NOv 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 22 January 1920 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.Phillip Greer age 76 NC farmerMary age 71 NCHarrison age 28 NC home farmdwelling 18229 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1930 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Philip Greer age

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (83)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


86 NC farmerMary age 81 NCdwelling 6329 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 9 May 1941 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Phillip Greer Race: White Age: 97Date of Birth: 1844 Date of Death: 9 May 1941 Death County: Watauga Death State:North Carolina Source Vendor: NC State Archives. North Carolina Deaths, 1908-6729 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 327 M i. Franklin Mark Greer was born on 6 January 1870 in Pike Co, KY and died

on 7 May 1954 in Mabel, Watauga Co, NC at age 84.+ 328 F ii. Nancy Greer was born in 1873 in Pike Co, KY.+ 329 M iii. Andrew J. Greer was born in March 1875 in Pike Co, KY.+ 330 M iv. Cicero W. Greer was born in January 1878 in Pike Co, KY.+ 331 M v. Isaac G. Greer was born in 1882 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 332 F vi. Alice M. Greer was born in September 1884 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,

NC.+ 333 M vii. Thomas M. Greer was born in July 1888 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 334 M viii. Harrison Franklin Greer was born in October 1892 in Cove Creek,

Watauga Co, NC.

120. Charlotte 'Lottie' Greer, (Father not known) (Nancy Greer, (Not Documenteddaughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1823 in Ashe Co,NC and died in August 1889 in Ashe Co, NC at age 65.

Charlotte married William Houck [MRIN: 61922] in 1844 in Ashe Co, NC. William wasborn in December 1818 in Ashe Co, NC and died in February 1891 in Ashe Co, NC at age72.

The child from this marriage was:+ 335 M i. William Alfred Houck was born in April 1861 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

December 1933 in Ashe Co, NC at age 72.William married Barbara Catherine Greer [MRIN: 61920] (d. November1918) in 1878 in Ashe Co, NC.

121. Temperance Tatum Greer (Nancy Greer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1827 in Ashe Co, NC and died in December 1916 inAshe Co, NC at age 89.

Temperance married Jacob Houck [MRIN: 61924] on 25 December 1843 in Ashe Co, NC.Jacob was born in September 1822 in Ashe Co, NC and died in November 1902 in Ashe Co,NC at age 80.

Children from this marriage were:+ 336 F i. Nancy Elizabeth Houck was born in March 1853 in Ashe Co, NC and died

in May 1949 in Ashe Co, NC at age 96.Nancy married William Kelly Greer, Rev. [MRIN: 61918] (d. January 1919)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (84)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


on 7 October 1872 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 337 F ii. Barbara Jane Houck was born on 26 December 1855 in Ashe Co, NC and

died in October 1951 in Ashe Co, NC at age 95.Barbara married John H. Gentry [MRIN: 61925] (d. April 1914) on 8October 1872 in Ashe Co, NC by Thomas Ray, Justice of Peace.

122. Isaac Younce (Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1824 in Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 4 December 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Isaac Yance age 26

NC farmerElizabeth age 26 NCElijah age 11 NCGeorge W. age 2 NCRebecca ag 5/12 NCdwelling 135919 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 4 July 1860 in District 5, Johnson Co, TN Butler. IsaacYounce age 33 NC farm labor 15Elisabeth age 34 NCEliza M. age 14 NCGeorge W. age 12 NCLouisa age 11 NCJames L. J. age 7 NCJonathan E. age 2 NCdwelling 5219 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Isaac married Elizabeth Younce, Mrs. (?) [MRIN: 63184]. Elizabeth was born in 1822 inAshe Co, NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 338 F i. Eliza M. Younce was born in 1846 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 339 M ii. George W. Younce was born in 1848 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 340 F iii. Rebecca Louisa Younce was born in July 1850 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 341 M iv. James L. J. Younce was born in 1853 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 342 M v. Jonathan E. Younce was born in 1858 in Ashe Co, NC.

123. Andrew J. Younce (Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1830 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1870 at age 40.

Andrew married Cindy Emeline Greer [MRIN: 61750], daughter of Samuel Greer andSarah 'Sallie' Church, on 5 October 1851. Cindy was born in 1828 in Watauga Co, NC anddied in 1920 at age 92.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 70)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (85)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


124. Elijah Younce, (Twin) (Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1835 in Ashe Co, NC.

125. Rhoda Younce (Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 11 July 1839 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 29 October 1917 in Oldfields, Ashe Co,NC at age 78, and was buried on the Younce family farm.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 27 April 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Rhoda

Younce age 69 NCLinda age 66 NC sisterViola age 17 NC niecedwelling 8719 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Rhoda married someone in Never Married.

126. Mary Malinda Younce (Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1842 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 17 November 1918 in Oldfields, Ashe Co,NC at age 76, and was buried on Younce family farm.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 27 April 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Linda

Younce age 66 NC living with sister Rhoda as head of housedwelling 8719 November 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Mary married someone in Never Married.

127. John Younce (Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1845 in Ashe Co, NC.

128. Andrew J. Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inFebruary 1825 in Wilkes Co, NC.

129. Alice Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornon 3 February 1827 in Jobs Cabin, Wilkes Co, NC and died on 29 May 1916 in Jobs CabinSummits, Wilkes Co, NC at age 89.

Alice married Aaron Beshears [MRIN: 63207], son of Catherine 'Catie' Beshears,. Aaronwas born on 27 December 1817 in Jobs Cabin, Wilkes Co, NC and died on 10 February 1892in Wilkes Co, NC at age 74.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 31 July 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC. Aron Beshears age 32

Wilkes Co, NC farmer 200Alice age 23Malinda age 8Martha age 6

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (86)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Catharin age 3John age 0Catherine age 49Caroline Church age 18all born in Wilkes Co, NCdwelling 3561 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC Jobs Cabin.Aaron Beshears age 42 NC farmer 800 300Aley age 33Martha age 15Catherine age 12John age 10William age 8Scott age 5Esley age 4Aley age 1Catherine age 60 motherElijah Owens age 18all born in Wilkes Co, NCdwelling 5341 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 July 1870 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NCWilkesboro. Aaron Beshears age 52 NC farmer 700 616Aley age 43 NCWilliam age 18 NCScott age 15 NCEsley age 14 NCElizabeth age 11 NCCornelius age 10 NCdwelling 48 his mother dwelling 45 and son john at dwelling 471 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Information: 1 December 2012. Apparently this guy was a real rounder. Accredited tobeing the father of several children. Will try to emunerate them when I get it together. Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Father of Aaron Beshears - information: 1 December 2012. Although she was nevermarried Catherine Beshears had three children. The first born, Aaron's father was statedin the Wilkes County, NC court Bastardy Baond minutes of 4 Feb, 1818 as beingJaamon Woody. The two following girls were suspected, but not proven to be GabrielChurch's daughters, Martha "Patsie" Beshears and Mary Beshears.1 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (87)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 343 F i. Malinda Beshears was born in 1842 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 344 F ii. Martha Beshears was born in 1844 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 345 F iii. Clarissa Catherine Beshears was born on 28 July 1846 in Jobs Cabin ,

Wilkes Co, NC and died on 28 September 1943 in Elk, Ashe Co, NC at age97.Clarissa married Henry Harrison Church [MRIN: 63395] (d. 14 January1897) on 9 March 1865 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 346 M iv. John Beshears was born on 12 January 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on29 September 1936 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 86.John married Selena Church [MRIN: 63405] (d. 10 December 1900).

+ 347 M v. William Beshears was born in 1852 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 348 M vi. Scott Beshears was born in 1855 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 349 M vii. Esley Beshears was born in 1856 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 350 F viii. Aley Beshears was born in 1859 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 351 M ix. Cornelius Beshears was born in 1860 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

130. Hiram Phillip Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1833 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in 1859 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 26.

131. Mary Owen, (Spinster) (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1834 in Jobs Cabin, Wilkes Co, NC and died on 18 March 1877 in Jobs Cabin,Wilkes Co, NC at age 43.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 11 August 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC

Jobs Cabin. Mary Owens age 26 NC spinster 25Adelaide age 3 NCWilliam age 6/12 NCdwelling 927 her father at dwelling 92630 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 23 July 1870 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. MaryOwens age 35 NCAdelaide age 13dwelling 5030 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack Lewis William Greer dwelling 51

Mary married someone.

Her children were:+ 352 F i. Adelaide Owen was born on 8 March 1857 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co,

NC, died on 18 May 1930 in Parsonville, Wilkes Co, NC at age 73, and wasburied in Purlear, Wilkes Co, NC.Adelaide married John Martin Powell [MRIN: 63409].Adelaide next married Thomas South [MRIN: 63410] before 1886 in JobsCabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 353 M ii. William Owen was born in March 1860 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (88)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


132. Phillip Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1837in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 20 July 1864 in Winchester, Frederick Co, VA at age 27.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 11 August 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC Jobs

Cabin. Philip Owens age 23 NC farmer 30 100Sarah age 40 NCCindy age 17 NCJohn age 14 NCMalinda age 14 NCALice age 1 NCdwelling 925 his father at dwelling 92630 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Civil War Enlist: 9 May 1863, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Philip Owens Residence:Wilkes County, North Carolina Occupation: Farmer Age at enlistment: 24 EnlistmentDate: 5 Sep 1863 Rank at enlistment: Private Enlistment Place: Wake County, NCState Served: North Carolina Survived the War?: No Service Record: Mustered out atWinchester, VA.Enlisted in Company K, North Carolina 53rd Infantry Regiment </cgi-bin/sse.dll?&ti=0-&db=hdsregiment&f0=160&f11=Confederacy> on 09 May 1863.Birth Date: abt 1839 Sources: North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Phillip married Sarah Owen, Mrs. [MRIN: 63407].

The child from this marriage was:+ 354 F i. Alice Owen was born in 1859 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

133. Benjamin Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1840 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 14 November 1861 in Killed In Civil War at age 21.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 11 August 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC Jobs

Cabin. Ben Owens age 20 day labor 12Violette Wilcox age 26dwelling 928 his father at dwelling 92630 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Civil War Enlist: 1 November 1861-14 November 1861, Ashe Co, NC. WarSoldier Records and Profiles <> about Benjamin OwensntblName:Benjamin Owensntbl Residence:Ashe County, North CarolinantblOccupation:Farmerntbl Age at enlistment:21ntbl Enlistment Date:27 Aug1861ntbl Rank at enlistment:Privatentbl Enlistment Place:Ashe County, NCntblState Served:North Carolinantbl Survived the War?:Nontbl ServiceRecord:Enlisted in Company A, North Carolina 37th Infantry Regiment on 01 Nov1861. Mustered out on 14 Nov 1861. ntbl Birth Date:abt 1840ntbl Sources:North

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (89)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster

Benjamin married Violette Wilcox [MRIN: 63402], daughter of Elijah Wilcox andUnknown,. Violette was born in 1836.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in 1860 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Unable to identify

Violett Wilcox after the 1860 census30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

134. Elijah Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1842in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 7 May 1909 in Ashe Co, NC at age 67.

135. Barnet Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1844 in Wilkes Co, NC.

136. Rhody Owen (Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1844 in Wilkes Co, NC.

137. Hiram Jones (Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June1823 in Ashe Co, NC and died in December 1899 in Watauga Co, NC at age 76.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 9 September 1850 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Hiram

Jones age 26 NC farmer 100Sarah age 23 NCEnoch F age 1 NCElcany Musgraves age 16 TN farmerdwelling 96 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 28 July 1860 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN PO Trade.Hiram Jones age 37 NC farmer 700 725Sarah age 33 NCEnoch F age 11 NCElizabeth C age 9 TNFrancis L age 8 TNJohn C age 4 TNMartha age 1 TNWilliam age 22 TNdwelling 426 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 13 July 1870 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN PO Trade.Hiram Jones age 47 NC farmer 800 400Sarah age 43 NCFannie L age 18 GNJohn C. age 14 TN

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (90)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Martha E age 12 TNSarah E age 8 TNWilliam G age 5 TNHiram S age 4 TNdwelling 626 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Hiram married Sarah Musgrave [MRIN: 61984], daughter of Enoch B. Musgrave andElizabeth Musgrave, Mrs.,. Sarah was born in December 1826 in NC and died on 10February 1872 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN at age 45.

Children from this marriage were:+ 355 M i. Enoch F. Jones was born in 1849 in NC.+ 356 F ii. Elizabeth C Jones was born in 1851 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 357 F iii. Francis L. Jones was born in 1852 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 358 M iv. John C. Jones was born in 1856 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 359 F v. Martha E. Jones was born in 1859 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 360 F vi. Sarah E. Jones was born in October 1862 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died

in February 1927 in Preston, King Co, WA at age 64.Sarah married George Greer, (Not Documented) [MRIN: 61987] on 6December 1877 in Johnson Co, TN.Sarah next married George A. Fritts [MRIN: 61986] (d. 23 December 1920)in 1882 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN.

+ 361 M vii. William G. Jones was born in 1864 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 362 M viii. Hiram S. Jones was born in 1866 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

138. Jesse Jones (Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1830in Ashe Co, NC.

139. Sarah Jones (Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1833in Ashe Co, NC.

140. William Jones (Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1839 in Johnson Co, TN.

141. Jesse F. Greer (Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23 May1827 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 22 July 1864 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 37.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 22 July 1865 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC. Name: Jesse Greer Residence:

Caldwell County, North Carolina Enlistment Date: 2 Jul 1863 Enlistment Place:Caldwell County, North Carolina Side Served: Confederacy State Served: NorthCarolina Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 2 July 1863 at the age of 36.Enlisted in Company B, 2nd Cavalry Regiment North Carolina on 22 Jul 1864 atSalisbury, NC Hospital.Sources: 16

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (91)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Jesse married Martha Eads Carlton [MRIN: 7544] on 10 December 1847 in Wilkes Co, NC.Martha was born on 15 August 1830 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 9 November 1923 inCaldwell Co, NC at age 93.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 6 June 1880 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC. Martha

E. Greer age 49 NCMartha V. age 20 NCSarah M age 18 NCJames A. McGee age 21 NC laborerdwelling 22 next door dwelling 21 is Hiram Lafayette Greer24 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 363 F i. Martha V. Greer was born on 29 April 1860 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co,

NC.+ 364 F ii. Sarah M. Greer was born on 29 November 1861 in Kings Creek, Caldwell

Co, NC and died on 26 February 1962 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 100.

142. Ruth Greer (Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 14November 1827 in Wilkes Co, NC.

143. Edmond Greer (Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23October 1829 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in 1900 at age 71.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 27 October 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC. Edmond Greer age

21 Wilkes Co, NC living with his parentsdwelling 175423 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

144. Elizabeth Greer (Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1832 inWilkes Co, NC.

Elizabeth married Gilson Hendrix [MRIN: 62935] on 1 November 1847 in Wilkes Co, NC.Gilson was born in 1827 in NC.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 1 November 1847, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Gilson Hendrix Spouse: Elizabeth

Greer Marriage Date: 1 Nov 1847 Marriage county: Wilkes Marriage State: NorthCarolina Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake23 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

145. William Greer (Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1834 inWilkes Co, NC.

146. Hiram Lafayette Greer (Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 7January 1840 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 7 August 1892 in Caldwell Co, NC at age 52.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (92)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• Civil War: 19 May 1862-4 April 1864, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Hiram L Greer

Residence: Wilkes County, North Carolina Age at enlistment: 21 Enlistment Date: 19May 1862 Rank at enlistment: 2nd Lieut Enlistment Place: Wilkes County, NC StateServed: North Carolina Survived the War?: Yes Service Record: Commissioned anofficer in Company B, North Carolina 55th Infantry Regiment </cgi-bin/sse.dll?&ti=0-&db=hdsregiment&f0=162&f11=Confederacy> on 30 May 1862.Mustered out on 04 Apr 1864.Birth Date: abt 1841 Sources: North Carolina Troops 1861-65, A Roster23 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1870 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC. Hiram L.reer age 28 NC farmer 2500 8--Cornelia age 23 NCWilliam L. age 2 NC twinLily C. age 2 NC twinKelly Horton age 12 NC farm laborAnn Dula age 13 NC domestic servantdwelling 2224 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1880 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC. LafayetteH. Greer age 39 NC farmerCornelia C. age 32 NCCornelia L. age 11 NC twinWilliam L. age 11 NC twinIda L. age 7 NCThomas age 4 NCCora G. age 1 NCLoucinda C. Isbell age 69 NC mother in lawdwelling 21 23 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Hiram married Cornelia Caroline Isbell [MRIN: 62936], daughter of Thomas Isbell andLucinda C. Petty, on 17 April 1867 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC. Cornelia was born in1848 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 17 April 1867, Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Cornelia C. Isbell

Gender: Female Spouse: H. Greer Spouse Gender: Male Marriage Date: 17 Apr 1867Marriage county: Caldwell Marriage State: North Carolina Source: Record of thismarriage may be found at the Family23 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 365 F i. Cornelia L. Greer, Twin was born in 1869 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co,

NC.+ 366 M ii. William L. Greer, Twin was born in 1869 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.+ 367 F iii. Ida L. Greer was born in 1873 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (93)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 368 M iv. Thomas Greer was born in 1876 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.+ 369 F v. Cora G. Greer was born in 1879 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

147. Emeline Greer (Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 5October 1826 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 20 May 1859 at age 32.

148. Caroline Nancy Greer (Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 10 December 1828 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 8 September 1911 in Ashe Co,NC at age 82.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 11 October 1870 in Laurel, Ashe Co, NC PO North

Fork. Caroline WILSON age 37 NC 1000 500Mary J age 18 NCJohn W age 15 NCMartha E age 13 NCRobert B age 10 NCWilliam J age 4 NCSarah M age 4 NC (age incorrect, she is age 14 here - correction from GlennHOLLIMAN descendant on 22 July 2010) Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

Caroline married Isaac Wilson, Lt [MRIN: 59087], son of Hiram Wilson and NancySmith,. Isaac was born on 15 December 1822 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 16 June 1864 inAshe Co, NC at age 41.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 16 June 1864 in Ashe Co, NC. This from Glenn HOLLIMAN,

descendant on 22 July 2010: "In his memoirs, Uncle William describes thebushwacking of his father by Union sympathizers on 16 June 1864 while out plowinghis field. My great grandmother, Frances, was a few steps behind him when threeshots hit her father. The murder set off a period of revenge and neighbor feudsresulting in more widows and vigilante violence as law and order had broken downduring the war."

Children from this marriage were:+ 370 F i. Frances Caroline Wilson was born on 20 January 1851 and died after 8

January 1920 in living Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN.Frances married George Washington Osborne, Jr [MRIN: 59089] (d. 1927)on 6 January 1867 in Ashe Co, NC (NC Marriage Record).

+ 371 F ii. Mary J Wilson was born in 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 372 M iii. John W Wilson was born in 1855 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 373 F iv. Sarah M Wilson was born in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 374 F v. Martha E Wilson was born in 1857 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 375 M vi. Robert B Wilson was born in 1860 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 376 M vii. William A Wilson, The Rev was born in 1861 in Wilson Cove, near

Sutherland, Ashe Co, NC and died in 1951 at age 90.William married Mary Amelia McClellan, Methodist Missionary [MRIN:59095].

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (94)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


149. Wilburn H Greer (Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 19 October 1833 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27 February 1925 in Banner Elk,Avery Co, NC at age 91.

150. Mahala Greer (Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1834 inAshe Co, NC.

151. Margaret A Greer (Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 8 October 1842 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 24 April 1891 in Watauga, WataugaCo, NC at age 48.

152. Mary Greer (Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 9 October1842 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 7 February 1889 in Ashe Co, NC at age 46.

153. Martha Jane Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 2August 1846 in Ashe Co, NC.

154. Mary Jane Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inOctober 1848 in Ashe Co, NC.

155. William Franklin Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on23 June 1850 in Ashe Co, NC.

156. Henry M Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 5January 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.

157. Ellen Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1854 inAshe Co, NC.

158. Charles W Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 2November 1855 in Ashe Co, NC.

159. Margaret E Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inNovember 1857 in Ashe Co, NC.

160. Martitia A Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May1860 in Ashe Co, NC.

161. Caroline Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1862 inNC.

162. Thomas Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1864 inNC.

163. Julia Elizabeth Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 5 July 1874 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 8 October 1968 in Cove Creek,Watauga Co, NC at age 94.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (95)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Julia married Roby Spencer Shook [MRIN: 54825], son of John Alexander Shook andRebecca Jane Calloway, on 14 November 1895 in Watagua Co, NC. Roby was born on 13April 1874 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 4 May 1951 in Watauga Co, NC at age 77.

General Notes: 28 April 1910 Beech Mountain, Watauga Co, NCRoby SHOOK age 36 NC FarmerJulie age 36 NC m14 6/6Daris age 13 NC farm labor home farmCrestes age 11 NC son farm labor home farmMamie age 9 OK dau farm labor home farmClarence age 5NC sonClara age 5 NC dauLassie 10/12 NC 1920 Beech Mountain, Avery Co, NCRoby S age 47 NC FarmerJulie age 45 NCThomas age 15 NC farm laborClare age 15 NC farm laborLassie age 10 NCDaris STOUT age 23 NC married dau 1930 Beech Mountain, Avery Co, NCRoby S age 55 NC FarmerJulia E age 55 NC

Children from this marriage were:+ 377 F i. Doris Ella Shook was born on 2 November 1896 in Watauga Co, NC.

Doris married Lute B Stout [MRIN: 54827].+ 378 M ii. Virgil Creates Shook was born on 15 August 1898 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 379 F iii. Mamie Ann Shook was born on 3 October 1900 in OK (Per 1910 Census).

Mamie married Howard McGuire [MRIN: 54828].+ 380 M iv. Clarence Thomas Shook, (Twin) was born in 1905 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 381 F v. Mary Clara Shook, (Twin) was born in 1905 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 382 F vi. Lassie Leah Shook was born in 1909 in Watauga Co, NC.

164. James Madison Greer (Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inJohnson Co, TN.

165. Phillip Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on21 November 1843 in Shawaneehaw, NC, died on 9 May 1941 in Sugar Grove, Watauga Co,NC at age 97, and was buried in Zionville Baptist Church Cem, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• Civil War: 1861-1865, NC. Name: Phillip Greer Side: Confederate Regiment

State/Origin: North Carolina Regiment Name: 58 North Carolina Infantry. RegimentName Expanded: 58th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry Company: G M Rank In:Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank Out Expanded: Private Film

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (96)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Number: M230 roll 1529 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 5 July 1870 in Dist 9, Pike Co, KY PO Robinson Creek.Philip Greer age 26 NC farmer 450 700Mary age 22 NCFranklin age 6/12 NCIsac age 72 NCNancy age 65 NCdwelling 10629 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Philip Greer age37 NCMary age 32 NCFranklin age 10 NCNancy age 7 NCAndrew age 5 NCCIcero age 2 NCCharlotte age 56 NCFranklin age 56 NC29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 2 July 1900 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. PhilipGreer Nov 1843 NC farmerMary Dec 1844 NC m36 11 children 8 livingAndy J March 1875 KY farmerCIcero W. Jan 1878 KY farmerAlice M. Sept 1884 NCThomas M. July 1888 NCHarrison F. Oct 1892 NCdwelling 9129 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 20 May 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. PhillipGreer age 66 NC farmerMary age 61 NC m45 11 children 8 livingIsaac G age 28 NC teacherHarrison age 17 NC farm laborGertie age 21 NC nieceCharlotte age 86 NC wd Motherdwelling 23929 NOv 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 22 January 1920 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.Phillip Greer age 76 NC farmerMary age 71 NCHarrison age 28 NC home farm

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (97)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


dwelling 18229 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1930 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Philip Greer age86 NC farmerMary age 81 NCdwelling 6329 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 9 May 1941 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Phillip Greer Race: White Age: 97Date of Birth: 1844 Date of Death: 9 May 1941 Death County: Watauga Death State:North Carolina Source Vendor: NC State Archives. North Carolina Deaths, 1908-6729 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Phillip married Mary Greer [MRIN: 61694], daughter of Isaac Newton Greer andNancy Norris, on 16 November 1864 in Watauga Co, NC. Mary was born on 28December 1848 in Watauga Co, NC, died on 15 October 1931 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,NC at age 82, and was buried on 16 October 1931 in Zionville Baptist Church Cem, Zionville,Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 16 November 1864, Watagua Co, NC. ceremony performed by Rev. James


Noted events in her life were:• She died on 15 October 1931 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Mary Greer

Gender: Female Race: White Age: 82 Birth Date: 28 Dec 1848 Birth Place: Ashe,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 15 Oct 1931 Death Location: Cove Creek,Watauga Spouse's Name: Philip Greer Father's Name: Isaac Greer Mother's Name:Nancy Norris29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

(Duplicate Line. See Person 119)

166. Mary Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1845.

Mary married William Reece [MRIN: 61695] before 1884 in KY. William was born inJanuary 1844 in NC and died in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 5 June 1900 in Magisterial Dist 2, Pike Co, KY. William

Reece Jan 1844 NCMary July 1845 NC 9 children 7 living m33Della A. Jan 1884 KYLee Morris Aug 1866 NC boarder school teacherCharlotte Greer Aug 1823 NC 7 children 6 livingdwelling 145

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (98)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

167. Kelly Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1846 inWatagua Co, NC and died before 12 August 1860 in Watagua Co, NC.

168. Sally Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1848 inCove Creek, NC.

169. Andrew Hugh Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inNovember 1849 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 5 September 1870 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC PO

Sugar Creek. Andrew Greer age 20 NC farmerMary age 18 NCdwelling 88 his father at dwelling 8730 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 19 July 1900 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. HughGreer Nov 1849 NCAlice R. Oct 1859 NCCharles H. Feb 1882 NCWilliam P. Oct 1883 NCMonroe F. July 1886 NCEugene L. 1891 NCIvy C. Sept 1894 NCHettie L. June 1897 NCdwelling 31119 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Andrew married Mary Polly Wilson [MRIN: 61697] in 1869 in Watauga Co, NC. Mary wasborn in 1851 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC, died on 24 February 1879 in Watagua Co, NCat age 28, and was buried in Pleasant Cem, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

The child from this marriage was:+ 383 M i. George C. Greer was born in 1874 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

Andrew next married Rachel Alice Fritts [MRIN: 63181], daughter of Reuben Fritts andKiziah Cress, on 20 October 1879 in Watauga Co, NC. Rachel was born on 16 October 1859in Johnson Co, TN and died on 2 March 1951 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 91.

Noted events in her life were:• Finda A Grave: 1951, Watauga Co, NC.

about Alice Fritts GreerntblName:Alice Fritts Greerntbl Birth Date:1859ntbl Age at Death:92ntbl DeathDate:1951ntbl Burial Place:Watauga County, North Carolina, USAntblURL:

• She died on 2 March 1951 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Rachel Alice

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (99)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Greer[Rachel Alice Fritts] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 91 Birth Date: 16 Oct 1859Birth Place: Johnson, Tennessee, United States Death Date: 2 Mar 1951 DeathLocation: Cove Creek, Watauga Father's Name: Rubin Fritts Mother's Name: KaziahCress Residence: Cove Creek, Watauga, North Carolina19 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 384 F i. Charlotte L. Greer was born in February 1882 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,

NC.Charlotte married Niley Thomas Byers [MRIN: 63180].

+ 385 M ii. William P. Greer was born in October 1883 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,NC.

+ 386 M iii. Monroe F. Greer was born in July 1886 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 387 M iv. Eugene L. Greer was born in 1891 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 388 M v. Ivy C. Greer was born in September 1894 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 389 F vi. Hettie L. Greer was born in June 1897 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

170. John Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1853 inZionville, Watauga Co, NC and died in 1902 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 49.

171. William Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1855 inCove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

172. George Greer (Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January1860 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 15 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY.

George Greer Jan 1860 NC farmerClarisia May 1864 NC m16 8 children 5 livingGertrude Oct 1887 NCBell March 1890 NCMyrtle Oct 1894 KYMay Nov 1896 KYElizabeth Sept 1899 KYdwelling 51330 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

George married Clarice Isaacs [MRIN: 61698] on 9 September 1883 in Johnson Co, KY.Clarice was born in May 1864 in NC.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 9 September 1883, Johnson Co, KY. Name: Clarissa Isaacs Spouse: George

Greer Marriage Date: 9 Sep 1883 Marriage County: Johnson30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (100)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 390 F i. Gertrude Dora Greer was born on 29 October 1888 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 391 F ii. Bell Greer was born in March 1890 in NC.+ 392 F iii. Myrtle Greer was born in October 1894 in Pike Co, KY.+ 393 F iv. May Greer was born in November 1896 in Pike Co, KY.+ 394 F v. Elizabeth Greer was born in September 1899 in Pike Co, KY.

173. Calvin Greer (Elvira Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1849in Ashe Co, NC.

174. Larkin Greer (Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1841.

175. Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer (Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1846 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN, died on 24 December 1931 in WataugaCo, NC at age 85, and was buried in Union Church Cem, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

Martha married Solomon Younce [MRIN: 63162], son of John Younce and HannahLaurance, in 1871 in Watauga Co, NC (Not documented). Solomon was born on 24 August1842 in Watauga Co, NC, died on 20 February 1922 in Mable, Watauga Co, NC at age 79,and was buried in Union Cemetery.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 27 July 1860 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN Trade.

Solomon Younce age 18 NC farm laborbrother of Sabra Younce17 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 13 July 1870 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN Trade.Solomon Younce age 27 NC farm labor 100Malinda age 29 NCJane age 13 NCRachel age 6 NCJohn age 4 NCAbraham J S age 3 NCHannah E age 1 TNdwelling 7918 November 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Bastardy Court: April 1872, Johnson Co, TN. County Court Aprl Term 1872State & Chany Trivett}vs}Solomon Younce}BastardyIn this Cause Solomon Younce having been Solemny called to come into Court as hewas this day bound to do to answer the State of Tennessee and Chany Trivett on acharge of Bastardy Exhibition against him, Came not but makes default. It is thereforeConsidered by the Court, that the said Solomon Younce for the default aforesaid doforfeit and pay the State of Tennessee the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (101)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


according to the term of effect of his reconizance entered into in this Court at the lastterm thereof unless he shows good cause to the County and that Scia Facias issueagainst him to appear at the next term of this Court and show cause if any he has whythis Judgement should not be made final 18 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Laurel, Ashe Co, NC. Solomon Younce age38 NC farmerMartha age 34 TNGeorge R. age 9 NCJames H age 7 NCAnnie age 5 NCWilliam C. age 3 NCGeorge W. age 2 NCHannah age 11 NCdwelling 8818 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 3 July 1900 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. SolomonYounce Aug 1842 NCMartha E. Aug 1846 TN m29 9 children 8 livingMary E. Aug 1884 TNCharles L. Sept 1886 NCdwelling 9418 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 15 April 1910 in Beech Mountain, Watauga Co, NC.Solomon Younce age 66 NC farmerMartha age 63 TN m37 8 children 7 livingCharlie age 22 NC farm labordwelling 1 and son William C. Younce age 38 living at dwelling 2.18 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 20 February 1922 in Mabel, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Salomon YaunceGender: Male Race: White Age: 79 Birth Date: 24 Aug 1842 Birth Place: Watauga,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 20 Feb 1922 Death Location: Mabel,Watauga Spouse's Name: Martha Yaunce Father's Name: John Yaunce Mother's Name:Hannah Lawrence17 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 395 M i. George Robert Younce was born on 10 September 1871 in Zionville,

Watauga Co, NC and died on 22 February 1939 in AL at age 67.+ 396 F ii. Ann Younce was born in January 1875.+ 397 M iii. William C. Younce was born in August 1876, died in 1925 in Elizabethton,

Carter Co, TN at age 49, and was buried in 1925 in Zionville, Watauga Co,NC.William married Eliza Jane Reece [MRIN: 63167] (d. 15 May 1955) before

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (102)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


December 1894.+ 398 M iv. George Washington Younce was born in October 1878.+ 399 M v. Henry Jefferson Younce was born in August 1882 and died on 24 June 1974

at age 91.+ 400 F vi. Mary Younce was born in September 1884.+ 401 M vii. Charles Luther Younce was born in September 1886 in Watauga Co, NC

and died in March 1965 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC at age 78.

176. Eveline Greer (Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inDecember 1854 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died on 12 September 1901 at age 46.

177. William M. Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1836 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 29 August 1860 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC.

William W. Greer age 24 NC living with his parentsdwelling 5045 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 27 July 1870 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC PO Boone.William Greer age 34 NC works farm living with his parents5 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC. William M Greerage 44 NC works farm living with his parentsdwelling 455 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

178. Vincent Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1840 in Watagua Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 29 August 1860 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC PO

Stony Fork & Rotherwood. Vincent age 20 NC living with his parents5 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

179. Newton Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1843 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 26 February 1934 in Watauga Co, NC at age 91.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 29 August 1860 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC Stony

FOrk & Rotherwood. Newton Greer age 17 NC living with his parentsdwelling 50426 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Newton married Elizabeth Wheeler [MRIN: 62118] on 29 October 1863 in Wilkes Co, NC.Elizabeth was born in 1849 in NC, died on 25 November 1933 at age 84, and was buried inRymer Cem, Triplett, , NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (103)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 402 F i. Sarah Jane Greer was born in 1865 in NC and died in Missouri City, Fort

Bend Co, TX.+ 403 F ii. Alice Greer was born in 1868 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 404 F iii. Amanda A. Greer was born in 1868 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 405 M iv. Jasper Greer was born in 1869 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 406 F v. Julia Ann Greer was born in 1871 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 22 March

1959 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 88.+ 407 M vi. Larkin Greer was born in July 1873 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 408 M vii. Albert Greer was born in 1875 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 21

September 1970 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 95.

180. Catherine Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1845 in Watauga Co, NC.

181. Louisa Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1847 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 31 July 1928 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC at age 81.

182. Milley Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1849 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC.

183. Ann Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inNovember 1850 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC.

184. Elizabeth Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1853 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC.

185. Shadrack H. Greer (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in August 1856 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 4 July 1930 in Watauga Co, NCat age 73.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 29 August 1860 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC PO

Stony Fork & Rotherwood. Shadrack Greer age 4 NC living with his parentsdwelling 5045 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC. Shade Greer age 22NC works famr living with his parentsdwelling 455 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1900 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC. Shaderach H. Greer Aug1856 NC living with his fatherdwelling 595 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

186. Joseph S. Greer, Grandson (Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (104)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


was born in March 1873 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC. Joseph Greer age 7

NC grandsondwelling 455 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

187. Sarah A. Winkler (Mary Greer 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1844 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 6 January 1915 in Watauga Co, NC at age 71.

Sarah married Riley Greer [MRIN: 62123], son of John Greer and Lucinda Kemp,.Riley was born in December 1840 in Watauga Co, NC and died in 1900 in Watauga Co, NCat age 60.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in September 1850 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC. Riley

Greer age 9 NC living with his parentsdwelling 34126 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 409 M i. George W. Greer was born in October 1874 in Watauga Co, NC and died on

14 January 1955 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 80.George married Lucretia Moore [MRIN: 62124] (d. 30 November 1973)before 1894 in Watauga Co, NC.

188. Riley Greer (John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December1840 in Watauga Co, NC and died in 1900 in Watauga Co, NC at age 60.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in September 1850 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC. Riley

Greer age 9 NC living with his parentsdwelling 34126 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Riley married Sarah A. Winkler [MRIN: 62123], daughter of Isaac Winkler and MaryGreer,. Sarah was born in 1844 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 6 January 1915 in Watauga Co,NC at age 71.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 187)

189. David Greer (John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1843 inWatauga Co, NC and died on 10 March 1863 in Knoxville, Knox Co, TN at age 20.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in September 1850 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC. David

Greer age 10 NC living with his parentsdwelling 341

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (105)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


26 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

190. Elvira E. Greer (John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1845in NC.

191. Sarah L. Greer (John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1847in NC.

192. James Calvin Greer (John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inJanuary 1848 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 29 August 1860 in Blue Ridge, Watauga Co, NC Stony

FOrk & Rotherwood. James C. Greer age 10 NC living with his parentsdwelling 51026 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC. James C. Greer age 28 NC(This age not correct)Lucy A. age 41 NCMary J age 12 NCAllie L. E. age 10 NCJohn W. age 5 NCLucinda age 4 NCAdalaid M. age 2 NCdwelling 13 living ag dwelling is Joseph Greer age 23 NC26 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

James married Lucy Anna Simmons [MRIN: 62119] in 1867 in Watauga Co, NC. Lucy wasborn in August 1844 in NC and died in 1907 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 63.

Children from this marriage were:+ 410 F i. Mary J. Greer was born in 1868 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 411 F ii. Allie Louella E. Greer was born in 1870 in Watagua Co, NC.+ 412 M iii. John W. Greer was born in May 1875 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 413 F iv. Lucinda Greer was born in 1878 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 414 F v. Adalaid M. Greer was born in January 1879 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 415 M vi. Joseph G. Greer was born in August 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC.+ 416 F vii. Crecie Greer was born in June 1885 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC.+ 417 M viii. Henry B. Greer was born in October 1886 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC.

193. William McGuire (Sarah 'Sally' Greer 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1849 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC.

194. Leander Webster McGuire (Sarah 'Sally' Greer 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 9 July 1860 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co, NC and died on 10 June 1947 in BeechMountain, Avery Co, NC at age 86.

Leander married Nancy Louise Trivet [MRIN: 54811], daughter of Thomas Trivet and

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (106)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Susan Cook, on 10 August 1879 in Shawneehaw, Watauga Co, NC. Nancy was born on 6February 1864 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 5 May 1947 in Beech Mountain, Avery Co,NC at age 83.

The child from this marriage was:+ 418 M i. Howard McGuire was born in 1880 in Watauga Co, NC.

Howard married Mamie Ann Shook [MRIN: 54828].

(Duplicate Line. See Person 379)

195. Elizabeth Trivett (Rachel Greer 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inDecember 1830 in Ashe Co, NC.

196. Thomas Trivett (Rachel Greer 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1832in Ashe Co, NC and died on 24 June 1864 at age 32.

197. Sidney Trivett (Rachel Greer 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1833 inAshe Co, NC and died in 1903 at age 70.

198. Mary Trivett (Rachel Greer 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1838 inAshe Co, NC and died in 1908 at age 70.

199. Rhoda Trivett (Rachel Greer 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 10May 1845 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27 July 1942 in Ashe Co, NC at age 97.

200. Asa Trivett (Rachel Greer 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1853 inAshe Co, NC and died in 1923 at age 70.

201. Sarah Greer (Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1844 inTrade, Johnson Co, TN.

202. Benjamin Franklin Greer (Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in March 1847 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN, died on 10 January 1917 in Cove Creek,Watauga Co, NC at age 69, and was buried in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 July 1860 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN PO Trade.

Benjamin F. Greer age 13 TN living with his parentsdwelling 406 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. B. F. Greer age33 TN farmingRebecca age 31 TNMary A. age 12 TNMarthy E. age 10 TNHannah L. age 8 TNJohn M. age 6 TN

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (107)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Benjamin C. age 3. TNCharley A. age 1 TNdwelling 7719 his father dwelling 771816 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 12 June 1900 in Civil District 9, Johnson Co, TN.Benjamin F. Greer March 1847 TN farmerRebecca Jan 1849 NC m32 11/10Ettie M. June 1885 TNMaggie V. Dec 1887 TNGeorge M. Sept 1890 TNdwelling 1136 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in May 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. BenjamiNF. Greer age 63 TN father in law living with daughter Mary and husband WilliamDavenportdwelling 21216 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 10 January 1917 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: BenjaminFranklin Greer Gender: Male Race: White Age: 69 Birth Date: 13 Mar 1847 BirthPlace: Tennessee, United States Death Date: 10 Jan 1917 Death Location: Cove Creek,Watauga Father's Name: Benjamin Greer Mother's Name: Elizabeth Reese16 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Benjamin married Rebecca Younce [MRIN: 61988], daughter of John Younce and HannahLaurance, on 26 October 1866 in Johnson Co, TN. Rebecca was born in 1848 in Ashe Co, NCand died on 22 April 1930 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 82.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 26 October 1866, Johnson Co, TN. Name: Rebecca Zounce Spouse: Franklin

Greer Marriage Date: 26 Oct 1866 Marriage County: Johnson16 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 27 May 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Mrs.

Rebecca Greer age 61 wd 10 children 10 living(Note that Benjamin F. Greer is on 1910 census with daughter Mary Greer Davenport.Each say they are widowed)Maggie Roten age 21 dauNellie age 3 gdaudwelling 27716 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 419 F i. Mary A. Greer was born in 1868 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died on 11

November 1942 in Van Buren Co, AR at age 74.Mary married William Davenport [MRIN: 63126].

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (108)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 420 F ii. Martha E. Greer was born in October 1869 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 421 F iii. Hannah L. Greer was born in 1872 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 422 M iv. John M. Greer was born in 1874 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 423 M v. Benjamin Carroll Greer was born in September 1876 in Trade, Johnson Co,

TN and died in July 1966 in Eugene, Lane Co, Or at age 89.Benjamin married Laura A. Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61989].

+ 424 M vi. Charles Alfred Greer was born on 7 December 1879 in Trade, Johnson Co,TN and died on 2 April 1955 in Sugar Cove, Watauga Co, NC at age 75.Charles married Alice Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 63127].

+ 425 F vii. Ettie M. Greer was born in June 1885 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 426 F viii. Maggie V. Greer was born in December 1887 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.+ 427 M ix. George M. Greer was born in September 1890 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

203. Mary Elizabeth Greer (Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inOctober 1849 in Johnson Co, TN and died in January 1944 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 94.

Mary married Alvin Wilcox [MRIN: 61915], son of William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. andLavina 'Vinney' Baker Hatten, in April 1866 in Ashe Co, NC. Alvin was born in July 1841in Ashe Co, NC and died on 17 January 1917 in Shady Valley, Johnson Co, TN at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• Civil War: 1861-1865, NC. Name: Alvin Wilcox Side: Confederate Regiment

State/Origin: North Carolina Regiment Name: 5 Batt'n. North Carolina Cavalry.Regiment Name Expanded: 5th Battalion, North Carolina Cavalry Company: D RankIn: Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank Out Expanded: PrivateAlternate Name: Alvin/Willcoxen Film Number: M230 roll 42

• He appeared on the census on 13 February 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (PineSwamp). Alvin Wilcox July 1841 NC farmerMary Oct 1849 NC m34 7 children 6 livingJohn Feb 1876 NCJamanus W. May 1882 VA dau in lawFrancis H. Sept 1896 NCWilliam H. Moody Nov 1862 TN farm labor son in lawVirginia A. April 1873 NC 4 children 3 livingJohn A Moody Dec 1892 NC grandsonSamuel D. Moody Jan 1895 NC grandsonMatthew M. Moody Feb 1900 NC grandsondwelling 1830 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in District 0030, Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. AlvinWilcox age 68 NC farmerMary age 44 7children 6 livingJohn age 34 NC farm laborHester age 13 NCdwelling 12930 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (109)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 428 M i. John W. Wilcox was born in February 1876 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 429 F ii. Elizabeth Lethia Wilcox was born in February 1868 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 430 M iii. William Benjamin Wilcox was born in October 1871 in Ashe Co, NC and

died in March 1959 in Ashe Co, NC at age 87.William married Vinia Baker [MRIN: 61923] (d. September 1952) before1890 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 431 F iv. Virginia America Wilcox was born in April 1871 in Ashe Co, NC.Virginia married William H. Moody [MRIN: 61917] before December 1896in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 432 M v. James M. Wilcox was born in May 1882 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 433 M vi. James Matthew Wilcox was born in May 1882 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

1912 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at age 30.James married Sarah A. Jones [MRIN: 61931] (d. February 1934) on 23November 1907 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 434 F vii. Frances Hester Wilcox was born in September 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co,NC and died in October 1935 at age 39.

204. Wilburn Greer (Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1854 inTrade, Johnson Co, TN.

205. James W. Greer (Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1851 inNC.

206. James Greer (Alexander 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1839.

James married Edith Perry [MRIN: 54888].

The child from this marriage was:+ 435 M i. Wiley Thomas Greer was born on 7 May 1876.

Wiley married Alice Millie Shepherd [MRIN: 54889].

207. Alexander Greer (Alexander 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1837and died in 1919 at age 82.

Alexander married Nancy Osborne [MRIN: 63199] on 20 March 1859 in Johnson Co, TN.Nancy was born on 4 October 1843 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 15 October 1934 in JohnsonCo, TN at age 91.

The child from this marriage was:+ 436 M i. David M. Greer was born on 20 October 1862 in Johnson Co, TN and died

on 24 April 1939 in Johnson Co, TN at age 76.David married Susanna Potter [MRIN: 63200] (d. 29 Feb 1921) on 25February 1881 in Johnson Co, TN.

208. Elizabeth Victoria Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1849 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

209. James Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1851

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (110)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

210. William Samuel Greer, Jr. (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1854 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

211. John W. Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1856 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

212. Benjamin Thomas Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in April 1859 in Johnson Co, TN and died in April 1930 in Ashe Co, NC at age 71.

Benjamin married Cora Elizabeth Houck [MRIN: 61874] on 25 March 1880 in Ashe Co,NC. Cora was born in February 1862 in Ashe Co, NC and died in June 1957 in Ashe Co, NCat age 95.

Children from this marriage were:+ 437 M i. Joseph G. Greer was born in February 1881 in Johnson Co, TN.

Joseph married Ida L. Greer [MRIN: 62954] (d. 24 January 1957) on 20December 1905 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC.

+ 438 F ii. Flora E. Greer was born in September 1887 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 439 M iii. Jesse E. Greer was born in March 1890 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 440 F iv. Mary McCorkle Greer was born on 11 September 1892 in Johnson Co, TN

and died in 1988 in Ashe Co, NC at age 96.Mary married George Spergan Holman [MRIN: 61873] (d. January 1953)on 14 October 1910 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 441 F v. Eliza E. Greer was born in January 1895 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 442 F vi. Octa Greer was born in October 1897 in Johnson Co, TN.

213. Benjamin Thomas Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1859 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died in April 1930 in Ashe Co, NC atage 71.

214. Winfield Scott Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1862 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

215. Henry Wilson Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1868 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

216. George W. Greer (William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inOctober 1870 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

217. Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1).

218. Malinda Miley Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June1854 in Ashe Co, NC.

Malinda married Miles Winebarger [MRIN: 61756], son of Johnny Winebarger andUnknown,. Miles was born in May 1850.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (111)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


The child from this marriage was:+ 443 F i. Zora Winebarger was born on 5 November 1878 in Watauga Co, NC and

died on 10 August 1954 in Watauga Co, NC at age 75.Zora married Thomas Jefferson Greer [MRIN: 63253] (d. 1 December1962).

219. Samuel Washington Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 22 February 1856 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 26 February 1951 inWatauga Co, NC at age 95.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Samuel Greer

age 24 NC farmerMartha E. age 28 NCWilliam age 6 NC stepsonJames F. age 3 NCMaggie age 11/12 July 1879dwelling 1730 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Samuel married Martha E. McGuire [MRIN: 61757], daughter of Robert T. McGuire andSarah Walters, on 13 April 1876 in Ashe Co, NC. Martha was born on 24 July 1851 inBrownwood, Ashe Co, NC and died on 22 January 1930 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC atage 78.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 13 April 1876.

Married by Asa Brown as per Ashe County, NC Marriage 1800-1900

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 22 January 1930 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Mattie Greer

[Mattie Mcguire] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 78 Birth Date: 24 Jul 1851 BirthPlace: Brownwood, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 22 Jan 1930 DeathLocation: Stony Fork, Watauga Spouse's Name: Wife of S W Greer Father's Name:Robert Mcguire Mother's Name: Sarrah Walters30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 444 M i. James Franklin Greer was born on 2 February 1877 in Stony Fork, Watauga

Co, NC and died on 23 May 1950 in Mountain Home, Washington Co, TN atage 73.

+ 445 F ii. Maggie Rozella Greer was born on 8 July 1878 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co,NC and died on 24 August 1950 in Winston Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 72.Maggie married William Berry Miller [MRIN: 63396] (d. January 1912).

+ 446 M iii. Cicero Greer was born on 26 August 1881 in Watauga Co, NC and died on23 June 1889 in Watauga Co, NC at age 7.

+ 447 M iv. Robert Greer was born in 1883 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 31 October

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (112)

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1930 in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN at age 47.+ 448 M v. Mack Hamilton Greer was born on 28 March 1888 in Watauga Co, NC and

died 11May 1975 in Greensboro, Guilford Co, NC at age 87.

220. Andrew Gilson Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inJanuary 1859 in Watauga Co, NC and died in September 1862 in Watauga Co, NC at age 3.

221. James Hamilton Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May1862 in Ashe Co, NC and died in November 1945 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.

James married Evaline Gentry [MRIN: 61759] in 1881 in Ashe Co, NC. Evaline was born inOctober 1861 in Ashe Co, NC.

222. Sarah L. Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November1863 in Watauga Co, NC and died Pct 1946 at age 83.

Sarah married Samuel Ellis Morphews [MRIN: 61758], son of Silas Morphews and LouisaGreer,. Samuel was born in November 1859 in Watauga Co, NC.

223. Noah Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December1870 in Watauga Co, NC and died in January 1952 at age 81.

Noah married Frances Watson [MRIN: 61760]. Frances was born in January 1873 inWatauga Co, NC and died in July 1956 in Watauga Co, NC at age 83.

224. Elijah Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1871 inOldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died in February 1947 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 5 June 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Elijah Greer

Aug 1871 NC farmerNancy J. May 1871 NCm10 3 childrenSamuel E. Oct 1891 NCBessie E. Aug 1893 NCDora L. Sept 1896 NCdwelling 4823 Nov2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Elijah married Nancy Jane Jackson, (Twin) [MRIN: 61762], daughter of Jesse W. Jackson and Sarah Miller,. Nancy was born in May 1871 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co, NC and diedon 9 April 1971 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 99.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 9 April 1971 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Nancy Greer Gender:

Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed Age: 99 Date of Birth: 1872 ResidenceCounty: Watauga Date of Death: 9 Apr 1971 Death City: Boone Death County:Watauga Death State: North Carolina Autopsy: No Institution: Home Attendant:Physician Recorded Date: Apr 1961 Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. NorthCarolina Deaths, 1970-74 Certificate: 14B958

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (113)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Death Certificate: 9 April 1971, Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Nancy Jackson Greer[Nancy Jackson Jackson] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 99 Birth Date: 16 May1871 Birth Place: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 9 Apr 1971 DeathLocation: Boone, Watauga Father's Name: Jesse Jackson Mother's Name: Sallie MillerResidence: Zionville, Watauga, North Carolina23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 449 M i. Samuel Ellis Greer was born on 13 October 1891 in Oldfields, Ashe Co,

NC.Samuel married Maude Alma Peaco*ck [MRIN: 63305] (d. 16 October1981).

+ 450 F ii. Bessie E. Greer was born in August 1893 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 451 F iii. Dora L. Greer was born in September 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Dora married W. Shelton Penn [MRIN: 63306] on 12 July 1917 in WataugaCo, NC.

+ 452 M iv. Raymond Lester Greer was born on 15 December 1900 in Meat Camp,Watauga Co, NC and died on 2 August 1948 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NCat age 47.

+ 453 F v. Ruby Greer was born on 18 July 1904 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co, NC anddied on 28 July 1931 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 27.Ruby married Tyler C. Grindstaff [MRIN: 63307].

+ 454 M vi. Howard Taft Greer was born on 29 February 1908 in Watauga Co, NC anddied 28 Mary 1987 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.Howard married Bulie Rebecca Church [MRIN: 62973] (d. 2 May 1999) on30 January 1927 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

225. Thomas Riley Greer (Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March1875 in Watauga Co, NC and died in March 1960 in Caldwell Co, NC at age 85.

Thomas married Mary Seahorn [MRIN: 61763]. Mary was born in 1875.

226. Nancy Elizabeth Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1850 and died on 12 June 1923 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC at age 72.

Nancy married John Alexander Miller [MRIN: 63256]. John was born in November 1849 inNC and died in 1936 at age 87.

227. Louisa Ann Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1849 in NC and died in 1895 at age 46.

Louisa married John Richard Winebarger [MRIN: 63257], son of John Winebarger, Jr. and Mary Martha Castle,. John was born in 1851 in Watauga Co, NC.

228. Mary Elizabeth Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 5 December 1853 in NC and died on 17 November 1916 in Watsonville, SantaCruz Co, CA at age 62.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (114)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


229. Samuel C. Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 7 February 1858 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 10 June 1898 in Watauga Co,NC at age 40.

Samuel married Rebecca Cobitha Watson [MRIN: 63259], daughter of Ambrois Lee ParksWatson and Emily Eveline Hodges,. Rebecca was born on 2 June 1858 in Watauga, WataugaCo, NC and died on 25 June 1921 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 63.

230. Thomas M. Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 16 February 1859 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 29 June 1940 at age 81.

Thomas married Winsey Watson [MRIN: 63261], daughter of Ambrois Lee Parks Watson and Emily Eveline Hodges, 18778. Winsey was born on 28 August 1860 in Watauga Co, NCand died on 24 January 1941 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 80.

231. James Larkin Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 15 September 1861 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 29 June 1940 in StonyFork, Watauga Co, NC at age 78.

232. Elijah Calloway Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 15 September 1861 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 18 December 1941 inGreensboro, Guilford Co, NC at age 80.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 18 December 1941 in Greensboro, Guilford Co, NC. Name: Elijah Calloway

Greer Gender: Male Race: White Age: 74 Birth Date: 25 Dec 1866 Birth Place: NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 18 Dec 1941 Death Location: Greensboro, GuilfordSpouse's Name: Mary Walson Father's Name: Riley Greer Mother's Name: FannieWatson Residence: Greensboro, Guilford, North Carolina22 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Elijah married someone Mary A. Watson [MRIN: 63262] on 26 December 1896 in WataugaCo, NC. Mary was born in 1874 in Watagua Co, NC.

233. Rhoda Melinda Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 11 June 1867 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 11 March 1941 in Stony Fork,Watauga Co, NC at age 73.

Rhoda married Henry Patterson Greene [MRIN: 63263]. Henry was born on 15 August1860 in Wilkes Co, NC.

234. Julia M. Greer (William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 30 September 1870 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 7 March 1961 in Lenoir CaldwellCo, NC at age 90, and was buried in Watson Cemetery, Laural Springs, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• Her obituary was published in March 1961. Obit

Mar 1961 , North CarolinaMrs. Julie Greer Trivette, 90, of 139 Advent Street died Tuesday afternoon at her

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (115)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


residence after failing heath of two years and a serious illness of two days.Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at Laurel Springs Baptist Church inWatauga County, and burial will be in the Watson cemetery, Rev. E. O. Gore and Rev.Buren Hastings will officiate at the rites. The body was taken from Warren - MillerFuneral Home to the residence at 5 p.m. today.Born Sept. 30, 1870, in Ashe County, she was a daughter of the late Riley and FrankieWatson Greer. He husband, Wilburn Trivett, passed away several years ago. She was amember of the Laurel Springs church.Surving are two daughters, Mrs. Lelar Greer and Mrs. Arthur (Mae) Church of Lenoir;four sons, Tom Trivett of Virginia, Niley Trivett of Lenoir, Mansfield Trivett of DeepGap and Water Greer of Lenoir, 41 grandchildren : 117 great-grandchildren; 17 great-great-grandchildren.

Julia married David Wilborn Trivett [MRIN: 63265], son of Thomas Smith Trivett andMartha Lettie Holly Watson, on 3 September 1896 in Ashe Co, NC. David was born on 6November 1873 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 23 January 1933 in Watauga Co, NC at age59.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. David W.

Trivette Nov 1873 NC farmerJulia M. Sept 1878 NC m4 3 childrenLellia C. June 1897 NCThomas R. Oct 1898 NCdwelling 9423 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 5 May 1910 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. David W.Trivett age 36 NC farmerJulia M. age 37 NCLela C. age 12 NCThomas R. age 11 NC farm labor home farmNley N. age 9 NCJoseph W. age 7 NCElla M. age 5 NCCarrie L. age 3 NCDavid M. age 5/12dwelling 16623 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 455 F i. Lela Consadie Trivett was born on 19 June 1895 in NC, died on 30

December 1968 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 73, and was buried on 1January 1969 in Watson Family Cemetery in Watauga Co, NC.Lela married Greer [MRIN: 63275].

+ 456 M ii. Thomas Riley Trivett was born in October 1898 in Ashe Co, NC and died on18 May 1970 in King George, King George Co, VA at age 71.

+ 457 M iii. Niley Nicholas Trivett was born on 25 March 1901 in Stony Fork, Watauga

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (116)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Co, NC and died on 17 January 1976 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 74.+ 458 M iv. Joseph William Trivett was born on 6 February 1903 in Ashe Co, NC, died

on 19 June 1959 in Deep Gap, Ashe Co, NC at age 56, and was buried on 21June 1959 in Watson Cem, Boone, Watauga Co, NC.Joseph married Anna Bell Trivette [MRIN: 61636] (d. 12 November 1952)on 11 May 1924 in Ashe Co, NC.Joseph next married Hettie Pearl Wilcox [MRIN: 61635] (d. 24 March 1992)in 1946.

+ 459 F v. Ella Mae Trivett was born in 1905 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.+ 460 F vi. Carrie Lena Trivett was born on 6 March 1907 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co,

NC and died on 6 April 1934 in Brookside, Watauga Co, NC at age 27.Carrie married William Arlie Ray [MRIN: 63280] (d. 13 March 1958) on 27July 1925 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 461 M vii. David Mansfield Trivett was born on 19 November 1909 in Ashe Co, NCand died on 22 August 1996 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 86.David married Bertie May Greer [MRIN: 63276] (d. 21 December 2000).

235. Mary Greer, (Not documented) (Lucinda Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1853 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in June 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Mary Greer age 7

NC living with Lucinda Greer and her father Samuel Greer age 73Dwelling 722 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

236. Roby Younce (Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1862 in NC and died after 1896 in NC.

Roby married Minda Ellen Ray [MRIN: 61751], daughter of Jesse Devil Ray and SarahWinebarger, before 1880 in Watauga Co, NC. Minda was born on 19 June 1862 in WataugaCo, NC and died on 13 January 1953 in Reddies River, Wilkes Co, NC at age 90.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 13 January 1953 in Reddies River, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Minda Ellen

Younce[Minda Ellen Ray] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 90 Birth Date: 19 Jun 1862 BirthPlace: Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 13 Jan 1953 DeathLocation: Reddies River, Wilkes Father's Name: Jess Ray Mother's Name: Solia RayResidence: No Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina3 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 462 M i. Joseph Bunyan Younce was born in April 1880 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 463 F ii. Nellie E. Younce was born in August 1884 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 464 M iii. Samuel F. Younce was born on 15 April 1886 in Watauga Co, NC.

Samuel married Ada Younce, Mrs. [MRIN: 61765] before 2 May 1910 inOldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (117)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 465 M iv. Walter Linney Younce was born in October 1891 in Watauga Co, NC anddied on 13 April 1985 in Granite Falls, Caldwell Co, NC at age 93.Walter married Fannie Younce, Mrs. [MRIN: 61766] before 1924 inWatauga Co, NC.

+ 466 M v. June Monroe Younce was born in June 1896 in Watauga Co, NC and died inJanuary 1986 in Chapmanville, Logan Co, WVA at age 89.June married Sally Younce, Mrs. [MRIN: 61767].

237. Philip Younce (Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornon 3 October 1825 in Todds, Ashe Co, NC.

238. Milton L. Younce (Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1857 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 18 August 1929 in Patterson,Caldwell Co , NC at age 71.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 18 August 1929 in Patterson, Caldwell Co , NC. Name: M L Younce

Gender: Male Race: White Age: 72 Birth Date: 15 Dec 1856 Birth Place: NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 18 Aug 1929 Death Location: Patterson, CaldwellFather's Name: Andy Younce Mother's Name: Enny Grees22 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

239. Nancy Elizabeth Younce (Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 2 November 1859 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 3 September 1925 in StonyFork, Watauga Co, NC at age 65.

240. Martha Younce (Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1885 in Watauga Co, NC.

241. Samuel Ellis Morphews (Louisa Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin November 1859 in Watauga Co, NC.

Samuel married Sarah L. Greer [MRIN: 61758], daughter of Finley Greer and Mary PollyGreer,. Sarah was born in November 1863 in Watauga Co, NC and died Pct 1946 at age 83.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 222)

242. Thomas Smith Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 11 April 1848 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 24 February 1938 in Tamerack,Watauga Co, NC at age 89.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 August 1870 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC PO

Jefferson. Smith Trivett age 21 NC farm labor living with his parentsdwelling 10122 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 21 June 1880 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Smith

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (118)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Trivett age 35 NC farmingMarthy L. age 35 NCRebeca E. age 17 NCWilliam F. age 8 NCMary J. age 6 NCDavid W. age 4 TNThomas S. age 3 TNLarkin J. age 1 TNJohn S. age 16 NC farm hand brotherdwelling 9023 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 24 February 1938 in Tamerack, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Thomas SmithTrivett Gender: Male Race: White Age: 89 Birth Date: 11 Apr 1848 Birth Place: Ashe,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 24 Feb 1938 Death Location: Tamerack,Watauga Spouse's Name: Lettie Trivett Father's Name: John Trivett Mother's Name:Lucy Greer22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Thomas married Martha Lettie Holly Watson [MRIN: 61621], daughter of David OttoWatson and Hiley Hampton,. Martha was born in 1845 in NC and died in 1888 at age 43.

Children from this marriage were:+ 467 F i. Rebecca E. Trivett was born in 1863 in NC.+ 468 M ii. William F. Trivett was born in 1872 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 469 M iii. David Wilborn Trivett was born on 6 November 1873 in Johnson Co, TN

and died on 23 January 1933 in Watauga Co, NC at age 59.David married Julia M. Greer [MRIN: 63265] (d. 7 March 1961) on 3September 1896 in Ashe Co, NC.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 234)+ 470 M iv. Thomas S. Trivett was born in 1877 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 471 M v. Larkin J. Trivett was born in 1879 in Johnson Co, TN.

243. Martha Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1853 in Ashe Co, NC.

244. Ellen Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.

245. Evaline Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.

246. James Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1858 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

247. Joseph Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (119)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


248. Samuel Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1862 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

249. John Samuel Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 10 April 1864 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 6 February 1953 inLenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 88.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 21 June 1880 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. John S.

Trivett age 16 NC farm hand living with his brother Thomas Smith Trivettdwelling 9023 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 6 February 1953 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC. Name: John Samuel TrivetteGender: Male Race: White Age: 88 Birth Date: 10 Apr 1864 Birth Place: Watauga,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 6 Feb 1953 Death Location: Lenoir,Caldwell Father's Name: John Sam Trivette Mother's Name: Rebecca Greer Residence:Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

250. Arthur Trivett (Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in April 1870 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

251. George Washington Greer (Zachariah Shadrack D. 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 8 February 1866 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 21 May 1943 in Pike, WataugaCo, NC at age 77.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Stony Creek, Watauga Co, NC. George W.

Greer age 14 NC living with his parentsdwelling 7826 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 21 May 1943 in Pike, Watauga Co, NC. Name: George Washington GreerDeath Date: 21 May 1943 Death Location: Pike Age: 77 Gender: Male Ethnicity: WhiteBirth Date: 8 Feb 1866 Birth Location: Watanga, North Carolina Spouse's Name:Emily Yates Greer Spouse's Age: 71 Father's Name: Shadrach D Greer Father's BirthLocation: Watanga North Carolina Mother's name: Anna Louise Winkler Mother'sBirth Location: North Carolina26 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

George married Emily E. Yates [MRIN: 62120]. Emily was born in January 1872 in WataugaCo, NC.

252. Alice Greer (Zachariah Shadrack D. 3, Joshua 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1863 in Watauga Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (120)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Source Citations 1. Sarah ROCKENFIELD, "Our Boone Families" by Sarah ROCKENFIELD (Whipporwill Publications,Evansville, IN), p357.

2. Broderbund CD 7 #4587, Bur McGuire-Phillips Fam Cen located on Railroad grade near Todd, NC.

3. Broderbund CD 7 #4587, Bur Wilcox-Martin Cem in Baldwin Common, Mill Creek Rd.

4. V7.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (121)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (122)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Fifth Generation (Great Great-Grandchildren)

253. Amy Tressie Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn 18998 in Ashe Co, NC.

254. Mary G. 'Jennie' Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1878 in Ashe Co, NC.

255. Ellen Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1883 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 31 January 1944 in Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV at age 61.

256. William Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inMarch 1886 in Ashe Co, NC.

257. Carl Ellison Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 21 January 1890 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 11 April 1963 in Ashe Co,NC at age 73.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1930 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC. Carl Greer age 40

NC farmerBell age 37Ellin age 15Jeff ? age 10Frank age 6Lela age 3 7/12Howard age 7/12dwelling 226 living next door is David Mansfield Trivett and Bertie M. Greerdwelling22523 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 26 April 1940 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC. Carl Greerage 50 Laborer WPA roadBelle age 47Joe age 20 Laborer NYA SchoolFrank age 16 farmLear age 13Howard age 10Odis age 7lives on Brownwood Roaddwelling 150 and next door is Mansfield Trivett23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 11 April 1963 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Carl E Greer Race: White Age:73 Date of Birth: 1890 Date of Death: 11 Apr 1963 Death County: Watauga DeathState: North Carolina Source Vendor: NC State Archives. North Carolina Deaths, 1908-6723 Nov 2013 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (123)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Carl married Beulah Bell McGuire [MRIN: 63278], daughter of Frank McGuire andMollie Tucker, on 8 October 1909 in Watauga Co, NC by B. F. Wilcox. Beulah was born on6 September 1893 in Watauga Co, NC, died on 13 February 1968 in Blowing Rock, WataugaCo, NC at age 74, and was buried in Fleetwood Cem, Fleetwood, Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 13 February 1968 in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Beulah

Mcguire Greer[Beulah Mcguire Mcguire] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 74 Birth Date: 6 Sep1893 Birth Place: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 13 Feb 1968 DeathLocation: Blowing Rock, Watauga Father's Name: Frank Mcguire Mother's Name:Mollie Tucker Residence: Fleetwood, Ashe, North Carolina23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 472 F i. Ellin Greer was born in 1910 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC, died in 1926

in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC at age 16, and was buried in Cem R19 in AsheCo, NC.

+ 473 F ii. Inis Greer was born in 1912 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC, died in 1917 inPine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC at age 5, and was buried in Cem R19 in Ashe Co,NC.

+ 474 M iii. Joe Greer was born in 1920 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.+ 475 M iv. Frank Greer was born in 1924 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.+ 476 F v. Lela Greer was born in 1926 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.+ 477 M vi. Howard Greer was born in 1930 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.+ 478 M vii. Odis Greer was born in 1933 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

258. Joseph Franklin Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in January 1891 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 29 February 1948 in Beckley,Raleigh, West Virginia at age 57.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born in 1881 in Ashe Co, NC. Name:Joseph Franklin

Greerrdrdbrdrw10 rdrdbrdrw10 ntbl Event Type:birthrdrdbrdrw10rdrdbrdrw10 ntbl Birth Date:1881rdrdbrdrw10 rdrdbrdrw10 ntblBirth County:Asherdrdbrdrw10 rdrdbrdrw10 ntbl Parent1 Name:AlbertGreerrdrdbrdrw10 rdrdbrdrw10 ntbl Roll Number:NCVR_B_C006_68001rdrdbrdrw10 rdrdbrdrw10 ntbl Volume:D-5rdrdbrdrw10rdrdbrdrw10 ntbl Page:253

• He appeared on the census on 9 June 1900 in Creston, Ashe Co, NC. Joseph F. GreerJan 1881 NC living with his parentsdwelling 9126 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: 12 September 1918, Todd, Ashe Co, NC. Joseph FranklinGreerb 6 Jan 1881 Todd, Ashe Co, NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (124)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


lives Rhodell, Raleigh Co, WVAName/Address closes kin: O. S. Greer Rhodell, WVAEmp: E. C. Minter Coal Co.26 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW11 Registration: 1942, Raleigh Co, WV. Name: Joseph Franklin Greer Birth Date:6 Jan 1881 Birth Place: Todd, North Carolina Residence: Raleigh, West Virginia26 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 29 February 1948 in Beckley, Raleigh, West Virginia. Name: JosephFranklin Greer Birth Date: abt 1881 Death Date: 29 Feb 1948 Death Place: Beckley,Raleigh, West Virginia Death Age: 67 years 1 month 24 days Occupation: CarpenterRace: White Marital Status: Divorced Gender: Male FHL Film Number: 59842726 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Joseph married Mary E. Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 62956]. Mary was born in 1888 in NC.

259. Lervia Hester Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in September 1893 in Ashe Co, NC.

260. Francis Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in1897 in Ashe Co, NC.

261. Ruth Lizzie Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 6 September 1902 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 25 June 1979 in Watauga Co,NC at age 76.

262. Cleo Grace Greer (Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 22 November 1904 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 31 March 1969 in Ashe Co,NC at age 64.

263. Rachel E. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1856 in Johnson Co, TN.

264. Reuben C. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1858 in Johnson Co, TN.

265. Benjamin W. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1860 in Johnson Co, TN.

266. William T. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1862 in Johnson Co, TN.

267. John S. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1865 in Johnson Co, TN.

268. Samuel B. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1869 in Johnson Co, TN.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (125)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


269. Charles L. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1871 in Johnson Co, TN.

270. Russell W. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1873 in Johnson Co, TN.

271. Zachariah T. Greer (Joseph A. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1875 in Johnson Co, TN.

272. Robert E. Greer (Zachary T. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1868 in Johnson Co, TN.

273. William Oliver Greer (Zachary T. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 21 February 1870 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 8 February 1904 in JohnsonCo, TN at age 33.

274. Andrew F. Greer (Zachary T. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1874 in Johnson Co, TN.

275. Mary E. Greer (Zachary T. 4, Thomas 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1877 in Johnson Co, TN.

276. Adolphus Parsons (Isaac Parsons 4, Jacintha Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1830 in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13 Jan 01.

Adolphus married Mary Josephine Hall [MRIN: 31023] in 1855. Mary was born in 1830.

The child from this marriage was:+ 479 M i. Sanford Moses Parsons was born after 1855 in Patricia Ann

[emailprotected] 13 Jan 01.Sanford married Polly Jane McKinney [MRIN: 31024] in 1880.

277. Nathaniel C. Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1837 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27 May 1864 in Ashland,Boyd Co, KY at age 27.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in District 1, Pike Co, KY. Nathan Tribett

age 23 NC farm labor 150 200Hannah age 23 NCLevy E age 2/12 KYdwelling 185 living next to Samuel Wilcox in dwelling 18722 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Civil War - Union: 1863, Pike Co, KY. Name: Nathaniel C Tribet Birth Date: abt 1838Age: 25 Enlistment Date: 1863 Military unit: Thirty-ninth Infantry, Su-Y 22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (126)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Nathaniel married someone Hannah Greer [MRIN: 61617] on 2 April 1858 in Ashe Co,NC. Hannah was born in 1837 in Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 2 April 1858, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Nathan Trivet Gender: Male Spouse:

Hannah Greer Spouse Gender: Female Marriage Date: 2 Apr 1858 Marriage County:Ashe Marriage State: North Carolina Source Vendor: FHL microfilm # ????? Source:Record of this marriage may be found at the Family Notes: Nathan Trivet marriedHannah Greer on Apr 02, 1858 in Ashe, NC22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Marriage Bond: 1 April 1858, Ashe Co, NC. Groom: Nathan Trivet Bride: HannahGreer Bond_Date: 1 Apr 1858 Bond #: 000001384 Marriage Date: 2 Apr 1858 LevelInfo: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868ImageNum: 003118 County: Ashe Record #: 01 057 Witness: Robert GambillPerformed By: Wm Willcox22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Marriage: 18 June 1866, Pike Co, KY. Name: Samuel Adkins Spouse: Hanna TrivettMarriage Date: 18 Jun 1866 County: Pike State: KY 22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 480 M i. Levy E. Trivett was born in May 1860 in Pike Co, KY.

278. Morgan Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1844 in Ashe Co, NC.

279. John Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1847 in Ashe Co, NC.

280. Silas Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1848 in Ashe Co, NC.

281. Welborn Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1850 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

282. Solomon Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 29 February 1852 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 23 January1926 in Ashe Co, NC at age 73.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (127)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• Descendant: Dir Line [emailprotected]

• He appeared on the census on 3 June 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Solomen Tribettage 7 NC living with his parentsdwelling 3222 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Solomon married Sarah Ellen Nelson [MRIN: 12852]. Sarah was born on 23 October 1860in TN and died on 19 November 1910 in Ashe Co, NC at age 50.

The child from this marriage was:+ 481 F i. Marcia Estella Trivette was born on 26 December 1885 in Ashe Co, NC

Dir Line [emailprotected] and died on 20 February 1982 in Ashe Co, NC atage 96.Marcia married James Roby Lewis [MRIN: 12858] (d. 29 May 1966) on 27April 1906 in Ashe Co, NC.

283. Miley Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1854 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

284. Matilda Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1856 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

285. Joseph Trivett (Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1858 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

286. Alvin Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1841 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 17 January 1917 inShady Valley, Johnson Co, TN at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• Civil War: 1861-1865, NC. Name: Alvin Wilcox Side: Confederate Regiment

State/Origin: North Carolina Regiment Name: 5 Batt'n. North Carolina Cavalry.Regiment Name Expanded: 5th Battalion, North Carolina Cavalry Company: D RankIn: Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank Out Expanded: PrivateAlternate Name: Alvin/Willcoxen Film Number: M230 roll 42

• He appeared on the census on 13 February 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (PineSwamp). Alvin Wilcox July 1841 NC farmerMary Oct 1849 NC m34 7 children 6 livingJohn Feb 1876 NCJamanus W. May 1882 VA dau in lawFrancis H. Sept 1896 NCWilliam H. Moody Nov 1862 TN farm labor son in lawVirginia A. April 1873 NC 4 children 3 livingJohn A Moody Dec 1892 NC grandsonSamuel D. Moody Jan 1895 NC grandson

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (128)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Matthew M. Moody Feb 1900 NC grandsondwelling 1830 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in District 0030, Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. AlvinWilcox age 68 NC farmerMary age 44 7children 6 livingJohn age 34 NC farm laborHester age 13 NCdwelling 12930 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Alvin married Mary Elizabeth Greer [MRIN: 61915], daughter of Benjamin Greer andElizabeth Reece, in April 1866 in Ashe Co, NC. Mary was born in October 1849 in JohnsonCo, TN and died in January 1944 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 94.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 203)

287. Martin Van Buren Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1844 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1919 in AsheCo, NC1 at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 November 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. Martin Wilcox age

10 NC living with his parentsdwelling 151520 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 1 June 1860 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. MartinWilcoxson age 20 NC farmer 150 40Rebecca age 24 NC20 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 2 June 1880 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. MartinWilcoxen age 40 NC farmer clef palletMarion age 19 NC laborerMary J age 18 NC dau in lawNancy C age 14 NCVina E age 13 NCGrant Genl age 10 NCGeorge W age 1 NC grandsondwelling 1821 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 1 June 1900 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC (MeatCamp). Martin Wilcox April 1840 NCMollie Feb 1872 NC m8 3 children 3 livingBella Sept 1892 NCMack Aug 1896 NCPandora Jan 1898 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (129)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


dwelling 20720 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Martin Wilcoxage 70 NCMary E age 38 NC m11 6 children 4 livingDora age 12 NCMartin H. age 9 NCdwelling 2120 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Martin married Rebecca Iva Wilson [MRIN: 7540] before 1861. Rebecca was born in 1844in Ashe Co, NC and died before 2 June 1880 in Ashe Co, NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 482 M i. Marion Van Buren Wilcoxson was born in 1861 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 483 F ii. Mary Jane Wilcox was born in 1862 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 28

February 1941 in Clifton, Ashe Co, NC at age 79.Mary married someone in Never Married.

+ 484 F iii. Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson was born on 15 November 1865 in WataugaCo, NC and died on 2 May 1954 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC at age 88.Nancy married Newton Granville Greene [MRIN: 61616] (d. 18 May 1955).

+ 485 F iv. Elvina E. Wilcoxson was born in 1867 in Watagua Co, NC and died on 21September 1952 in Ashe Co, NC at age 85.

+ 486 M v. General Grant Wilcox was born on 3 October 1869 in Bald Mountain,Watauga Co, NC and died on 23 March 1954 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC atage 84.General married Cornelia Alice McGuire [MRIN: 61637] (d. 18 July 1933).

+ 487 M vi. George Washington Wilcox, (Grandson) was born in 1879 in BaldMountain, Watauga Co, NC, died on 13 May 1958 in Fig, Ashe Co, NC atage 79, and was buried on 15 May 1958 in Brown Cem, Fig, Ashe Co, NC.

Martin next married Mary E. 'Mollie' Tucker [MRIN: 61613] in 1892 in Watauga Co, NC.Mary was born in February 1872 in NC and died on 21 August 1914 in Morgantown, BurkeCo, NC at age 42.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 21 August 1914 in Morgantown, Burke Co, NC. Broughton State Hospital

Children from this marriage were:+ 488 F i. Bella Wilcox was born in September 1892 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co,

NC.+ 489 M ii. Mack Wilcox was born in August 1896 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC.

Mack married someone.+ 490 F iii. Pandora Wilcox was born in January 1898 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co,

NC.+ 491 M iv. Martin Hulcher Wilcox was born on 15 April 1901 in Bald Mountain,

Watauga Co, NC and died on 19 December 1988 in West Jefferson, Ashe Co,NC at age 87.Martin married Ollie Adline Wilcoxson [MRIN: 61640] (d. 8 December

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (130)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1994) on 17 September 1921 in VA.

288. Isaiah S. Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1845 in NC and died on 14 January 1929 in Ashe Co, NC atage 84.

Noted events in his life were:• CIvil Gov of New Mexico: 1861-1865, NC. Name: Isaiah Willcoxen Side: Confederate

Regiment State/Origin: North Carolina Regiment Name: 6 North Carolina Cavalry. (65State Troops.) Regiment Name Expanded: 6th Regiment, North Carolina CavalryCompany: D Rank In: Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank OutExpanded: Private Film Number: M230 roll 42

• Civil War: 1861-1865, NC. Name: Isaiah Willcoxen Side: Confederate RegimentState/Origin: North Carolina Regiment Name: 5 Batt'n. North Carolina Cavalry.Regiment Name Expanded: 5th Battalion, North Carolina Cavalry Company: D RankIn: Private Rank In Expanded: Private Rank Out: Private Rank Out Expanded: PrivateFilm Number: M230 roll 42 I have two listed and I am not certain if either of these belong to Isaiah S. Wilcox/(son)b 1845.Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 7 July 1870 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC PO Elk.Isak Wilcosen age 26 NC farmer 1500 496Martha age 20 NCEmely age 3 NCWilliam age 2 NCElmira Tucker age 38 NC housekeeperHarison Tucker age 1 NCdwelling 4027 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 12 June 1880 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.Isaiah Wilcox age 35 NC farmerMartha age 31 NCAletha age 13 NCWilliam M age 11 NCJulia age 9 NCLulu B. age 5 NCJoseph age 9mo NC (Aug) 27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Sanford, Moore Co, NC. Isaiah S. WilcoxJune 1843 NC Merchant Dry GoodsMartha A. April 1848 NC m35 6 children 4 living

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (131)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


dwelling 14727 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Isaiah Wilcox age 65NC General StoreMartha age 60 NCClaud age 6 NC grandsonColly Wyatt age 23 NC servant 2 childrenDewey Wyatt age 5 NCKinley Wyatt age 3 NCdwelling 128Mill Creek Rd27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 14 January 1929 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Isiah Wilcox Gender: MaleRace: White Age: 84 Years 5 Months Birth Date: abt 1844 Birth Place: Todd, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 14 Jan 1929 Death Location: Todd, Ashe Spouse'sName: Annie Ray Father's Name: William Wilcox Mother's name: Lavina Hattan27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Isaiah married Martha Ann Tucker [MRIN: 61863] on 16 January 1866 in Johnson Co, NC.Martha was born in September 1849 in Ashe Co, NC and died in May 1915 in Ashe Co, NC atage 65.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 16 January 1866, Johnson. Name: Isaiah Wilcox Spouse: Martha Lucker

Marriage Date: 16 Jan 1866 Marriage County: Johnson27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 492 F i. Aletha Wilcox was born in 1867 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 493 M ii. William Monroe Wilcox was born in October 1868 in Ashe Co, NC and died

in January 1925 in Ashe Co, NC at age 56.William married Malissa Ida Vannoy [MRIN: 61871] (d. July 1937).

+ 494 F iii. Julia Amelia Wilcox was born on 2 May 1871 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 4February 1967 in Morgantown, Burke Co, NC at age 95.Julia married George Washington Howard [MRIN: 61911] (d. 1896) before1891.Julia next married William Lander Yates [MRIN: 61910] (d. 14 March1959) before 1905 in Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 495 F iv. Lulu Belle Wilcox was born in 1875 in Ashe Co, NC and died after 17 July1934 in prob Hemingway, Georgetown Co, SC.Lulu married Charles A. Baxley [MRIN: 61913] (d. 17 July 1934) before1893 in NC.

+ 496 M v. Joseph D. Wilcox was born in August 1879 in Ashe Co, NC and died inJanuary 1928 in Ashe Co, NC at age 48.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (132)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Isaiah next married Anna S. Ray [MRIN: 61864] on 1 July 1927 in Ashe Co, NC. Anna wasborn in 1871 in Ashe Co, NC.

289. William Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1846 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 26 November1922 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC at age 76, and was buried on 30 November 1922 inBrownwood, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1860 in Oldfield, Ashe Co, NC. William Wilcoxson age

23 NC farmer 400 300dwelling 34 living next to his father dwelling 3522 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 25 August 1870 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC POJefferson. William Wilcoxon age 24 NC works farmAnn age 19 NCRAY, Jeremiah age 76 NC hatter 800 400Nancy age 70 NCWilliam age 29 NC work farmJennie age 20 NCJohn A age 2 NCNancy age 5 NCdwelling 9922 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 26 November 1922 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Sr WilliamWilcox Gender: Male Race: White Age: 76 Years 6 Months Birth Date: abt 1846 BirthPlace: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 26 Nov 1922 Death Location: StonyFork, Watauga Spouse's Name: Viney Wilcox Father's Name: Wm Wilcox Mother'sName: Viney Hatten22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 26 November 1922 in Huntington, Cabell Co, WV. Name: Wm. WilcoxBirth Date: abt 1846 Death Date: 26 Nov 1922 Death Place: Huntington, Cabell, WestVirginia Death Age: 76 years 6 months 15 days Occupation: Farmer Race: WhiteMarital Status: Married Gender: Male FHL Film Number: 55988122 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married America Brown 'Ann' Ray [MRIN: 61630], daughter of Jeremiah Ray and Nancy Morris,. America was born in 1851 in Ashe Co, NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 497 F i. Mary J. Wilcox was born in 1871 in Oldfield, Ashe Co, NC.+ 498 F ii. Amanda L. Wilcox was born in 1872 in Oldfield, Ashe Co, NC.+ 499 M iii. William Westley Wilcox was born in July 1879 in Laxon, Watauga Co, NC

and died on 5 June 1933 in Lares, Watauga Co, NC at age 53.William married Melvina Phillips [MRIN: 61631] (d. 25 April 1957) before

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (133)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1898 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.William next married Florence Johnson [MRIN: 61632] (d. 20 December1991) before 1924 in Watauga Co, NC.

290. Catharine Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.

291. Matilda Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.

292. Samuel Alvin Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 15 January 1854 in Rowan Co, NC and died on14 March 1940 in Ashe Co, NC at age 86.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine Swamp).

Samuel Wilcox Jan 1854 NC farmerJennie March 1876 NC m8 2/1Arthur S. Jan 1879 NC farm laborJoseph I. May 1882 NCMc Coy June 1884 NCGeorge C May 1886 NCDora B Feb 1888 NCMinnie V. Dec 1889 NCPearly B April 1892 NCZeb V. April 1896 NCMattie M. March 1899 NCdwelling 630 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine Swamp). Wilcox,Samuel age 56 NC m2Jennie age 34 NC m1 12 7/7Pearl age 18 NCVance age 14 NCMay age 12 NCEula age 6 NCElla age 2 NCHazel age 1 NCdwelling 13231 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Samuel married Elvira Chloe "Ella" Walters [MRIN: 16909] in 1873 in Ashe Co, NC.Elvira was born on 19 July 1855 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 25 December 1896 in Ashe Co,NC at age 41.

Children from this marriage were:+ 500 M i. Frank Wilcox was born in August 1874 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 501 F ii. Meadie Wilcox was born in March 1876 in Ashe Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (134)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 502 M iii. William Thomas Wilcox was born in October 1877 in Ashe Co, NC anddied in July 1969 in Ashe Co, NC at age 91.William married Belle Victoria Greer [MRIN: 61914] (d. August 1964)before 1899 in Ashe Co, NC.

+ 503 M iv. Arthur S. Wilcox was born in January 1879 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 504 F v. Mertie Wilcox was born in August 1880 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 505 M vi. Joseph Isaiah Wilcox was born in May 1882 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

August 1973 in Ashe Co, NC at age 91.+ 506 M vii. Mack Coy Wilcox was born on 30 June 1884 in Ashe Co, NC and died on

10 November 1974 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 90.Mack married Alice Trivett [MRIN: 61878].

+ 507 M viii. George Carl Wilcox was born in May 1886 in Ashe Co, NC and died inNovember 1961 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 75.

+ 508 F ix. Dora B. Wilcox was born in February 1888 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 509 F x. Minnie V. Wilcox was born on 12 December 1890 in Ashe Co, NC and died

in 1981 at age 91.Minnie married Charlie Gentry [MRIN: 16910].

+ 510 F xi. Pearl B. Wilcox was born in April 1892 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 511 M xii. Zeb Vance Wilcox was born on 1 April 1896 in Ashe Co, NC and died on

13 February 1977 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 80.

Samuel next married Jane Jennie E. Houck [MRIN: 61639] on 13 April 1897 in Ashe Co,NC. Jane was born in March 1876 in Ashe Co, NC and died in May 1950 in Ashe Co, NC atage 74.

Children from this marriage were:+ 512 F i. Mattie May Wilcox was born in March 1899 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and

died in November 1990 in Ashe Co, NC at age 91.+ 513 F ii. Eula Brady Wilcox was born in February 1904 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC

and died in June 1994 in Ashe Co, NC at age 90.+ 514 F iii. Ollie Adline Wilcoxson was born Seot 1906 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 8

December 1994 in West Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC at age 88.Ollie married Martin Hulcher Wilcox [MRIN: 61640] (d. 19 December1988) on 17 September 1921 in VA.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 491)+ 515 F iv. Ella Wilcox was born in 1908 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 516 F v. Hazel Wilcox was born in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

293. Mary Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1859 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

294. Martha Mattie Wilcox (William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1863 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC, died after10 January 1920 in Ashe Co, NC, and was buried in R12 Isaiah S. Wilcox farm cem - ElkTwpship.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (135)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in her life were:• Descendant information - Sharon Buck: I sent you a note earlier about my quest for

ancestor Sarah Boone and I had kept it simple thinking that might be best for a firstcontact... then I started thinking you might think I was a real lightweight waiting foryou to show me the way so I thought I had best sent you a more complete summation.I have Sarah Cassandra Boone 1724-1815, sister of Daniel Boone, frontiersman, anddaughter of Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan. She married John WiIcoxson 1720-1782, and I am descended from two of her children, Samuel Wilcoxson 1755-1825and Nancy Wilcoxson. Samuel married Anna Jordan 1756-1840 and they had a sonIsaiah Wilcoxson 1796-1879 who married Fannie Greer and had a son Rev. WilliamBilly Wilcox 1818-1909 who married Lavina Baker Hatton and they had a daughtermartha Mattie Wilcox 1861-1920 who was my maternal grandfather's mother. Shemarried Albert T. Greer 1858-1930 and their son was Joseph Franklin Greer, mygrandfather. 1880-1947. From Sarah's daughter Nancy 1745-1790 who marriedBenjamin Greer 1746-1816 they had a son John Greer 1770-1850 who marriedNancy Owens and their son was Elijah Greer 1806-1870. Elijah married SarahHawkins and their son was my great-grandfather Albert T. Greer who was mygrandfather Joseph Franklin Greer's father. I hope these begats are not too big amuddle.Anyway, I would like to find out more about this ancesotor Sarah Boone and herinteresting family.Sincerely,Sharon Buck

Martha married Albert T. Greer [MRIN: 62169], son of Elijah Greer and Mary A.Shaw, in 1877 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC at lease sixteen children. Albert was born in June1858 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 4 September 1928 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 70,and was buried in R12 Isaiah S. Wilcox farm cem - Elk Twpship.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 91)

295. Jerome Wilcox (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1840 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1843 in Ashe Co, NC at age 3.

296. Francis Marion Wilcox (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 20 November 1851 in Creston, Ashe Co, NC, died on 9June 1917 in Ashe Co, NC at age 65, and was buried in Finley Cem, , Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 9 June 1917 in Ashe Co, NC.

Birth: Nov. 20, 1851 Creston Ashe County North Carolina, USA Death: Jun. 9,1917 Ashe County North Carolina, USA Burial: Finley Cemetery Ashe CountyNorth Carolina, USA From Gary Hodges 16 Feb 2012

Francis married Hattie Abbott [MRIN: 7888]. Hattie was born in 1842.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (136)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


297. Elizabeth Wilcox (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1845 in NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in Dist 1, Pike Co, KY. Elizabeth

WILCOX age 15 NC living with her parentsdwelling 18611 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

Elizabeth married William P Lewis [MRIN: 7889]. William was born in 1845.

298. Isaiah Wilcox (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1848 in Ashe Co, NC and died in March 1906 inCarter Co, KY at age 57.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in Dist 1, Pike Co, KY. Isaiah WILCOX

age 13 NC living with his parentsdwelling 18611 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

• He appeared on the census on 23 June 1880 in Precinct 5, Carter Co, KY. Isaiah Wilcoxage 32 NC farmerMary J age 25 KYGeorge S age 7 KYMinnie B age 4 KYBarbary D age 2 KYJohn C age 2/12 June KYdwelling 345 living next door to his mother who is in dwelling 34622 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 15 June 1900 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Isaiah WilcoxJune 1847 NC farmerMary Oct 1853 KYGeorge S. March 1873 KY TeacherMinnie Aug 1875 KY houseworkJohn C. March 1880 KY farm laborEssie Aug 1883 KYEva E Feb 1890 KYHarry B Nov 1894 KYMary June 1897 KYdwelling 20022 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Isaiah married Mary Judith McDavid [MRIN: 61849], daughter of Samuel McDavid andElizabeth Eastham, on 26 January 1871 in Carter, Carter Co, KY. Mary was born in October1853 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KY and died in May 1926 in Carter Co, KY at age 72.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (137)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 4 May 1910 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Wilcox, Mary J

age 52 KY wd farmer 9 children 8 livingEva E age 20 KYHarry B age 15 KY farm laborMary C. age 12 KYdwelling 24022 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in 1920 in Ashland, Ward 5, Boyd Co, KY. Mary J. Wilcoxage 66 KYEva age 28 KY Nursedwelling 24127 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 517 M i. George Samuel Wilcox, Physician was born in March 1873 in Carter Co,

KY and died on 1 October 1929 in Mulvane, Sumner Co, KS at age 56.George married Austella Snook [MRIN: 61855] before 1914 in KS.

+ 518 F ii. Minnie Belle Wilcox was born in August 1875 in Carter Co, KY and died inJanuary 1960 in Rosedale, Carter Co, KY at age 84.Minnie married Riley Pennington [MRIN: 61860] in 1902 in Carter Co, KY.

+ 519 F iii. Barbary Della Wilcox was born in November 1877 in Carter Co, KY anddied in December 1945 in Carter Co, KY at age 68.Barbary married Charles Henry Fleming [MRIN: 61861] (d. April 1945).

+ 520 M iv. John Constantine Wilcox, Physician was born in June 1880 in Carter,Carter Co, KY and died on 25 September 1952 in Mulvane, Sedgwick Co,KS at age 72.John married Eva Belle Dine [MRIN: 61856] (d. January 1957) in 1897 inSumner Co, KS.

+ 521 F v. Essie D. Wilcox was born on 23 August 1883 in Carter Co, KY and died on15 October 1967 in Oskloosa, Mahaska Co, IA at age 84.

+ 522 F vi. Eva E. Wilcox was born in February 1890 in Carter Co, KY and died inProbably Iowa.

+ 523 M vii. Harry Berniece Wilcox was born in November 1894 in Carter, Carter Co,KY and died in April 1965 in IA at age 70.Harry married Juliette Dasher [MRIN: 61853] (d. September 1985).

+ 524 F viii. Mary C. Wilcox was born in June 1897 in Carter, Carter Co, KY and died on24 May 1969 in Boyd, Carter Co, KY at age 71.Mary married Dallas C. Fraley [MRIN: 61858] (d. 25 August 1984).

299. Hamilton Hardin Wilcox, Physcian/Surgeon (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1849 in NC and died on 10December 1925 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD at age 76.

Noted events in his life were:• Name: Called HAM and may have gone by WILCOX

• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in Dist 1, Pike Co, KY. H H WILCOX age

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (138)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


11 NC living with his parentsdwelling 18611 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

• He appeared on the census on 16 April 1910 in Hot Springs, Ward 3, Fall River Co,SD. Hamilton H WILCOX age 59 NC Physcion/SurgeonLura H age 28 MN m3 1 child NurseRichard H age 1 SDliving at State Soldiers Home11 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

• He appeared on the census in 1920 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD. Hamilton HWILCOX age 69 NC PhysicianLura H age 38 MN NurseRichard H age 10 SDdwelling 2 at State Soldiers Home11 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

• He appeared on the census on 2 June 1900 in Albert Lea, Ward 1, Freeborn Co, MN.Ham H WILCOX Dec 1852 NC PhysicianMary April 1854 OH m25 3 children 3 livingLeslie Oct 1876 KY Student , medicalJessie Jan 1878 MN TeacherGussie Jan 1878 MN TeacherWilliam JENSEN June 1877 MN servantTHORSEN, Emma May 1862 Norway NurseRASMUSSEN Julia March 1863 MN m6 years 2 children patientCARR, William Sept 1875 IA patient farm labordwelling 4911 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

Hamilton married Mary Ellen Abbott [MRIN: 7890]. Mary was born on 19 April 1854 inOH and died on 3 May 1905 in Albert Lea, Freeborn Co, MN at age 51.

Children from this marriage were:+ 525 M i. Frank Leslie Wilcox was born on 5 October 1876 in Carter Co, KY.+ 526 F ii. Gussie Leigh Wilcox, (Twin) was born on 22 January 1878 in Freeborn Co,

MN.+ 527 F iii. Jesse Grant Wilcox, (Twin) was born on 22 January 1878 in Freeborn Co,


Hamilton next married Lura B [MRIN: 61190] after 3 May 1905 in Hot Springs, Fall River,SD. Lura was born in 1892 in MN.

The child from this marriage was:+ 528 M i. Richard H Wilcox was born in 1909 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD.

300. William Wilcox (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1852 in KY and died on 22 April 1930 in Pike,Carter Co, KY at age 78.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (139)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in Dist 1, Pike Co, KY. William WILCOX

age 9 KY living with his parentsdwelling 18611 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Clarkesville, Butler Co, IA. William M. Wilcoxage 28 KY MechanicEllen F. age 27 KYLulu age 3 KYLaura age 1 KY22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 15 June 1900 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. WilliamWilcox Feb 1852 KY farmerAnna B.March 1877 KY m2 no childrenEffie Dec 1881 KYLottie March 1884 KYBertha July 1886 KYMae Dec 1888 KYVirginia Nov 1894 KYHARRIS, Joseph Feb 1875 KY single servant works on farmdwelling 20122 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 4 May 1910 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. William Wilcoxage 58 KY m2 farmerAnna age 33 KY m1 m10 3children 3 livingVirgia age 15 KYWilliam H age 9 KYJena age 7 KYJesse H age 4/12 KYdwelling 24122 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in January 1920 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. William Wilcoxage 67 KY owns farmerAnnie age 42 KYMabel age 8 KYSamuel age 6 KYPaul age 4 5/12 KYFrank age 2 3/12dwelling 1622 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 2 April 1930 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Bill Wilcox age78 KY farmerAnnie age 53 KYSam age 16 KY farm laborPaul age 14 KY

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (140)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Frank age 12 KYAllen age 10 KYdwelling 6 on Deer Creek Rd22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 22 April 1930 in Pike, Carter Co, KY. William Wilcox Death Date: 22 Apr1930 Death Location: Carter Age: 78 Gender: Male Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 10 Feb1852 Birth Location: Pike, Kentucky Spouse's Name: Anna Wilcox Father's Name:Samuel Wilcox Father's Birth Location: North Carolina Mother's name: Barbara HorickMother's Birth Location: North Carolina22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Infromation Gary Hodges: 15 February 2012.ntbl William "Bill" Wilcox Feb. 10, 1852 Pike County Kentucky, USADeath: May 30, 1930 Carter County Kentucky, USA William "Bill" Wilcox wasborn on Robinson Creek, Pike Co., KY on February 10, 1852. He was a son ofSamuel and Barbara (Houck) Wilcox. In 1893, William's older brother, Francis MarionWilcox, wrote a journal in which he included the following humorous story regardingWilliam's birth. The Wilcox family moved to Pike Co., KY in 1850 and for the next twoyears lived there on Shelby Creek. They "then moved to what is known as the OldJohnny Edwards place or High-House place. This house was made of hewn logs and was a full two stories high with an additional logstructure used for a kitchen. There at this place, on or about February the 10th, 1852our brother William was born and my blue game rooster met an untimely death thatcaused my tears to flow freely, yet brought me an appeaser in a silver quarter dollarpresented to me by my Grandfather, Isaiah Wilcox. On account of this untimely takingof my game rooster and although paid for him, I could not relish our Bill or esteem himas a young baby brother for quite a while. Yet as time rolled on, we found our Bill to bea good boy and was glad that he had come to stay with us." When he was ten yearsold, William Wilcox movedwith his family to Carter Co., KY, where they settled on Deer Creek. In 1875, Williammarried first to Ellen Frances Heaberlin (1852-1895), a daughter of Samuel andMartha (Dickenson) Heaberlin. In about 1879, William and Ellen moved from CarterCo., KY to MN, where they remained for a short time before moving to Butler Co., IAby 1880. By 1881, William and Ellen moved back to Carter County, where he settlednear his mother's home on Deer Creek. William remained there for the rest of his life. In1895, his first wife died from tuberculosis, and in 1899, he married secondly to AnnaD. Harris (1877-1941). Anna was a daughter of James A. and Elizabeth "Betty"(Salyers) Harris. Her brother, Joseph Harris, had married William Wilcox's oldestdaughter, Lula, from his first marriage. William was a well-known carpenter andHoliness preacher in the Deer Creek area of Carter County. He died on May 30,1930, at the age of 78. He was first buried in the Wilcox Cemetery on Deer Creek. In1966, the graves from this cemetery were moved to East Carter County MemoryGardens, Grayson, KY. Family links: Parents: Samuel Wilcox (1821 - 1864) BarbaraHouck Wilcox (1814 - 1893)

William married Ellen Frances Heaberlin [MRIN: 61850] on 20 December 1875 in CarterCo, KY. Ellen was born in 1852 in VA and died in 1895 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY at age 43.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (141)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 20 December 1875, Carter Co, KY. Name: Ellen Heaberlin Age: 23 Est.

Birth Year: abt 1852 Residence: Carter Spouse Name: William Wilcox Spouse Age: 23Est. Spouse Birth Year: abt 1852 Spouse Birth Location: Carter Spouse Residence:Carter Marriage Date: 20 Dec 1875 Marriage Location: Carter County of Record:Carter22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 529 F i. Lulu B, Wilcox was born in 1877 in Carter Co, KY and died on 12 July 1898

in Carter, Carter Co, KY at age 21.+ 530 F ii. Laura Wilcox was born in 1879 in MN and died on 23 April 1891 in Carter,

Carter Co, KY at age 12.+ 531 F iii. Effie Wilcox was born in December 1881 in KY.+ 532 F iv. Bertha Wilcox was born in July 1886 in Carter Co, KY.+ 533 F v. Mae Wilcox was born in December 1888 in Carter Co, KY.+ 534 F vi. Virginia Wilcox was born in November 1894 in Carter Co, KY.

William next married Deborah Ann Harris [MRIN: 61851], daughter of James Harris andElizabeth Salyers, on 12 August 1899 in Carter, Carter Co, KY. Deborah was born on 7March 1877 in Carter Co, KY and died on 30 November 1941 in Willard, Carter Co, KY atage 64.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 30 November 1941 in Carter Co, KY. Name: Mrs Anna D Wilcox

[Mrs Anna D Harriss] Death Date: 30 Nov 1941 Death Location: Carter Age: 65Gender: Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 7 Mar 1876 Birth Location: KentuckyFather's Name: James Harriss Father's Birth Location: Virginia Mother's name:Elizabeth Salyers Mother's Birth Location: Virginia22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 535 M i. William Hamilton Wilcox was born in July 1900 in Deer Creek, Carter Co,

KY and died in January 1973 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD at age 72.+ 536 F ii. Lena Wilcox was born in July 1902 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KY and died

in October 1982 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD at age 80.+ 537 F iii. Jean Wilcox was born in 1903 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KY.+ 538 M iv. Jesse Howard Wilcox was born in January 1909 in Deer Creek, Carter Co,

KY and died in October 1917 in Carter Co, KY at age 8.+ 539 F v. Mabel E. Wilcox was born on 22 December 1911 in Deer Creek, Carter Co,

KY.Mabel married Buell Arthur Robinson [MRIN: 62064] (d. May 1977).

+ 540 M vi. Samuel R. Wilcox was born in October 1913 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KY.+ 541 M vii. Paul Edward Wilcox was born on 23 November 1915 in Deer Creek, Carter

Co, KY.+ 542 M viii. Frank Leslie Wilcox was born on 29 September 1917 in Deer Creek, Carter

Co, KY and died on 2 July 1993 in Grayson, Carter Co, KY at age 75.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (142)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 543 M ix. Herbert Allen Wilcox was born in January 1920.

301. Daniel Boone Wilcox (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1856 in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He had a residence in 1897 in Living In Carter Co, KY.

• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in Dist 1, Pike Co, KY. Boon WILCOX age4 KY living with his parentsdwelling 18611 Aug 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

302. Samuel V. Wilcox (Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1859 in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 12 July 1860 in Dist 1, Pike Co, KY. Samuel WILCOX

age 1 KY living with his parentsdwelling 18611 August 2011 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

303. Sidney Houck (Sydney Cindy Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1846.

304. Samuel Houck (Sydney Cindy Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1848.

305. George Houck (Sydney Cindy Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1850.

306. Isaiah Houck (Sydney Cindy Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1850.

307. Frances Houck (Sydney Cindy Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1850.

308. Barbara Houck (Sydney Cindy Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1852.

309. William Houck (Sydney Cindy Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 27 March 1856.

310. Samuel Mullins (Nancy Matilda Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1850 in Dir Line Greg Greene Submitted By JennieMason.

Samuel married Polly Mullins, Mrs [MRIN: 31562] after 1870. Polly was born in 1850 in

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (143)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Maiden Name Unk.

The child from this marriage was:+ 544 M i. Tandy Wilson Mullins was born after 1870 in Dir Line Greg Greene

Submitted By Jennie Mason.Tandy married Sabra Ethel Greer [MRIN: 31611].

311. Ellen Miller (Martha Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 22 May 1869 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 6 March 1937 in Ashe Co,NC at age 67.

Ellen married Larkin Monroe Ray [MRIN: 61879]. Larkin was born in January 1864 anddied on 30 April 1936 in Ashe Co, NC at age 72.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 30 April 1936 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Larkin Monroe Ray Gender:

Male Race: White Age: 72 Birth Date: 4 Jan 1864 Birth Place: Todd, North Carolina,United States Death Date: 30 Apr 1936 Death Location: Todd, Ashe Spouse's Name:Ellen Miller Ray Father's Name: Jesse Ray Mother's name: Nancy Hardon27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 545 M i. Delaun Lee Ray was born on 5 May 1902 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 3

February 1960 in Ashe Co, NC at age 57.Delaun married Cleo Bessie Wilcox [MRIN: 61877] (d. 9 May 1992).

+ 546 F ii. Mattie A. Ray was born on 29 May 1904 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27September 1979 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.Mattie married Samuel Wilcox [MRIN: 61928] (d. December 1973).

+ 547 M iii. William Arlie Ray was born on 30 January 1891 in Ashe Co, NC and diedon 13 March 1958 in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 67.William married Callie M. Parsons [MRIN: 63285] (d. 23 June 1925) before1916 in Ashe Co, NC.William next married Carrie Lena Trivett [MRIN: 63280] (d. 6 April 1934)on 27 July 1925 in Ashe Co, NC.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 460)William next married Zora Lougretha Parsons [MRIN: 63291] (d. 3 March1989) in 1943.

312. Mary Louisa Greer (James J. 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.

313. Monroe Greer (James J. 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1860 in Pike Co, KY.

314. James W. Greer (James J. 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1862 in Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (144)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 17 June 1880 in District 96, Pikeville, Pike Co, KY.

James Greer age 17 KY works farm living with his parents29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• James Greer Sept 1862 KYJane April 1868 KY no childrendwelling 476 living with his parents29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

James married Jane Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61691]. Jane was born in April 1868 in Pike Co,KY.

315. Henrietta Greer (James J. 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1866 in Pike Co, KY.

316. Burton Meade, (Stepson) (James J. 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1906 in Pike Co, KY.

317. Satre Greer (Isaac 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.

318. Mary Greer (Isaac 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1854 in Ashe Co, NC.

319. Martha Greer (Isaac 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.

320. Frances Greer (Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in November 1885 in Pike Co, KY.

321. Marcus De Lafayette Greer (Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1860 in Pike Co, KY and died on 20 September1935 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 3 June 1880 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Marquis D. Greer age 20 KY farmerDrucilla age 19 KYCrittendon 2m KYdwelling 230 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 22 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY. MD L Greer Dec 1859 NC farmerDrucilla Dec 1850 KY m21 ll children 11 livingJoseph Nov 1881 KYMorgan April 1883Frances Oct 1884

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (145)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Creed C Sept 1886Sarah E Feb 1889Jessie March 1891 DauFlorence Jan 1893Mary A. Dec 1894McKinley Aug 1896George Dewey Sept 1898all childrn born in Pike Co, KYdwelling 11730 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 15 April 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY. Lafayette MD Greer age 50 KYDrusilla age 49 KY m30 14 children 12 livingCreed C. age 23 KYMinerva J age 19 KYMaud F age 17 KYMarcus M age 13 KYDewey G age 11 KYBessie P age 9 KYElsie C age 6 KY30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 7 January 1920 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.Lafayette Greer age 60 KY salesman clerkDrusilla age 59 KYDewey age 21 KYPearl age 19 KYElsie age 16 KYdwelling 6330 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in District 2, Pike Co, KY. Marquis D L GreerKY ows 10,000Drusilla age 69 KYGeorge D age 31 KYJanice age 4 3/12 KY granddaughterWarnell age 27/12 KY granddaughterdwelling 130 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 20 September 1935 in Pike Co, NC. Name: M D L Greer[Marquis De Lafayette Greer] <javascript:TGN.Ancestry.Search.Orem.DoOrem(1471105)>Death Date: 20 Sep 1935 Death Location: Pike Age: 75 Gender: MaleEthnicity: White Birth Date: 26 Dec 1859 Birth Location: Watauga, North CarolinaSpouse's Name: Drusilla Greer Father's Name: Levi Greer Father's Birth Location:North Carolina Mother's Name: Almira Miller Mother's Birth Location: North Carolina30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (146)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Marcus married Drucilla Mullins [MRIN: 61702], daughter of Smith Mullins and SallyCraft, on 15 May 1879 in Pike Co, KY. Drucilla was born on 4 December 1860 in RobinsonCreek, Pike Co, KY and died on 12 November 1935 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 74.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 15 May 1879, Pike Co, KY. arriages, 1851-1900

<> about Drucilla MullinsntblName:M. D. L. Greerntbl Spouse:Drucilla Mullinsntbl Marriage Date:15 May1879ntbl County:Pikentbl State:KY

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 12 November 1935 in Myra, Pike Co, KY. Name: Drusilla Greer

[Drusilla Mullins] Death Date: 12 Nov 1935 Death Location: Pike Age: 74 Gender:Female Ethnicity: White Birth Date: 4 Dec 1860 Birth Location: Pike, KentuckySpouse's Name: M D L Greer Father's Name: Smith Mullins Father's Birth Location:Letcher, Kentucky Mother's Name: Sally Craft Mother's Birth Location: Letcher,Kentucky30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 548 M i. Levi Crittendon Greer was born on 27 March 1880 in Myra, Pike Co, KY

and died on 11 April 1961 in Stanford, Lincoln Co, KY at age 81.Levi married Lurena Burke [MRIN: 61703] (d. October 1974) in 1897 inPike Co, KY.

+ 549 M ii. Joseph Jerome Greer was born in November 1881 in Myra, Pike Co, KYand died on 4 August 1908 in Pike Co, KY at age 26.Joseph married Minnie Dell Burke [MRIN: 61709] (d. December 1975).

+ 550 M iii. Morgan L. Greer was born in April 1883 in Pike Co, KY and died on 19April 1952 in Letcher, Letcher Co, KY at age 69.Morgan married Cosby Mullins [MRIN: 61707] on 26 November 1903 inPike Co, KY.

+ 551 M iv. Frances Greer was born in October 1884 in Pike Co, KY.+ 552 M v. Creed C. Greer was born in September 1886 in Pike Co, KY.

Creed married someone.+ 553 F vi. Sarah E. Greer was born in February 1889 in Pike Co, KY.+ 554 F vii. Jessie Greer was born in March 1891 in Pike Co, KY.+ 555 F viii. Florence Greer was born in January 1893 in Pike Co, KY.+ 556 F ix. Mary A. Greer was born in December 1894 in Pike Co, KY.+ 557 M x. McKinley Greer was born in August 1896 in Pike Co, KY.

McKinley married Lily Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61706] in 1918 in Pike Co, KY.+ 558 M xi. George Dewey Greer was born in September 1898 in Pike Co, KY.+ 559 F xii. Bessie P. Greer was born in 1901 in Pike Co, KY.+ 560 F xiii. Elsie C. Greer was born in 1904 in Pike Co, KY.

322. Isaac Newton Greer (Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in February 1865 in Pike Co, KY and died on 24 April 1957 in

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (147)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Waynesburg, Lincoln Co, KY at age 92.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 3 June 1880 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY. Isaac

Newton Greer age 15 KY farm labordwelling 14 living with his father30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY. IsaacN. Greer Feb 1865 KY farmerNancy March 1875 KY m14 6 children 4 livingCalvin U. Oct 1889 KYCuthburt March 1892 KYLenora Dec 1894 KYRoy Jan 1897 KYdwelling 10630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 16 April 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY. Newton I.Greer age 44 KY farmerGertrude age 22 KYCalvin age 20 KY teachingGerome C. abe 18 KY farm laborNora J age 14 KYRoy L age 11 KY farm laborAlbert W. age 4 KYEddie W age 2 KYVictory J age 5/12 KYdwelling 2030 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 24 April 1957 in Waynesburg, Lincoln Co, KY. Name: Isaac N Greer DeathDate: 24 Apr 1957 Death Place: Lincoln Age: 92 Residence: Lincoln Volume: 26Certificate: 1271630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Isaac married Nancy Adington [MRIN: 61699] on 16 September 1885 in Pike Co, KY.Nancy was born in March 1875 in Pike Co, KY and died after 6 June 1900 in Elkhorn, PikeCo, KY.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 16 September 1885, Pike Co, KY. Name: Isaac N. Greer Spouse: Nancy A.

Adington Marriage Date: 16 Sep 1885 County: Pike State: KY30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 561 M i. Calvin U. Greer was born in October 1889 in Pike Co, KY.+ 562 M ii. Gerome Cuthbert Greer was born in March 1892 in Upper Elkhorn Creek,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (148)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Pike Co, KY.Gerome married Lucilla [MRIN: 61701] in 1914 in Pike Co, KY.

+ 563 F iii. Lenora Greer was born in December 1894 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co,KY.

+ 564 M iv. Roy L. Greer was born in January 1897 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co,KY.

Isaac next married Gertrude Vanover [MRIN: 61700] on 29 April 1904 in Pike Co, KY.Gertrude was born in 1897 in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 29 April 1904, Pike Co, KY. Name: Isaac Greer Age: 35 Est. Birth Year: abt

1869 Birth Location: Pike Residence: Pike Spouse Name: Gertrude Vanover SpouseAge: 17 Est. Spouse Birth Year: abt 1887 Spouse Birth Location: Letcher SpouseResidence: Pike Marriage Date: 29 Apr 1904 Marriage Location: Pike County ofRecord: Pike30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 565 M i. Albert W. Greer was born in 1906 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 566 M ii. Eddie W. Greer was born in 1908 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 567 M iii. Victor J. Greer was born in January 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

323. John Ulysses Greer (Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in May 1867 in Pike Co, KY and died in February 1972 in Myra, Pike Co,KY at age 104.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY. John

Greer May 1867 KY farmerMintie Jan 1868 KY m9 2 children 2 livingEmory Feb 1891 KYMaggie 1900 KYdwelling 9230 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 18 April 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY. Ulysses J.Greer age 42 KY farmerMinta age 41 KY m19 5 children 5 livingMaggie A. age 10 KYOscar C age 5 KYIcy L age 4 KYElla D age 1 5/12 KY30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 7 January 1920 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.John Greer age 52 KY farmerEmery age 26 KY farming

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (149)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Oscar age 18 KYJoy age 13 KYElla age 11 KYdwelling 75 (brother of Marquis D L Greer)30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in District 2, Pike Co, KY. John Greer age 62KY wd farmerElla age 20 KY daughterdwelling 630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 2 February 1972 in Pike Co, KY. Name: John U Greer Death Date: 2 Feb1972 Death Place: Pike Age: 104 Residence: Pike Volume: 10 Certificate: 491630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• SS Death Info: 15 February 1972, Myra, Pike Co, KY. Name: John U. Greer SSN: 403-16-5157 Last Residence: 41549 Myra, Pike, Kentucky, United States of America Born:25 May 1867 Died: 15 Feb 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 1951)30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

John married Minta M. Mullins [MRIN: 61705]. Minta was born in January 1868 inRobinson Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in 1870 in District 9, Pike Co, KY PO Robinson Creek.

Hiram Mullinswith Mary M age 1 on this census. Guessing that this is the Mary M. Mullins thatmarried John Ulysses Greer. 30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 568 M i. Emory Greer was born in February 1891 in Pike Co, KY.+ 569 F ii. Maggie Greer was born in April 1900 in Pike Co, KY.+ 570 M iii. Oscar C. Greer was born on 23 November 1904 in Pike Co, KY and died on

6 January 1991 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 86.Oscar married Lourena Greer [MRIN: 61714].

+ 571 F iv. Icy L. Greer was born in 1906 in Pike Co, KY.+ 572 F v. Joy Greer was born in 1907 in Pike Co, KY.+ 573 F vi. Ella D. Greer was born in 1909 in Pike Co, KY.

324. Leroy Greer (Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in March 1870 in Pike Co, KY.

325. Nancy B. Greer (Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1874 in Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (150)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


326. Florence Angeline Greer (Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1876 in Pike Co, KY.

327. Franklin Mark Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 6 January 1870 in Pike Co, KY and died on 7 May 1954 in Mabel,Watauga Co, NC at age 84.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 7 May 1954 in Mabel, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Franklin Mark Greer

Gender: Male Race: White Age: 84 Birth Date: 6 Jan 1870 Birth Place: Pike, Kentucky,United States Death Date: 7 May 1954 Death Location: Mabel, Watauga Father'sName: Phillip Greer Mother's Name: Mary Greer Residence: Mabel, Watauga, NorthCarolina29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

328. Nancy Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1873 in Pike Co, KY.

329. Andrew J. Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in March 1875 in Pike Co, KY.

330. Cicero W. Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in January 1878 in Pike Co, KY.

331. Isaac G. Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1882 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 20 May 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Isaac G.

Greer age 28 NC teacher living with his parentsdwelling 23929 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

332. Alice M. Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in September 1884 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

333. Thomas M. Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in July 1888 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

334. Harrison Franklin Greer (Mary Greer 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in October 1892 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 2 July 1900 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Harrison F.

Greer Oct 1892 NC living with his parentsdwelling 91

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (151)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Harrison is found living with his parents on the 1910 and 1920 census in Cove Creek,Watauga Co, NC. Didnot search for 1930 census on Harrison.29 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

335. William Alfred Houck (Charlotte 'Lottie' Greer, (Father not known) 4, Nancy Greer,(Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1861 inAshe Co, NC and died in December 1933 in Ashe Co, NC at age 72.

William married Barbara Catherine Greer [MRIN: 61920], daughter of Solomon PeterGreer and Mary Houck, in 1878 in Ashe Co, NC. Barbara was born in August 1857 in AsheCo, NC and died in November 1918 in Ashe Co, NC at age 61.

336. Nancy Elizabeth Houck (Temperance Tatum Greer 4, Nancy Greer, (NotDocumented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1853 inAshe Co, NC and died in May 1949 in Ashe Co, NC at age 96.

Nancy married William Kelly Greer, Rev. [MRIN: 61918], son of Solomon Peter Greer and Mary Houck, on 7 October 1872 in Ashe Co, NC. William was born in October 1852 inAshe Co, NC and died in January 1919 in Ashe Co, NC at age 66.

The child from this marriage was:+ 574 F i. Belle Victoria Greer was born in September 1881 in Ashe Co, NC and died

in August 1964 in Ashe Co, NC at age 82.Belle married William Thomas Wilcox [MRIN: 61914] (d. July 1969) before1899 in Ashe Co, NC.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 502)

337. Barbara Jane Houck (Temperance Tatum Greer 4, Nancy Greer, (Not Documenteddaughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 26 December 1855 in Ashe Co,NC and died in October 1951 in Ashe Co, NC at age 95.

Barbara married John H. Gentry [MRIN: 61925] on 8 October 1872 in Ashe Co, NC byThomas Ray, Justice of Peace. John was born in November 1848 in Ashe Co, NC and died inApril 1914 in Ashe Co, NC at age 65.

Children from this marriage were:+ 575 M i. John Barton Gentry was born in March 1874 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

October 1966 in Ashe Co, NC at age 92.+ 576 M ii. William N. Gentry was born in August 1876 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

December 1960 in Ashe Co, NC at age 84.+ 577 F iii. Naoma E. Gentry was born in November 1879 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

January 1881 in Ashe Co, NC at age 1.+ 578 M iv. Troy General Gentry was born in July 1882 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

September 1967 in Ashe Co, NC at age 85.+ 579 M v. Charles Wesley Gentry was born in April 1885 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

November 1960 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.+ 580 F vi. Beulah Gertrude Gentry was born in July 1892 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

April 1971 in Ashe Co, NC at age 78.+ 581 M vii. Norman Francis Gentry was born in May 1888 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (152)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


April 1981 in Ashe Co, NC at age 92.+ 582 M viii. Clyde Gentry was born in April 1895 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27 May

1983 in Ashe Co, NC at age 88.

338. Eliza M. Younce (Isaac Younce 4, Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1846 in Ashe Co, NC.

339. George W. Younce (Isaac Younce 4, Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1848 in Ashe Co, NC.

340. Rebecca Louisa Younce (Isaac Younce 4, Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in July 1850 in Ashe Co, NC.

341. James L. J. Younce (Isaac Younce 4, Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1853 in Ashe Co, NC.

342. Jonathan E. Younce (Isaac Younce 4, Charlotte Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1858 in Ashe Co, NC.

343. Malinda Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1842 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

344. Martha Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1844 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 31 July 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC. Martha Beshears age 6

NC living with her parentsdwelling 3561 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC Jobs Cabin.Martha Beshears age 15 NC living with parentsdwelling 5341 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

345. Clarissa Catherine Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 28 July 1846 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC and died on 28September 1943 in Elk, Ashe Co, NC at age 97.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 28 September 1943 in Elk, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Catherine C Beshears

Church[Catherine C Beshears Beshears] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 97 Birth Date: 28Jul 1846 Birth Place: Wilkes Death Date: 28 Sep 1943 Death Location: Elk, AsheSpouse's Name: Dec Harrison Church Father's Name: Arron Beshears Mother's Name:Aley Owens Residence: Ladd, Ashe, North Carolina2 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (153)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• She appeared on the census on 31 July 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC. Catharn Beshears age 3NC living with parentsdwelling 3561 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC Jobs Cabin.Catharine Beshears age 12 NC living with parentsdwelling 5341 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Clarissa married Henry Harrison Church [MRIN: 63395], son of Alexander Church andMary Eller, on 9 March 1865 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Henry was born on 25September 1835 in Wilkes Co, NC, died on 14 January 1897 in Pleasant Home, Wilkes Co,NC at age 61, and was buried in Millers Creek, Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• Finda A Grave: 14 January 1897, Millers Creek, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Henry

Harrison Church Birth Date: 5 Sep 1835 Age at Death: 61 Death Date: 14 Jan 1897Burial Place: Millers Creek, Wilkes County, North Carolina, USA URL: Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Harrison Church Tradgedy: This website will give you the sad story of Henry Harrison Church. I tried to find thebook regard Harrison Church Tradgedy but it is not available on line.1 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 583 M i. Thomas Aaron Church was born on 6 January 1866 in Wilkes Co, NC and

died on 14 April 1928 in Iredell Co, NC at age 62.Thomas married Martha Ellen Blackburn [MRIN: 63443] (d. 30 April1911) on 18 February 1883 in Phillips Gap, Wilkes Co, NC.

+ 584 M ii. William John Church was born on 23 March 1867 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied on 28 September 1961 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 94.

+ 585 M iii. Harrison L. D. Church was born on 16 January 1870 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied on 18 October 1956 at age 86.

+ 586 M iv. Calvin Horace G. Church was born on 27 February 1872 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 11 April 1890 in Burke Co, NC at age 18.

+ 587 F v. Aly Esther Church was born on 7 March 1874 in Wilkes Co, NC and diedon 16 February 1960 at age 85.

+ 588 M vi. Daniel Wellborn J. Church was born on 19 May 1876 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 19 July 1964 at age 88.

+ 589 F vii. Zora Carmella Church was born on 8 November 1877 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 3 December 1973 in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co, NC at age 96.

+ 590 M viii. Peter Church was born in 1879 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 591 M ix. Winfield Scott Church, Sr. was born on 5 March 1879 in Wilkes Co, NC

and died on 23 January 1960 in Booneville, Yadkin Co, NC at age 80.+ 592 F x. Sallie Clarcy Church was born on 18 June 1881 in Wilkes Co, NC and died

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (154)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


on 4 March 1969 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 87.+ 593 F xi. Rebecca Lou Ellen Church was born on 6 August 1883 in Wilkes Co, NC

and died on 13 November 1971 in Hickory, Catawba Co, NC at age 88.+ 594 F xii. Nancy Elizabeth Church was born on 1 April 1885 in Wilkes Co, NC and

died on 1 October 1907 at age 22.+ 595 F xiii. Laura Church was born on 23 February 1888 in Summit, Wilkes Co, NC

and died on 11 July 1888 in Summit, Wilkes Co, NC.+ 596 F xiv. Winnie Mae Church was born on 22 May 1890 in Summit, Wilkes Co, NC,

died on 19 February 1962 in Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC at age 71, and wasburied in Yellow Hill Baptist Church Cem., Purlears, Wilkes Co, NC.Winnie married Enoch Reeves Mikeal [MRIN: 63441] (d. 10 June 1956) on26 March 1905 in Wilkes Co, NC.

346. John Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 12 January 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 29 September 1936 in WilkesCo, NC at age 86.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 31 July 1850 in Wilkes Co, NC. John Beshears age 0 NC

living with parentsdwelling 3561 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC Jobs Cabin.John Beshears age 10 NC living with parentsdwelling 5341 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 July 1870 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. JohnBeshears age 20 NC farmer 150Selena age 21 NCHenry Lee age 1 NCMary age 1/12 NCdwelling 47 his father at dwelling 481 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC Wilkesboro.John Beshears age 30 NCSelena age 31 NCHenry L. age 11 NCMary E. age 10 NCWilliam age 5 NCTHomas A. age 2 NCAley A. March 1880 NCdwelling 601 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

John married Selena Church [MRIN: 63405], daughter of William B. Church and SallyLenderman,. Selena was born on 14 February 1849 and died on 10 December 1900 at age 51.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (155)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 597 F i. Mary Elizabeth Beshears was born on 22 May 1870 in Wilkes Co, NC and

died on 30 May 1958 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 88.Mary married Zachariah A. Greer [MRIN: 63406] (d. 6 August 1940).

+ 598 M ii. Henry Lee Beshears was born in 1869 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 599 M iii. William Beshears was born in 1875 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 600 M iv. Thomas A. Beshears was born in 1878 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 601 F v. Aley A. Beshears was born in March 1880 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

347. William Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1852 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

348. Scott Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1855 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

349. Esley Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1856 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

350. Aley Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1859 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

351. Cornelius Beshears (Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1860 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 23 July 1870 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC

Wilkesboro. Cornelius Beshears age 10 NC living with parentsdwelling 481 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

352. Adelaide Owen (Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 8 March 1857 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC,died on 18 May 1930 in Parsonville, Wilkes Co, NC at age 73, and was buried in Purlear,Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 11 August 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC

Jobs Cabin. Adelaide Owens age 3 NC living with her mother who is not weddwelling 92730 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 18 May 1930 in Parsonville, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Adelade South[Adelade Beshears] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 73 Birth Date: 8 Mar 1857 BirthPlace: Wilkes, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 18 May 1930 Death Location:Parsonville, Wilkes Father's Name: Arron Beshears Mother's Name: Owens30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (156)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• Finda A Grave: 18 May 1930, Purlear, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Adelaide Owens PowellSouth Birth Date: 8 Mar 1857 Age at Death: 73 Death Date: 18 May 1930 Burial Place:Purlear, Wilkes County, North Carolina, USA30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Adelaide married John Martin Powell [MRIN: 63409]. John was born in 1839 in Wilkes Co,NC and died in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. John M.

Powell age 41 NCAdelaide age 23 NCMary E. age 4 NCLewis age 3 NCMalinda age 1 NCJohn M. age 1 month NCElizabeth Lewis age 56 NC sisterdwelling 12730 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 602 F i. Mary E. Powell was born in 1876 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 603 M ii. Lewis Powell was born in June 1877 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 604 F iii. Malinda Powell was born in 1879 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 605 M iv. John Martin Powell, Jr was born in May 1880 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co,

NC.+ 606 F v. Rachael Powell was born in March 1883 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Adelaide next married Thomas South [MRIN: 63410] before 1886 in Jobs Cabin , WilkesCo, NC. Thomas was born in August 1864 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Thomas South

Aug 1864 NC farmerAdelaide March 1857 NCLouellen July 1886 NCAlan L. April 1891 NCMinnie B. April 1893 NCMyrtie M. Nov 1896 NCLouis W. Powell June 1877 step sonMartin Powell May 1880 NC step sonRachael March 1883 NC step daudwelling 5130 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 607 F i. Louellen South was born in July 1886 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 608 M ii. Alan L. South was born in April 1891 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.+ 609 F iii. Minnie B. South was born in April 1893 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (157)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 610 F iv. Myrtle M. South was born in November 1896 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co,NC.

353. William Owen (Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in March 1860 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 11 August 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC Jobs

Cabin. William Owens age 6/12 NC living with his motherdwelling 92730 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1870 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. William Owen isnot on this census record with his mother and sister Adelaide.Unable to identify him on any other census.30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

354. Alice Owen (Phillip Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1859 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 11 August 1860 in Upper Division, Wilkes Co, NC

Jobs Cabin. Alice Owens age 1 NC living with her parentsdwelling 925 his father in dwelling 92630 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

355. Enoch F. Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1849 in NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 9 September 1850 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN PO

Trade. Enoch F. Jones age 1 NC living with his parentsdwelling 96 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

356. Elizabeth C Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1851 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

357. Francis L. Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1852 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

358. John C. Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1856 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

359. Martha E. Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1859 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

360. Sarah E. Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (158)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1) was born in October 1862 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died in February 1927 in Preston,King Co, WA at age 64.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in June 1880 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Sarah E.

Greer age 18 TN living with her brother William G. Jones age 16 who is head ofhouse. Sarah is living with her parents on the 1870 census and is age 8.Sallie C. Greer age 1 TNdwelling 736 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in January 1920 in Preston, King Co, WA. Sara E. Frittsage 58 TN wdEverett age 21 NE truck driver saw milldwelling 1126 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Sarah married George Greer, (Not Documented) [MRIN: 61987] on 6 December 1877 inJohnson Co, TN. George was born in 1858 in TN.

Noted events in his life were:• Information: 6 January 2012. I am unable to find anything that documents a George

Greer as the husband of Sarah E. Jones who is on the 1880 census living in the home ofher brother William G. Jonesand is listed as Sarah E. Greer along with Sallie C. Greer age 1 (her daughter). Shemarries George Fritts. Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 611 F i. Sallie C. Greer was born in 1879 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

Sarah next married George A. Fritts [MRIN: 61986] in 1882 in Johnson City, WashingtonCo, TN. George was born in April 1850 in TN and died on 23 December 1920 in WA at age70.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 1882, Johnson City, Washington Co, TN. Name: George Washington Fritts

Gender: Male Birth Place: TN Birth Year: 1850 Spouse Name: Sarah E. Jones SpouseBirth Place: TN Spouse Birth Year: 1862 Marriage State: TN Number Pages: 16 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in his life were:• Information: 6 January 2012. I cannot find any death infromation regard George A.

Fritts b April 1850. On the Jan 1920 Census for Preston, King Co, Wa Sarah E. Fritts(Jones, Greer) is wd and head of house with son Everett living with her. Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (159)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Ionia, Dixon Co, NE PO Newcastle. GeorgeFritts April 1850 TN farmerSarah E. Oct 1862 TN m18 7 children 7 livingConley Oct 1883 TNFrank B Aug 1886 NERuben H. Dec 1889 NECharles E March 1892 NEMonroe S July 1894 NEEverett M Feb 1898 NEdwelling 1456 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in March 1910 in Aneas, Okanogan Co, WA. George A.Fritts age 60 TNSarah E. age 48 8 children 7 livingFrank B age 23 NERueben H. age 24 NECharles C. age 18 NEMarion F. age 16 NEEverett M. age 12 NE6 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 612 M i. Conley Fritts was born in October 1883 in NE.+ 613 M ii. Frank B. Fritts was born in August 1886 in NE.+ 614 M iii. Rueben H. Fritts was born in December 1889 in NE.+ 615 M iv. Charles E. Fritts was born in May 1892 in NE..+ 616 M v. Monroe S. Fritts was born in July 1894 in NE.+ 617 M vi. Everett M. Fritts was born in February 1898 in Ionia, Dixon Co, NE.

361. William G. Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1864 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. William G.

Jones age 16 TN farmerHiram S. age 14 TN brotherSarah E Greer age 18 TN sisterSallie C age 1 TN nieceIsaac Hodge age 21 TN farm handdwelling 736 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

362. Hiram S. Jones (Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1866 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (160)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Dist 9, Johnson Co, TN. Hiram S. Jones age

14 TN living with his brother William G. Jones who is head of house. He is with hisparents in the 1870 census.dwelling 736 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

363. Martha V. Greer (Jesse F. 4, Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 29 April 1860 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

364. Sarah M. Greer (Jesse F. 4, Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 29 November 1861 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC and died on 26February 1962 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 100.

365. Cornelia L. Greer, Twin (Hiram Lafayette 4, Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1869 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

366. William L. Greer, Twin (Hiram Lafayette 4, Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1869 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

367. Ida L. Greer (Hiram Lafayette 4, Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1873 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

368. Thomas Greer (Hiram Lafayette 4, Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1876 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

369. Cora G. Greer (Hiram Lafayette 4, Joshua 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co, NC.

370. Frances Caroline Wilson (Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 20 January 1851 and died after 8 January 1920 in livingBristol, Sullivan Co, TN.

Frances married George Washington Osborne, Jr [MRIN: 59089] on 6 January 1867 inAshe Co, NC (NC Marriage Record). George was born in July 1846 in NC and died in 1927in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN at age 81.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 11 October 1870 in Laurel, Ashe Co, NC PO North

Fork. George OSBORN age 23 NC farm labor 400ppFrances C age 17 NCliving next door to her mother

• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. George OSBORNage 32 NC FarmerFrances age 27 NCMiles age 4 NCLeroy age 1 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (161)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Mary GRAGG age 25 NC not legible occ

• He appeared on the census on 28 June 1900 in Civil Dist 5, Sullivan Co, TN. G WOSBORN July 1846 NCFrances C June 1851 NCBishop B L Dec 1881 NCBascumW July 1887 NCPearl E March 1890 NCWilliam V July 1892 NCMamie T Jan 1890 NCMary BARR

• He appeared on the census on 19 April 1910 in Holston, Washington Co, VA. GeorgeW OSBORN age 63 NC Merchant General StoreFrances C age 58 NC 9/7Pearl age 20 NCWilliam age 17 NCMamie age 14 NCBruce Phillippi age 27 PA boarderThomas McLAUGHLIN age 23 PA boarderW H GOODWIN age 28 TN boarder

• He appeared on the census on 8 January 1920 in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN. George WOSBORNE age 73 NC gardner truck gardenFrances C age 68 NCWilliam V age 25 NC agent Real Estate

• Information: 22 July 2010. From Glenn HOLLIMAN, descendant: George WashingtonOSBORNE, Jr was a cattle trader, farmer, store owner, and believed to be a Methodistpreacher. No, I did not know he married my grandparents in Afton, TN - newinformation and tends to confirm he was a Methodist preacher which I have somewhatdoubted." Dorthy GRISSOM MACK.

Children from this marriage were:+ 618 M i. Miles Osborne was born in 1876 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 619 M ii. Leroy Osborne was born in 1879 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 620 M iii. Bishop B L Osborne was born in December 1881 in Cove Creek, Watauga

Co, NC.+ 621 M iv. Bascum W Osborne was born in July 1887 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 622 F v. Pearl E Osborne was born in March 1890 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 623 M vi. William V Osborne was born on 22 July 1892 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,

NC and died on 20 November 1968 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA atage 76.William married Katherine S Osborn, Mrs [MRIN: 59090] before 1922 inSullivan Co, TN.

+ 624 F vii. Mayme T Osborne was born in January 1896 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,NC and died in 1943 in prob Greeneville, Greene Co, TN at age 47.Mayme married Charles Skelt Stansbery, Sr [MRIN: 59091] (d. 1957) on

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (162)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


29 April 1914 in Greensville, Greene Co, TN.

371. Mary J Wilson (Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1852 in Ashe Co, NC.

372. John W Wilson (Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1855 in Ashe Co, NC.

373. Sarah M Wilson (Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1856 in Ashe Co, NC.

374. Martha E Wilson (Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1857 in Ashe Co, NC.

375. Robert B Wilson (Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1860 in Ashe Co, NC.

376. William A Wilson, The Rev (Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1861 in Wilson Cove, near Sutherland, Ashe Co, NC anddied in 1951 at age 90.

Noted events in his life were:• Information: 22 July 2010. Descendant Glenn HOLLIMAN has a blog with details of

William A WILSON, The Rev. A beautiful websiteand should be visited byall who have any connection to Sarah BOONE WILCOXSON, the ancestral lineof Glenn HOLLIMAN. Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

William married Mary Amelia McClellan, Methodist Missionary [MRIN: 59095]. Marywas born Private.

377. Doris Ella Shook (Julia Elizabeth Greer 4, Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 2 November 1896 in Watauga Co, NC.

Doris married Lute B Stout [MRIN: 54827]. Lute was born in 1893 in NC.

General Notes: 1920 Beech Mountain, Avery Co, NCDoris STOUT age 23 NC married living with her parents Roby S SHOOK 1930 Beech Mountain, Avery Co, NCLute B STOUT age 37 NC Miner Coal FieldDoris E age 33 NCliving next door to her parents

378. Virgil Creates Shook (Julia Elizabeth Greer 4, Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 15 August 1898 in Watauga Co, NC.

379. Mamie Ann Shook (Julia Elizabeth Greer 4, Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 3 October 1900 in OK (Per 1910 Census).

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (163)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Mamie married Howard McGuire [MRIN: 54828], son of Leander Webster McGuire andNancy Louise Trivet,. Howard was born in 1880 in Watauga Co, NC.

The child from this marriage was:+ 625 M i. Frederick McGuire was born in October 1917 in Watauga Co, NC and died

in 20 Aug 2007 Living.

380. Clarence Thomas Shook, (Twin) (Julia Elizabeth Greer 4, Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1905 in Watauga Co, NC.

381. Mary Clara Shook, (Twin) (Julia Elizabeth Greer 4, Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1905 in Watauga Co, NC.

382. Lassie Leah Shook (Julia Elizabeth Greer 4, Andrew 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1909 in Watauga Co, NC.

383. George C. Greer (Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1874 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

384. Charlotte L. Greer (Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in February 1882 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

Charlotte married Niley Thomas Byers [MRIN: 63180].

The child from this marriage was:+ 626 F i. Vera Beatrice Byers was born on 28 December 1910 in Watauga Co, NC.

Vera married Iven E. Church [MRIN: 63201] in 1929.

385. William P. Greer (Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in October 1883 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

386. Monroe F. Greer (Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in July 1886 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

387. Eugene L. Greer (Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1891 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

388. Ivy C. Greer (Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1894 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

389. Hettie L. Greer (Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1897 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

390. Gertrude Dora Greer (George 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 29 October 1888 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She was born on 29 October 1888 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Gertrude Dora Greer

Date of Birth: 29 Oct 1888 Gender: Female Race: White Birth County: Watauga

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (164)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Parent1 Name: George Greer Parent2 Name: Clarcie Isaacs Roll Number: B_C102_66001 Volume: 9 Page: 16130 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Gertie Greer age21 NC living with her Uncle Phillip Greerdwelling 23930 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

391. Bell Greer (George 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin March 1890 in NC.

392. Myrtle Greer (George 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in October 1894 in Pike Co, KY.

393. May Greer (George 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin November 1896 in Pike Co, KY.

394. Elizabeth Greer (George 4, Franklin 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in September 1899 in Pike Co, KY.

395. George Robert Younce (Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 10 September 1871 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC and diedon 22 February 1939 in AL at age 67.

396. Ann Younce (Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in January 1875.

397. William C. Younce (Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, David Vincent 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1876, died in 1925 in Elizabethton, Carter Co, TN atage 49, and was buried in 1925 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 14 July 1900 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. William

C. Younce Aug 1876 NC farmerEliza J. July 1871 NCJuritte Dec 1894 NCOrvis J. Oct 1895 NCThomas S. March 1900 NC18 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 16 April 1910 in Beech Mountain, Watauga Co, NC.William C. Younce age 38 NC farmerEliza age 38 NC m2 11 years 7 children 7 livingCarl age 10 NCEli age 8 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (165)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Fred age 6 NCElmer age 3 NCBurris age 9/12 NC daughterTrivette Julinett age 7 daughterTrivette Ovis age 15dwelling 218 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 10 January 1920 in Elizabethton, Carter Co, TN. WilliamC. Younce age 44 NC farmerEliza age 48 NCKarl age 19 NC labor plaining millEd age 17 NC labor Empire Chair Co.Fred age 15 NCElmer age 13 NCBernice age 11 NCThomas age 8 NCBarnard age 6 NCdwelling 13818 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Finda A Grave: 1925, Zionville, Watauga Co, NC. Name: William C Younce BirthDate: 1876 Age at Death: 49 Death Date: 1925 Burial Place: Zionville, WataugaCounty, North Carolina, USA URL: Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Eliza Jane Reece [MRIN: 63167], daughter of Isaac Valentine Reece andJuritta Proffit, before December 1894. Eliza was born in July 1871 in Watauga Co, NC anddied on 15 May 1955 at age 83.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 20 April 1930 in Elizabethton, Carter Co, TN. Eliza

Younce age 54 NCElmer age 24 NC silk millThomas age 19 NC silk millBernard age 16 NC silk millRobert age 6 NCLucile age 20 NC dau in law silk MillVenice age 0 grandsonJosephine age 17 TN dau in lawBernice Brooks age 21 NC dau silk millHoward Brooks age 21 VA son in law Silk MillJana Vance age 17 NC roomer inspector Silk Milldwelling 35918 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 627 F i. Juritte Younce was born in December 1894 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 628 M ii. Orvis J. Younce was born in October 1895 in Watauga Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (166)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 629 M iii. Thomas Carl Younce was born in March 1900 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,NC.

+ 630 M iv. Edie Younce was born in 1902 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 631 M v. Fred Younce was born in 1904 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 632 M vi. Elmer Younce was born in 1907 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 633 F vii. Bernice Younce was born in August 1909 in Beech Mountain, Watauga Co,

NC.Bernice married Howard Brooks [MRIN: 63169].

+ 634 M viii. Bernard Younce was born in 1914 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 635 M ix. Robert Younce was born in 1924 in Elizabethton, Carter Co, TN.

398. George Washington Younce (Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1878.

399. Henry Jefferson Younce (Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, David Vincent 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1882 and died on 24 June 1974 at age 91.

400. Mary Younce (Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in September 1884.

401. Charles Luther Younce (Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1886 in Watauga Co, NC and died in March1965 in Zionville, Watauga Co, NC at age 78.

402. Sarah Jane Greer (Newton 4, Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1865 in NC and died in Missouri City, Fort Bend Co, TX.

403. Alice Greer (Newton 4, Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1868 in Watauga Co, NC.

404. Amanda A. Greer (Newton 4, Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1868 in Watauga Co, NC.

405. Jasper Greer (Newton 4, Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1869 in Watauga Co, NC.

406. Julia Ann Greer (Newton 4, Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1871 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 22 March 1959 in Watauga,Watauga Co, NC at age 88.

407. Larkin Greer (Newton 4, Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in July 1873 in Watauga Co, NC.

408. Albert Greer (Newton 4, Jesse Wilcox 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1875 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 21 September 1970 in Watauga, WataugaCo, NC at age 95.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (167)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


409. George W. Greer (Sarah A. Winkler 4, Mary Greer 3, David Vincent 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1874 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 14 January1955 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 80.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1900 in District 131 Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

George W. Greer Oct 1874 NC farmerLueasy Nov 1878 NC m7 4 childrenBertha E. Jan 1894 NCGirthe E. Oct 1895 NCMaggie R. Oct 1897 NCJames L April 1899 NCdwelling 121 living next door to James C. Greer b Jan 1848 (Uncle)26 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

George married Lucretia Moore [MRIN: 62124] before 1894 in Watauga Co, NC. Lucretiawas born on 30 October 1881 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 30 November 1973 in WilkesCo, NC at age 92.

410. Mary J. Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1868 in Watauga Co, NC.

411. Allie Louella E. Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1870 in Watagua Co, NC.

412. John W. Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1875 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC. John W. Greer age 5 NC

living with his parentsdwelling 1326 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1900 in District 131 Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. JohnW. Greer May 1875 NC day labor living with his parentsdwelling 12426 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

413. Lucinda Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1878 in Watauga Co, NC.

414. Adalaid M. Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in January 1879 in Watauga Co, NC.

415. Joseph G. Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in August 1880 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (168)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1900 in District 131 Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Joseph

G. Greer Aug 1880 NC farm labor living with his parentsdwelling 12426 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

416. Crecie Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1885 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC.

417. Henry B. Greer (James Calvin 4, John 3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1886 in Elk, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1900 in District 131 Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Henry

B. Greer Oct 1886 NC living with his parentsdwelling 12426 Feb 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

418. Howard McGuire (Leander Webster McGuire 4, Sarah 'Sally' Greer 3, DavidVincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1880 in Watauga Co, NC.

Howard married Mamie Ann Shook [MRIN: 54828], daughter of Roby Spencer Shook andJulia Elizabeth Greer,. Mamie was born on 3 October 1900 in OK (Per 1910 Census).

(Duplicate Line. See Person 379)

419. Mary A. Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1868 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died on 11 November 1942 in Van BurenCo, AR at age 74.

Mary married William Davenport [MRIN: 63126]. William was born in 1860.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in May 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. William

Davenport age 50 TNMary age 45 TNDaisy age 19 NCOllie age 16 NCJohn age 14 NCDewey age 12 NCHazel age 9 NCJulia age 6 NCSurgia age 2Benjamin F. Greer age 63 TN father in lawdwelling 21216 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

420. Martha E. Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (169)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1) was born in October 1869 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

421. Hannah L. Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1872 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

422. John M. Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1874 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

423. Benjamin Carroll Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in September 1876 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died in July 1966 inEugene, Lane Co, Or at age 89.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 12 June 1900 in Civil District 9, Johnson Co, TN.

Benjamin C. Greer Sept 1876 TN farmerLaura A. Nov 1878 TNHessie B. April 1899 TNdwelling 114 his father dwelling 1136 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Benjamin married Laura A. Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61989]. Laura was born in November 1878in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

The child from this marriage was:+ 636 F i. Hessie B. Greer was born in April 1899 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

424. Charles Alfred Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 7 December 1879 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died on 2 April 1955in Sugar Cove, Watauga Co, NC at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 7 April 1930 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Charles

Greer age 50 TN farmerAlice age 46 NCMinniedora age 20 NCHelen age 17 NCRebecca age 80 NC motherdwelling 6216 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 2 April 1955 in NC. Name: Charles A Greer Age: 76 Date of Birth: 1879Date of Death: 2 Apr 1955 Death State: North Carolina Source Vendor: NC StateArchives. North Carolina Deaths, 1908-6716 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 2 April 1955 in Sugar Cove, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Charles Alfred GreerGender: Male Race: White Age: 76 Birth Date: 7 Dec 1878 Birth Place: Johnson,Tennessee, United States Death Date: 2 Apr 1955 Death Location: Sugar Grove,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (170)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Watauga Father's Name: Benjamin Franklin Greer Mother's Name: Rebecca YounceResidence: Zionville, Watauga, North Carolina16 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Charles married Alice Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 63127]. Alice was born in 1884 in NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 637 M i. Myron T. Greer was born in 1904 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 638 F ii. Mona Greer was born in 1907 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 639 F iii. Minnie Dora Greer was born in 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.+ 640 F iv. Helen Greer was born in 1913 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

425. Ettie M. Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in June 1885 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

426. Maggie V. Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in December 1887 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

427. George M. Greer (Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in September 1890 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

428. John W. Wilcox (Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1876 in Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 13 February 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine

Swamp). John Wilcox Feb 1876 NC farmer living with his fatherdwelling 1830 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Dist 0030, Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. John Wilcoxage 34 NC living with his parentsdwelling 12930 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

429. Elizabeth Lethia Wilcox (Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in February 1868 in Ashe Co, NC.

430. William Benjamin Wilcox (Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1871 in Ashe Co, NC and died in March 1959 inAshe Co, NC at age 87.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine Swamp).

Benjamin Wilcox age 39 NCVinia age 42 NC m2 m22 10/9Claude age 17 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (171)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Sallie age 14 NCVirgie age 10 NCFannie age 8 NCMaggie age 5 NCHannah age 2 NCdwelling 130 Mill Creek Road his father at dwelling 12930 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Vinia Baker [MRIN: 61923] before 1890 in Ashe Co, NC. Vinia was bornin February 1869 in Ashe Co, NC and died in September 1952 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.

Children from this marriage were:+ 641 M i. Floyd Roby Wilcox was born in 1890 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 29 March

1968 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 78, and was buried in CrestwoodMemorial Park, Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.Floyd married Mamie Walker [MRIN: 61942] on 27 October 1908 in AsheCo, NC.

+ 642 M ii. Claude Wilcox was born in February 1893 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC anddied in December 1973 in Ashe Co, NC at age 80.Claude married Maggie Phillips [MRIN: 61927] (d. December 1953).

+ 643 M iii. Samuel Wilcox was born in January 1895 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC anddied in December 1973 in Ashe Co, NC at age 78.Samuel married Mattie A. Ray [MRIN: 61928] (d. 27 September 1979).

(Duplicate Line. See Person 546)+ 644 F iv. Sarah Wilcox was born in 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died in

December 1948 in Ashe Co, NC at age 52.+ 645 F v. Virgie Wilcox was born in 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 646 F vi. Fannie Wilcox was born in 1902 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 647 F vii. Maggie Wilcox was born in September 1904 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and

died in January 1980 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.Maggie married Coy Alexander Goodman [MRIN: 61929] (d. 22 February1937).

+ 648 F viii. Hannah Wilcox was born in 1908 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 649 M ix. Dempsey Lee Wilcox was born on 30 May 1911 in Ashe Co, NC and died

on 30 December 1966 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 55.

431. Virginia America Wilcox (Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in April 1871 in Ashe Co, NC.

Virginia married William H. Moody [MRIN: 61917] before December 1896 in Ashe Co,NC. William was born in November 1862 in Johnson Co, TN.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine Swamp).

William H. Moody Nov 1862 TN farm laborVirginia A. April 1873 NCJohn A Dec 1886 NCSamuel D. Jan 1895 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (172)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Mathew M. Feb 1900 NCDwelling 18 living with his father in law Alvin Wilcox b July 184130 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 650 M i. John A. Moody was born in December 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 651 M ii. Samuel D. Moody was born in January 1895 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 652 M iii. Mathew M. Moody was born in February 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

432. James M. Wilcox (Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in May 1882 in Ashe Co, NC.

433. James Matthew Wilcox (Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1882 in Ashe Co, NC and died in 1912 in Oldfields,Ashe Co, NC at age 30.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in April 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine Swamp).

James Wilcox age 28 NCSarah age 22 NC 1 childGun age 1 NCdwelling 13331 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

James married Sarah A. Jones [MRIN: 61931] on 23 November 1907 in Ashe Co, NC.Sarah was born in 1885 in Watauga Co, NC and died in February 1934 in Rowan Co NC atage 49.

Children from this marriage were:+ 653 M i. Willard Glenn Wilcox was born in August 1908 in Ashe Co, NC, died on

29 June 1957 in Kannapolis, Rowan Co NC at age 48, and was buried on 12July 1957 in Carolina Memorial Park, Cabarrus, , NC.Willard married Carrie Etta Eagle [MRIN: 61933] (d. December 2000).

+ 654 F ii. Ora Lee Wilcox was born in January 1911 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC and diedon 14 May 1996 in Concord, Cabarrus Co, NC at age 85.Ora married James Vernon Dancy, Sr. [MRIN: 61932] (d. 28 October1978).

434. Frances Hester Wilcox (Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died inOctober 1935 at age 39.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Hester Wilcox age 13

NC living with her parentsdwelling 12930 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

435. Wiley Thomas Greer (James 4, Alexander 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (173)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


was born on 7 May 1876.

Wiley married Alice Millie Shepherd [MRIN: 54889].

The child from this marriage was:+ 655 M i. Baxtor Vinton Greer was born on 21 March 1904.

Baxtor married Mavis Faye Weaver [MRIN: 54890].

436. David M. Greer (Alexander 4, Alexander 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 20 October 1862 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 24 April 1939 in Johnson Co,TN at age 76.

David married Susanna Potter [MRIN: 63200] on 25 February 1881 in Johnson Co, TN.Susanna was born on 7 May 1861 in Johnson Co, TN and died 29 Feb 1921 in Johnson Co,TN.

437. Joseph G. Greer (Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in February 1881 in Johnson Co, TN.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 14 June 1900 in Civil District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Joseph

G. Greer Feb 1881 TN farmer living with his parentsdwelling 2926 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Joseph Greer age 29NC farmerIda age 25 TN m5 2 children 2 livingMay age 4 NCHomer age 4/12 NCdwelling 11726 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1920 in Union, Lucas Co, IA. Joseph Greer age 38 NCfarm laborIda age 32 TNMay age 13 NCHomer age 10 TNRay age 7 ARDallas age 4 3/12 ARMarie age 2 5/12 ARGlen age 3/12 IAdwelling 3525 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 15 April 1930 in District 9, Johnson Co, TN. Joe G.Greer age 49 NC farmerIda L. age 44 TNHomer age 20 TNRaymond H. age 17 AR

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (174)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Dallas F. age 15 ARMarie age 13 ARGlen S. age 10 ARJoseph A. age 7 IAdwelling 15426 July 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Joseph married Ida L. Greer [MRIN: 62954], daughter of Alexander G. Greer andRebecca Taylor, on 20 December 1905 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC. Ida was born on 16August 1879 in Johnson City, Washington Co, TN and died on 24 January 1957 in Boone,Watauga Co, NC at age 77.

Children from this marriage were:+ 656 F i. May Greer was born in 1906 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 657 M ii. Homer Greer was born in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 658 M iii. Ray Greer was born in 1907 in AR.+ 659 M iv. Dallas Greer was born in 1916 in AR.+ 660 F v. Marie Greer was born in 1918 in AR.+ 661 M vi. Glen Greer was born in 1920 in Union, Lucas Co, IA.+ 662 M vii. Joseph A. Greer was born in 1923 in Union, Lucas Co, IA.

438. Flora E. Greer (Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1887 in Johnson Co, TN.

439. Jesse E. Greer (Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1890 in Johnson Co, TN.

440. Mary McCorkle Greer (Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 11 September 1892 in Johnson Co, TN and died in 1988 inAshe Co, NC at age 96.

Mary married George Spergan Holman [MRIN: 61873] on 14 October 1910 in Ashe Co,NC. George was born in April 1892 in Ashe Co, NC and died in January 1953 in Ashe Co,NC at age 60.

The child from this marriage was:+ 663 F i. Annie Mabel Holman was born in April 1913 in Ashe Co, NC and died in

September 1963 in Ashe Co, NC at age 50.Annie married Kermit Isaiah Wilcox [MRIN: 61872].

441. Eliza E. Greer (Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1895 in Johnson Co, TN.

442. Octa Greer (Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in October 1897 in Johnson Co, TN.

443. Zora Winebarger (Malinda Miley Greer 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 5 November 1878 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 10 August 1954 inWatauga Co, NC at age 75.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (175)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Zora married Thomas Jefferson Greer [MRIN: 63253], son of Noah Greer and Nancy JaneShaw,. Thomas was born on 1 March 1874 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 1 December 1962 inBoone, Watauga Co, NC at age 88.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 1 December 1962 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Thomas Jefferson

Greer Gender: Male Race: White Age: 88 Birth Date: 1 Mar Birth Place: Ashe, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 1 Dec 1962 Death Location: Boone, WataugaSpouse's Name: Died 1954 Zola Greer Father's Name: Noah Greer Mother's Name:Nancy Shaw Residence: Creston, Ashe, North Carolina22 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

444. James Franklin Greer (Samuel Washington 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 2 February 1877 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 23 May 1950 inMountain Home, Washington Co, TN at age 73.

445. Maggie Rozella Greer (Samuel Washington 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 8 July 1878 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 24 August1950 in Winston Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 72.

Noted events in her life were:• Pictures - 30 November 2012. There are really great pictures of this

family posted as public at Ancestry.comDorthy Grissom Mack

Maggie married William Berry Miller [MRIN: 63396]. William was born in 1870 in NC anddied in January 1912 in NC at age 42.

446. Cicero Greer (Samuel Washington 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 26 August 1881 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 23 June 1889 in Watauga Co,NC at age 7.

447. Robert Greer (Samuel Washington 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1883 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 31 October 1930 in Bristol, Sullivan Co,TN at age 47.

448. Mack Hamilton Greer (Samuel Washington 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 28 March 1888 in Watauga Co, NC and died 11May 1975 inGreensboro, Guilford Co, NC at age 87.

449. Samuel Ellis Greer (Elijah 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 13 October 1891 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Samuel married Maude Alma Peaco*ck [MRIN: 63305]. Maude was born on 28 January 1881in Forsythe Co, NC and died on 16 October 1981 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age100.

450. Bessie E. Greer (Elijah 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (176)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


in August 1893 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

451. Dora L. Greer (Elijah 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inSeptember 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Dora married W. Shelton Penn [MRIN: 63306] on 12 July 1917 in Watauga Co, NC. W. wasborn in 1895 in NC.

452. Raymond Lester Greer (Elijah 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 15 December 1900 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co, NC and died on 2 August1948 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 47.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 2 August 1948 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Raymond Lester

Greer Gender: Male Race: White Age: 47 Birth Date: 15 Dec 1900 Birth Place: Todd,Watauga, NC, NC Death Date: 2 Aug 1948 Death Location: Cove Creek, WataugaSpouse's Name: Daisy Mast Father's Name: Elige Greer Mother's Name: Nancy JacksonResidence: Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

453. Ruby Greer (Elijah 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 18 July 1904 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co, NC and died on 28 July 1931 inCove Creek, Watauga Co, NC at age 27.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 28 July 1931 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Ruby Greer

Grindstaff[Ruby Greer Greer] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 27 Birth Date: 18 Jul 1904 BirthPlace: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 28 Jul 1931 Death Location: CoveCreek, Watauga Spouse's Name: Tyler C Grindstaff Father's Name: L Greer Mother'sName: Nancy Jackson23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Ruby married Tyler C. Grindstaff [MRIN: 63307]. Tyler was born in 1900 in NC.

454. Howard Taft Greer (Elijah 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 29 February 1908 in Watauga Co, NC and died 28 Mary 1987 in Zionville,Watauga Co, NC.

Howard married Bulie Rebecca Church [MRIN: 62973], daughter of Niley MonroeChurch and Ella Rosedna Oliver, on 30 January 1927 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN. Bulie wasborn on 26 February 1903 in Mabel, Watauga Co, NC and died on 2 May 1999 in Boone,Watauga Co, NC at age 96.

The child from this marriage was:+ 664 M i. William Howard Greer was born on 4 April 1931 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN

and died on 13 June 1999 in Johnson CIty , Washington Co, TN at age 68.

455. Lela Consadie Trivett (Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (177)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 19 June 1895 in NC, died on 30 December 1968 inLenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 73, and was buried on 1 January 1969 in Watson FamilyCemetery in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 30 December 1968 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Lelia Trivette

Greer[Lelia Trivette Trivette] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 73 Birth Date: 19 Jun 1895Birth Place: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 30 Dec 1968 Death Location:Lenoir, Caldwell Father's Name: Late Wilburn Trivette Mother's Name: Late JuliaGreer Residence: Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack Document on line at

Lela married Greer [MRIN: 63275].

456. Thomas Riley Trivett (Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1898 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 18 May 1970 inKing George, King George Co, VA at age 71.

457. Niley Nicholas Trivett (Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 25 March 1901 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and diedon 17 January 1976 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 74.

458. Joseph William Trivett (Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3,Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 6 February 1903 in Ashe Co, NC, diedon 19 June 1959 in Deep Gap, Ashe Co, NC at age 56, and was buried on 21 June 1959 inWatson Cem, Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 5 May 1910 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Joseph W.

Trivett age 7 NC living with his parentsdwelling 16623 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in Haymond and Millstone, Letcher Co, KY.Joe Trivett age 26 NC laborer coal mine m age 21Bell age 25 NC m age 14Emily age 5 NCdwelling 7323 Nov 2013 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 April 1940 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Joe Trivettage 37 NC Road Work WPA born Watauga Co, NCBelle age 34 born Ashe Co, NCEmily age 15 born Ashe Co, NCFreda age 7 born Ashe Co, NClives on Gum Ridge Road in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (178)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


23 November 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack divorced bef 1947 as he is married to Hettie Pearl Wilcox.

• He died on 19 June 1959 in Deep Gap, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Joseph William TrivetteGender: Male Race: White Age: 56 Birth Date: 6 Feb 1903 Birth Place: Ashe, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 19 Jun 1959 Death Location: Deep Gap, AsheSpouse's Name: Hettie Wilcox Trivette Father's Name: D Wilborn Trivette Mother'sName: Julia Greer Residence: Deep Gap, Wilkes, North Carolina23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack See copy of death certificate on line at

Joseph married Anna Bell Trivette [MRIN: 61636], daughter of John Franklin Trivette and Zana Emaline Greer, on 11 May 1924 in Ashe Co, NC. The marriage ended in divorceafter 23 April 1940. Anna was born on 6 May 1905 in NC and died on 12 November 1952 inLenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 47.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 12 November 1952 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Anna Bell Trivette

Gender: Female Race: White Age: 47 Birth Date: 8 May 1905 Birth Place: NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 12 Nov 1952 Death Location: Lenoir, CaldwellFather's Name: John Trivette Mother's Name: Zona Greer Residence: Lenoir, Caldwell,North Carolina m 11 May 1924 and Death Certificate shows Anna Bell is divorced. Date not kownbut he married Hettie Pearl bef 1947 as they had son b 18 Dec. 1947 who died the sameday.23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 665 F i. Emily Trivett was born in 1925 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 6

August 1972 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 47.Emily married James Randolph Coffey [MRIN: 63272] (d. 10 January 1989)in Has 4 Children.

+ 666 F ii. Freda Trivett was born in 1933 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Joseph next married Hettie Pearl Wilcox [MRIN: 61635], daughter of William WestleyWilcox and Melvina Phillips, in 1946. Hettie was born on 10 March 1912 in Stony Fork,Watauga Co, NC and died on 24 March 1992 in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 80.

Noted events in her life were:• SS Death Index: 24 March 1992, Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Hettie W.

TrivetteSSN: 238-34-5413 Last Residence: 28697 Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina, UnitedStates of America Born: 10 Mar 1912 Died: 24 Mar 1992 State (Year) SSN issued:North Carolina (Before 1951)23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 24 March 1992 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Hettie Pearl

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (179)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Trivette[Hettie Pearl Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed SocialSecurity Number: 409180457 Father's Last Name: Wilcox Age: 80 Date of Birth: 10Mar 1912 Birth Location: North Carolina Birth State: North Carolina ResidenceCounty: Wilkes Residence State: North Carolina Date of Death: 24 Mar 1992 DeathCity: No. Wilkesboro Death County: Wilkes Death State: North Carolina Autopsy:No Institution: General Hospital Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in stateSource Vendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1988-9223 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 667 M i. David Wilson Trivett was born on 18 December 1947 in Ashe Co, NC and

died on 18 December 1947 in Ashe Co, NC.

459. Ella Mae Trivett (Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in 1905 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

460. Carrie Lena Trivett (Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 6 March 1907 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on6 April 1934 in Brookside, Watauga Co, NC at age 27.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 6 April 1934 in Brookside, Watauga Co, NC.

about Lena RayntblName:Lena Ray [Lena Trivett] ntbl Gender:Femalentbl Race:WhitentblAge:27ntbl Birth Date:1907ntbl Birth Place:Ashe, North Carolina, UnitedStatesntbl Death Date:6 Apr 1934ntbl Death Location:Brookside,Wataugantbl Spouse's Name:Arlie Rayntbl Father's Name:William TrivettntblMother's Name:Julia Greer

• Finda A Grave: 6 Apeil 1934, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Len Ray Birth Date: 17 Mar1907 Age at Death: 27 Death Date: 6 Apr 1934 Burial Place: Watauga County, NorthCarolina, USA URL:

Carrie married William Arlie Ray [MRIN: 63280], son of Larkin Monroe Ray and EllenMiller, on 27 July 1925 in Ashe Co, NC. William was born on 30 January 1891 in Ashe Co,NC and died on 13 March 1958 in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 67.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 11 April 1930 in Elk, Ashe Co, NC. Arley W. Ray age 40

NC laborer odd jobsLeona age 32 NCHazel G> age 3 8/12 NCLela age 2/12 NCdwelling 6723 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (180)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 668 F i. Hazel G. Ray was born in 1926 in Ashe Co, NC.+ 669 F ii. Lela Ray was born on 11 February 1930 in Elk, Ashe Co, NC.+ 670 F iii. Sarah Edith Ray was born on 30 June 1932 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 31

December 1996 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 64.Sarah married someone Otis Franklin Cranford, (Twin) [MRIN: 63290] (d.25 December 1994) on 17 August 1946 in Surry Co, NC.

461. David Mansfield Trivett (Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 19 November 1909 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 22 August1996 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 86.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 22 August 1996 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: David Mansfield

Trivette Gender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Married Social Security Number:240283649 Father's Last Name: Trivette Age: 86 Date of Birth: 19 Nov 1909Residence County: Ashe Residence State: North Carolina Date of Death: 22 Aug1996 Death City: Boone Death County: Watauga Death State: North CarolinaAutopsy: No Institution: General Hospital Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burialin state Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1993-9623 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC. MansfieldTrivett (Livett) age 20 NCBertie M. age 19Glenn age 0 NCdwelling 22523 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW 11 Draft Cards 1940-1947: Mansfield David Trivett b 19 Nov 1911 Ashe Co, NClive Fleetwood, Ashe Co, NCemployed WPA Project in Jefferson, Ashe Co, NCwife Bertie May.23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

David married Bertie May Greer [MRIN: 63276], daughter of Greer and Unknown,. Bertiewas born on 12 November 1910 in NC and died on 21 December 2000 at age 90.

Noted events in her life were:• Obituary - Trivette Publication: 22 December 2000, NC. Name: Bertie Mae (greer)

Trivette Publication Date: 22 Dec 2000 Publication Place: Death Date: abt 2000 DeathPlace: Age at Death: 90 Birth Date: Abt 1910 URL: http://obits.rootsweb.ancestry...23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 671 M i. Glenn May Trivett was born in 1930 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

462. Joseph Bunyan Younce (Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1880 in Watauga Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (181)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 2 May 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Joseph Younce

age 20 NC farm labor odd jobs living with his motherdwelling 1433 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: 12 September 1918, Fossil, Wheeler Co, OR. Name: JosephB Younce County: Wheeler State: Oregon Birth Date: 18 Apr 1880 Race: White FHLRoll Number: 1852211 3 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in Service Creek, Wheeler Co, OR. Joseph B.Younce age 49 NC farmerPearl B. age 44 NCdwelling 13 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW11 Registration: 1942, Fossil, Wheeler Co, OR. Name: Joseph Bunyan YounceBirth Date: 18 Apr 1880 Birth Place: Watauga, North Carolina Residence: Fossil,Oregon Race: WhiteAge: Occupation: Nearest Relative: Height/Build: Color of Eyes/Hair: Signature: View image <>

463. Nellie E. Younce (Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in August 1884 in Watauga Co, NC.

464. Samuel F. Younce (Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 15 April 1886 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 15 April 1886 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Sam F Younce Date of

Birth: 15 Apr 1896 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1 Name:Roby Younce Parent2 Name: Mindy Ellen Ray Roll Number: B_C102_66003 Volume:7 Page: 291

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (182)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


This must be incorrect but not sure how. Must be a typo error.3 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 2 May 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Samuel Younceage 23 NC laborer odd jobsAda age 16 NCdwelling 145 his mother lives at dwelling 1433 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Samuel married Ada Younce, Mrs. [MRIN: 61765] before 2 May 1910 in Oldfields, AsheCo, NC. Ada was born in 1894 in NC.

465. Walter Linney Younce (Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1891 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 13 April1985 in Granite Falls, Caldwell Co, NC at age 93.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 25 October 1891 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Walter Linney Younce

Date of Birth: 25 Oct 1891 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1Name: Roby Younce Parent2 Name: Minda Ellen Winebarger Roll Number: B_C102_66002 Volume: 11 Page: 6583 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: 5 June 1917, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Walter Limmey YounceCounty: Ashe State: North Carolina Birthplace: North Carolina;United States ofAmerica Birth Date: 25 Oct 1891 Race: Caucasian (White) FHL Roll Number:17655593 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1930 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co, NC. Len Younce age35 NC farmer rents 35.00Fannie age 26 NCLouise age 6 NCWorth age 3 10/12 NCHoward modwelling 393 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 13 April 1985 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Walter Len YounceGender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Married Social Security Number:240283130 Father's Last Name: Y Age: 93 Date of Birth: 25 Oct 1891 BirthLocation: North Carolina Birth State: North Carolina Residence County: CaldwellResidence state: North Carolina Date of Death: 13 Apr 1985 Death City: Lenoir DeathCounty: Caldwell Death State: North Carolina Institution: General Hospital Attendant:Physician3 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (183)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Walter married Fannie Younce, Mrs. [MRIN: 61766] before 1924 in Watauga Co, NC.Fannie was born in 1904 in NC.

Children from this marriage were:+ 672 F i. Louise Younce was born in 1924 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 673 M ii. Worth Younce was born in 1926 in Watauga Co, NC.+ 674 M iii. Howard Younce was born from 1929 to 1930 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co,


466. June Monroe Younce (Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1896 in Watauga Co, NC and died in January 1986 inChapmanville, Logan Co, WVA at age 89.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 18 June 1897 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: June Monroe Younce Date of

Birth: 18 Jun 1897 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1 Name:Roby Younce Parent2 Name: Minda Ellen Winebarger Roll Number: B_C102_66003Volume: 173 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: June 1917, Letcher Co, KY. Name: June Monroe YounceCounty: Letcher State: Kentucky Birthplace: North Carolina Birth Date: 18 Jun 1896FHL Roll Number: 16535013 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 January 1920 in Logan, Logan Co, WVA. JuneYounce age 24 NC coal minerSallie age 19 KYGertrude Davenport age 28 KY sister in lawKate M. age 12 TN nieceBlanch age 2 9/12 WV niecedwelling 4653 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died in January 1986 in Chapmanville, Logan Co, WVA. Name: June Younce SSN:233-18-0520 Last Residence: 25508 Chapmanville, Logan, West Virginia, UnitedStates of America Born: 18 Jun 1896 Died: Jan 1986 State (Year) SSN issued: WestVirginia (Before 19513 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

June married Sally Younce, Mrs. [MRIN: 61767]. Sally was born in 1901 in Jenkins, LetcherCo, KY.

467. Rebecca E. Trivett (Thomas Smith Trivett 4, Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1863 in NC.

468. William F. Trivett (Thomas Smith Trivett 4, Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (184)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1872 in Johnson Co, TN.

469. David Wilborn Trivett (Thomas Smith Trivett 4, Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 6 November 1873 in Johnson Co, TN and died on 23January 1933 in Watauga Co, NC at age 59.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. David W.

Trivette Nov 1873 NC farmerJulia M. Sept 1878 NC m4 3 childrenLellia C. June 1897 NCThomas R. Oct 1898 NCdwelling 9423 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 5 May 1910 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. David W.Trivett age 36 NC farmerJulia M. age 37 NCLela C. age 12 NCThomas R. age 11 NC farm labor home farmNley N. age 9 NCJoseph W. age 7 NCElla M. age 5 NCCarrie L. age 3 NCDavid M. age 5/12dwelling 16623 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

David married Julia M. Greer [MRIN: 63265], daughter of William Raleigh (Riley) Greer and Francis T. Watson, on 3 September 1896 in Ashe Co, NC. Julia was born on 30September 1870 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 7 March 1961 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age90, and was buried in Watson Cemetery, Laural Springs, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• Her obituary was published in March 1961. Obit

Mar 1961 , North CarolinaMrs. Julie Greer Trivette, 90, of 139 Advent Street died Tuesday afternoon at herresidence after failing heath of two years and a serious illness of two days.Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at Laurel Springs Baptist Church inWatauga County, and burial will be in the Watson cemetery, Rev. E. O. Gore and Rev.Buren Hastings will officiate at the rites. The body was taken from Warren - MillerFuneral Home to the residence at 5 p.m. today.Born Sept. 30, 1870, in Ashe County, she was a daughter of the late Riley and FrankieWatson Greer. He husband, Wilburn Trivett, passed away several years ago. She was amember of the Laurel Springs church.Surving are two daughters, Mrs. Lelar Greer and Mrs. Arthur (Mae) Church of Lenoir;four sons, Tom Trivett of Virginia, Niley Trivett of Lenoir, Mansfield Trivett of DeepGap and Water Greer of Lenoir, 41 grandchildren : 117 great-grandchildren; 17 great-

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (185)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)



(Duplicate Line. See Person 234)

470. Thomas S. Trivett (Thomas Smith Trivett 4, Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1877 in Johnson Co, TN.

471. Larkin J. Trivett (Thomas Smith Trivett 4, Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' Greer 3, Joshua 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in Johnson Co, TN.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (186)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Source Citations 1. Broderbund CD 7 #4587, Bur Wilcox-Martin Cem in Baldwin Common, Mill Creek Rd.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (187)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (188)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Sixth Generation (3rd Great-Grandchildren)

472. Ellin Greer (Carl Ellison 5, Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1910 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC, died in 1926 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co,NC at age 16, and was buried in Cem R19 in Ashe Co, NC.

473. Inis Greer (Carl Ellison 5, Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1912 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC, died in 1917 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co,NC at age 5, and was buried in Cem R19 in Ashe Co, NC.

474. Joe Greer (Carl Ellison 5, Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1920 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

475. Frank Greer (Carl Ellison 5, Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1924 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

476. Lela Greer (Carl Ellison 5, Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1926 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

477. Howard Greer (Carl Ellison 5, Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1930 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

478. Odis Greer (Carl Ellison 5, Albert T. 4, Elijah 3, John 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1933 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

479. Sanford Moses Parsons (Adolphus Parsons 5, Isaac Parsons 4, Jacintha Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1855 in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13Jan 01.

Sanford married Polly Jane McKinney [MRIN: 31024] in 1880. Polly was born after 1855.

The child from this marriage was:+ 675 M i. Henry Parsons was born in 1885 in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13

Jan 01.Henry married Peaarl Harvey [MRIN: 31025] in 1905.

480. Levy E. Trivett (Nathaniel C. Trivett 5, Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1860 in Pike Co, KY.

481. Marcia Estella Trivette (Solomon Trivett 5, Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 26December 1885 in Ashe Co, NC Dir Line [emailprotected] and died on 20 February1982 in Ashe Co, NC at age 96.

Marcia married James Roby Lewis [MRIN: 12858] on 27 April 1906 in Ashe Co, NC. Jameswas born on 10 June 1887 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 29 May 1966 in Ashe Co, NC at age78.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (189)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


The child from this marriage was:+ 676 F i. Maggie Ellen Lewis was born on 20 February 1907 in Ashe Co, NC Dir

Line [emailprotected] 22 Nov 1999.Maggie married Oscar Haywood Matthews [MRIN: 11013] (d. 18 April1977) on 12 May 1930 in Ashe Co, NC.

482. Marion Van Buren Wilcoxson (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1861 inWatauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 2 June 1880 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Marion

Wilcox age 19 NC laborerMary J. age 18 NCGeorge W age 1 NCdwelling 18 living with his father21 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

483. Mary Jane Wilcox (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1862 in Watauga Co,NC and died on 28 February 1941 in Clifton, Ashe Co, NC at age 79.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in June 1880 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Mary J.

Wilcoxen ge 18 NC living with her fatherdwelling 1827 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 28 February 1940 in Clifton, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Mary Wilcox[Mary Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Birth Place: Elkland Wotanga co, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 28 Feb 1940 Death Location: Clifton, AsheFather's Name: Martin Wilcox Mother's Name: Rebecca Wilson24 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Mary married someone in Never Married.

484. Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 15 November 1865 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 2 May 1954 in Zionville,Watauga Co, NC at age 88.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in June 1880 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Nancy C.

Wilcoxen age 14 NC living with her fatherdwelling 1827 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (190)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Nancy married Newton Granville Greene [MRIN: 61616]. Newton was born in December1867 in NC, died on 18 May 1955 in Piney Flats, Sullivan Co, TN at age 87, and was buriedin Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 18 May 1955 in Piney Flats, Sullivan Co, TN. Name: Granville Newton

Greene Birth Date: abt 1867 Age: 88 Death Date: 18 May 1955 Death Place: PineyFlats, Sullivan, Tennessee Gender: Male Father's Name: Jake Norris Greene Mother'sName: Lou Greene FHL Film Number: 151277327 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Finda A Grave: 1955, Watagua Co, NC. Name: Newton G Green Birth Date: 1866 Ageat Death: 89 Death Date: 1955 Burial Place: Watauga County, North Carolina, USA27 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 677 M i. Harrison Greene was born in February 1870.+ 678 M ii. William Greene was born in November 1888 and died on 6 March 1966 in

Forest, Bedford Co, VA at age 77.+ 679 M iii. James Niley Greene was born in June 1887 and died in October 1967 in

Johnson City, Washington Co, TN at age 80.+ 680 M iv. Benjamin Harrison Greene was born in February 1890 and died on 17

September 1970 in Barren Elk, Avery Co, NC at age 80.+ 681 F v. Vertie Katherine Greene was born in March 1895 in NC and died on 6

February 1967 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 71.+ 682 M vi. Floyd Newton Greene was born in November 1897 in Watauga, Watauga

Co, NC and died on 28 September 1966 in Banner Elk, Avery Co, NC at age68.

+ 683 M vii. Claude Franklin Greene was born in April 1900 in Watauga, Watauga Co,NC and died in February 1983 in Banner Elk, Avery Co, NC at age 82.

+ 684 M viii. Roosevelt Boyd Greene was born on 6 May 1901 in Watauga, Watauga Co,NC and died on 29 November 1968 in Banner Elk, Avery Co, NC at age 67.

+ 685 F ix. Lola Louise Greene was born on 29 January 1908 in Watauga, Watauga Co,NC and died on 12 November 1985 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 77.

485. Elvina E. Wilcoxson (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1867 in Watagua Co,NC and died on 21 September 1952 in Ashe Co, NC at age 85.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in June 1880 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Vina E

Wilcosen age 13 NC living with her fatherdwelling 1827 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

486. General Grant Wilcox (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 3October 1869 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC and died on 23 March 1954 in Boone,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (191)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Watauga Co, NC at age 84.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1880 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Genl

Grant Wilcoxen age 10 NC living with his fatherdwelling 1827 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Genl. G.Wilcox Oct 1869 NC MerchantCornelia A. Feb 1872 NC m11 5 children 5 living

• He appeared on the census on 22 April 1910 in Peak Creek, Ashe Co, NC. GrantWilcox age 40 NC Retail Merchant Grocery & Dry GoodsCornelia age 38 NCOrtho age 19 NCLoid age 18 NC farm labor home farmVictor age 16 NCBinnar age 14 NCDenis age 12 NC name not legibleHerman age 6 NCHazel age 5 NCMaud age 4 NCCharles age 3/12 NCdwelling 1162 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 3 January 1920 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Grant G.Wilcox age 51 NC rents Dealer Crud DrugsCornila age 49 NCHerman W. age 17 NCHazel N. age 14NCMaud M age 12 NCCharlie C age 9 NCRosa J age 5 NCdwelling 162 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. General GrantWilcox age 60 NC 4000 Dealer FurrC Alice age 58 NCCharles age 18 NCMaude age 31 NCRosa Jean age 14 NCdwelling 117 Oak St.2 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 23 March 1954 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: General Grant WilcoxGender: Male Race: White Age: 84 Birth Date: 3 Oct 1869 Birth Place: Ashe, North

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (192)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Carolina, United States Death Date: 23 Mar 1954 Death Location: Boone, WataugaFather's Name: Martin Wilcox Mother's Name: Iva Wilson Residence: Boone,Watauga, North Carolina 23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

General married Cornelia Alice McGuire [MRIN: 61637], daughter of Felix ParksMcGuire and Mary Jane Walters,. Cornelia was born in February 1872 in Riverside, AsheCo, NC and died on 18 July 1933 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 61.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 1 June 1900 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Genl

G. Wilcox Cot 1869 NC MerchantCornelia A. Feb 1872 NC m11 5/5Loid May 1892 NCAda M Feb 1894 NCDempsey L. Sept 1896 NCBiner V Feb 1899 NCdwelling 2212 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 22 April 1910 in Peak Creek, Ashe Co, NC.GrantWilcox age 40 NC Retail Merchant Dry Goods GroceryCornelia age 38 NCOrtho age 19 NCLoid age 18 NC farm labor home farmVictor age 16 NCBinnar age 14 NCDecis? age 12NCHerman age 6 NCHazel age 5 NCMaud age 4 NCCharles age 3/12 NCdwelling 1162 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 3 January 1920 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Grant G.Wilcox age 51 NC rents Dealer Crud DrugsCornelia age 49 NCHerman W. age 17 NCHazel N. age 14 NCMaud M age 12 NCCharlie C age 9 NCRosa J age 5 NCdwelling 162 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in April 1930 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. General Grant

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (193)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Wilcox age 60 NC 4000 dealer furrrC. Alice age 58 NCCharles age 18 NCMaude age 31 NCRosa Jean age 14 NCdwelling 117 Oak Street2 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 18 July 1933 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Cornelia A Wilcox[Cornelia A Mcguire] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 61 Years 5 Months BirthDate: abt 1872 Birth Place: Riverside; Ashe, North Carolina, United States Death Date:18 Jul 1933 Death Location: Boone, Watauga Spouse's Name: G G Wilcox Father'sName: Philix Mcguire Mother's Name: Mary Waters 24 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 686 M i. Otho Stuart Wilcox was born in August 1890 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC

and died on 9 September 1966 in Globe Springs, Ashe Co, NC at age 76.Otho married Cynthia Hart [MRIN: 61736] (d. 22 March 1970).

+ 687 M ii. Felix Loyd Wilcox was born in May 1892 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC anddied on 12 November 1964 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 72.Felix married Channal Grace Watson [MRIN: 61737] (d. 24 February1974).

+ 688 F iii. Ada Mae Wilcox was born on 17 February 1894 in Boone, Watauga Co, NCand died on 18 December 1974 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 80.Ada married Van Buren Dick Krider [MRIN: 61738] (d. 24 February 1974).

+ 689 M iv. Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Sr. was born on 23 September 1896 in Ashe Co, NCand died on 21 February 1972 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 75.Dempsey married Florence Ivalee Payne [MRIN: 61739] (d. 8 October1991).

+ 690 F v. Bina Virginia Wilcox was born in February 1899 in Boone, Watauga Co, NCand died in August 1984 at age 85.Bina married Richard Filmore Day [MRIN: 61740] (d. 11 November 1941).

+ 691 M vi. Herman Wallace Wilcox was born in January 1903 in Boone, Watauga Co,NC and died in February 1984 in Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC at age 81.

+ 692 F vii. Hazel Nancy Wilcox was born in 1905 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.Hazel married Walter Lenoir Cook [MRIN: 61741].

+ 693 F viii. Mary Maude Wilcox was born in June 1907 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC anddied in August 1992 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 85.

+ 694 M ix. Charles Coles Wilcox was born on 11 September 1909 in Ashe Co, NC anddied on 29 August 1969 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 59.Charles married Julia Florence Hollar [MRIN: 61742] (d. 29 July 1990).

+ 695 F x. Rosa Jean Wilcox was born in November 1914 in Boone, Watauga Co, NCand died on 5 July 2006 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 91.Rosa married Boyd Owen Hodges [MRIN: 61743] (d. November 2005).

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (194)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


487. George Washington Wilcox, (Grandson) (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC, died on 13 May 1958 in Fig, AsheCo, NC at age 79, and was buried on 15 May 1958 in Brown Cem, Fig, Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. George W.

Wilcoxsen age 1 living in home of his grandfather26 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 13 May 1958 in Fig, Ashe Co, NC. Name: George Washington WilcoxGender: Male Race: White Age: 72 Birth Date: 18 Nov 1885 Birth Place: NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 13 May 1958 Death Location: Fig, Ashe Spouse'sName: Deceased Mary Phillips Wilcox Mother's Name: Mary Jane Wilcox Residence:Fig, Ashe, North Carolina24 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

488. Bella Wilcox (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1892 in BaldMountain, Watauga Co, NC.

489. Mack Wilcox (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1896 in Bald Mountain,Watauga Co, NC.

Mack married someone.

490. Pandora Wilcox (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1898 in BaldMountain, Watauga Co, NC.

491. Martin Hulcher Wilcox (Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornon 15 April 1901 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC and died on 19 December 1988 inWest Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC at age 87.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 15 April 1901 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Martin Hulcher Wilcox

Date of Birth: 15 Apr 1901 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1Name: Martin Wilcox Parent2 Name: Mollie Tucker Roll Number: B_C102_66003Volume: 7 Page: 21124 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 19 December 1988 in Ashe Co, NC. lina Death Collection, 1908-2004<> about Martin Hulcher Wilcox

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (195)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


ntblName:Martin Hulcher Wilcoxntbl Gender:Malentbl Race:WhitentblMarital Status:Marriedntbl Social Security Number:238306921ntbl Father'sLast Name:Wilcoxntbl Age:87ntbl Date of Birth:15 Apr 1901ntbl BirthLocation:North Carolinantbl Birth State:North Carolinantbl ResidenceCounty:Ashentbl Residence state:North Carolinantbl Date of Death:10 Dec1988ntbl Death County:Ashentbl Death State:North CarolinantblAutopsy:Nontbl Institution:General Hospitalntbl Attendant:PhysicianntblBurial Location:Burial in statentbl Source Vendor:NC Department of Health. NorthCarolina Deaths, 1988-92

Martin married Ollie Adline Wilcoxson [MRIN: 61640], daughter of Samuel Alvin Wilcox and Jane Jennie E. Houck, on 17 September 1921 in VA. Ollie was born Seot 1906 in AsheCo, NC and died on 8 December 1994 in West Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC at age 88.

492. Aletha Wilcox (Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1867 in Ashe Co, NC.

493. William Monroe Wilcox (Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1868 in Ashe Co, NCand died in January 1925 in Ashe Co, NC at age 56.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 7 July 1870 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC PO Elk.

William Wilcoxen age 2 NC living with his parentsdwelling 4027 Dec 2011 DorthyGrissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 12 June 1880 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.William M. Wilcox age 11 NC living with his parents 27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Civil District, Johnson Co, TN. William M.Wilcox Sept 1868 NC Stock TraderMalissie Aug 1872 NC m8 4 children 4 livingCharlie E. S. Feb 1893 NCArnel G. April 1895 NCPansy M. Aug 1897 NCWilliam C. March 1900 TNMuncy D. Mikeal April 1886 NC servantdwelling 19827 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 28 April 1910 in Jobs Cabin, Wilkes Co, NC. WilliamM. Wilcox age 41 NC Commercial Trading ShoesIda age 37 NCCharles S age 17 NC works home farmArnold G. aged 15 NC works home farm

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (196)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Tamsy M. age 12 NCEdward C. age 8 NCKermit J. age 3 NCIda J. age 10/12 NCdwelling 9427 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1920 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Monroe E. Wilcox age57 NCIda age 47 NCKermit age 13 NCLeo age 10 NCMattie age 6 NCdwelling 1627 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 29 January 1925 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC. Name: William Monroe WilcoxGender: Male Race: White Age: 56 Years 3 Months Birth Date: abt 1868 Birth Place:Baldwin, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 29 Jan 1925 Death Location: Todd,Ashe Spouse's Name: Ida Vannoy Father's Name: Isaiah Wilcox Mother's name: MattieZucker27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Malissa Ida Vannoy [MRIN: 61871]. Malissa was born in August 1872 inAshe Co, NC and died in July 1937 in Ashe Co, NC at age 64.

Children from this marriage were:+ 696 M i. Charlie E. S. Wilcox was born in February 1892 in NC.+ 697 M ii. Arnald G. Wilcox was born in April 1895 in NC.+ 698 F iii. Pansy M. Wilcox was born in August 1897 in NC.+ 699 M iv. William C. Wilcox was born in March 1900 in Johnson Co, TN.+ 700 M v. Kermit Isaiah Wilcox was born in 1906 in Ashe Co, NC and died in Ashe

Co, NC.Kermit married Annie Mabel Holman [MRIN: 61872] (d. September 1963).

(Duplicate Line. See Person 663)+ 701 F vi. Ida Leo Wilcox was born on 4 June 1909 in Wilkes Co, NC.+ 702 F vii. Mattie Emaline Wilcox was born in November 1913 in Ashe Co, NC and

died in January 1997 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.Mattie married Albert B. Houck [MRIN: 61875] (d. January 1967) on 24August 1932 in Ashe Co, NC.

494. Julia Amelia Wilcox (Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 2 May 1871 in Ashe Co, NCand died on 4 February 1967 in Morgantown, Burke Co, NC at age 95.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (197)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 20 June 1900 in Lewis Fork, Wilkes Co, NC. Julia M

Howard May 1873 NC farmer 3 children 3 livingJeane July 1891 NCCharly July 1893 NCGeorgie M. Nov 1895 NCdwelling 18629 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 4 February 1967 in Morgantown, Burke Co, NC. Name: Julia AmeliaYates[Julia Amelia Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 95 Birth Date: 2 May 1871Birth Place: Ashe, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 4 Feb 1967 DeathLocation: Morganton, Burke Spouse's Name: Deceased William L Yates Father'sName: Isiah Wilcox Mother's name: Mattie Tucker Residence: Wilkesboro, Wilkes,North Carolina29 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Julia married George Washington Howard [MRIN: 61911] before 1891. George was born in1854 in Johnson Co, TN and died in 1896 in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC at age 42.

Children from this marriage were:+ 703 F i. Jeane Howard was born in July 1891 in Swain Co, NC.+ 704 M ii. Charles I. Howard was born on 27 July 1893 in Swain Co, NC and died on

30 October 1967 in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 74.+ 705 F iii. Georgie Hattie Howard was born in November 1895 in Swain Co, NC.

Julia next married William Lander Yates [MRIN: 61910], son of Jesse Yates and CarolineEller, before 1905 in Wilkes Co, NC. William was born on 22 December 1864 in Wilkes Co,NC and died on 14 March 1959 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 94.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 4 April 1930 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Lander W.

Yates age 65 NC Harness Maker Harness ShopJulia N. age 57 NC.Caswell G. age 25 NC Printer Printing ShopGillis A. age 23 NC Printer Printing ShopBuren C. age 21 NC Clerk Dept StoreNora B age 19 NC Archie A. age 17 NCdwelling 7229 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 14 March 1959 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: William LanderYates Gender: Male Race: White Age: 94 Birth Date: 22 Dec 1864 Birth Place: Wilkes,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 14 Mar 1959 Death Location: Wilkesboro,Wilkes Spouse's Name: Julia Wilcox Yates Father's Name: Jesse Yates Mother's name:Caroline Eller Residence: Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina30 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (198)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 706 M i. Caswell G. Yates was born in 1905 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.+ 707 M ii. Gillis A. Yates was born in 1907 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.+ 708 M iii. Chester Buren Yates was born in 1905 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.+ 709 F iv. Nora B. Yates was born in 1911 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.+ 710 M v. Archie Arthur Yates was born in 1913 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.

495. Lulu Belle Wilcox (Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1875 in Ashe Co, NC anddied after 17 July 1934 in prob Hemingway, Georgetown Co, SC.

Lulu married Charles A. Baxley [MRIN: 61913] before 1893 in NC. Charles was born inNovember 1867 in Marion Co, SC, died on 17 July 1934 in Hemingway, Georgetown Co, SCat age 66, and was buried on 18 July 1934 in Pleasant Hill Cem, Hemingway, Georgetown Co,SC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Sanford, Moore Co, NC. Charles A. Baxley

Nov 1867 SC MerchantLoula B. May 1877 NC m7 3 children 3 livingEarnest T. Oct 1893 NCNellie L. Dec 1895 NC.Blanche B. Feb 1897 NC.dwelling 2530 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in District5 42, Collins, Georgetown Co, SC.Charles A Baxley family living heredwelling 34230 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1920 in Carvers Bay, Georgetown Co, SC. Charley O.Baxley age 50 SC farmerLewler age 47 NCBurnes age 13 SCUnos age 13 SCClifford age 10 SCCatherine age 6 SCdwelling 40030 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 17 July 1934 in Hemingway, Georgetown Co, SC. Name: Charles A BaxleyDeath Date: 17 Jul 1934 Age at Death: 66 Years Born: 1868 Gender: Male Color:White County of Death: Georgetown Certificate Number: 014219Mrs. L. Belle Baxley signed death certificate30 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (199)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 711 M i. Earnest T. Baxley was born in October 1893 in Moore Co, NC.+ 712 F ii. Nellie Lillian Baxley was born in December 1895 in Moore Co, NC.+ 713 F iii. Blanche B. Baxley was born in February 1897 in Sanford, Moore Co, NC.+ 714 M iv. Charlie V. Baxley was born in 1901 in Georgetown Co, SC.+ 715 M v. Charles Burnes Baxley, (Twin) was born in 1907 in Collins, Georgetown

Co, SC.+ 716 F vi. Mattie Unos Baxley, (Twin) was born in 1907 in Collins, Georgetown Co,

SC.+ 717 M vii. Clifford I. Baxley was born in January 1910 in Collins, Georgetown Co, SC.+ 718 F viii. Catherine G. Baxley was born on 4 July 1916 in Carvers Bay, Georgetown

Co, SC and died on 6 July 1995 in Georgetown, Georgetown Co, SC at age79.

496. Joseph D. Wilcox (Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1879 in Ashe Co, NC anddied in January 1928 in Ashe Co, NC at age 48.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 12 June 1880 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Joseph Wilcox age 9mo (Aug) living with parents 27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

497. Mary J. Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1871 in Oldfield, Ashe Co, NC.

498. Amanda L. Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1872 in Oldfield, Ashe Co,NC.

499. William Westley Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1879 in Laxon, WataugaCo, NC and died on 5 June 1933 in Lares, Watauga Co, NC at age 53.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 12 June 1880 in Oldfield, Ashe Co, NC. William W.

Wilcoxson July 1879 NC living with his parents22 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 11 June 1900 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. WilliamW. Wilcox July 1879 NC farmerMelvina May 1877 NC m4 2 children 1 livingRosie M. March 1898 NCdwelling 67, his father at dwelling 6822 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 April 1910 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. William

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (200)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


W Wilcox age 29 NC farmerMelvina S age 30 NC m13 6 children 5 livingRosa M age 12 NCFrank L age 9 NCDallie E age 7 NCBessie age 4 NCOdell age 1 NCdwelling 11823 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: 12 September 1918, Boone, Watauga Co, NC. WilliamWestley Wilcox b 16 July 1879living at West Riverside, Watauga Co, NC23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 7 January 1920 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. WilliamW. Wilcox age 40 NC farmerMelvina age 41 NCLiney age 18 NCBessie age 14 NCOdel age 10 NCHettie age 7 NCKermit age 2 9/12 NCdwelling 25 his father at dwelling 24 and on Meadow Creek Rd.23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 5 June 1933 in Lares, Watauga Co, NC. Name: William W Wilcox Gender:Male Race: White Age: 53 Birth Date: abt 1880 Birth Place: Laxon, Watauga, NC, NCDeath Date: 5 Jun 1933 Death Location: Lares, Watauga Spouse's Name: FlorenceWilcox Father's Name: Bill Wilcox Mother's Name: Ann Wilcox23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Descendant: 25 November 2011. Hi Dorthy! I apologize for the delay in replying toyour email. I spoke with my grandfather yesterday and asked him about your question.He informed me that Arlie IS theson of William Westley Wilcox and Florence, but Thomas IS NOT the son of WilliamWestley. He is the son of Florence's previous marriage to a man named Pink orPickneyDula. My grandfather couldn't remember what the mans real name was he said theycalled him pink, he said his real name may have been pinkney or pickney. Later in lifeThomas Dula was nicknamed "Lyin Tom" apparently he was one to stretch the truthquite a bit, and unfortunately he was an alcoholic and drank himself to death. All thisinformation is from my grandfather Wilard Odean Wilcox, grandson of WilliamWestley Wilcox Jr and Melvina Phillips. I hope this has helped you, if you haveanymorequestions please feel free to ask! I hope you have a great day!Crystal Jewell

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (201)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


On Nov 23, 2011, at 12:32 PM, DorthyMack18 wrote: Dear Crystal Jewell, I am working on the descendants of Isiah Wilcoxson and Fannie Greer. I notice thatwith the second wife, Florence,age 29) who is on the 1930 census with WilliamWestley Wilcox you show three chilren. On the 1930 Census for Stony Fork,Watauga Co, NC there are children Thomas age 9; Arlie age 6; and Virginia age 1/12. Looking at the 1930 census for Melvina who is now married to a Wiley Phillips it hasher Wilcox children, Kermit age 14; Edna age 9; and Ruby age 6. I guess I am trying to figure out if the Thomas age 9 and Arlie age 6 are the children ofFlorence by another marriage since it appears that William Westley and Melvina aretogether in 1924 or so. What do you think? [emailprotected] <mailto:[emailprotected]> Dorthy MackLife Member, The Boone SocietyManteca, CA23 November 2011 -------This message was sent to you by DorthyMack18<> through Ancestry. If you prefer to be contacted anonymously in the future, please clickhere <>.Blocking Future Messages: If you wish to block this person from initiating futuremessages to you from Ancestry or RootsWeb's system, please click here<>. To block allmessages of this sort sent from Ancestry or RootsWeb's system, click here<>.Reporting Abuse: The Generations Network, Inc. is not responsible for the contents ofany message sent via Ancestry or RootsWeb's system. If you would like to reportabuse of the system, click here<>.

William married Melvina Phillips [MRIN: 61631] before 1898 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co,NC. Melvina was born on 14 May 1877 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 25 April 1957 inBoone, Watauga Co, NC at age 79.

Noted events in her life were:• She was born on 14 May 1877 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Melvina Phillips Date of

Birth: 14 May 1877 Gender: Female Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1Name: Hiram Phillips Parent2 Name: Sarah Ellen Parsons Roll Number: B_C102_

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (202)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


66002 Volume: 9 Page: 32423 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 25 April 1957 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Melvina PhillipsGender: Female Race: White Age: 79 Birth Date: 14 May 1877 Birth Place: Watauga,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 25 Apr 1957 Death Location: Boone,Watauga Spouse's Name: Wiley Phillips Father's Name: Haram Phillips Mother'sName: Ellen Parsons Residence: Boone, Watauga, North Carolina23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 24 April 1930 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. MelvinaPhillips age 50 NC married again and living with her children and husband.dwelling 5025 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 719 F i. Rosie M. Wilcox was born in March 1898 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.+ 720 M ii. Linney Franklin Wilcox was born on 19 January 1901 in Stony Fork,

Watauga Co, NC and died on 9 September 1996 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NCat age 95.

+ 721 F iii. D0llie Ethel Wilcox was born in 1903 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.+ 722 F iv. Bessie E. Wilcox was born in 1906 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.+ 723 M v. Stuart Odell Wilcox was born in 1910 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and

died on 19 June 1921 in Brownwood, Watauga Co, NC at age 11.+ 724 F vi. Hettie Pearl Wilcox was born on 10 March 1912 in Stony Fork, Watauga

Co, NC and died on 24 March 1992 in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC atage 80.Hettie married Joseph William Trivett [MRIN: 61635] (d. 19 June 1959) in1946.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 458)+ 725 M vii. Kermit Wilcox was born in 1917 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.+ 726 M viii. Raymond Larnie Wilcox was born in 1920 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC

and died on 25 June 1921 in Brownwood, Watauga Co, NC at age 1.+ 727 F ix. Edna Wilcox was born in 1921 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.+ 728 F x. Ruby Wilcox was born in 1924 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.+ 729 M xi. William Westley Wilcox, Jr.

William married someone.

William married Florence Johnson [MRIN: 61632] before 1924 in Watauga Co, NC.Florence was born on 12 July 1900 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 20 December 1991 inLenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 91.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 20 December 1991 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Florence Johnson

Wilcox Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed Social Security

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (203)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Number: 242327656 Age: 91 Date of Birth: 12 Jul 1900 Birth Location: NorthCarolina Birth State: North Carolina Residence City: Lenoir Residence County:Caldwell Residence state: North Carolina Date of Death: 20 Dec 1991 Death City:Lenoir Death County: Caldwell Death State: North Carolina Institution: GeneralHospital Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in state Source Vendor: NCDepartment of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1988-9223 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 730 M i. James Arlie Wilcox was born on 17 February 1924 in Stony Fork, Watauga

Co, NC and died on 18 September 2008 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age84.

+ 731 F ii. Virginia Wilcox was born in May 1930 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

500. Frank Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1874 in Ashe Co, NC.

501. Meadie Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1876 in Ashe Co, NC.

502. William Thomas Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1877 in AsheCo, NC and died in July 1969 in Ashe Co, NC at age 91.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 13 February 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine

Swamp). William Wilcox Oct 1877 NC farmerVictoria Sept 1881 NC m8 1 childHessy July 1899 NCdwelling 17 his father in dwelling 630 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. William Wilcox age 31NC farmerBelle age 28 NC m1 6 children 4 livingHessie age 10 NCWalter age 8 NCMarvin age 3 NCGrace age 1 NCdwelling 127 Mill Creek Rd.30 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Belle Victoria Greer [MRIN: 61914], daughter of William Kelly Greer,Rev. and Nancy Elizabeth Houck, before 1899 in Ashe Co, NC. Belle was born inSeptember 1881 in Ashe Co, NC and died in August 1964 in Ashe Co, NC at age 82.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (204)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 732 F i. Hessy Wilcox was born in July 1899 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died in

September 1988 in Ashe Co, NC at age 89.+ 733 M ii. Stewart Wilcox was born in November 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and

died in January 1901 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 734 M iii. Walter Charles Wilcox was born in February 1902 in Oldfields, Ashe Co,

NC and died in October 1995 in Ashe Co, NC at age 93.+ 735 M iv. Marvin Wilcox was born in January 1907 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 736 F v. Grace Elizabeth Wilcox was born in March 1909 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC

and died on 12 March 1990 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 81.Grace married Newton Glenn Goodman [MRIN: 62063] (d. 9 October 1981)on 17 April 1926 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

+ 737 M vi. Richard Delbert Wilcox was born in May 1911 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NCand died in May 1981 in Ashe Co, NC at age 70.

503. Arthur S. Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1879 in Ashe Co,NC.

504. Mertie Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1880 in Ashe Co, NC.

505. Joseph Isaiah Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1882 in AsheCo, NC and died in August 1973 in Ashe Co, NC at age 91.

506. Mack Coy Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 30 June 1884 in Ashe Co,NC and died on 10 November 1974 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 90.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine Swamp).

McCoy Wilcox June 1884 farmer

Mack married Alice Trivett [MRIN: 61878]. Alice was born in March 1890 in Ashe Co, NC.

The child from this marriage was:+ 738 F i. Cleo Bessie Wilcox was born on 11 October 1908 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC

and died on 9 May 1992 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 83.Cleo married Delaun Lee Ray [MRIN: 61877] (d. 3 February 1960).

(Duplicate Line. See Person 545)

507. George Carl Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1886 in Ashe Co, NCand died in November 1961 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 75.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (205)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


508. Dora B. Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1888 in Ashe Co,NC.

509. Minnie V. Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 12 December 1890 in AsheCo, NC and died in 1981 at age 91.

Minnie married Charlie Gentry [MRIN: 16910]. Charlie was born in 1890.

510. Pearl B. Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1892 in Ashe Co, NC.

511. Zeb Vance Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 1 April 1896 in Ashe Co, NCand died on 13 February 1977 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 80.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 13 February 1977 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Vance Zeb Wilcox

Gender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Married Age: 81 Date of Birth: 1 Apr 1895Residence City: Lenoir Residence County: Caldwell Date of Death: 13 Feb 1977 DeathCity: Lenoir Death County: Caldwell Death State: North Carolina Autopsy: NoInstitution: Home Attendant: Medical Examiner Burial Location: Burial in state SourceVendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1976-7724 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

512. Mattie May Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1899 in Oldfields, AsheCo, NC and died in November 1990 in Ashe Co, NC at age 91.

513. Eula Brady Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1904 in Oldfields,Ashe Co, NC and died in June 1994 in Ashe Co, NC at age 90.

514. Ollie Adline Wilcoxson (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Seot 1906 in Ashe Co,NC and died on 8 December 1994 in West Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC at age 88.

Ollie married Martin Hulcher Wilcox [MRIN: 61640], son of Martin Van Buren Wilcox and Mary E. 'Mollie' Tucker, on 17 September 1921 in VA. Martin was born on 15 April1901 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC and died on 19 December 1988 in West Jefferson,Ashe Co, NC at age 87.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 15 April 1901 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Martin Hulcher Wilcox

Date of Birth: 15 Apr 1901 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1Name: Martin Wilcox Parent2 Name: Mollie Tucker Roll Number: B_C102_66003Volume: 7 Page: 211

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (206)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


24 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 19 December 1988 in Ashe Co, NC. lina Death Collection, 1908-2004<> about Martin Hulcher WilcoxntblName:Martin Hulcher Wilcoxntbl Gender:Malentbl Race:WhitentblMarital Status:Marriedntbl Social Security Number:238306921ntbl Father'sLast Name:Wilcoxntbl Age:87ntbl Date of Birth:15 Apr 1901ntbl BirthLocation:North Carolinantbl Birth State:North Carolinantbl ResidenceCounty:Ashentbl Residence state:North Carolinantbl Date of Death:10 Dec1988ntbl Death County:Ashentbl Death State:North CarolinantblAutopsy:Nontbl Institution:General Hospitalntbl Attendant:PhysicianntblBurial Location:Burial in statentbl Source Vendor:NC Department of Health. NorthCarolina Deaths, 1988-92

(Duplicate Line. See Person 491)

515. Ella Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1908 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

516. Hazel Wilcox (Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

517. George Samuel Wilcox, Physician (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1873 in Carter Co, KYand died on 1 October 1929 in Mulvane, Sumner Co, KS at age 56.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 23 June 1880 in Precinct 5, Carter Co, KY. George S.

Wilcox age 7 KY living with his parentsdwelling 34522 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 15 June 1900 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. George S.Wilcox March 1873 KY Teacher living with his parentsdwelling 20022 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Dist 0066 Freeport, Harper Co, KS. Wilcox,George S age 37 KY lives in home office PhysicianDUNCAN, Allan F age 25 IL carpenter odd jobsdwelling 3926 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Kansas State Census: 1915, Freeport, Harper Co, KS. G. W. Wilcox, Dr age 42 KYAustella age 41Lloyd age 1 KS

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (207)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: 12 September 1918, Mulvane, Sumner Co, KS. GeorgeSamuel Wilcoxb 5 March 1873lives in Mulvane, Sumner Co, KSNearest of Kin: Mrs. Austella Wilcox26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 9 January 1920 in Gore, Sumner Co, KS. G. S. Wilcoxage 46 KY Physician MedicneAustellin age 45 OHLloyd age 6 KYdwelling 15026 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 1 October 1929 in Mulvane, Sumner Co, KS. Name: George SamuelWilcox Birth Date: 1873 Birth Place: Rosedale, KY Death Date: 1 Oct 1929 DeathPlace: Mulvane, KS Type Practice: Allopath Practice Specialities: Hazelton, KS, 1905,Willard, KY, 1909, Freeport, KS, Jan 27, 1911, Mulvane, KS, Mar 29, 1916Licenses: KY, 1905, KS, 1909 Practice Dates Places: Hazelton, KS, 1905, Willard,KY, 1909, Freeport, KS, Jan 27, 1911, Mulvane, KS, Mar 29, 1916 MedicalSchool: Kentucky University Medical Department, Louisville, 1904, (G) Education:High school JAMA Citation: 93:1750 Cause of Death: cerebral hemorrhage26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

George married Austella Snook [MRIN: 61855] before 1914 in KS. Austella was born in1873 in OH and died in prob Mulvane, Sumner Co, KS.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in April 1930 in Mulvane, Sumner Co, KS. Austella

Wilcox age 56 OH owns home 3000Lloyd H. age 16 KSdwelling 14126 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 739 M i. Lloyd H. Wilcox was born in 1914 in Sumner Co, KS.

518. Minnie Belle Wilcox (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1875 in Carter Co, KY and died inJanuary 1960 in Rosedale, Carter Co, KY at age 84.

Minnie married Riley Pennington [MRIN: 61860] in 1902 in Carter Co, KY. Riley was bornin 1875.

519. Barbary Della Wilcox (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1877 in Carter Co, KY and died inDecember 1945 in Carter Co, KY at age 68.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (208)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Barbary married Charles Henry Fleming [MRIN: 61861]. Charles was born in September1871 in KY and died in April 1945 in Carter Co, KY at age 73.

520. John Constantine Wilcox, Physician (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1880 in Carter, CarterCo, KY and died on 25 September 1952 in Mulvane, Sedgwick Co, KS at age 72.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 23 June 1880 in Precinct 5, Carter Co, KY. John C.

Wilcox age 2/12 (March) KY living with his parentsdwelling 34522 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 15 June 1900 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. John C. WilcoxMarch 1880 KY Farm workliving with his parents dwelling 20022 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Kansas State Census: 1915, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. J. C. Wilcox age 34 KYEva age 33Lucile B age 2Burke J age 10 m26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: 12 September 1918, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. JohnConstantine Wilcox - Physicianb 27 March 1880lives in Argonia, Sumner Co, KSwife Mrs. Eva B. Wilcox26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1920 in Dixon, Sumner Co, KS. John Wilcox age 39 KYMedical Dr.Eva age 38 OHBurke age 4 KSBula age 3 2/12 KSPaul age 6/12 KSdwelling 69 Osage St.26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Kansas State Census: 1925, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. J. C. Wilcox age 44 KY M.D.Eva age 43 OHBurke age 10 KSBula age 5 KSLeslie age 3 KSdwelling 5926 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

John married Eva Belle Dine [MRIN: 61856] in 1897 in Sumner Co, KS. Eva was born in

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (209)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


October 1881 in Allen Co, OH and died in January 1957 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS at age75.

Children from this marriage were:+ 740 F i. Lucile Belva Wilcox was born on 2 August 1912 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS

and died on 7 February 1916 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS at age 3.+ 741 M ii. Burke J. Wilcox was born in May 1914 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS and died

in June 2009 in Witchita, Sedgwick Co, KS at age 95.+ 742 F iii. Bula Wilcox was born in 1917 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS.+ 743 M iv. Paul Avis Wilcox was born in July 1919 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS and

died on 14 November 1998 at age 79.Paul married Ruth Ellen Cata [MRIN: 61857] (d. 19 April 1999).

+ 744 F v. Leslie Wilcox was born in 1922 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS.

521. Essie D. Wilcox (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23 August 1883 in Carter Co, KY and died on15 October 1967 in Oskloosa, Mahaska Co, IA at age 84.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 15 June 1900 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Essie Wilcox

Aug 1883 KY housework living with her parentsdwelling 20022 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in 1910 in Oskaloosa, Ward 3, Mahaska Co, IA. EssieWilcox age 25 KY Nurseliving in the home of Curtis A. Abbott age 41 Physician Abbotts Hospitaldwelling 19526 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Iowa State Census: 1915, Oskaloosa Co, Mahaska Co, IA. Essie Wilcox age 30 KYChurch Methodist Nurse 1200 Annual Singleb 23 Aug 1883 26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census on 8 January 1920 in Oskaloosa, Ward 3, Mahaska Co, IA.Essie Wilcox age 39 KY Lodger in Chester S. Bryan home. She is a trained Nurse for aPrivate family.Dwelling 17327 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in 1930 in Dist 17, Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co, IA. Essie DWilcox age 45 KY Nursedwelling 22426 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 15 October 1967 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co, IA. Name: Essie D. WilcoxSSN: 482-42-7370 Last Residence: 52577 Oskaloosa, Mahaska, Iowa, United States ofAmerica Born: 23 Aug 1883 Died: 15 Oct 1967 State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa (1955)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (210)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

522. Eva E. Wilcox (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1890 in Carter Co, KY and died inProbably Iowa.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 4 May 1910 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Eva E. Wilcox

age 20 KY living with her widowed mother. 27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in 1920 in Ashland, Ward 5, Boyd Co, KY. Eva Wilcox age28 KY Nurse living with her mother. Nursedwelling 24127 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She appeared on the census in April 1930 in Knoxville City, Marion Co, IA. Eva E.Wilcox age 40 KY RN US Veterans Bureau Hospital No. 57 Eva E. Wilcox has a sister Essie D. Wilcox b 23 Aug 1883 Carter Co, KY and theyare both on the 1900 census with their parents. Essie D. Wilcox can be found on allcensus records through 1930, she is also a Nurse. Death Date of Essie D. Wilcox is 15Oct 1967 Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co, IA. Eva E (not Essie) is found on all census records through 1930 where she is living in theUS Veterans Bureau Hospital No. 57Knoxvilly City, Marion Co, IA. She is listed as Eva E. Wilcox and is RN. I cannotfind a death record for Eva E. Wilcox andaccording to some familytrees she married a Johnson. Have been unable to documentthat information. [emailprotected] Dorthy MackLife Member, The Boone SocietyManteca, CA27 Dec 2011

523. Harry Berniece Wilcox (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1894 in Carter, Carter Co, KY anddied in April 1965 in IA at age 70.

Noted events in his life were:• WW1 Draft Registration: 3 May 1917, New Castle, PA. Harry Berniece Wilcox

b 26 Nov 1894 KYWorks Carnegie Steel Co, New Castle, PA

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (211)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1920 in New Castle, Ward 4, Lawrence Co, PA. Harry B.Wilcox age 25 KYJuliette age 25 ILRomeo E age 4 4/12 KYBerniece M age 1 11/12 PADwelling 160 West Harrells St.26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 11 April 1930 in Washington, Keokuk Co, IA. H. B.Wilcox age 35 KY owns 2500 Salesman InsJulia age 35 ILRomeo age 14 KYBerniece age 12 PADonald age 9 PAGladys age 7 PAdwelling 245 S. Mill Rd.26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died in April 1965 in IA. Name: Harry Wilcox SSN: 480-12-7428 Last Residence:Iowa Born: 26 Nov 1894 Died: Apr 1965 State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Harry married Juliette Dasher [MRIN: 61853]. Juliette was born in September 1894 in ILand died in September 1985 in Des Moines Co, IA at age 91.

Noted events in her life were:• Census - IA State: 1915, Oskaloosa Co, Mahaska Co, IA. Name: Julliette Dasher Birth

Year: abt 1895 Birth Place: Illinois Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: SingleCensus Date: 1915 Residence state: Iowa Residence County: Mahaska Locality:Oskaloosa Mother's Birthplace: PA Father's Birthplace: Illinois Roll: IA1915_322 Line:b35722 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack This Census shows that Juliette Dasher is age 20 a Nurse and religion Methodist

• She died in September 1985 in Des Moines, Polk Co, IA. Name: Juliette Wilcox SSN:483-62-5560 Last Residence: 50313 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, United States of AmericaBorn: 5 Sep 1894 Died: Sep 1985 State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa (1964) 22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 745 M i. Romeo Emerson Wilcox was born in August 1915 in Carter Co, KY and

died in March 1985 in San Diego, San Diego Co, CA at age 69.+ 746 F ii. Berniece M. Wilcox was born in January 1918 in New Castle, Lawrence Co,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (212)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


PA.+ 747 M iii. Donald B. Wilcox was born in October 1920 in New Castle, Lawrence Co,

PA.+ 748 F iv. Gladys Wilcox was born in 1923 in New Castle, Lawrence Co, PA.

524. Mary C. Wilcox (Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1897 in Carter, Carter Co, KY and died on24 May 1969 in Boyd, Carter Co, KY at age 71.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 24 May 1969 in Boyd, Carter Co, KY. Name: Mary W Fraley Death Date:

24 May 1969 Death Place: Boyd Age: 71 Residence: Carter Volume: 37 Certificate:1834426 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Mary married Dallas C. Fraley [MRIN: 61858], son of Fulton H. Fraley and Mary A.Fraley, Mrs.,. Dallas was born in 1887 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY and died on 25 August 1984in Grayson, Carter Co, KY at age 97.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Dallas C. Fraley

May 1886 KY farm labor living with his parentsdwelling 17326 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in January 1920 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Dallas C.Graley age 33 KY farmerMary I age 22 KYdwelling 426 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 3 April 1930 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY. Dallis Fraleyage 43 KY FarmerMary age 32 KYHaskell age 6 KYLois age 8 KYLucille age 3 KYAlene age 9/12 KYdwelling 14 Deer Creek Road26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• SS Death Index: August 1984, Grayson, Carter Co, KY. Name: Dallas Fraley SSN:407-30-5894 Last Residence: 41143 Grayson, Carter, Kentucky, United States ofAmerica Born: 24 May 1886 Died: Aug 1984 State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky(Before 1951)26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 25 August 1984 in Carter Co, KY. Name: Dallas C Fraley Death Date: 25

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (213)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Aug 1984 Death Place: Carter Age: 98 Residence: Carter Volume: 59 Certificate:29268 26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 749 M i. Haskell Fraley was born in 1924 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY.+ 750 F ii. Lois Fraley was born in 1922 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY.+ 751 F iii. Lucille Fraley was born in 1927 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY.+ 752 F iv. Alene Fraley was born in 1929 in Maddox, Carter Co, KY.

525. Frank Leslie Wilcox (Hamilton Hardin Wilcox, Physcian/Surgeon 5, SamuelWilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 5October 1876 in Carter Co, KY.

526. Gussie Leigh Wilcox, (Twin) (Hamilton Hardin Wilcox, Physcian/Surgeon 5,Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 22 January 1878 in Freeborn Co, MN.

527. Jesse Grant Wilcox, (Twin) (Hamilton Hardin Wilcox, Physcian/Surgeon 5,Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 22 January 1878 in Freeborn Co, MN.

528. Richard H Wilcox (Hamilton Hardin Wilcox, Physcian/Surgeon 5, Samuel Wilcox 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1909 in Hot Springs,Fall River, SD.

529. Lulu B, Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1877 in Carter Co, KY and died on 12 July 1898in Carter, Carter Co, KY at age 21.

530. Laura Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in MN and died on 23 April 1891 inCarter, Carter Co, KY at age 12.

531. Effie Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1881 in KY.

532. Bertha Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1886 in Carter Co, KY.

533. Mae Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1888 in Carter Co, KY.

534. Virginia Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1894 in Carter Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (214)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


535. William Hamilton Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1900 in Deer Creek, Carter Co,KY and died in January 1973 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD at age 72.

536. Lena Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1902 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KY anddied in October 1982 in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD at age 80.

537. Jean Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1903 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KY.

538. Jesse Howard Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1909 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KYand died in October 1917 in Carter Co, KY at age 8.

539. Mabel E. Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 22 December 1911 in Deer Creek, Carter Co,KY.

Mabel married Buell Arthur Robinson [MRIN: 62064]. Buell was born in July 1909 inElliott Co, KY and died in May 1977 in Forsyth Co, NC at age 67.

540. Samuel R. Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1913 in Deer Creek, Carter Co, KY.

541. Paul Edward Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23 November 1915 in Deer Creek, CarterCo, KY.

542. Frank Leslie Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 29 September 1917 in Deer Creek, CarterCo, KY and died on 2 July 1993 in Grayson, Carter Co, KY at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 29 September 1917 in Carter Co, KY. Name: Frank L Wilcox Date of

Birth: 29 Sep 1917 County: Carter Mother's name: Annie Harris Volume Number: 119Certificate Number: 59296 Volume Year: 191722 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 2 July 1993 in Grayson, Carter Co, KY. Name: Frank L. Wilcox SSN: 405-07-5433 Last Residence: 41143 Grayson, Carter, Kentucky, United States of AmericaBorn: 29 Sep 1917 Died: 2 Jul 1993 State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 1951)22 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

543. Herbert Allen Wilcox (William Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1920.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (215)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


544. Tandy Wilson Mullins (Samuel Mullins 5, Nancy Matilda Wilcox 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1870 in Dir Line Greg GreeneSubmitted By Jennie Mason.

Tandy married Sabra Ethel Greer [MRIN: 31611]. Sabra was born after 1870.

The child from this marriage was:+ 753 M i. John Morgan Mullins was born after 1890 in Dir Desc Of Lewis Green See

P293-294 Draper Mss.John married Effie Mullins, Mrs [MRIN: 31612].

545. Delaun Lee Ray (Ellen Miller 5, Martha Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 5 May 1902 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 3February 1960 in Ashe Co, NC at age 57.

Delaun married Cleo Bessie Wilcox [MRIN: 61877], daughter of Mack Coy Wilcox andAlice Trivett,. Cleo was born on 11 October 1908 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 9May 1992 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 83.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 9 May 1992 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. e: Cleo Ray

[Cleo Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed Social SecurityNumber: 241821383 Father's Last Name: Wilcox Age: 83 Date of Birth: 11 Oct 1908Birth Location: North Carolina Birth State: North Carolina Residence City: No.Wilkesboro Residence County: Wilkes Residence state: North Carolina Date of Death:9 May 1992 Death City: No. Wilkesboro Death County: Wilkes Death State: NorthCarolina Autopsy: No Institution: General Hospital Attendant: Physician BurialLocation: Burial in state Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. North CarolinaDeaths, 1988-9227 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

546. Mattie A. Ray (Ellen Miller 5, Martha Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 29 May 1904 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27September 1979 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.

Mattie married Samuel Wilcox [MRIN: 61928], son of William Benjamin Wilcox andVinia Baker,. Samuel was born in January 1895 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died inDecember 1973 in Ashe Co, NC at age 78.

547. William Arlie Ray (Ellen Miller 5, Martha Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 30 January 1891 in Ashe Co, NC and died on13 March 1958 in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 67.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 11 April 1930 in Elk, Ashe Co, NC. Arley W. Ray age 40

NC laborer odd jobsLeona age 32 NCHazel G> age 3 8/12 NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (216)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Lela age 2/12 NCdwelling 6723 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

William married Callie M. Parsons [MRIN: 63285], daughter of Roby Martin C.Parsons and Linnie Victoria Parsons, before 1916 in Ashe Co, NC. Callie was born inJuly 1893 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 23 June 1925 in Bald Mountain, WataugaCo, NC at age 31.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 23 June 1925 in Bald Mountain, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Callie M Ray

[Callie M Parsons] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 31 Years 11 Months Birth Date:abt 1893 Birth Place: Ashe, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 23 Jun 1925Death Location: Bald Mountain, Watauga Spouse's Name: Arley Ray Father's Name:Roby C Parsons Mother's Name: Victoria Parsons23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack had pneumonia

The child from this marriage was:+ 754 M i. Jesse Radford "Lost John" Ray was born on 15 December 1916 in NC and

died on 16 January 1981 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 64.

William next married Carrie Lena Trivett [MRIN: 63280], daughter of David WilbornTrivett and Julia M. Greer, on 27 July 1925 in Ashe Co, NC. Carrie was born on 6 March1907 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 6 April 1934 in Brookside, Watauga Co,NC at age 27.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 6 April 1934 in Brookside, Watauga Co, NC.

about Lena RayntblName:Lena Ray [Lena Trivett] ntbl Gender:Femalentbl Race:WhitentblAge:27ntbl Birth Date:1907ntbl Birth Place:Ashe, North Carolina, UnitedStatesntbl Death Date:6 Apr 1934ntbl Death Location:Brookside,Wataugantbl Spouse's Name:Arlie Rayntbl Father's Name:William TrivettntblMother's Name:Julia Greer

• Finda A Grave: 6 Apeil 1934, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Len Ray Birth Date: 17 Mar1907 Age at Death: 27 Death Date: 6 Apr 1934 Burial Place: Watauga County, NorthCarolina, USA URL:

(Duplicate Line. See Person 460)

William next married Zora Lougretha Parsons [MRIN: 63291], daughter of James A.Parsons, (Grubbin Jim) and Julia E. Parsons, in 1943. Zora was born on 29 April 1910 inWilkes Co, NC and died on 3 March 1989 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 78.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (217)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


The child from this marriage was:+ 755 M i. Jerry Larkin Ray was born on 6 December 1947 and died on 15 August

2011 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 63.

548. Levi Crittendon Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 27 March 1880 in Myra, Pike Co, KY anddied on 11 April 1961 in Stanford, Lincoln Co, KY at age 81.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 3 June 1880 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Crittendon Greer age 2mo KY living with his parentsdwelling 230 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY. CritGreer March 1880 KY farmerLurena Sept 1881 KY m3 1 childViolet July 1898 KYdwelling 10530 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 16 April 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY. Levi C.Greer age 30 KY farmerLurena age 27 KY m12 5 childrenViola A. age 11 KYVina M age 9 KYMalissa age 7 KYLeon C. age 5 KYDon C. age 3 KYdwelling 1730 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW1 Draft Registration: 12 September 1912, Casey Co, KY. Name: Leve CrittentonGrear County: Casey State: Kentucky Birth Date: 27 Mar 1880 Race: White FHL RollNumber: 1653345He is living in Eubank, Casey Co, KY and is married to Lurena30 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 January 1920 in Jenkins, Casey Co, KY. Cliv Greerage 39 KY farmerLourena age 35 KYVina age 19 KYDruzilla age 17 KYCurtis age 14 KYDon age 13 KYKermit age 9 KYCreed age 7 KYOpal age 5 KY

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (218)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Glen age 9/12 KYdwelling 32030 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1930 in Stanford, Lincoln Co, KY. Levi C. Greer age 50KY farmerLourena age 48 KYCurtis age 25 KY gen farmKermit age 20 KY farmerCreed age 17 KYOpal age 15 KYVictor age 10 KYMildred age 8 KYDarwin age 6 KYdwelling 15130 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 11 April 1961 in Lincoln Co, KY. Name: Levi C Greer Death Date: 11 Apr1961 Death Place: Lincoln Age: 81 Residence: Lincoln Volume: 17 Certificate: 829230 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Levi married Lurena Burke [MRIN: 61703] in 1897 in Pike Co, KY. Lurena was born inSeptember 1881 in Pike Co, KY and died in October 1974 in Stanford, Lincoln Co, KY at age93.

Children from this marriage were:+ 756 F i. Violet A. Greer was born in July 1898 in Pike Co, KY.+ 757 F ii. Vina M. Greer was born in 1901 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 758 F iii. Malissa Greer was born in 1903 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 759 M iv. Leon Curtis Greer was born in 1905 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 760 M v. Don C. Greer was born in 1907 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 761 M vi. Kermit Greer was born in 1911 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 762 M vii. Creed Greer was born in 1913 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 763 F viii. Opal Greer was born in 1915 in KY.+ 764 M ix. Glen Greer was born in 1919 in Jenkins, Casey Co, KY and died before 1930

in KY.+ 765 M x. Victor Greer was born after 23 January 1920 in Jenkins, Casey Co, KY.+ 766 M xi. Darwin Greer was born in 1924 in KY.

549. Joseph Jerome Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1881 in Myra, Pike Co, KY anddied on 4 August 1908 in Pike Co, KY at age 26.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1900 in Magisterial District 2, Pike Co, KY. Joseph Greer

age 18 KY living with his parents

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (219)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Joseph married Minnie Dell Burke [MRIN: 61709], daughter of Andrew R. Burke andMargaret W. Mullins,. Minnie was born in 1890 in Pike Co, KY and died in December 1975in Jenkins, Letcher Co, KY at age 85.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 9 December 1975 in Pike Co, KY. Name: Minnie D Elkins Death Date: 9

Dec 1975 Death Place: Pike Age: 85 Residence: Pike Volume: 62 Certificate: 30804 1 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

The child from this marriage was:+ 767 M i. Theodore Teddy Greer was born on 4 December 1906 in Pike Co, KY and

died on 24 March 1981 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 74.

550. Morgan L. Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1883 in Pike Co, KY and died on 19 April1952 in Letcher, Letcher Co, KY at age 69.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 7 January 1920 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Morgan L. Greer age 37 KY farmingCosby age 25 KYCharles G. age 14 KYMarcella age 12 KYClarella age 9 KYdwelling 67 his father at dwelling 6330 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in District 2, Pike Co, KY. Morgan L. Greerage 46 KY farmerCosby age 43 KYMarcus age 22 KYEdna age 16 KYEstella age 15 KYBelva age 11 KYElena age 8 KYMyrtle age 4 5/12 KYdwelling 330 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Morgan married Cosby Mullins [MRIN: 61707], daughter of Wilburn Mullins and AnnieClevenger, on 26 November 1903 in Pike Co, KY. Cosby was born in April 1887 in Pike Co,KY.

Children from this marriage were:+ 768 M i. Charles G. Greer was born in 1906 in Pike Co, KY.+ 769 F ii. Marcella Greer was born in 1908 in Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (220)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


+ 770 F iii. Clarella Greer was born in 1909 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 771 F iv. Edna Greer was born in 1914 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 772 F v. Estella Greer was born in 1915 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 773 M vi. Cleo C. Greer was born in 1907 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 774 F vii. Belva Greer was born in 1919 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 775 F viii. Elena Greer was born in 1922 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.+ 776 F ix. Myrtle Greer was born in 1926 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

551. Frances Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1884 in Pike Co, KY.

552. Creed C. Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1886 in Pike Co, KY.

Creed married someone.

His child was:+ 777 F i. Alka Greer was born Private.

Alka married someone.

553. Sarah E. Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1889 in Pike Co, KY.

554. Jessie Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1891 in Pike Co, KY.

555. Florence Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1893 in Pike Co, KY.

556. Mary A. Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1894 in Pike Co, KY.

557. McKinley Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1896 in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 7 January 1920 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

McKinley Greer age 23 KY farmerLily age 18 KYJerome age 6/12 KYdwelling 64 his father at dwelling 6330 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

McKinley married Lily Greer, Mrs. [MRIN: 61706] in 1918 in Pike Co, KY. Lily was bornin 1902 in Pike Co, KY.

The child from this marriage was:+ 778 M i. Jerome Greer was born in 1909 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (221)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


558. George Dewey Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1898 in Pike Co, KY.

559. Bessie P. Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1901 in Pike Co, KY.

560. Elsie C. Greer (Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1904 in Pike Co, KY.

561. Calvin U. Greer (Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1889 in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Calvin U. Greer Oct 1889 KY living with his parentsdwelling 10630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 16 April 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY. CalvinGreer age 20 KY teaching living with his fatherdwelling 2030 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

562. Gerome Cuthbert Greer (Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1892 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co,KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Cuthbert Greer March 1892 KY living with his parentsdwelling 10630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 16 April 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY. Gerome C.Greer age 18 KY farm labor living with his fatherdwelling 2030 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 January 1920 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.Cuthbert Greer age 25 KY farmerLucilla age 23 KYFlossie age 6 KYBessie age 4 KYClyde age 11/12 KYdwelling 274 his father at 27630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Gerome married Lucilla [MRIN: 61701] in 1914 in Pike Co, KY. Lucilla was born in 1897 inPike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (222)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 779 F i. Flossie Greer was born in 1914 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 780 F ii. Bessie Greer was born in 1916 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.+ 781 M iii. Clyde Greer was born in 1919 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

563. Lenora Greer (Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1894 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Lenora Greer Dec 1894 KY living with her parentsdwelling 10630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

564. Roy L. Greer (Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1897 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 6 June 1900 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY. Roy

Greer Jan 1897 KY living with his parentsdwelling 10630 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 16 April 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY. Roy L.Greer age 11 KY farm labor living with his fatherdwelling 2030 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

565. Albert W. Greer (Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1906 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in his life were:• Albert W. Greer age 4 living with his parents

dwelling 2030 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

566. Eddie W. Greer (Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1908 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

567. Victor J. Greer (Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1910 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

568. Emory Greer (John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1891 in Pike Co, KY.

569. Maggie Greer (John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1900 in Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (223)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


570. Oscar C. Greer (John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23 November 1904 in Pike Co, KY and died on 6 January1991 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 86.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 6 January 1991 in Pike Co, KY. Name: Oscar C Greer Death Date: 6 Jan

1991 Death Place: Pike Age: 86 Residence: Pike Volume: 4 Certificate: 1888'1 Dec2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Oscar married Lourena Greer [MRIN: 61714]. Lourena was born in 1902 in Pike Co, KY.

Children from this marriage were:+ 782 F i. Ardenia Greer was born in 1927 in Pike Co, KY.+ 783 F ii. Charlotte Greer was born in 1929 in Pike Co, KY.

571. Icy L. Greer (John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1906 in Pike Co, KY.

572. Joy Greer (John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1907 in Pike Co, KY.

573. Ella D. Greer (John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1909 in Pike Co, KY.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in April 1930 in District 1, Pike Co, KY. Ella age 20 KY

living with her fatherdwelling 530 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

574. Belle Victoria Greer (Nancy Elizabeth Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4, NancyGreer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inSeptember 1881 in Ashe Co, NC and died in August 1964 in Ashe Co, NC at age 82.

Belle married William Thomas Wilcox [MRIN: 61914], son of Samuel Alvin Wilcox andElvira Chloe "Ella" Walters, before 1899 in Ashe Co, NC. William was born in October1877 in Ashe Co, NC and died in July 1969 in Ashe Co, NC at age 91.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 13 February 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC (Pine

Swamp). William Wilcox Oct 1877 NC farmerVictoria Sept 1881 NC m8 1 childHessy July 1899 NCdwelling 17 his father in dwelling 630 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. William Wilcox age 31NC farmer

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (224)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Belle age 28 NC m1 6 children 4 livingHessie age 10 NCWalter age 8 NCMarvin age 3 NCGrace age 1 NCdwelling 127 Mill Creek Rd.30 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

(Duplicate Line. See Person 502)

575. John Barton Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4, NancyGreer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March1874 in Ashe Co, NC and died in October 1966 in Ashe Co, NC at age 92.

576. William N. Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4, NancyGreer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August1876 in Ashe Co, NC and died in December 1960 in Ashe Co, NC at age 84.

577. Naoma E. Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4, NancyGreer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inNovember 1879 in Ashe Co, NC and died in January 1881 in Ashe Co, NC at age 1.

578. Troy General Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4, NancyGreer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July1882 in Ashe Co, NC and died in September 1967 in Ashe Co, NC at age 85.

579. Charles Wesley Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4, NancyGreer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April1885 in Ashe Co, NC and died in November 1960 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.

580. Beulah Gertrude Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4,Nancy Greer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inJuly 1892 in Ashe Co, NC and died in April 1971 in Ashe Co, NC at age 78.

581. Norman Francis Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4,Nancy Greer, (Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born inMay 1888 in Ashe Co, NC and died in April 1981 in Ashe Co, NC at age 92.

582. Clyde Gentry (Barbara Jane Houck 5, Temperance Tatum Greer 4, Nancy Greer,(Not Documented daughter) 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1895 inAshe Co, NC and died on 27 May 1983 in Ashe Co, NC at age 88.

583. Thomas Aaron Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 6 January 1866 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 14 April 1928 in Iredell Co, NC at age 62.

Thomas married Martha Ellen Blackburn [MRIN: 63443], daughter of Edmond LeroyBlackburn and Martha Phillips, on 18 February 1883 in Phillips Gap, Wilkes Co, NC. Martha

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (225)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


was born on 23 February 1863 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 30 April 1911 at age 48.

584. William John Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23 March 1867 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 28 September 1961 in Wilkes Co, NC at age 94.

585. Harrison L. D. Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 16 January 1870 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 18 October 1956 at age 86.

586. Calvin Horace G. Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 27 February 1872 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 11 April 1890 in Burke Co, NC at age 18.

587. Aly Esther Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 7 March 1874 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on16 February 1960 at age 85.

588. Daniel Wellborn J. Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4,Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 19 May 1876 in WilkesCo, NC and died on 19 July 1964 at age 88.

589. Zora Carmella Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 8 November 1877 in Wilkes Co, NCand died on 3 December 1973 in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co, NC at age 96.

590. Peter Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in Wilkes Co, NC.

591. Winfield Scott Church, Sr. (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 5 March 1879 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied on 23 January 1960 in Booneville, Yadkin Co, NC at age 80.

592. Sallie Clarcy Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 18 June 1881 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied on 4 March 1969 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 87.

593. Rebecca Lou Ellen Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4,Elizabeth Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 6 August 1883 in WilkesCo, NC and died on 13 November 1971 in Hickory, Catawba Co, NC at age 88.

594. Nancy Elizabeth Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 1 April 1885 in Wilkes Co, NC anddied on 1 October 1907 at age 22.

595. Laura Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23 February 1888 in Summit, Wilkes Co, NC

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (226)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


and died on 11 July 1888 in Summit, Wilkes Co, NC.

596. Winnie Mae Church (Clarissa Catherine Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 22 May 1890 in Summit,Wilkes Co, NC, died on 19 February 1962 in Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC at age 71, and wasburied in Yellow Hill Baptist Church Cem., Purlears, Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 19 February 1962 in Jefferson, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Winnie Mae Mikeal

[Winnie Mae Church] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 71 Birth Date: 22 May 1890Birth Place: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 19 Feb 1962 Death Location:Jefferson, Ashe Spouse's Name: Enock H Mikeal Father's Name: Harrison H ChurchMother's Name: Catherine Beshears Church Residence: Todd, Ashe, North Carolina7 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Winnie married Enoch Reeves Mikeal [MRIN: 63441], son of Wilburn Mikeal and MarthaC. Phillips, on 26 March 1905 in Wilkes Co, NC. Enoch was born on 10 February 1883 inSummit, Wilkes Co, NC and died on 10 June 1956 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC at age 73.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 10 June 1956 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Enoch Reeves Mikeal Gender:

Male Race: White Age: 73 Birth Date: 10 Mar 1883 Birth Place: Wilkes, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 10 Jun 1956 Death Location: Todd, Ashe Spouse'sName: Winnie Church Father's Name: Wilburn B Mikeal Mother's Name: Martha CPhillips Residence: Todd, Ashe, North Carolina6 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Finda A Grave: 10 June 1956, Purlear, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Enoch Reeves MikealBirth Date: 10 Feb 1883 Age at Death: 73 Death Date: 10 Jun 1956 Burial Place:Purlear, Wilkes County, North Carolina, USA6 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

597. Mary Elizabeth Beshears (John Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 22 May 1870 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 30May 1958 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 88.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 30 May 1958 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC. Name: Mary Elizabeth

Beshears Greer[Mary Elizabeth Beshears Beshears] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 88 Birth Date:22 May 1870 Birth Place: Wilkes, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 30 May1958 Death Location: Winston-Salem, Forsyth Spouse's Name: Z A Greer Father'sName: John Beshears Mother's Name: Selina Clmrch Residence: Winston-Salem,Forsyth, North Carolina30 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Mary married Zachariah A. Greer [MRIN: 63406], son of William Lewis Greer andElizabeth Jane Church,. Zachariah was born on 27 May 1860 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co,NC and died on 6 August 1940 in Ashe Co, NC at age 80.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (227)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


598. Henry Lee Beshears (John Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1869 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 23 July 1870 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Henry Lee

Beshears age 1 NC living with parentsdwelling 471 Dec 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

599. William Beshears (John Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1875 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

600. Thomas A. Beshears (John Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1878 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

601. Aley A. Beshears (John Beshears 5, Alice Owen 4, Elizabeth Greer 3, William

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1880 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

602. Mary E. Powell (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1876 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

603. Lewis Powell (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in June 1877 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Louise W.

Powell June 1877 NC step son living in home of Thomas Southdwelling 5130 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

604. Malinda Powell (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

605. John Martin Powell, Jr (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, ElizabethGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1880 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co,NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in June 1900 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Martin Powell

May 1880 NC farm labor step son living in home of Thomas Southdwelling 5130 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

606. Rachael Powell (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1883 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (228)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in June 1900 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC. Rachael

Powell March 1883 step dau living in home of Thomas Southdwelling 5130 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

607. Louellen South (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1886 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

608. Alan L. South (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1891 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

609. Minnie B. South (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1893 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

610. Myrtle M. South (Adelaide Owen 5, Mary Owen, (Spinster) 4, Elizabeth Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1896 in Jobs Cabin , Wilkes Co, NC.

611. Sallie C. Greer (Sarah E. Jones 5, Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

612. Conley Fritts (Sarah E. Jones 5, Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1883 in NE.

613. Frank B. Fritts (Sarah E. Jones 5, Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1886 in NE.

614. Rueben H. Fritts (Sarah E. Jones 5, Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1889 in NE.

615. Charles E. Fritts (Sarah E. Jones 5, Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1892 in NE..

616. Monroe S. Fritts (Sarah E. Jones 5, Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1894 in NE.

617. Everett M. Fritts (Sarah E. Jones 5, Hiram Jones 4, Frances Greer 3, Jesse, Sr

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1898 in Ionia, Dixon Co, NE.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in January 1920 in Preston, King Co, WA. Everett Fritts age

21 NE Truck Driver Saw Mill is living with his widowed motherdwelling 1126 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

618. Miles Osborne (Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3,Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1876 in Watauga Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (229)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


619. Leroy Osborne (Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3,Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1879 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

620. Bishop B L Osborne (Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse,Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1881 in Cove Creek,Watauga Co, NC.

621. Bascum W Osborne (Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr

3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1887 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

622. Pearl E Osborne (Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr

3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1890 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,NC.

623. William V Osborne (Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr

3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 22 July 1892 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,NC and died on 20 November 1968 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA at age 76.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 June 1900 in Civil Dist 5, Sullivan Co, TN. William

V OSBORN July 1892 NC living with his parents

• He appeared on the census on 19 April 1910 in Holston, Washington Co, VA. WilliamV OSBORN age 17 NC living with his parents

• He appeared on the census on 8 January 1920 in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN. William VOSBORN age 25 NC Agent Real Estate living with his parents

• He appeared on the census on 4 April 1930 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA.William V OSBORNE age 35 NC Mechanic Auto Shop rentsKatherine S age 29 TNMargaret E age 8 TN

• He died on 20 November 1968 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA. William VOSBORNE b 22 July 1892 dies 20 Nov 1968 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CAmother maiden name MILLER. From CA Death Index

William married Katherine S Osborn, Mrs [MRIN: 59090] before 1922 in Sullivan Co,TN. Katherine was born in 1901 in Sullivan Co, TN and died in Prob Los Angeles, LosAngeles Co, CA.

The child from this marriage was:+ 784 F i. Margaret E Osborn was born in 1922 in Sullivan Co, TN.

624. Mayme T Osborne (Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr

3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1896 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co,NC and died in 1943 in prob Greeneville, Greene Co, TN at age 47.

Mayme married Charles Skelt Stansbery, Sr [MRIN: 59091], son of William LStansbery and Annie E Stansbery, Mrs, on 29 April 1914 in Greensville, Greene Co, TN.Charles was born on 5 December 1893 in Greene Co, TN and died in 1957 in Greeneville,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (230)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Greene Co, TN at age 64.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 29 April 1914, Greensville, Greene Co, TN. G W OSBORNE signed

Marriage Certificate as one who Solomized the Ceremony

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 28 April 1910 in Civil Dist 13, Greene Co, TN. Charles S

STANSBERY age 16 TN farm labor living with his parents

• He appeared on the census on 8 January 1920 in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN. Charles SSTANSBERY age 26 TN Machinist garageMayme T age 23 NCF Louise age 4 11/12 TNCharles S Jr age 1 6/12 TNlive on Windsor Ave. Her parents living close by

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN. Charles SSTANSBERY AB age 36 TN Rent Foreman garageMayme T age 34 NCLouise F age 15 TNCharles S age 11 TNGeraldine P age 6 TN

Children from this marriage were:+ 785 F i. F Louise Stansbery was born in 1915 in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN.+ 786 M ii. Charles S Stansbery, Jr was born in 1918 in Bristol, Sullivan Co, TN.+ 787 F iii. Geraldine Stansbery was born in 1923.

Geraldine married H Bishop Holliman [MRIN: 59092] on 26 June 1945.

625. Frederick McGuire (Mamie Ann Shook 5, Julia Elizabeth Greer 4, Andrew 3,Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1917 in Watauga Co, NC and died in20 Aug 2007 Living.

626. Vera Beatrice Byers (Charlotte L. Greer 5, Andrew Hugh 4, Franklin 3, Jesse,Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 28 December 1910 in Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She was born on 28 December 1910 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Vera Beatrice Byers

Gender: Female Race: White Event Type: birth Birth Date: 28 Dec 1910 Birth County:Watauga Parent1 Name: Niley Thomas Byers Parent2 Name: Charlotte Luticia GreerRoll Number: NCVR_B_C102_66001 Volume: 10 Page: 4419 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Information from Gary Hodges: 20 November 2012. A great read. Cousin Veramarried Ivan Church in 1929. Ivan was a son of Niley Church. Niley was a son of Eli

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (231)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Monroe Church. My great grandmother Sarah Louanza Church Baxter Davis was asister of Niley Church. That's my by marriage connection to Vera. Now what are thechances that one of my maternal cousins would marry one of my paternal cousins. Iknow the answer, there are Greers in the woodpile (LOL). And since she is descendedfrom Nancy Wilcoxson (Greer) who's granddaughter married Isaiah Wilcoxson (secondcousin of hers). And am I reading this right that Vera's great-great grandfather wasFanny Greer's father? And Vera's great grandfather Franklin was Fannie's brother? Thisall is getting just too weird.I think I mentioned that Vera helped make the quilt Elogene and I wrapped Leigh Annand Paul in. That made the quilt double special since two of Leigh Ann's Wilcox(maternal) blood kin and two of her Church (Hodges paternal) blood kin worked onthis quilt. I think one or two more paternal kin worked on it too. Definitely a familyheirloom from both sides of my family, made with love.Gary

Vera married Iven E. Church [MRIN: 63201], son of Niley Monroe Church and EllaRosedna Oliver, in 1929. Iven was born in 1907 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

627. Juritte Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3,David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1894 in Watauga Co, NC.

628. Orvis J. Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3,David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1895 in Watauga Co, NC.

629. Thomas Carl Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas

3, David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in March 1900 in Cove Creek, WataugaCo, NC.

630. Edie Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3, DavidVincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1902 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

631. Fred Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3,David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1904 in Watauga Co, NC.

632. Elmer Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3,David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1907 in Watauga Co, NC.

633. Bernice Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3,David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1909 in Beech Mountain, WataugaCo, NC.

Bernice married Howard Brooks [MRIN: 63169]. Howard was born in 1909 in VA.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 20 April 1930 in Elizabethton, Carter Co, TN. Bernice

Brooks age 21 NC works silk millHoward Brooks age 21 VA works silk mill

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (232)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


living with her mother dwelling 35918 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

634. Bernard Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3,David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1914 in Watauga Co, NC.

635. Robert Younce (William C. Younce 5, Martha E. 'Mattie' Greer 4, Thomas 3,David Vincent 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1924 in Elizabethton, Carter Co, TN.

636. Hessie B. Greer (Benjamin Carroll 5, Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1899 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN.

637. Myron T. Greer (Charles Alfred 5, Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1904 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

638. Mona Greer (Charles Alfred 5, Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1907 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

639. Minnie Dora Greer (Charles Alfred 5, Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1910 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

640. Helen Greer (Charles Alfred 5, Benjamin Franklin 4, Benjamin 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1913 in Cove Creek, Watauga Co, NC.

641. Floyd Roby Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4,Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1890 in Ashe Co, NC, diedon 29 March 1968 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 78, and was buried in CrestwoodMemorial Park, Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 29 March 1968 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Floyd Roby Wilcox

Gender: Male Race: White Age: 77 Birth Date: 3 Nov 1890 Birth Place: NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 29 Mar 1968 Death Location: North Wilkesboro,Wilkes Spouse's Name: None Father's Name: Ben Wilcox Mother's name: VinieWilcox Residence: North Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina31 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Floyd married Mamie Walker [MRIN: 61942] on 27 October 1908 in Ashe Co, NC. Mamiewas born in 1893 in Ashe Co, NC.

642. Claude Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin

3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1893 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC anddied in December 1973 in Ashe Co, NC at age 80.

Claude married Maggie Phillips [MRIN: 61927]. Maggie was born in March 1897 in AsheCo, NC and died in December 1953 in Ashe Co, NC at age 56.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (233)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


643. Samuel Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin

3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1895 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC anddied in December 1973 in Ashe Co, NC at age 78.

Samuel married Mattie A. Ray [MRIN: 61928], daughter of Larkin Monroe Ray and EllenMiller,. Mattie was born on 29 May 1904 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 27 September 1979 inAshe Co, NC at age 75.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 546)

644. Sarah Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3,James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died inDecember 1948 in Ashe Co, NC at age 52.

645. Virgie Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3,James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

646. Fannie Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3,James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1902 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

647. Maggie Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3,James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in September 1904 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC anddied in January 1980 in Ashe Co, NC at age 75.

Maggie married Coy Alexander Goodman [MRIN: 61929], son of Richard ThomasGoodman and Florence Blackburn,. Coy was born in May 1902 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NCand died on 22 February 1937 in Sparta, Alleghany Co, NC at age 34.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1930 in Gap Civil, Alleghany Co, NC. Coy Goodman age

27 NC farmerMaggie age 25 NCBlanche age 9 NCMaud age 6 NCGeorgie age 3 6/12 NCNewton age 27 NC brother no occupationGrace age 21 NCWinnie age 3 1/12 NCLinne age 1 6/12 NCdwelling 14531 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 22 February 1937 in Sparta, Alleghany Co, NC. Name: Coyaly AndreGoodman[Coy Alexander Goodman] <javascript:TGN.Ancestry.Search.Orem.DoOrem(1683098)>Gender: Male Race: White Age: 34 Years 9 Months Birth Date: abt 1902Birth Place: Ashe, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 22 Feb 1937 DeathLocation: Alleghany Spouse's Name: Maggie Goodman Father's Name: Thomas

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (234)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Goodman Mother's name: Florence Blackburn 31 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 788 F i. Virginia Dare Goodman was born on 18 June 1934 in Alexander Co, NC.+ 789 F ii. Blanche Goodman was born in 1921 in Alleghany Co, NC.+ 790 F iii. Maude Goodman was born in 1924 in Alleghany Co, NC.+ 791 F iv. Georgie Goodman was born in 1927 in Gap Civil, Alleghany Co, NC.

648. Hannah Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin

3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1908 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

649. Dempsey Lee Wilcox (William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4,Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 30 May 1911 in Ashe Co, NC anddied on 30 December 1966 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 55.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 30 December 1966 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Dempsey Lee

Wilcox Gender: Male Race: White Age: 55 Birth Date: 30 May 1911 Birth Place: Ashe,North Carolina, United States Death Date: 30 Dec 1966 Death Location: Lenoir,Caldwell Spouse's Name: Kathleen G Wilcox Father's Name: Late Benjamin WilcoxMother's name: Late Vina Wilcox Residence: Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina31 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

650. John A. Moody (Virginia America Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3,James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December 1896 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

651. Samuel D. Moody (Virginia America Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin

3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1895 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

652. Mathew M. Moody (Virginia America Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin

3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

653. Willard Glenn Wilcox (James Matthew Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4,Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1908 in Ashe Co,NC, died on 29 June 1957 in Kannapolis, Rowan Co NC at age 48, and was buried on 12July 1957 in Carolina Memorial Park, Cabarrus, , NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 29 June 1957 in Kannapolis, Rowan Co, NC. Name: Willard Glenn Wilcox

Gender: Male Race: White Age: 47 Birth Date: 20 Aug 1909 Birth Place: Boone, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 29 Jun 1957 Death Location: Kannapolis, RowanSpouse's Name: Eagle Wilcox Father's Name: James Mathew Wilcox Mother's name:Sarah Allen Wilcox Residence: Kannapolis, Rowan, North Carolina Died of Gun shot wound to head according to the Death Certificate

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (235)

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31 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Willard married Carrie Etta Eagle [MRIN: 61933], daughter of Albert Lee Eagle andCora Lee Trexler,. Carrie was born in November 1917 in Rowan Co NC, died in December2000 in Kannapolis, Cabarrus Co, NC at age 83, and was buried in Caroline Memorial Cem,Kannapolis, Cabarrus Co, NC.

654. Ora Lee Wilcox (James Matthew Wilcox 5, Mary Elizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3,James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1911 in Todd, Ashe Co, NC and died on14 May 1996 in Concord, Cabarrus Co, NC at age 85.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 14 May 1996 in Concord, Cabarrus Co, NC. Name: Ora Lee Wilcox

Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed Social Security Number:264606383 Father's Last Name: Wilcox Age: 85 Date of Birth: 2 Jan 1911 ResidenceCounty: Rowan Residence state: North Carolina Date of Death: 14 May 1996 DeathCity: Concord Death County: Cabarrus Death State: North Carolina Autopsy: NoInstitution: General Hospital Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in stateSource Vendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1993-9631 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Ora married James Vernon Dancy, Sr. [MRIN: 61932]. James was born on 16 February1907 in Wilkes Co, NC and died on 28 October 1978 in Eden, Rockingham Co, VA at age 71.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 28 October 1978 in Eden, Rockingham Co, VA. Name: James Vernon

Dancy Sr. Gender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Married Social Security Number:237011142 Age: 71 Date of Birth: 16 Feb 1907 Residence City: Eden ResidenceCounty: Rockingham Date of Death: 28 Oct 1978 Death County: Rockingham DeathState: Virginia Autopsy: No Institution: Other Attendant: Medical Examiner BurialLocation: Burial out of state Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. North CarolinaDeaths, 197831 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

655. Baxtor Vinton Greer (Wiley Thomas 5, James 4, Alexander 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 21 March 1904.

Baxtor married Mavis Faye Weaver [MRIN: 54890], daughter of John Leslie Weaver andLillie Ida Miller,.

The child from this marriage was:+ 792 F i. Geneva Lee Greer was born on 28 June 1934 in Ashe Co, NC.

Geneva married White [MRIN: 54891] in Her Direct Line To Sarah [emailprotected] 26 Aug 2007.

656. May Greer (Joseph G. 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (236)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1906 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

657. Homer Greer (Joseph G. 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1910 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

658. Ray Greer (Joseph G. 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1907 in AR.

659. Dallas Greer (Joseph G. 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1916 in AR.

660. Marie Greer (Joseph G. 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1918 in AR.

661. Glen Greer (Joseph G. 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1920 in Union, Lucas Co, IA.

662. Joseph A. Greer (Joseph G. 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, William Samuel 3, James

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1923 in Union, Lucas Co, IA.

663. Annie Mabel Holman (Mary McCorkle Greer 5, Benjamin Thomas 4, WilliamSamuel 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1913 in Ashe Co, NC and diedin September 1963 in Ashe Co, NC at age 50.

Annie married Kermit Isaiah Wilcox [MRIN: 61872], son of William Monroe Wilcox andMalissa Ida Vannoy,. Kermit was born in 1906 in Ashe Co, NC and died in Ashe Co, NC.

664. William Howard Greer (Howard Taft 5, Elijah 4, Finley 3, Samuel 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 4 April 1931 in Trade, Johnson Co, TN and died on 13June 1999 in Johnson CIty , Washington Co, TN at age 68.

665. Emily Trivett (Joseph William Trivett 5, Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1925 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on6 August 1972 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 47.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 6 August 1972 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Emily Trivett Coffey

[Emily Trivett Trivett] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 47 Birth Date: 2 Feb 1925Birth Place: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 6 Aug 1972 Death Location:Lenoir, Caldwell Spouse's Name: James Randolph Father's Name: Late Joseph WilliamTrivett Mother's Name: Late Anna Belle Trivett Residence: Hudson, Caldwell, NorthCarolina23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Emily married James Randolph Coffey [MRIN: 63272], son of Horace Clinton Coffey and Viola T. Cook, in Has 4 Children. James was born on 28 July 1922 in Blue Ridge,Watauga Co, NC, died on 10 January 1989 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 66, and wasburied in Blue Ridge Memorial Park Cem, Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (237)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He died on 10 January 1989 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC. Name: James Randolph

Coffey Gender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Married Social Security Number:237268388 Father's Last Name: Coffey Age: 66 Date of Birth: 28 Jul 1922 BirthLocation: North Carolina Birth State: North Carolina Residence County: CaldwellResidence State: North Carolina Date of Death: 10 Jan 1989 Death City: Lenoir DeathCounty: Caldwell Death State: North Carolina Autopsy: No Institution: GeneralHospital Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in state Source Vendor: NCDepartment of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1988-9223 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He was born on 28 July 1922 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: James Randolph CoffeyGender: Male Race: White Event Type: birth Birth Date: 28 Jul 1922 Birth County:Watauga Parent1 Name: Clint Coffey Parent2 Name: Viola Cook Roll Number:NCVR_B_C102_66001 Volume: 8 Page: 21323 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW11: S2 US Navy. Name: James Randolph Coffey Service Info.: S2 US NAVYWORLD WAR II Birth Date: 28 Jul 1922 Death Date: 10 Jan 1989 Cemetery: BlueRidge Memorial Park Cemetery Address: 2017 Wilkesboro Blvd NE Lenoir, NC 2864523 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

666. Freda Trivett (Joseph William Trivett 5, Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1933 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

667. David Wilson Trivett (Joseph William Trivett 5, Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh(Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 18 December 1947 in Ashe Co, NCand died on 18 December 1947 in Ashe Co, NC.

668. Hazel G. Ray (Carrie Lena Trivett 5, Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3,Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1926 in Ashe Co, NC.

669. Lela Ray (Carrie Lena Trivett 5, Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3,Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 11 February 1930 in Elk, Ashe Co, NC.

670. Sarah Edith Ray (Carrie Lena Trivett 5, Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh (Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 30 June 1932 in Ashe Co, NC and died on31 December 1996 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 64.

Sarah married someone Otis Franklin Cranford, (Twin) [MRIN: 63290] on 17 August 1946in Surry Co, NC. The marriage ended in divorce on 22 March 1972. Otis was born on 26August 1914 in Surry Co, NC and died on 25 December 1994 in Mocksville, Davie Co, NC atage 80.

Noted events in their marriage were:• Marriage: 17 August 1946, Surry Co, NC. Name: Otis Franklin Cranford Gender: Male

Birth Date: abt 1915 Age: 31 Race: White Spouse: Edith Sarah Ray Spouse Gender:Female Spouse Age: 14 Spouse Race: White Marriage Date: 17 Aug 1946 MarriageLocation: Dobson Marriage County: Surry Marriage State: North Carolina

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (238)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 25 December 1994 in Mocksville, Davie Co, NC. Name: Otis Franklin

Cranford Gender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Divorced Social Security Number:246222967 Father's Last Name: Cranford Age: 80 Date of Birth: 26 Aug 1914Residence County: Davie Residence State: North Carolina Date of Death: 25 Dec 1994Death County: Davie Death State: North Carolina Autopsy: No Institution: HomeAttendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in state Source Vendor: NC Department ofHealth. North Carolina Deaths, 1993-9623 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

671. Glenn May Trivett (David Mansfield Trivett 5, Julia M. Greer 4, William Raleigh(Riley) 3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1930 in Pine Swamp, Ashe Co, NC.

672. Louise Younce (Walter Linney Younce 5, Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer

3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1924 in Watauga Co, NC.

673. Worth Younce (Walter Linney Younce 5, Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer

3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1926 in Watauga Co, NC.

674. Howard Younce (Walter Linney Younce 5, Roby Younce 4, Cindy Emeline Greer

3, Samuel 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born from 1929 to 1930 in Meat Camp, Watauga Co,NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (239)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (240)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Seventh Generation (4th Great-Grandchildren)

675. Henry Parsons (Sanford Moses Parsons 6, Adolphus Parsons 5, Isaac Parsons 4,Jacintha Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1885 in Patricia [emailprotected] 13 Jan 01.

Henry married Peaarl Harvey [MRIN: 31025] in 1905. Peaarl was born in 1885.

The child from this marriage was:+ 793 M i. Earl Parsons was born after 1905 in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13

Jan 01.Earl married Mary Young [MRIN: 31026].

676. Maggie Ellen Lewis (Marcia Estella Trivette 6, Solomon Trivett 5, Docia (Dicy)Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 20February 1907 in Ashe Co, NC Dir Line [emailprotected] 22 Nov 1999.

Maggie married Oscar Haywood Matthews [MRIN: 11013] on 12 May 1930 in Ashe Co,NC. Oscar was born on 28 August 1904 in Cumberland Co, NC [emailprotected] and diedon 18 April 1977 in Cumberland Co, NC at age 72.

The child from this marriage was:+ 794 M i. Rayburn Max Matthews was born on 4 November 1936 in Cumberland Co,

NC [emailprotected] married Eva Delores Privette [MRIN: 11014] on 2 October 1955 inCumberland Co, NC.

677. Harrison Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1870.

678. William Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in November 1888 and died on 6 March 1966 in Forest, Bedford Co, VA at age 77.

679. James Niley Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox

5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born in June 1887 and died in October 1967 in Johnson City, Washington Co,TN at age 80.

680. Benjamin Harrison Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van BurenWilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February 1890 and died on 17 September 1970 in BarrenElk, Avery Co, NC at age 80.

681. Vertie Katherine Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox

5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in March 1895 in NC and died on 6 February 1967 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC atage 71.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (241)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


682. Floyd Newton Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox

5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1897 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC and died on 28 September1966 in Banner Elk, Avery Co, NC at age 68.

683. Claude Franklin Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van BurenWilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in April 1900 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC and died inFebruary 1983 in Banner Elk, Avery Co, NC at age 82.

684. Roosevelt Boyd Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox

5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 6 May 1901 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC and died on 29 November 1968 inBanner Elk, Avery Co, NC at age 67.

685. Lola Louise Greene (Nancy Catherine Wilcoxson 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 29 January 1908 in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC and died on 12 November 1985in Watauga, Watauga Co, NC at age 77.

686. Otho Stuart Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in August 1890 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC and died on 9 September 1966 inGlobe Springs, Ashe Co, NC at age 76.

Otho married Cynthia Hart [MRIN: 61736]. Cynthia was born on 13 December 1892 in NCand died on 22 March 1970 in North Wilksboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 77.

687. Felix Loyd Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in May 1892 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC and died on 12 November 1964 inBoone, Watauga Co, NC at age 72.

Felix married Channal Grace Watson [MRIN: 61737]. Channal was born on 17 November1893 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 24 February 1974 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 80.

688. Ada Mae Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 17 February 1894 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC and died on 18 December 1974in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 80.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 18 December 1974 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Ada Mae Krider

[Ada Mae Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 80 Birth Date: 17 Feb 1894 BirthPlace: North Carolina, United States Death Date: 18 Dec 1974 Death Location: Boone,Watauga Father's Name: Grant Wilcox Mother's Name: Nelia Mcguire Residence:Todd, Ashe, North Carolina

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (242)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Ada married Van Buren Dick Krider [MRIN: 61738]. Van was born on 4 November 1893 inNC and died on 24 February 1974 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 80.

689. Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Sr. (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 23 September 1896 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 21 February 1972 in Boone,Watauga Co, NC at age 75.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1940 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Dempsey L. Wilcox

age 42 NC owner pisa stone store?Florence age 42 NCHelen age 16 NCMary L. age 14 NCNancy age 11 NCD. L. Jr. age 5 NCdwelling 124 on Oak Street29 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 21 February 1972 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Dempsey Lee WilcoxSr Gender: Male Race: White Age: 75 Birth Date: 23 Sep 1896 Birth Place: NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 21 Feb 1972 Death Location: Boone, WataugaSpouse's Name: Florence Payne Father's Name: Grant Wilcox Mother's Name: CorneliaMcguire Residence: Boone, Watauga, North Carolina29 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Dempsey married Florence Ivalee Payne [MRIN: 61739]. Florence was born on 25 June1896 in NC and died on 8 October 1991 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 95.

Children from this marriage were:+ 795 F i. Helen Wilcox was born in 1924 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.+ 796 F ii. Mary L. Wilcox was born in 1926 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.+ 797 F iii. Nancy Wilcox was born in 1929 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.+ 798 M iv. Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Jr. was born in 1935 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

690. Bina Virginia Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in February 1899 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC and died in August 1984 at age 85.

Bina married Richard Filmore Day [MRIN: 61740]. Richard was born on 29 August 1882 inNC and died on 11 November 1941 in Roper, Ashe Co, NC at age 59.

691. Herman Wallace Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in January 1903 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC and died in February 1984 inAsheville, Buncombe Co, NC at age 81.

692. Hazel Nancy Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (243)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn in 1905 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

Hazel married Walter Lenoir Cook [MRIN: 61741]. Walter was born in October 1886 inNC.

693. Mary Maude Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in June 1907 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC and died in August 1992 in Boone,Watauga Co, NC at age 85.

694. Charles Coles Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born on 11 September 1909 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 29 August 1969 in Boone,Watauga Co, NC at age 59.

Noted events in his life were:• US WW11 Draft Card: 1940, Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Charlie Coles Wilcox

Race: White Birth Date: 11 Sep 1909 Birth Place: Ashe County, North CarolinaResidence: Boone, Watauga, North Carolina Registration Year: 1940 Relationship: Self(Head)29 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1940 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Charles Wilcox age 30NC part owner sells ? HerbsJulia age 30 NCCharles K. age 3 NCPatricia age 0 NCMaud age 33 NC lodger Matron WPA School ProjectJoan age 5 NC daughter of Maudedwelling 126 Oak St.29 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 29 August 1969 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Charles Coles WilcoxGender: Male Race: White Age: 59 Birth Date: 10 Sep 1909 Birth Place: NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 29 Aug 1969 Death Location: Boone, WataugaSpouse's Name: Mrs Julia Hollar Father's Name: G G Wilcox Mother's Name:Cornelius Mcguire Residence: Boone, Watauga, North Carolina29 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He was born in 1909 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Charles Coles Wilcox Event Type: birthBirth Date: 1909 Birth County: Ashe Parent1 Name: General Grant Wilcox RollNumber: NCVR_B_C006_68001 Volume: D-17 Page: 17529 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Charles married Julia Florence Hollar [MRIN: 61742], daughter of Richard Hollar andNettie Arzona Hayes,. Julia was born on 7 March 1910 in Watauga Co, NC and died on 29July 1990 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC at age 80.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (244)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in her life were:• She was born on 7 March 1910 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Julia Florence Hollars

Gender: Female Race: White Event Type: birth Birth Date: 7 Mar 1910 Birth County:Watauga Parent1 Name: Richard Hollars Parent2 Name: Nettie Hayes Roll Number:NCVR_B_C102_66001 Volume: 18 Page: 12929 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 29 July 1990 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Julia Hollar Wilcox[Julia Hollar Hollar] Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed SocialSecurity Number: 246038335 Father's Last Name: Hollar Age: 80 Date of Birth: 7 Mar1910 Birth Location: North Carolina Birth State: North Carolina Residence City: BooneResidence County: Watauga Residence State: North Carolina Date of Death: 29 Jul1990 Death City: Boone Death County: Watauga Death State: North Carolina Autopsy:No Institution: Home Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in state SourceVendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1988-9229 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 799 M i. Charles K. Wilcox was born in 1937 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.+ 800 F ii. Patricia Wilcox was born in 1940 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

695. Rosa Jean Wilcox (General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in November 1914 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC and died on 5 July 2006 in Boone,Watauga Co, NC at age 91.

Rosa married Boyd Owen Hodges [MRIN: 61743], son of Isaac Gordon Hodges and MaryLouise Baxter,. Boyd was born on 30 November 1918 in Mabel, Watauga Co, NC and died inNovember 2005 in Alexandria, VA at age 87.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 30 November 1918 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Hodges Date of Birth:

30 Nov 1918 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1 Name: IsaacHodges Parent2 Name: Mary Baxter Roll Number: B_C102_66001

• His obituary was published on 5 November 2005 in The Watermelons That He GrewWere Famous In The Community P105. Name of Deceased: Boyd Owen Hodges Ageat Death: 87 Death Date: 5 Nov 2005 Obituary Date: 12 Nov 2005 Newspaper Title:Watauga Democrat Newspaper Location: Boone, NC, US Birth Date: abt 1918Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Mountain City, TNWatauga CountyAlexandria, VAVAOther Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Derick WilsonThad HollowayI. Hodges G.Gary Hodges O.Michael Hodges K.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (245)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• WW 11 Draft Registration: 1940. Name: Boyd Owen Hodges Race: White Birth Date:30 Nov 1918 Birth Place: Mabel, North Carolina Residence: Boone, Watauga, NorthCarolina Registration Year: 1940 Relationship: Self (Head) Household Members:ntblNamentbl Boyd Owen Hodges <>ntbl Jean Wilcon Hodges<>

• He appeared on the census in 1940 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Owen Hodges age 21Dry Cleaner Asst. RetailJean age 25 NC helper Dry Cleaning Shop (m 3 years?)dwelling 38316 Nov 2012

The child from this marriage was:+ 801 M i. Gary Owen Hodges was born on 20 September 1947 in Alexandria, VA.

Gary married Elogene Wooten [MRIN: 61992].

696. Charlie E. S. Wilcox (William Monroe Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin February 1892 in NC.

697. Arnald G. Wilcox (William Monroe Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin April 1895 in NC.

698. Pansy M. Wilcox (William Monroe Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin August 1897 in NC.

699. William C. Wilcox (William Monroe Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin March 1900 in Johnson Co, TN.

700. Kermit Isaiah Wilcox (William Monroe Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1906 in Ashe Co, NC and died in Ashe Co, NC.

Kermit married Annie Mabel Holman [MRIN: 61872], daughter of George SperganHolman and Mary McCorkle Greer,. Annie was born in April 1913 in Ashe Co, NC anddied in September 1963 in Ashe Co, NC at age 50.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 663)

701. Ida Leo Wilcox (William Monroe Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornon 4 June 1909 in Wilkes Co, NC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (246)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in her life were:• She was born on 4 June 1909 in Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Ida Leo Wilcox Date of Birth:

4 Jun 1909 Gender: Female Race: White Birth County: Wilkes Parent1 Name: WilliamMonroe Wilcox Parent2 Name: Melissa Ida Vannoy Roll Number: B_C104_68001Volume: 34 Page: 227 27 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

702. Mattie Emaline Wilcox (William Monroe Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin November 1913 in Ashe Co, NC and died in January 1997 in Ashe Co, NC at age 83.

Mattie married Albert B. Houck [MRIN: 61875] on 24 August 1932 in Ashe Co, NC.Albert was born in January 1907 in Ashe Co, NC and died in January 1967 in Ashe Co, NCat age 60.

703. Jeane Howard (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1891in Swain Co, NC.

704. Charles I. Howard (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 27 July 1893 in Swain Co, NC and died on 30 October 1967 in North Wilkesboro,Wilkes Co, NC at age 74.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 27 July 1893 in Swain Co, NC. Name: Charles Isaiah Howard Date of

Birth: 27 Jul 1893 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Swain Parent1 Name:George Wash Howard Parent2 Name: Julia A Wilcox Roll Number: B_C091_68001Volume: 9 Page: 4730 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 20 June 1900 in Lewis Fork, Wilkes Co, NC. CharlyHoward July 1893 NC living with his mother who is divorceddwelling 18630 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 10 April 1910 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Charles I.Howard age 16 NC living with his mother and stepfather William L. Yatesdwelling 31 Main St.30 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 30 October 1967 in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: CharlesIsiah Howard Gender: Male Race: White Age: 74 Birth Date: 27 Jul 1893 Birth Place:Swain, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 30 Oct 1967 Death Location: NorthWilkesboro, Wilkes Spouse's Name: Pearl Mitchell Father's Name: George WashingtonHoward Mother's name: Julia Wilcox Residence: Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (247)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


30 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

705. Georgie Hattie Howard (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin November 1895 in Swain Co, NC.

706. Caswell G. Yates (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1905 inWilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.

707. Gillis A. Yates (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1907 inWilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.

708. Chester Buren Yates (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1905 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.

709. Nora B. Yates (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1911 inWilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.

710. Archie Arthur Yates (Julia Amelia Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1913 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC.

711. Earnest T. Baxley (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October1893 in Moore Co, NC.

712. Nellie Lillian Baxley (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in December1895 in Moore Co, NC.

713. Blanche B. Baxley (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in February1897 in Sanford, Moore Co, NC.

714. Charlie V. Baxley (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1901 inGeorgetown Co, SC.

715. Charles Burnes Baxley, (Twin) (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1907 in Collins, Georgetown Co, SC.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (248)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


716. Mattie Unos Baxley, (Twin) (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1907 in Collins, Georgetown Co, SC.

717. Clifford I. Baxley (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January1910 in Collins, Georgetown Co, SC.

718. Catherine G. Baxley (Lulu Belle Wilcox 6, Isaiah S. Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) wasborn on 4 July 1916 in Carvers Bay, Georgetown Co, SC and died on 6 July 1995 inGeorgetown, Georgetown Co, SC at age 79.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 6 July 1995 in Georgetown, Georgetown Co, SC. Name: Catherine G.

Baxley SSN: 249-22-2027 Last Residence: 29440 Georgetown, Georgetown, SouthCarolina, United States of America Born: 4 Jul 1916 Died: 6 Jul 1995 State (Year) SSNissued: South Carolina (Before 1951)30 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

719. Rosie M. Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin March 1898 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

720. Linney Franklin Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 19 January 1901 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 9September 1996 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC at age 95.

Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 19 January 1901 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: Linney Franklin Wilcox

Date of Birth: 19 Jan 1901 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1Name: William Wesley Wilcox Parent2 Name: Melvina Phillips Roll Number: B_C102_66003 Volume: 9 Page: 445 23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 9 September 1996 in Lenoir Caldwell Co, NC. Name: Liney FranklinWilcox Gender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Widowed Social Security Number:411143717 Father's Last Name: Wilcox Age: 95 Date of Birth: 19 Jan 1901Residence County: Caldwell Residence state: North Carolina Date of Death: 9 Sep1996 Death City: Lenoir Death County: Caldwell Death State: North CarolinaAutopsy: No Institution: Nursing and Rest Homes Attendant: Physician BurialLocation: Burial in state Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. North CarolinaDeaths, 1993-96

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (249)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

721. D0llie Ethel Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1903 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

722. Bessie E. Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin 1906 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

723. Stuart Odell Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1910 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 19 June 1921 inBrownwood, Watauga Co, NC at age 11.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 29 June 1921 in Brownwood, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Stuart Odell Wilcox

Gender: Male Race: White Age: 12 Years 4 Months Birth Date: abt 1909 Birth Place:Brownwood, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 20 Jun 1921 Death Location:Brownwood, Watauga Father's Name: W W Wilcox Jr. Mother's Name: MelvinaPhillips23 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

724. Hettie Pearl Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 10 March 1912 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 24 March 1992in North Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 80.

Noted events in her life were:• SS Death Index: 24 March 1992, Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Hettie W.

TrivetteSSN: 238-34-5413 Last Residence: 28697 Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina, UnitedStates of America Born: 10 Mar 1912 Died: 24 Mar 1992 State (Year) SSN issued:North Carolina (Before 1951)23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 24 March 1992 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. Name: Hettie PearlTrivette[Hettie Pearl Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed SocialSecurity Number: 409180457 Father's Last Name: Wilcox Age: 80 Date of Birth: 10Mar 1912 Birth Location: North Carolina Birth State: North Carolina ResidenceCounty: Wilkes Residence State: North Carolina Date of Death: 24 Mar 1992 DeathCity: No. Wilkesboro Death County: Wilkes Death State: North Carolina Autopsy:No Institution: General Hospital Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in stateSource Vendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1988-9223 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (250)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Hettie married Joseph William Trivett [MRIN: 61635], son of David Wilborn Trivett andJulia M. Greer, in 1946. Joseph was born on 6 February 1903 in Ashe Co, NC, died on 19June 1959 in Deep Gap, Ashe Co, NC at age 56, and was buried on 21 June 1959 in WatsonCem, Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 5 May 1910 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC. Joseph W.

Trivett age 7 NC living with his parentsdwelling 16623 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in Haymond and Millstone, Letcher Co, KY.Joe Trivett age 26 NC laborer coal mine m age 21Bell age 25 NC m age 14Emily age 5 NCdwelling 7323 Nov 2013 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 23 April 1940 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Joe Trivettage 37 NC Road Work WPA born Watauga Co, NCBelle age 34 born Ashe Co, NCEmily age 15 born Ashe Co, NCFreda age 7 born Ashe Co, NClives on Gum Ridge Road in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC23 November 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack divorced bef 1947 as he is married to Hettie Pearl Wilcox.

• He died on 19 June 1959 in Deep Gap, Ashe Co, NC. Name: Joseph William TrivetteGender: Male Race: White Age: 56 Birth Date: 6 Feb 1903 Birth Place: Ashe, NorthCarolina, United States Death Date: 19 Jun 1959 Death Location: Deep Gap, AsheSpouse's Name: Hettie Wilcox Trivette Father's Name: D Wilborn Trivette Mother'sName: Julia Greer Residence: Deep Gap, Wilkes, North Carolina23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack See copy of death certificate on line at

(Duplicate Line. See Person 458)

725. Kermit Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1917 inStony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 24 April 1930 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Kermit

Wilcox age 14 NC living with his mother and step fatherdwelling 5023 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (251)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


726. Raymond Larnie Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in 1920 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 25 June 1921 inBrownwood, Watauga Co, NC at age 1.

Noted events in his life were:• He died on 25 June 1921 in Brownwood, Watauga Co, NC. Name: Larnie Wilcox

Gender: Male Race: White Age: 13 Months Birth Date: abt 1920 Birth Place:Brownwood, North Carolina, United States Death Date: 25 Jun 1921 Death Location:Brownwood, Watauga Spouse's Name: Wm Wilcox Jr. Father's Name: Wm Wilcox Jr.Mother's Name: Melvina Phillips

727. Edna Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1921 inStony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 24 April 1930 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Edna Wilcox

age 9 NC living with her mother and step fatherdwelling 5023 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

728. Ruby Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson,Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1924 inStony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census on 24 April 1930 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC. Ruby Wilcox

age 6 NC living with her mother and stepfather Wiley Phillipsdwelling 5023 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

729. William Westley Wilcox, Jr. (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1).

William married someone.

His child was:+ 802 M i. Wilard Odean Wilcox was born Private.

730. James Arlie Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 17 February 1924 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC and died on 18 September2008 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co, NC at age 84.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (252)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• He was born on 17 February 1924 in Watauga Co, NC. Name: James Arlie Wilcox

Date of Birth: 17 Feb 1924 Gender: Male Race: White Birth County: Watauga Parent1Name: Wm W Wilcox Parent2 Name: Florence Johnson Roll Number: B_C102_66003Volume: 10 Page: 35223 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom

• His obituary was published on 20 September 2008 in Durham, NC. Name of Deceased:Arlie Wilcox Age at Death: 84 Death Date: 18 Sep 2008 Obituary Date: 20 Sep 2008Newspaper Title: Herald-Sun, The Newspaper Location: Durham, NC, US Birth Date:17 Feb 1924 Locations Mentioned in Obituary: Lenoir, NCSawmills,Watauga CountyOther Persons Mentioned in Obituary: Lennie WilcoxKermit WilcoxChuck BristleJohnny Sr PhillipsTravis TriplettArchie OrrEdd WarrenTommy Wilcox LeeClyde DulaTommie Saunders GailTeddyNelson SootsEddie PhillipsCarrol ClontzRoseBernice Wilcox StoryVaughn HaneyRyanThomas Dula H.Ervin WilliamsCrematoryJim Drum (Mollie)Bob HaasDavid EggersMichael VinesKeith PritchardRalph JohnsonBobby SimmonsHettie Trivette W.Florence Wilcox Johnson DulaDolly Simmons W.Johnny PhillipsBill Wilcox

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (253)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Jones DulaTammy

731. Virginia Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox 6, William Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin May 1930 in Stony Fork, Watauga Co, NC.

732. Hessy Wilcox (William Thomas Wilcox 6, Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in July 1899 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died in September 1988 in AsheCo, NC at age 89.

733. Stewart Wilcox (William Thomas Wilcox 6, Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in November 1900 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died in January 1901 inOldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

734. Walter Charles Wilcox (William Thomas Wilcox 6, Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in February 1902 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died in October 1995 in AsheCo, NC at age 93.

735. Marvin Wilcox (William Thomas Wilcox 6, Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, William M.Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was bornin January 1907 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

736. Grace Elizabeth Wilcox (William Thomas Wilcox 6, Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in March 1909 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 12 March 1990 inWinston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC at age 81.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 12 March 1990 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co, NC. Name: Grace

Elizabeth Goodman[Grace Elizabeth Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: WidowedSocial Security Number: 237827685 Father's Last Name: Wilcox Age: 80 Date ofBirth: 20 Mar 1909 Birth Location: North Carolina Birth State: North CarolinaResidence County: Ashe Residence state: North Carolina Date of Death: 12 Mar 1990Death City: Winston-Salem Death County: Forsyth Death State: North CarolinaAutopsy: No Institution: General Hospital Attendant: Physician Burial Location: Burialin state Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. North Carolina Deaths, 1988-9215 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She was born in 1909 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Grace Elizabeth Wilcox Date of Birth:

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (254)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


1909 Birth County: Ashe Parent1 Name: William T Wilcox Roll Number: B_C006_68001 Volume: D-28 Page: 4915 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Grace married Newton Glenn Goodman [MRIN: 62063], son of Richard ThomasGoodman and Florence Blackburn, on 17 April 1926 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC. Newtonwas born on 2 May 1907 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 9 October 1981 in WestJefferson, Ashe Co, NC at age 74.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census in 1930 in Gap Civil, Alleghany Co, NC. Newton Goodman

age 27 NC no occupationGrace age 21 NCWinnie age 3 1/12 NCLinnie age 1 6/12 NCdwelling 145 living with his brother Coy Goodman15 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 9 October 1981 in Ashe Co, NC. Name: Newton Glenn Goodman Sr.Gender: Male Race: White Marital Status: Married Social Security Number: 241441645Age: 74 Date of Birth: 2 May 1907 Birth Location: North Carolina Birth State: NorthCarolina Residence County: Ashe Residence state: North Carolina Date of Death: 9 Oct1981 Death County: Ashe Death State: North Carolina Institution: General HospitalAttendant: Physician Burial Location: Burial in state Source Vendor: NC Department ofHealth. North Carolina Deaths, 1979-8215 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Children from this marriage were:+ 803 F i. Winnie Goodman was born Private in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.+ 804 F ii. Linnie Goodman was born Private in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

737. Richard Delbert Wilcox (William Thomas Wilcox 6, Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5,William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born in May 1911 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died in May 1981 in Ashe Co, NCat age 70.

738. Cleo Bessie Wilcox (Mack Coy Wilcox 6, Samuel Alvin Wilcox 5, WilliamM. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 11 October 1908 in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC and died on 9 May 1992 inWilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC at age 83.

Noted events in her life were:• She died on 9 May 1992 in Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, NC. e: Cleo Ray

[Cleo Wilcox] Gender: Female Race: White Marital Status: Widowed Social SecurityNumber: 241821383 Father's Last Name: Wilcox Age: 83 Date of Birth: 11 Oct 1908Birth Location: North Carolina Birth State: North Carolina Residence City: No.Wilkesboro Residence County: Wilkes Residence state: North Carolina Date of Death:

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (255)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


9 May 1992 Death City: No. Wilkesboro Death County: Wilkes Death State: NorthCarolina Autopsy: No Institution: General Hospital Attendant: Physician BurialLocation: Burial in state Source Vendor: NC Department of Health. North CarolinaDeaths, 1988-9227 Nov 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Cleo married Delaun Lee Ray [MRIN: 61877], son of Larkin Monroe Ray and EllenMiller,. Delaun was born on 5 May 1902 in Ashe Co, NC and died on 3 February 1960 in AsheCo, NC at age 57.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 545)

739. Lloyd H. Wilcox (George Samuel Wilcox, Physician 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, SamuelWilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1914 inSumner Co, KS.

Noted events in his life were:• Kansas State Census: 1915, Freeport, Harper Co, KS. Lloyd Wilcox age 1 KS

living with his parents26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census on 9 January 1920 in Gore, Sumner Co, KS. LloydWILCOX age 6 KY living with his parentsdwelling 15026 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in April 1930 in Mulvane, Sumner Co, KS. Lloyd H. Wilcoxage 16 KY living with his widowed motherdwelling 14126 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

740. Lucile Belva Wilcox (John Constantine Wilcox, Physician 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5,Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 2 August 1912 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS and died on 7 February 1916 inArgonia, Sumner Co, KS at age 3.

Noted events in her life were:• Kansas State Census: 1915, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. Lucile B. Wilcox age 2 KS

living with her parents 26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

741. Burke J. Wilcox (John Constantine Wilcox, Physician 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5,Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in May 1914 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS and died in June 2009 in Witchita,Sedgwick Co, KS at age 95.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (256)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Noted events in his life were:• Kansas State Census: 1925, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. Burke Wilcox age 10 KS living

with his parentsdwelling 5926 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

742. Bula Wilcox (John Constantine Wilcox, Physician 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, SamuelWilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1917 inArgonia, Sumner Co, KS.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in 1920 in Dixson, Sumner Co, KS. Bula Wilcox age 3 2/12

KY living with her parentsdwelling 69 Osage St.26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• Kansas State Census: 1925, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. Bula Wilcox age 5 KS livingwith her parentsdwelling 5926 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

743. Paul Avis Wilcox (John Constantine Wilcox, Physician 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, SamuelWilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July1919 in Argonia, Sumner Co, KS and died on 14 November 1998 at age 79.

Noted events in his life were:• Kansas State Census: 1925, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. Paul Wilcox age 5 KS living

with his parentsdwelling 5926 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• WW11 Registration: 10 January 1945. Name: Paul L Wilcox Birth Year: 1919 Race:White, Citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Kansas State of Residence: Idaho,Limited Service or Hawaiian Islands Enlistment Date: 10 Jan 1945 Branch: No branchassignment Branch Code: Philippine Scouts Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Termof Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus sixmonths, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to lawComponent: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 2 years of collegeCivil Occupation: Semiprofessional occupations, n.e.c. Marital Status: Single, withoutdependents Height: 69 Weight: 99926 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He died on 14 November 1998 in Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii. Name: Paul L. WilcoxSSN: 513-09-5952 Last Residence: 96826 Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United Statesof America Born: 6 Jul 1919 Died: 14 Nov 1998 State (Year) SSN issued: Kansas(Before 1951)26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (257)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• His obituary was published on 18 November 1998. Name: Paul Leslie Wilcox ObituaryDate: 18 Nov 1998 Death Date: Abt 1998 Death Place: HI Age: 79 Birth Year: abt 1919URL: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.c...

Paul married Ruth Ellen Cata [MRIN: 61857]. Ruth was born on 2 April 1908 and died on19 April 1999 in Brookings, Curry Co, OR at age 91.

Noted events in her life were:• Death and Burial: 19 April 1999, Eagle Point, OR. Name: Ruth Ellen Wilcox Service

Info.: S1 US NAVY Birth Date: 2 Apr 1908 Death Date: 19 Apr 1999 Relation: Wife ofWilcox, Paul Avis Interment Date: 23 Apr 1999 Cemetery: Eagle Point NationalCemetery Cemetery Address: 2763 Riley Road Eagle Point, OR 97524 Buried At:Section A Site 90226 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• She died on 19 April 1999 in Brookings, Curry Co, OR. Name: Ruth E. Wilcox SSN:550-20-3599 Last Residence: 97415 Brookings, Curry, Oregon, United States ofAmerica Born: 2 Apr 1908 Died: 19 Apr 1999 State (Year) SSN issued: California(Before 1951)26 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

744. Leslie Wilcox (John Constantine Wilcox, Physician 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, SamuelWilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1922 inArgonia, Sumner Co, KS.

Noted events in her life were:• Kansas State Census: 1925, Argonia, Sumner Co, KS. Leslie Wilcox age 3 daughter

living with her parentsdwelling 5926 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

745. Romeo Emerson Wilcox (Harry Berniece Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5,Samuel Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in August 1915 in Carter Co, KY and died in March 1985 in San Diego, SanDiego Co, CA at age 69.

746. Berniece M. Wilcox (Harry Berniece Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox

4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in January 1918 inNew Castle, Lawrence Co, PA.

747. Donald B. Wilcox (Harry Berniece Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4,Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in October 1920 in NewCastle, Lawrence Co, PA.

748. Gladys Wilcox (Harry Berniece Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4,

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (258)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1923 in New Castle,Lawrence Co, PA.

749. Haskell Fraley (Mary C. Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1924 in Maddox, Carter Co,KY.

750. Lois Fraley (Mary C. Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1922 in Maddox, Carter Co,KY.

751. Lucille Fraley (Mary C. Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1927 in Maddox, Carter Co,KY.

752. Alene Fraley (Mary C. Wilcox 6, Isaiah Wilcox 5, Samuel Wilcox 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1929 in Maddox, Carter Co,KY.

753. John Morgan Mullins (Tandy Wilson Mullins 6, Samuel Mullins 5, Nancy MatildaWilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1890in Dir Desc Of Lewis Green See P293-294 Draper Mss.

John married Effie Mullins, Mrs [MRIN: 31612]. Effie was born after 1890 in Dir Line GregGreene Submitted By Jennie Mason.

The child from this marriage was:+ 805 F i. Joanna Mullins was born after 1910 in Dir Line Greg Greene Submitted By

Jennie Mason.Joanna married Bud Greene [MRIN: 31613].

754. Jesse Radford "Lost John" Ray (William Arlie Ray 6, Ellen Miller 5,Martha Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 15 December 1916 in NC and died on 16 January 1981 in Salisbury, RowanCo, NC at age 64.

755. Jerry Larkin Ray (William Arlie Ray 6, Ellen Miller 5, Martha Wilcox 4, FrancesFannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 6 December 1947 and died on15 August 2011 in Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC at age 63.

Noted events in his life were:• SS Death Index: 15 August 2011, Salisbury, Rowan Co, NC. Name: Jerry L. Ray

Last Residence: 28144 Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina Born: 6 Dec 1949 Died: 15Aug 2011 State (Year) SSN issued: North Carolina (1966)23 Nov 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

756. Violet A. Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4,Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in July 1898 in Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (259)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


757. Vina M. Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4,Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1901 in Elkhorn City, PikeCo, KY.

758. Malissa Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4,Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1903 in Elkhorn City, PikeCo, KY.

759. Leon Curtis Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4,Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1905 in Elkhorn City, PikeCo, KY.

760. Don C. Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4,Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1907 in Elkhorn City, PikeCo, KY.

761. Kermit Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4,Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1911 in Elkhorn City, PikeCo, KY.

762. Creed Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1913 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

763. Opal Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1915 in KY.

764. Glen Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1919 in Jenkins, Casey Co, KY anddied before 1930 in KY.

765. Victor Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 23 January 1920 in Jenkins,Casey Co, KY.

766. Darwin Greer (Levi Crittendon 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4,Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1924 in KY.

767. Theodore Teddy Greer (Joseph Jerome 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden

4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 4 December 1906 inPike Co, KY and died on 24 March 1981 in Myra, Pike Co, KY at age 74.

Noted events in his life were:• He appeared on the census on 23 January 1920 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, Pike Co, KY.

Teddy Greer age 13 KY living with his mother and step father Johnnie Elkinsdwelling 2721 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• He appeared on the census in 1930 in District 2, Pike Co, KY. Teddie Greer age 23 KY

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (260)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


laborer truck farm living with his mother and stepfather Johnnie Elkinsdwelling 771 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

• SS Death Info: March 1981, Myra, Pike Co, KY. Name: Theodore Greer SSN: 402-18-0009 Last Residence: 41549 Myra, Pike, Kentucky, United States of America Born: 4Dec 1906 Died: Mar 1981 State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (Before 19511 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

768. Charles G. Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1906 in Pike Co, KY.

769. Marcella Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1908 in Pike Co, KY.

770. Clarella Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1909 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

771. Edna Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1914 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

772. Estella Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1915 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

773. Cleo C. Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1907 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

774. Belva Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1919 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

775. Elena Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1922 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, PikeCo, KY.

776. Myrtle Greer (Morgan L. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1926 in Upper Elkhorn Creek, PikeCo, KY.

777. Alka Greer (Creed C. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private.

Alka married someone.

Her child was:+ 806 M i. James Cash was born Private.

778. Jerome Greer (McKinley 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1909 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (261)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


779. Flossie Greer (Gerome Cuthbert 6, Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1914 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

780. Bessie Greer (Gerome Cuthbert 6, Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1916 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

781. Clyde Greer (Gerome Cuthbert 6, Isaac Newton 5, Levi Crittenden 4, IsaacNewton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1919 in Elkhorn City, Pike Co, KY.

782. Ardenia Greer (Oscar C. 6, John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1927 in Pike Co, KY.

783. Charlotte Greer (Oscar C. 6, John Ulysses 5, Levi Crittenden 4, Isaac Newton

3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1929 in Pike Co, KY.

784. Margaret E Osborn (William V Osborne 6, Frances Caroline Wilson 5, CarolineNancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1922 inSullivan Co, TN.

785. F Louise Stansbery (Mayme T Osborne 6, Frances Caroline Wilson 5, CarolineNancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1915 inBristol, Sullivan Co, TN.

786. Charles S Stansbery, Jr (Mayme T Osborne 6, Frances Caroline Wilson 5, CarolineNancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1918 inBristol, Sullivan Co, TN.

787. Geraldine Stansbery (Mayme T Osborne 6, Frances Caroline Wilson 5, CarolineNancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1923.

Geraldine married H Bishop Holliman [MRIN: 59092] on 26 June 1945. H was born in 1919.

The child from this marriage was:+ 807 M i. Glenn N Holliman, (Member Boone Society) was born on 28 September


788. Virginia Dare Goodman (Maggie Wilcox 6, William Benjamin Wilcox 5, MaryElizabeth Greer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 18 June1934 in Alexander Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She was born on 18 June 1934 in Alexander Co, NC. Name: Virginia Dare Goodman

Date of Birth: 18 Jun 1934 Gender: Female Race: White Birth County: AlexanderParent1 Name: Coy Goodman Parent2 Name: Maggie Wilcox Roll Number: B_C003_66002 Volume: D-13 Page: 10931 Dec 2011 Dorthy Grissom Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (262)

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789. Blanche Goodman (Maggie Wilcox 6, William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary ElizabethGreer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1921 in Alleghany Co,NC.

790. Maude Goodman (Maggie Wilcox 6, William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary ElizabethGreer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1924 in Alleghany Co,NC.

791. Georgie Goodman (Maggie Wilcox 6, William Benjamin Wilcox 5, Mary ElizabethGreer 4, Benjamin 3, James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1927 in Gap Civil,Alleghany Co, NC.

792. Geneva Lee Greer (Baxtor Vinton 6, Wiley Thomas 5, James 4, Alexander 3,James 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 28 June 1934 in Ashe Co, NC.

Geneva married White [MRIN: 54891] in Her Direct Line To Sarah [emailprotected] 26 Aug 2007. White was born in 1934.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (263)

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Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (264)

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Eighth Generation (5th Great-Grandchildren)

793. Earl Parsons (Henry Parsons 7, Sanford Moses Parsons 6, Adolphus Parsons 5,Isaac Parsons 4, Jacintha Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1905in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13 Jan 01.

Earl married Mary Young [MRIN: 31026]. Mary was born Private.

The child from this marriage was:+ 808 F i. Patricia Parsons was born Private in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13

Jan 01.

794. Rayburn Max Matthews (Maggie Ellen Lewis 7, Marcia Estella Trivette 6, SolomonTrivett 5, Docia (Dicy) Wilcoxson 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin,(Grier) 1) was born on 4 November 1936 in Cumberland Co, NC [emailprotected].

Rayburn married Eva Delores Privette [MRIN: 11014] on 2 October 1955 in CumberlandCo, NC. Eva was born on 14 November 1937 in Rocky Mount, Nash Co, NC.

795. Helen Wilcox (Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Sr. 7, General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin VanBuren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1924 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

796. Mary L. Wilcox (Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Sr. 7, General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin VanBuren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1926 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

797. Nancy Wilcox (Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Sr. 7, General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin VanBuren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1929 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

798. Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Jr. (Dempsey Lee Wilcox, Sr. 7, General Grant Wilcox 6,Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1935 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

799. Charles K. Wilcox (Charles Coles Wilcox 7, General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin VanBuren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1937 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

800. Patricia Wilcox (Charles Coles Wilcox 7, General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin VanBuren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born in 1940 in Boone, Watauga Co, NC.

801. Gary Owen Hodges (Rosa Jean Wilcox 7, General Grant Wilcox 6, Martin VanBuren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 20 September 1947 in Alexandria, VA.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (265)

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Noted events in his life were:• Information - From Gary Owen Hodges: 6 January 2012, Watauga Co, NC.

Dorthy,First I want to state I am a strict conservative Republican. I haven't talked muchabout my political leanings but you have guessed by now I am a conservative. Weare on the same page. I could go on about my feelings about how our governmentshould serve the people but I bet I would be preaching to the choir. I love theUnited States and swore to protect it with my very life. I want it to survive as theRepublic our founding fathers, and our very ancestors, fought and worked so hardto establish. Just look at the papers of our founding fathers and see what their visionfor the United States was. This Grand Experiment in government has beentampered with so much by leftist progressive socialist liberals so much that it is inperil of near total collapse. I will now dismount my soapbox.When I first typed Baxter I meant Davis when I said after Jim Baxter died Mawmarried a Baxter. I missed that goof when I proof read my last message to you.Aunt Minnie was Maw's daughter form her second marriage to Martin Davis. Iremember Maw went by Sarah L. Davis. I have no idea if she and Martin Davisdivorced. From what I could tell, there was a close bond with Aunt Minnie. UncleEarl Norris and Uncle IG Hodges would take Maw and Grandmother to visit AuntMinnie often. I remember going to visit her a few times during the 2 ½ years I liveswith Grandmother and Maw.GGFather Jim Baxter's death date of 1888 was given to me by a family member ona list of family members and dates. I didn't ask for a clarification on theinconsistency on this date from the family member who sent the information to me.Not having Grandmother Hodges death certificate I was not sure of the 1891 birthdate this member gave me. It is very obvious that one of the dates is wrong JimBaxter d 1888, Mary Baxter b 1891. Jim's death should be sometime between1891 and before 1895. Maw had re-married to Martin Davis before Aunt Minniewas born in 1895.I never heard of Maw having any other children but I notice a Mattie Baxter andNancy Davis on the list of people buried in the small cemetery next to our Hodgesfamily home. I attached this list. It was wrote by my Grandmother Mary LouisaBaxter Hodges. There are several children on the list and I vaguely remember atleast one grave stone with a little lamb on top. I recognize several surnames fromthe Mabel community of Watauga. As I said, I haven't been to this cemetery sincethe 50s. I did notice there were only two Davis names on the list. I noticed only twoDavis names but one says Aunt Martha Davis. Now this may be in reference to asibling of Martin Davis. Grandmother Hodges wrote the list and could have beencalling her Aunt even though there probably was no blood relation. I also see on thegrave name list that Aunt Minnie Davis Thompson may have had a child die at ornear birth. Grandmother wrote "Minie Thompson a baby". This was definitely notAunt Minnie Thompson herself. By the time I moved to the Hodges family home thecemetery was no longer used. By the looks of things it hadn't been used in decades.Mabel Methodist Church had established a newer cemetery by then. That cemeteryis sometimes called the Mabel Methodist Church cemetery and sometimes theMoretz cemetery. Grandfather Isaac Hodges is buried there, along with his parentsand other family members, and his death certificate lists the cemetery as "family".

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (266)

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There is no cemetery at or very close to the Mabel Methodist Church.I am continuing to feel better and that's a big plus with all the things we are trying toput in place with the purchase of another house. Elogene is doing most of the work.It is fortunate she is home all the time and can do that. If she had a job outside thehome it would be much harder. I can't do a lot during the day, working 26 milesaway, across the water, and not able to drop things to take care of the next thingthat comes up. Buying a house now is much harder than it was 34 years ago. Eitherthat or realtors do much less than they used to. It seems that most every daysomething new crops up and Elogene has to take care of another detail we neverheard of when we bought our present home. Leigh Ann and Paul will have it realeasy moving into our present home. All they will have to do is transfer utilities overto their name. Elogene and I will still own the house, for an extended time. LeighAnn and Paul don't have the credit history to assume the loan at this time.When you look at Eli Church in a census after 1860 you might find a 'funny'. AChurch cousin told me his occupation was listed as 'housewife' in a census. Nowthere is a story behind that. Eli's CW record shows he deserted a time or three,only to come back to the unit he was assigned to. Now this was not uncommon forConfederate soldiers to take an 'unauthorized leave of absence' and go back hometo take care of things. Eli served in East TN and NC only. One story is that duringone of his absences Eli wore a dress and bonnet whenever he went out of thehouse. Well this was an unsuccessful ruse and all the locals knew it. Seems thecensus taker that year knew of Eli's penchant for disguising himself and possibly asa joke he listed his occupation as 'housewife'. I have not seen the actual censuspage myself. Seems the more I dig the more unusual information I am given.Many Confederate soldiers, especially conscripts like Eli Monroe Church, didn'thave strong feelings of patriotism for the Confederacy. This was especially true invery rural areas where the people had as few dealings with government as possible.Their primary loyalties were to family. Many didn't buy off on the notion of theConfederacy. They just wanted government to keep its nose out of their lives andbusiness. The idea of fighting to preserve slavery was foreign to most rural folk. Ibelieve I saw that there were fewer than 100 slaves in all of Watauga or AsheCounties in 1860. Besides, the whole myth of the War of Northern Aggressionbeing fought to preserve the institution of slavery was cooked up by Ole Linkomand his cronies. That subject could get me going off on a tangent that would be hardto reign in. Don't get me wrong, I think slavery of any kind is terrible and anabomination. I am not defending it in any shape or form.Boy how things have changed. The federal government now has its whole body inevery ones business, not just its nose. That old way of thinking about keepinggovernment out of your business may be part of the reasons why I can't find deathrecords for some of my ancestors. They didn't think it was necessary to recorddeaths with the courthouse. Everyone knew why they died and there was noquestion of foul play with their deaths. They were buried in marked graves in familycemeteries. The government didn't need death certificates to prove death. Countyofficials knew everyone and knew the reason they died, sickness and old age forthe most part. With everyone now enrolled in one or more federal program thegovernment wants to know everything.I know you are looking at the Church family but I just remembered a bit of Hodges

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (267)

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information I haven't shared with you. Grandfather Isaac Hodges had a twin brotherAlex. This was sent to me by my second cousin Anita Green, the daughter of myfirst cousin Betty Jean Norris Green. Betty Jean's mother was my aunt RuthHodges Norris. His birth date is the same as listed on Ike's, on Ike's deathcertificate. I hadn't heard of that twin brother till just a few years ago. I am notfamiliar with the cemetery Anita talks about.On Tuesday after work I went to north fork ridge in search of more info on ( Ikes )twin brother. I found a small cemetery and all but 1 grave is marked by a planestone no names or dates, the 1 stone reads Alex Hodges Born Aug 12, 1881--Sept 18, 1899. I remember my grandmother saying he was killed by a tree in alogging accident. Anita.Take care and tell Bob hello.GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:46 PMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMSubject: Re: William Henry HodgesThanks for this information. I do remember about James Solomon Baxter and willgo back and find your letter. I need to print them all out and then record theinformation which I will do sometime today.Happy to hear you are feeling better. I am going to the body of your letter in thiscolor.Thanks so much. More later.Dorthy From: "Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERM Hodges"<[emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 10:27:39 AMSubject: RE: William Henry HodgesDorthy,I am feeling better today and my stomach has calmed down a lot.Great Grandmother Sarah (Maw) was first married to James Solomon Baxter.Their child was my grandmother Mary Louisa Baxter Hodges (1891-1979).GGFather James Solomon Baxter-Born 9/22/1868-Died 3/5/1888 (death dateincorrect) was Maw's first husband. I got his death date from a family member butthey must not have seen the inconsistency on Grandmothers birth year. Both herbirth year and Jim Baxter's death date were on the same paper I was sent byfamily. By the way, Jim didn't fly the coop, he kicked the bucket (LOL). I am gladthat you do have this information. We know he must have died after at least Minniewas born in 1895. 1900 census says that there were 3 children 2 living. After Jim Baxter died Maw married a Baxter. Do mean DAVIS here? Neverheard his first name. They had one daughter Minnie Mabel Davis-Born11/16/1895. Family members said Davis treated grandmother poorly and Maw ranhim off. Never heard any good things about the man and I have no idea when sheran him off. I do remember Aunt Minnie well. She looked a lot like grandmotherand was a very kind person. She married a Thompson. I just looked at Maw's

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (268)

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death certificate and found Mr. Davis's first name, Martin. Never noticed thisbefore. I have not gotten a copy of Grandmother Mary Hodges death certificate. Ihave copies of Grandfather Isaac Garfield Hodges and GGMother Sarah but notGrandmother. It was on the death certificate that I found the name Martin Davisand he was still living at that time, I think. I will look again. Maw had a very unusual middle name, Louanza, and I checked the spelling morethan once. Three sources, including her death certificate, have this spelling.GGGrandmother Church's first name was Louisa and this was grandmother'smiddle name. Attached is a photo of Eli and Louisa Church., one of their sonsAbner (Uncle Ab) and grandmother Mary. I found this photo in my dad'sbelongings. I love Grandmothers hand on her grandmother's shoulder. I have somephotos of Sarah L. and she looked a lot like her mother in her later years. My AuntBetty Ruth Hodges Norris and her daughter Betty Jean Norris Green favorGrandmother in that picture. Favor is an old country term I have heard for ages todescribe looking a lot like. Now most of us called GGMother, Sarah, Maw. I have no idea why. The onlyclose family member I remember calling her by any other name was GrandmotherHodges. She called her Mama. Even her grandchildren and great grandchildrencalled her Maw. I think I told you stories about GGFather Jim Baxter, that he was involved in thekilling of a TN sheriff, or deputy, and the circ*mstances of his death were indispute. Jim Baxter was in a jail in TN, probably Johnson Co, and the inmatesescaped. During the escape a sheriff or deputy was killed. Some said it was Jimand others said it was not. He was not pursued across state lines. One story sayshe was a supply wagon driver and for years after the escape he would go back andforth in and out of TN regularly. He died at a young age. One tale is he passed outdrunk in the front yard after a night of drinking. It came a frost and he contractedpneumonia which he succumbed to. The other story is there was a maladyspreading through the area and he caught it and died. Don't remember what it was.Might have been the flu or typhoid. He is buried in a small cemetery on a hill aboveand to the right of my grandparents home in Mabel NC. This is the same cemeteryEli and Louisa Church are buried in. I have not been to the cemetery in manydecades and never paid attention to more than the name of GGFather Jim Baxter'sgrave marker. Most all the markers were in poor shape the last time I was there,probably in the mid to late 50s. We kids thought graveyard were very spooky. Ithink I need to study this paragraph more and then I will write you. It seems quite a bit of the country has been under a cold spell. Today is supposedto get in the high 40s her on the VA coast and near 70 tomorrow. Now I hate to mention it, but the widow of one of Eli Church's granddaughters-in-law said Eli was born out of wedlock and his father was not really a Church. Ididn't hear of this till I got in touch with this lady, Vera Church. I contacted thesmall country church that our Church and Hodges family attended and the pastorgot me in touch with her. Vera told me a few things about Eli and family. I alsocontacted one of her sons, Nolan, and we shared information. One Vera'snephews, another cousin of mine, researched some of my family and found out Iwas related to Vera by blood, not just marriage to a cousin. We share McGuireancestry. McGuire is a maternal family line. Now if Eli was really a Church it may

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (269)

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be true I am my own cousin. One of Yankee John Church's granddaughters,Nancy, married my third great grandfather Richard McGuire. Their son Robert T.McGuire was my GGFather. Now Richard married another of Yankee JohnChurch's granddaughters Fanny Church. It seems Nancy died shortly after givingbirth to Robert T. That made his second cousin Fanny his step-mother too. Churchon my father's side and McGuire and Church on my Mother's side. I am working on this CHURCH side of the family at the moment. Thank you forthis infor and I will see where it all comes out. Have all the census work recorded and ready to put in database. Then I will sendyou what I have. Now all these family lines came from two adjoining Northwestern NC counties,Ashe & Watauga. Take care. Gary From: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:11 PMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMCc: Dorthy MackSubject: Re: William Henry HodgesHi Gary,Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Iknow about those embarrasingsituations, having been there a couple of times myself.It is good that you do have the sick time available. Bob was always like that. Hedidnot use any time unless it was absolutely necessary and that is a good thing.I forgot that you were moving so close to where you now reside, so that does makethe move easier but I can understand about having valuables and trying to live atone house or the other. I guess you would want to have the house ready to move inand sleep there and then move the guns the day that you will no longer be at the oldhouse. Pack them where they cannot be identified and then unload through thegarage if possible. Actually I am not one to give advice on protecting valuables. Nomatter what I have done some how or the other, we always managed to getrobbed. Most of the time it has been inside jobs. Such a long story I will save it.You do lead a interesting and active life and that is good. I would guess that youwould love participating in the competitions even if you did not win. Although I donot know anything about guns I am a strong proponet for the rights to own andhave guns.Those of us who have a long lineage of very Early Americans certainly believe in therights that were given us by the Constituion.It appears to me that most of the Socialist are those that have come to our shoresabout 1900 and now want to make the US look like the place they came from.And OBAMA is the worst. Well, I am a staunch Conservative and do belong tothe Republican Party. I joined the Mantea Republican Womens group last year andintend to work as hard as I can to see OBAMA out.There are so many issues that the real public do not know about, probably due tothe fact they pay little attention to the daily comings and goings of what is happeningin Washington. I spend a lot of time writing our Congressman, for all the good itdoes.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (270)

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I was working on your Sarah Louise Church Baxter line back in December. Had togo look at it this morning. I didnot get very far with the research. I think I must haveleft it for someone else. In any event it looks to me that perhaps Sarah was notmarried to James Baxter or else that he must have flown the coop before the lastdaughter was born. I had completed the census work for Eli Monroe Church from1870-1900 and on the 1900 census Sarah L. is referred to as Church. I will try towork on this a bit more today.Bob has to go have a chem panel done and wants to go get it over with so he cango on to next. He needs to have a MRI and they want this blood work before theMRI. It has warmed up to 37 degrees so might as well face up and get outside. Iwill write more when I have a chance to gather a few more details regard Sarah L.Church Baxter Davis, which is the way her death certificate refers to her.Hope you are feeling better today.Dorthy From: "Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERM Hodges"<[emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 5:39:25 AMSubject: RE: William Henry HodgesDorthy,Pardon me for not replying sooner. I have been fighting an intestinal problem for afew days and had to leave work early yesterday. I think it is just a mild bug but isstill uncomfortable and I would up in an embarrassing situation. Won't expound onthat. I have ample sick leave so it was just a matter of telling my boss I was leavingsick and filed a sick leave request this morning.We had an invite to go to a friend's house for New Years. It was a house warmingparty and people could come and go as they pleased. The hosts were planning on amidnight celebration if any guests were still there. Elogene went out to buy a housewarming gift and the streets and parking lots were jam packed. She came straighthome and we decided to stay off the roads the rest of the time.The closing date for the house keeps getting pushed back. It is now 3 February.There are several structural issues that need to be addressed before the house canpass inspection. The bank is agreeing to fix problems but one at a time. The latestissue was not even checked out by the bank till Tuesday, the original closing date.When all the big problems are fixed the house will be in great shape. We will stillhave to take care of some minor things but we have friends who will help with theones I don't feel competent to take care of myself. I am not comfortable tacklingrepair work I am not familiar with. I can do the work under supervision of someonewho knows what to do. When we did the renovations at the church I did a lot ofstuff for the first time but we had competent electricians, plumbers, woodworkers,and such who told us what to do. I did a lot helping the electrician. We wereblessed that one of our members is a licensed master electrician. He works for thelocal sanitation department so didn't take business away from local electricalcompanies. We also have competent plumbers and woodworkers who knew justwhat and how things needed to be done. We only contracted out replacing somewindows and the flooring in the children's wing. The rest we did ourselves.

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Packing up things will be an adventure. Good thing is they only need to be packedup good enough for a 5 mile journey. We will also have plenty of time, hopefully, toget the place ready in plenty of time to turn our existing home over to our baby girl.The first thing is to clean and paint the place. Elogene has worked up a pan thatsounds good. We will also have time to bring stuff from one home to another a littleat a time until the critical things need to be moved. I will take time off from work todo some of that. I have the use of a small trailer to haul stuff to the new place andcan also put things in my pickup truck. The neighbors told me they have aneighborhood watch and the next door neighbor said she will keep an eye on theplace during the transition. I think she is one of those neighbors who noticeseverything in the area. That's a good thing, actually. Our current next doorneighbors keep an eye out on our current house too. One couple moved in a monthbefore we did and so we know each other very well. Both sets of next doorneighbors are retired so there is someone around all the time to watch over theneighborhood. They won't hesitate to call the police if they thing something is amiss.They both know us well enough to tell if something is not right.One of the biggest concerns we have is getting my firearms collection in the housewithout the new neighbors knowing about it. The less they know about ourvaluables the better. I don't need to broadcast having so many valuable firearms inthe house. Neighbors will see me bringing a few firearms in and out of the house forcompetition shooting and such but they don't need to know just how many I have. Ihave only told a few select friends just how extensive my collection is. Most areWWI and WWII military firearms and this is my main area of concentration. I don'thave any full auto firearms in the collection. Too expensive to collect and I don'thave any place to shoot any full auto ones. There are only three firearms in mycollection I won't shoot at all. Doing this would drop their value by hundreds ofdollars. Two have not been fired since they were proof fired at the manufacturerand the third only fired a bit. Every man needs a hobby and I chose military firearmsand accessories to collect. I don't hunt but do shoot some firearms in competition. Itell people I am not a great competitor, just a participant.I have only won one individual shooting medal and that was third place with aWWII M-1 Carbine at the 2007 Nationals at Camp Perry OH. Each person whoshoots a certain score gets a medal. They break it into three score ranges. Imanaged to shoot in the range to qualify for a bronze medal that year. I missed abronze medal with the Springfield rifle by 5 points and a bronze with the M-1 rifleby 6 points in 2007. I haven't been able to afford to go back since. With my CWshooting I have won numerous team medals over the years. We have eight personteams and each member gets a medal if we come in high enough in competition.One year I was on the first place "B" team in our national competition. Each teamputs their best eight shooters on the "A" team, the next best eight on the "B" teamand so forth. "A" teams compete against each other and so do the "B" teams, etc.You have to be the best team in your category to win first place. I have shot onwinning "A" teams a few times but never at our national matches. Team shooting isa lot of fun and I belong to a great team. We might not win a lot but have funparticipating.People in shooting competition are a great bunch overall. Most are honest andwilling to help each other. The same seems to be the case with most all kinds of

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competitive sports. People are like minded and share the same values. People onour team willingly help each other out and share most everything when we go toshoots. This is especially true when we camp out at shoots. When I go to shoots bymyself I get all kinds of offers to eat with families who are cooking for their bunch. Ioccasionally take them up on their offers. And I willingly share with others. I havebeen making morning coffee for one guy for years. I make enough for both of us inthe mornings and deliver him a cup to his camper. It isn't much but this is just oneexample of sharing and taking care of one another. We become like family over theyears. Let one person have problems with their camper and a squad of helpersappear to work things out. There is enough experience around to figure out mostevery problem. We have all had a similar problem over the years.Speaking of health, I am glad we can still get around and do most everything wewant to. Elogene and I have been blessed with good health, so far, though both ofus are in our early/mid 60s. We can still take long trips and this will be beneficialthis year. We plan on making numerous trips to shooting matches, a trip to WV,and of course that long trip to IL. We may be worn out by the end of the year. Iwish I could fit in the Boone Society convention in TN this year but can't see howto do it. Hopefully I can go in future years. I hope Bob will be healthy enough tomake the trip to Lost Wages this year. I have thought a time or two about goingthere. I have family there. One of my first cousins on the Wilcox side lived there andhis widow and kids still live there. They have invited us to stay with them but the tripis a long one and we don't know the family that well. The cousin was one of thosemuch older than I am and never knew him much at all. Kind of like the first cousinwho was older than Mother. I sued to stop by the local Ford dealership and sayhello to him occasionally but never socialized with him.It would be interesting to find out more on the Hodges side but it seems that is oneline where there is not much information available. My GGFather Baxter and hisfamily would be even harder to find information on. I have quite a bit of informationon the Church, Wilcox, Boone, and McGuire families so I should be thankful forthat. Having families who came from England and Ireland a long time ago, I find itfascinating just how long my roots stretch back in America. And Elogene's rootsstretch back a long way too. Her first American Wooten ancestor had land so closeto our present and future home she could possibly toss a rock on that land. I havefriends who don't have much American heritage and they are surprised at how longmy families have been in America. One very good friend is a first generationAmerican. His parents came from Italy in the early 1900s and settled in Virginia.Take care.GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 7:15 PMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMSubject: Re: William Henry HodgesWe did have a quiet New Year. The older one gets the less it means to stay up andwait for the New Year. It has been many years since we have gone out on NewYears eve. So many people out there and in our town we really do not have greatrestaurants, just common everyday type and they don't stay open til midnight either.You really do have a busy schedule ahead of you. I imagine that Elogene is going to

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (273)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


be busy packing. After living in one house so long that is a real chore and thenunpacking and getting settled.Enjoy all the activities that you can while you are still young enough and your healthis good. Reminds me of Bob when I first met him. He fell Jan 2008 and broke asmall bone in his left hip. All went well with thesurgery but the floor nurse didnotunderstand that it was not pain meds that he wanted. He was given another does ofMorphine and ended up in the hospital 2months and 2 days. He has never been thesame and since the hospitalization right before Thanksgiving he has not even beenable to go out and do his chores. More about Bob later. Hoping that he will be ableto make the planned two week trip to Vegas on the 19th of January.I have some intriguing information that I have found on the Hodges line but wish Icould find the father of Samuel Hodges who married Freelove Mullins.I know that you are off work now but Bob had two Dr. Appts this morning and itwas about 12:30 when we got home and then I got to babysit. Jennifer and Mikewanted to go do something.Dorthy Mack From: "Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERM Hodges"<[emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 4:19:09 AMSubject: RE: William Henry HodgesDorthy,I hope you and yours had a good new year. We stayed home and went to bedbefore midnight. All three of us were suffering a bit with sinus problems. Weren'tbad sick, just a bit uncomfortable. We bowed out on a party we were invited to.I will get with the SAR chapter guy sometime this week. I think I have all I need.Pat thinks John & Sarah were not at Fort Boonesborough when it was attacked.She has her ideas and research on that. We will see if the SAR still considers theirservice as acceptable. I see that one man joined the SAR under John's name butdon't know if it is our John Wilcoxson.The bank finally decided to fix the majority of the problems with the new house.We are still pushing for a couple they are not wanting to do. We have an electriciangoing to the house to inspect it this morning. The bank hired their own but we wanta second opinion. Our church pastor said he would help me with the plumbingissues if the bank won't get them fixed. He is a jack of all trades when it comes tohome repair and renovations.Pastor Chris's talents came in handy when we finally got our own building. We area plant church of the one my family went to for 25 years. When we left the parentchurch building we "wandered" around for over five years. We met in variousplaces including a local school, a dance school, and another church. One of thelocal churches in our association folded and the facility went to the association. Wewere the association's plant church in the area and were given the facility free of anydebt. It took us several months to renovate the building. It was old but structurallysound. It did need a lot of renovation to make it look nicer. The formercongregation was very small and most members were too old to do muchmaintenance on it. We did most of the work ourselves and you would be surprised

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (274)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


how much fresh paint and new bathroom fixtures helped out. We also changedsome interior rooms and the sanctuary quite a bit. We had quite a bit of funds in ouraccounts and got help from the association. We stopped work when we ran out ofmoney. We vowed to not go in debt for renovations. That is no way for a newlyestablished church to go. The facility was already clear of any debt so we are livingwithin our means. This is both practical and Biblical.This year will be a challenge. We have so much going on in 2012. I even got aninvite Friday to go to yet another reunion. My best friend is the secretary/treasurerof a WWII destroyer division association and he invited me to their reunion in DCthis year. His father was a member of the division in WWII and took over theoffices a few years ago. Children of the veteran members have taken over a coupleof offices in the association. Those WWII Veterans are passing on and familymembers are stepping up to the plate to honor their fathers. I went to their reuniontwo years ago in Greensboro NC and had a ball. Those vets and their wives lovethe attention from shoes who appreciate their sacrifice. And being a Gulf Warveteran, they definitely felt a connection with me. My dad and one of this brothersserved in the Army during WWII.When I look at my calendar for this year I see there is no way I can go to all thefunctions I would like to go to and participate in. The first priority is moving to theother house, getting the old one ready for our daughter, my competition shootingseason, the wedding, and working at the fall competition as one of the host teams.The spring and fall national shoots are put on by teams in the association and weare tasked on a rotational basis. It takes at least eight teams to run a national shoot.There are so many individual and team competitions packed into four days. Hostteams have to get everything ready for the matches and run them. We usebreakable targets for team matches so all the targets have to be prepared well inadvance and put in boxes for the teams shooting.Our association has so many different matches at national events it is almostoverwhelming. Most all kinds of firearms used in the CW are included. We haveindividual matches for some firearms and team matches for most all of them too. Itis fun to see the mortar and cannon matches. It is even more fun to be on a mortarand/or cannon crew. Nothing like seeing 20 cannons lined up on a firing line,shooting at targets 200 yards away for accuracy. I am a fair shot with the rifle andcarbine and an enthusiastic member of our cannon crew.I will get back with you later.GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 1:16 PMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMCc: Dorthy MackSubject: William Henry HodgesHi Gary,Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year and also working on theHodge/Hodges family this morning.Just wondering if you had found what you need to become a SAR?Have a good day.Dorthy Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (275)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


• Information - regard descendants: 14 December 2011. Wendy our older daughter (35)won't be getting married. She is the handicapped one living with us. Leigh Ann (29) ourbaby doesn't have children yet but she and her beau plan on starting a family soon afterthey get married and move back to Newport News. Leigh Ann is kind of like herGrandmother Jean Wilcox Hodges. Mother didn't get married till she was 27 but sheand dad didn't live together before marriage. Leigh Ann and Paul have lived togetherfor four years or so. We are not happy about that but she is an adult and it's her life. Atleast they know what they are getting into having lived together so long. They were"unofficially" engaged for over two years before Paul popped the question and give herthe ring.

• Information - Elogene: 20 December 2011. To: "Dorthy%20Mack"<[emailprotected]>Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 4:05:09 AMSubject: RE: Hello and a couple of questionsDorthy,Thanks for the kind thoughts for our family. We had a good visit with my wife's family.The Christmas party Saturday evening went well. All my mother-in-=law's childrenwere there, most of the grandkids, and many of her great-grandkids. They counted 35out of 43 who were invited including the spouses. No arguments, no children knockingover things, and no children crying. Nice and festive. Elogene's brother had a slideshow of every photo he could get his hands on including the two engagement picturesour baby sent him. I found a few old ones of Elogene and me a bit embarrassing. I hadlong hair then and he even dug up one of me in a blue polyester leisure suit. That onewas nearly 40 years old. Elogene's older brother said that was nothing. He still had twoof them from 40 years ago and would still wear them if he could. He has gained someweight over the years.My mother-in-law converted her home heating to propane heaters in two rooms andquit using the oil fired floor furnace. That was nice since it eliminated the fuel oil smellthat had permeated the house in the winter. The smell bothers our respiratory system,especially Wendy's. She has asthma. And the house was not baking hot for a change.We took our time driving down to NC. We made several stops for food and a bit ofshopping. We stopped at my favorite BBQ place, a mom & pops restaurant in NC thatmakes the best Eastern NC style BBQ I have ever eaten. This style uses porkshoulders, is chopped and pulled with a vinegar based sauce with no tomato in it. Onthe way back home we stopped there gain so I could pick up a couple of pounds for afeed at work and one for us at home.Traveling down on Friday and coming back Monday the traffic was not bad. And theweather was nice. When we passed the turn off to Mocksville NC, while traveling US-421, I thought of our Boone family. Our 6th great grandparents, Squire Boone Sr.and his wife Mary are buried in Mocksville and John and Sarah had a home there. Oneday I will have to make a side trip there to see the graves and maybe find the home.The last I heard John & Sarah's home still stands, very much added on to andrenovated, but the old log home still exists.My brother-in-law Charles gave his siblings a copy of the Wooten family research heand a distant cousin did. This surname has a few different spellings. During the CW thefamily used the spelling Wootten and this may have been the old English spelling. One

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (276)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


of the ancestors was a Confederate infantryman from Georgia who was held at CampDouglas, at Chicago, and is buried in the mass grave of Confederate soldiers who diedthere. There are around 6000 Confederate soldiers buried in a mass grave inOakwood Cemetery in Chicago. Over 4000 are identified buried in a mass grave inOakwood Cemetery in Chicago. Over 4000 are identified on a series of bronzeplaques at the memorial site. Elogene's ancestor is one of those identified on the plaque.It seems in each family there is at least one person who wants to research their line. Iam glad Charles is doing this for the Wooten and Brown families. Our girls will haveinformation for both their parents ancestors.Take care. I hope Bob's doctor visit went well. Elogene's mother, who is 81 years old,had a checkup yesterday and the doctor said she was stable and didn't have to comeback for six months. She has numerous medical issues but is able to get out and aboutwith help from family members. Portable oxygen supplies are really great, as she is onoxygen constantly.Gary

• Information: 21 December 2011. [emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 10:25:20 AMSubject: RE: Hello and a couple of questionsDorthy,I did see one thread that Sarah was buried in Joppa cemetery but when I contacted alocal historian she said all graves in that cemetery were identified and Sarah was not onthe list. I tried to find out about John's grave in Rowan but have not gotten any bites onmy feelers. There was something I saw that said John died in the Battle of Blue Licksbut if you look at the participants his name is not on the list. It is so easy to putsomething on the internet using hearsay as the only source.My half brother Michael and I agree I actually had the better side of the bargain notgrowing up with dad around. He and I stopped sharing information dad told us quite awhile back. I had one story and he had another, usually both lies, about things he toldus. I found it ironic, in later years, mother and I lived with dad's mother andgrandmother for 2 ½ years. I cherish those years, especially being with greatgrandmother Maw (Sarah). Mike was told total lies about his Hodges family and didn'tmeet any of them till dad's memorial service in Boone. I had the love and care of ourgrandmother and great grandmother. He had lies and all things blown out of proportion.I had two cousins across the road and we played together. Or I should say cousinBaxter Wayne played with me (my mind). He was a little trickster. He is 18 monthsyounger than I. When we get together we joke at some of the tricks he played on me.We had the people in his business office rolling one time talking about all the tricks.They never knew their boss was such a stinker growing up. He is a bit of a trickster stillbut not to the extent he was as a kid.Baxter Wayne had a pony and I wanted him to teach me how to ride it. Well he put thereins on it, threw a blanket over its back, helped me up and showed me how to use thereins. He then walked away. That pony needed a firm hand on the reins and I wasnothing like that. The pony decided to go back into the barn. I couldn't stop it and in my

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (277)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


panic I didn't notice the top of the barn opening was head high for me. You guessed it,my head hit the top post and off the back I went, right into a cow pile. I wasn't hurtmuch. His mother, dad's sister Ruth was furious, mother was concerned, grandmotherMary was mad, and Maw could hardly keep from laughing out loud. Aunt Ruth'shusband Earl taught me how to ride that pony later on, I think after he could get near meand the pony together without having uncontrollable fits of laughter. It is funny now butwasn't funny to me then.Grandmother Mary Hodges and Great-Grandmother Sarah Church Davis were suchgreat influences on me as a child. In those 2 ½ years they showed me the love of Christ,love of family, charity, and acceptance of life's good and bad. Maw (Sarah) just adoredher great grandkids. She was the essential little old white haired lady who wore thosecountry bonnets whenever she went out. She was spry and had a memory like no otherperson in that part of the county. She was a certified source of information when peopleneeded verification of family lineage and Social Security information. She could oftenremember even the weather the day someone was born. The only time I ever heard hersay a cross word was when she was correcting her daughter, my Grandmother Mary.Maw dipped snuff and always had a spit can near her. Grandmother was another truesaint. Two times mother had to go in the hospital for operations so Grandmother cameto our house in Boone and took care of me and mother, after she got home from thehospital. Dad definitely didn't inherit his ways from wither his mother or grandmother.Might have inherited it from his grandfather James Solomon Baxter. I never heard anybad said about my grandfather Isaac Garfield Hodges either.

• Information: 28 December 2011, from Gary Owen Hodges. On my father's side myChurch family had small country stores too. My great-great grandfather Eli Church rana store and was the local postmaster on two occasions. I have the old stamp cancelingpress he had when he was postmaster at Mabel. The store was passed on down twogenerations and was finally closed when the local people got good enoughtransportation to get to Boone and shop in stores there. I remember Mother and I usedto ride the Greyhound Bus to and from Boone on Saturdays. The bus ran past thehouse and you could wait on the side of the road for it to come by. We would waveand the bus would stop. It took us to the bus station that Mother's brother Herman ran.We would get back on the bus after shopping and ride it back to Grandmother Hodgeshome. All that ended when more 'country folk' got their own transportation. Whenmother and I moved to Boone it was nice everything was close enough to walk. Mothernever learned to drive. Dad tried to teach her back in the early 40s and it never workedout.Dad was teaching Mother to drive on a back road somewhere near Alexandria. Thingswere going OK till a car, coming in the other direction, came into their lane whilepassing another vehicle. Dad said there was plenty of room but it flustered Mother. Shesaid "Owen, what am I supposed to do?" Dad said "hit him or miss him". Mother pulledover to the side of the road and never got behind the wheel of a car again. After movingfrom VA, mother only received money from dad sporadically for the first few years andcould have never afforded a car anyway.I love old country stores. I have fond memories of going to cousin D. E. Church's store.It was one of the centers of the local community. There was another country store in thearea but they tended to keep different items. That way both survived and didn't have to

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (278)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


play price wars. Cousin D. E.'s store was the focal point for local women who weremaking quilts. Those were plain ones and I have a couple that my great grandmother,grandmother, and mother worked on. They kept a huge quilt frame in a corner of thestore, suspended from the ceiling. Women would sit around it and work on the quilttogether. When one persons was finished they went on to the next one. The two I havewere probably worked on by at least two cousins, besides the people I mentioned. Thelast time I checked, the building is still standing, an old cinder block structure, justacross the creek from great-great grandfather Eli's home.Take care and tell Bob hello for me.Gary

• Leigh Ann's wedding: Cousin Dorthy,I will try to find the Facebook account of the photographers who took weddingphotos. They have a lot of them posted already. Elogene has visited the site a fewtimes but I am clueless about Facebook. The quilt ceremony is on there and abeautiful photo of the trees where the ceremony was held. After dark they put lightsbehind the cloth streamers and took photos of Paul and Leigh Ann standing in front.The nice thing is these photographers don't sell pictures, they give the people thephotos on disks with a letter giving rights to them. Leigh Ann & Paul can use thedigital photos any way they want. Leigh Ann knows the photographers well. Theytraveled the 175 miles from Moline to do the wedding and didn't charge extra for theirtravel expenses. Not even for their motel room. They are husband and wife and calledthe trip a getaway One of Leigh Ann's childhood friends from Newport News cameto the wedding with her parents. She filmed the ceremony and this will be her weddingpresent to Leigh Ann & Paul. She is a professional who works for an area companythat does that kind of thing.The reception was held in the side yard so the peanut shells went on the grass. Nocleanup needed. Wendy knew about the peanuts but was tickled Leigh Ann thoughabout including them in the reception. They were in plastic bags, inside paper bags,with the shop sticker on the paper bag.While driving on KY 9 we went past the Blue Licks battlefield exit. I thought aboutJohn Wilco*ckson and how he had mistakenly been included in one list of men killed inthat battle. I have no idea how close to Boonesborough I was. KY 9 skirts the topcorner of KY and is a good way to get to Huntington WV where we spent the night.Decatur, IL is kind of in the central part of the state. We went South East from EastMoline to get there. It's other claim to fame is it was the first home of the Bearsfootball team now in Chicago. It is a big city, in size, but didn't see any tall buildingsthere like in a metropolis.There were around 125 people at the wedding. We all parked at a church parking lotnear the house and the local fire department brought two golf carts to ferry people toand from the church. Paul's grandfather was the fire chief there, retiring several yearsago, and the guys did this for the family. The road is not a main road but a windingresidential road with houses scattered about. Not much traffic on the road. People gota kick out of the transportation arrangements.I was surprised, at nearly 65 years, I managed to drive the 1022 miles in one stretch.Now the ten stops along the way helped a lot. My truck is comfortable and it didn't

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (279)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


take a lot of thinking to stay on the right road. I made sure I took my time andstretched a lot at each stop. I remember driving to FL in my youth, only stopping forbathroom breaks and gas. Now the seven hour trip to Elogene's home wears me out.I tried to rest as much as possible yesterday from the 7 hour drive from WV. We didstop at a huge antique mall in Lexington VA. We stopped there last year and Elogenegot a few things. This year there was almost no room for goodies. I had no room inthe truck and Elogene relegated herself to a small antique oak framed mirror. Wendygot a couple of small Boyd's Bear animals she could keep in her lap. She collectsanything Boyd's. I had the back of the pickup crammed full of household goods andmy passenger side was full of things also.I was accepted into the Sons of the American Revolution under Sarah BooneWilco*ckson. I was supposed to be inducted into the local chapter, Thomas NelsonJr., on the 16th of June. That's the day Leigh Ann & Paul wed. I will be inductedin the chapter in August.I so enjoy our correspondence, getting to know a distant cousin and sharing familyinformation. Not as much the genealogical information as our personal family lives.The internet has afforded us the opportunity to know each other so well. Distance nolonger matters.GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 11:16 AMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMSubject: Re: Hope all is wellCousin Gary,What a wonderful story of this wedding. Written so well that I see it all in my mindseye and it does help a bit that I have been to Il. on several occasions, especially thePike County area where the Boone/Elledge line lived in the early 1800's. I, like you,have no real desire to go back there, nor live there.I think the Quilt Ceremony was a beautiful gesture to Leigh Ann and her husbandPaul. When you ever get caught up with your time this is a story that could be sharedwith the Boone Society via COMPASS.Wendy must have gotten a kick out of the 150 bags of -peanuts at the wedding sinceshe worked in the Peanut shop. Must have been a slug of shelssto clean up but such fun.I know the 16 hour drive was difficult. Once in a lifetime I could do that but now at 5hours I must Motel it until the next day. Hard to believe that Iturned age 81 in May but still feel spry and get around very well. Thanks Be To God.If or when you every get settled send a few pictures of the event. I know that it had tobe a wonderful, beautiful wedding and that you are looking forward to having yourdaughter back home in your area.I cannot tell you how much I would love to visit you but know that will never happen.Not sure why I feel so close to you and your family but I do. There are a few of theBoone cousins that have impacted me through these past few years and it iswonderful. I love all of you.Your Cousin,Dorthy Mack

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (280)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


From: "Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERM Hodges"<[emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 7:55:31 AMSubject: RE: Hope all is wellCousin Dorthy,Now that I am a bit settled in with returning to work after 9 work days off I have a bitof time to take a breath and get back to you.We still have not finished up all the things with the new house. I have one majorproject to finish up, finishing the patch job in the wall of one bedroom. We still have abit of stuff to move from the other house and some work to do on the old housebefore the new tenants move in.Leigh Ann and her husband Paul will move in the old house the middle of next month.They are the new tenants. We have some repair and painting work to do on the housebefore then.Leigh Ann & Paul's wedding on the 16th went fine. It was held at Paul'sgrandfathers house. The ceremony was in the back yard and the reception at the sideyard. The house sits on over 3 acres and lots of great space for all the festivities. Theceremony was held in front of three trees that had a porch railing attached for looks.We, or should I say I, strung a wire in between the two outer trees and attached stripsof cloth to it. It served as a backdrop for the ceremony. We had chairs for all theguests to sit in. We had one chair for Wendy, the maid of honor, to sit in during theceremony. Wendy has CP and couldn't stand the entire time. After the wedding and aslew of pictures the reception began.The reception was in a 40' X 60' tent in the side yard. They had tables for all and theguests brought their chairs up from the ceremony. Though it was quite hot the weathercooperated for the ceremony. Just as I was walking Leigh Ann down the aisle way theclouds rolled in accompanied by a nice breeze and a few rumbles of thunder. It didnot rain. The clouds went away right after the ceremony. They had eight fans in thetent and with a breeze it was comfortable there. There were plenty of refreshmentsincluding drinks on ice to keep everyone cool. I brought 150 bags of Zuni GourmetPeanut Shop peanuts for the guests. Leigh Ann planned this for Wendy. Wendy livedat the Zuni VA Presbyterian group home for over 8 years and worked in the PeanutShop. All enjoyed the Virginia Gourmet Peanuts, salted in the shell. There was morethan plenty of food for all. We brought back a lot of left overs to Leigh Ann & Paul'sapartment in East Moline for them to consume. They planned on having a family mealwith the left overs on Tuesday evening. Paul's parents, one sister and her family,another sister and her fiancé live in the area. Elogene, Wendy and I left Tuesdaymorning.Elogene and I performed an old North Carolina ceremony for Leigh Ann and Paul.During the reception we wrapped them in a family heirloom quilt. The quilt was madeby a group of ladies who used to congregate in my cousin Denver Earl Church'scountry store. Participants in making the quilt included my mother Jean WilcoxHodges, grandmother Mary Baxter Hodges, great grandmother Sarah Church BaxterDavis, and my cousin Vera Byer Church. Vera is still alive at the young age of 101years. Vera was married to a Church second cousin of mine but is blood kin on myWilcox side. She is a descendant of John & Sarah Wilco*ckson. Church is one of my

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (281)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


paternal family lines.The people in IL had never heard of this traditional ceremony. Though the quilt is a bittattered and at least 55 years old, it is definitely a family heirloom made by threegenerations of Leigh Ann's family and used by her Grandmother Jean and her parentsfor many years. Leigh Ann also used it on her bed growing up. Part of my toast to theBride & Groom was a wish that they will wrap their children and grandchildren in thatquilt. The tradition is not done a lot any more since heirloom quilts are few and farbetween, even in the mountains of NC.Elogene, Wendy Leigh Ann and Paul had gone to East Moline IL the 4th of June.Several of Paul's family came to our area the week before for a wedding. Leigh Annand Paul stayed with us for a couple of days and they went with Paul's family to WVfor a short vacation. Elogene and Wendy went up there and picked Leigh Ann andPaul up for the trip to East Moline. I left for there, solo, on the 10th.The solo trip of about 1022 miles was tiring though I did stop 10 times on the wayand didn't get sleepy. Driving time was just under 16 hours. Coming back, Elogeneand Wendy were in one car and I had my pickup loaded to the gills with householditems for the bride & groom. We stayed one night in a motel in WV on the way back.I listened to talk radio the entire trip to and from East Moline. On the way back I keptup with the latest crap Obama and Holder are trying to pull. I had to run the AC fullblast to keep from fogging up the inside windows. Steam was shooting out my ears.I think I have had my fill of seeing flat land and fields of corn or soybeans. Indiana andIllinois are big corn producers and Illinois is really big on soy beans. Decatur IL,where the wedding took place, is the self-proclaimed soybean capital of the world.This was the second June in a row we went to East Moline IL. Don't plan on goingback there again since the newlyweds will be moving home next month. The area isnice but the drive is a killer.I think I have rambled on enough for now. Time to do a bit more catching up. I tookmy lunch break composing this e-mail.Cousin GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 9:28 AMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMSubject: Re: Hope all is wellNo Hurry and thank you. Happy all is well.Cousin Dorthy From: "Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERM Hodges"<[emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 3:11:35 AMSubject: RE: Hope all is wellCousin Dorthy,We got through the whole process with only fatigue and travel car lag. I will get backwith you soon.We had a lot of things to take care of with the wedding and I also figured you werevery busy. This time of the year at work is more hectic than other times.Basically all is going well and we are recuperating from the long trip.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (282)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 7:42 PMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMCc: Dorthy MackSubject: Hope all is well Hello Gary,I have not heard from you since you were in the process of finishing your move, goingto the wedding, getting the daughter moved to VAand I am not sure what else you had working. Just thought I would take a minute tosee if all is well and let you know that I think ofyou and your family.Dorthy Mack

• Leigh Ann's wedding: Cousin Dorthy,Now that I am a bit settled in with returning to work after 9 work days off I have a bitof time to take a breath and get back to you.We still have not finished up all the things with the new house. I have one major projectto finish up, finishing the patch job in the wall of one bedroom. We still have a bit ofstuff to move from the other house and some work to do on the old house before thenew tenants move in.Leigh Ann and her husband Paul will move in the old house the middle of next month.They are the new tenants. We have some repair and painting work to do on the housebefore then.Leigh Ann & Paul's wedding on the 16th went fine. It was held at Paul'sgrandfathers house. The ceremony was in the back yard and the reception at the sideyard. The house sits on over 3 acres and lots of great space for all the festivities. Theceremony was held in front of three trees that had a porch railing attached for looks.We, or should I say I, strung a wire in between the two outer trees and attached stripsof cloth to it. It served as a backdrop for the ceremony. We had chairs for all theguests to sit in. We had one chair for Wendy, the maid of honor, to sit in during theceremony. Wendy has CP and couldn't stand the entire time. After the wedding and aslew of pictures the reception began.The reception was in a 40' X 60' tent in the side yard. They had tables for all and theguests brought their chairs up from the ceremony. Though it was quite hot the weathercooperated for the ceremony. Just as I was walking Leigh Ann down the aisle way theclouds rolled in accompanied by a nice breeze and a few rumbles of thunder. It did notrain. The clouds went away right after the ceremony. They had eight fans in the tent andwith a breeze it was comfortable there. There were plenty of refreshments includingdrinks on ice to keep everyone cool. I brought 150 bags of Zuni Gourmet Peanut Shoppeanuts for the guests. Leigh Ann planned this for Wendy. Wendy lived at the Zuni VAPresbyterian group home for over 8 years and worked in the Peanut Shop. All enjoyedthe Virginia Gourmet Peanuts, salted in the shell. There was more than plenty of foodfor all. We brought back a lot of left overs to Leigh Ann & Paul's apartment in EastMoline for them to consume. They planned on having a family meal with the left overson Tuesday evening. Paul's parents, one sister and her family, another sister and her

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (283)

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fiancé live in the area. Elogene, Wendy and I left Tuesday morning.Elogene and I performed an old North Carolina ceremony for Leigh Ann and Paul.During the reception we wrapped them in a family heirloom quilt. The quilt was madeby a group of ladies who used to congregate in my cousin Denver Earl Church'scountry store. Participants in making the quilt included my mother Jean WilcoxHodges, grandmother Mary Baxter Hodges, great grandmother Sarah Church BaxterDavis, and my cousin Vera Byer Church. Vera is still alive at the young age of 101years. Vera was married to a Church second cousin of mine but is blood kin on myWilcox side. She is a descendant of John & Sarah Wilco*ckson. Church is one of mypaternal family lines.The people in IL had never heard of this traditional ceremony. Though the quilt is a bittattered and at least 55 years old, it is definitely a family heirloom made by threegenerations of Leigh Ann's family and used by her Grandmother Jean and her parentsfor many years. Leigh Ann also used it on her bed growing up. Part of my toast to theBride & Groom was a wish that they will wrap their children and grandchildren in thatquilt. The tradition is not done a lot any more since heirloom quilts are few and farbetween, even in the mountains of NC.Elogene, Wendy Leigh Ann and Paul had gone to East Moline IL the 4th of June.Several of Paul's family came to our area the week before for a wedding. Leigh Annand Paul stayed with us for a couple of days and they went with Paul's family to WVfor a short vacation. Elogene and Wendy went up there and picked Leigh Ann andPaul up for the trip to East Moline. I left for there, solo, on the 10th.The solo trip of about 1022 miles was tiring though I did stop 10 times on the way anddidn't get sleepy. Driving time was just under 16 hours. Coming back, Elogene andWendy were in one car and I had my pickup loaded to the gills with household itemsfor the bride & groom. We stayed one night in a motel in WV on the way back. Ilistened to talk radio the entire trip to and from East Moline. On the way back I keptup with the latest crap Obama and Holder are trying to pull. I had to run the AC fullblast to keep from fogging up the inside windows. Steam was shooting out my ears.I think I have had my fill of seeing flat land and fields of corn or soybeans. Indiana andIllinois are big corn producers and Illinois is really big on soy beans. Decatur IL, wherethe wedding took place, is the self-proclaimed soybean capital of the world. This wasthe second June in a row we went to East Moline IL. Don't plan on going back thereagain since the newlyweds will be moving home next month. The area is nice but thedrive is a killer.I think I have rambled on enough for now. Time to do a bit more catching up. I tookmy lunch break composing this e-mail.Cousin GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 9:28 AMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMSubject: Re: Hope all is wellNo Hurry and thank you. Happy all is well.Cousin Dorthy From: "Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERM Hodges"<[emailprotected]>

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (284)

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To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 3:11:35 AMSubject: RE: Hope all is wellCousin Dorthy,We got through the whole process with only fatigue and travel car lag. I will get backwith you soon.We had a lot of things to take care of with the wedding and I also figured you werevery busy. This time of the year at work is more hectic than other times.Basically all is going well and we are recuperating from the long trip.GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 7:42 PMTo: Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMCc: Dorthy MackSubject: Hope all is well Hello Gary,I have not heard from you since you were in the process of finishing your move, goingto the wedding, getting the daughter moved to VAand I am not sure what else you had working. Just thought I would take a minute to seeif all is well and let you know that I think ofyou and your family.Dorthy Mack

• From Gary Hodges: Cousin Dorthy,I have looked for the information I had about the cabin in present day Boone andwhat little I retained suggests that the cabin belonged to a good friend namedHoward. Now Howard's Knob in Boone is named for this family, possibly the sameHoward who owned the cabin. Attached is a photo of the present monumenterected near the location of this "hunting camp" cabin Daniel used in his forays fromWilkes into Watauga. The original monument erected by W. L. Bryan, see attachedphoto, was torn down when the street was widened many years ago. I want to say Iremember seeing the original monument when I was a child. What happened to thisoriginal monument is a mystery. The present monument was built very close to theoriginal site of Howards cabin. The property both monuments were/are on belongsto Appalachian State University. So this W. L. Bryan was a self-promoter? Seen hisname with the title of Col stuck in the front.Also attached is a photo of the Daniel Boone statue, also on the ASU campus, infront of the "duck pond". It is said Daniel never went hunting without his favoritedogs so they were included in the statue. Notice Uncle Daniel is not wearing a coonskin hat.In looking at the route Daniel took from Boone NC into KY I was astounded to seeso many familiar names. They are listed in the History I attached in the previous e-mail. Let's start with Hodges Gap. Probably not my Hodges family but still Hodges.From there on through Silverstone to Zionville and then to Trade TN. Now theyforgot to mention that between Zionville and TN is the small community of Mabel.That's my Hodges/Church family stomping ground. Many of my family members are

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (285)

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buried in either Mabel or Zionville.My great-great grandfather Eli Church used to be the postmaster of Mabel. When itclosed the postal district was incorporated into the Zionville district. Just as youcross the present NC/TN border you come to Trade. My Grandfather GrantWilcox and Cornelia McGuire were married at Trade, snuck across the state line toget hitched. My parents, Jean Wilcox and Owen Hodges snuck a bit further acrossthe state line and were married in Mountain City TN. Can't begin to count howmany times I went across the state line, though Trade, and onto Mountain City tovisit two of dad's brothers. My distant cousin Malcolm Greer (Nancy Wilcoxson &Benjamin Greer), who works at the same place I do has some property in Trade.His Greer family has been in that area of TN for ages. Now Nancy was both a multigreat aunt and multi great grandmother of mine. Isaiah Wilcoxson's first wife wasFrances Fanny Greer, my multi great grandmother, was one of Nancy'sgranddaughters. Yes there go the Greers in the family again. Isaiah married his ownsecond cousin.I am also familiar with the area of Wilkes Co where Uncle Daniel had cabins. Onecabin was at Beaver Creek and my high school used to play football and basketballagainst Beaver Creek high in Wilkes. Looking at that chapter of the History ofWestern NC brings back memories of so many of these names and places I canidentify with. Did Uncle Daniel traipse past the land my Grandfather Isaac Hodgesbuilt his home, across the little creek that ran past the road? And on the other side ofthe creek and a few hundred yards up the road is where my Church family lived. Iknow it is pure speculation but worth my thoughts.My 5th great grandparents john and Sarah Wilcoxson built a log cabin on downthe mountain in Rowan Co. The cabin still exists, though much altered and builtaround. I have some articles and photos about it. There is also a cabin in Ashe Cothat is said to have belonged to Sarah Boone Wilcoxson. It is for sale for the paltrysum of $206,000. It is very small, much worked over, and has little land with it. It isbehind a graveyard. I have the information on it somewhere in my data base.Boone cabins, for ages the small cabin that sits in the Daniel Boone Native Gardenwas said to belong to Squire Boone Sr. A few years ago more research was doneon it and the Boone association was found to be another tale. The cabin originallystood at Valley Crucis, in Watauga, and there is no record Squire boone Sr evervisited Watauga, much less built a cabin there. Valley Crucis is definitely off thebeaten path in Watauga. Have to be from Watauga to know this community evenexists. The cabin has been re-identified as a style typical of the Squire boone era andrenamed Squire boone Memorial cabin. I watched this cabin being put backtogether and have stood in it many times as a young boy.I went to high school with an Arthur Wade Coffee Jr. He told me a few years agohe was a Boone descendant but not Daniel. Didn't mention what his family line was.This may be part of the Jesse Coffee/Hannah Boone line. Just speculating. Wadebecame a preacher, like his father, and retired from the US Army as a Chaplain (LtColonel). He lives in VA and spends some time serving as a chaplain at the localVeterans Administration hospital. Haven't seen Wade in five years or so.If you are at liberty to say, what is Ivan Lancaster's relation to the Boones? Is heanother cousin like Sharon Buck? Sharon and her husband are settling in at theirFlorida home and last time she e-mailed me they hadn't gotten internet hooked back

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (286)

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up to the home. She occasionally gets a Wi-Fi signal from a nearby source and shesent me one missive after getting to FL.I see that you have started reading more of the e-mail I sent about Ester Boone.And you are using your smartypants phone to read it. I finally got one of them andcan now receive e-mails on my Verizon account and even started learning how totext. Unfortunately none of my family history data base is not accessible from thataccount. Need to send it from work and store it on my home computer. Got a newthumb drive yesterday and need to get some more to store information on. Won'thave huge data storage capacity forever, like I presently have at work. We have ourown servers and data storage capacity. My documents are stored on the main database and not the computer on my desk.Take care.Cousin GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 12:17 PMTo: IVAN LANCASTERCc: Dorthy Mack; Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMSubject: Fwd: [boone society] Who was Ester BOONE ? Ivan shares articleCousin Ivan,Here is what Gary sent me regard the "Who is Ester Boone?" It is lengthly andinteresting. After the reunion in NC in the year 2000, Bob and I along with BarbaraGill and her husband went to Boone, Watauga Co, NC and spent several days andnights. It was pre-planned. Last year I met Gary Hodges through a query to theBoone Society and we have been friends ever since.I read his reply hurriedly and I am not sure that I think it should be made public sincepeople are so ready to grab onto people and make them their kinsman. I have all ofthese people in my database and if you want to know more about them I will readilyshare with you.The Hannah Boone he refers to that married Smith Coffey is the daughter of JesseBoone and Sarah McMahan, he the son of Israel Boone b 1726 who marriedMartha Farmer and died of Consumption. Some of the descendants of Smith Coffeymay still be in Watauga Co, NC and were when I more or less ended with that linein the year 1914. I get sidetracked everyday with the new queries that I receive. Iknow that the celebrated Log Cabin that was said to be built by Daniel Boone wasbuilt by a Wilcoxson and I would need to look it up. Since Daniel did use it as astopping point while hunting in Watauga Co it was eventually taken over as the cabinDaniel built and I guess it was W. L. Bryan who started that myth as well. Thebiggest 'wannabe' of all was W. L. Bryan whose information is still being correctedtoday. But don't let me get started!!Veering from the original intent of this letter is the fact that "Hangin Maw" who issaid to have kidnapped Jemima Boone and the Callaway Girls is also said thatDaniel met him at the Cabin in Watauga. This is just a downright fabricated storythat should bereckoned with. First of all the "Hanging Maw, a half French and half Shawnee , wasa well educated man who was born in Bucks Co, PA in 1716 and married BetsyCarpenter in 1744 in Original Towns Running Water Village TN. He died 1798 inCoyatee,, TN and his wife Betsy went to GA where relatives lived and she died ther

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (287)

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in 1803. Both are buried in Coyatee,, TN. There is no record of the man ever beingin the State of NC in his life.Betsy Carpenter descends from my many greats grandfather Thomas Carpenter, onmy dad's side of the family. Thomas married a Shawnee lady and the mother ofHanging Maw is Tawsee Sankee Carpenter and his wife Betsy Carpenter isdaughter of a 1st cousin of Tawsee.Back to the wonderful information sent to you by Cousin Gary Hodges I will read itagain much later. Bob has to go to Stockton to get his Procrit Injection this morningand he is ready to leave and keeps looking in on me to I must stop but will be backa little later.Dorthy From: "Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERM Hodges"<[emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 3:59:19 AMSubject: RE: [boone society] Who was Ester BOONE ? Ivan shares articleCousin Dorthy,The shingles are much better. I was very fortunate they were not a severe case. Ionly had two small blisters and the pins-and-needles feeling on my skin was only amild irritation. Lucky that the symptoms were well above my belt line. My worstpain was deep muscle ache which was severe. Still have a little deep muscle achebut I don't notice it much. I can even get to sleep laying on my left side now. I willsend a personal family oriented e-mail later on.As far as the Boone question, I had heard many years ago when I still lived in BoneNC, there were two Boone lines that were not related. Or at least they were notrelated through the descendants of Squire Boone Sr. Kind of like the three distinctHodges lines in Watauga. All Squire Boone descendants living in Watauga that Iknow of are transplants from other counties and their surnames are "allied" like myWilcox/Wilcoxson line.The only links I know concerning Daniel Boone and Watauga are he used to campin present Boone NC during hunting trips. He used a cabin belonging to someoneelse. There is a monument near the site of this cabin but the exact location is coveredby a city street. Concerning Boone and his relatives in Watauga , below isinformation from a local source. The "History of Western North Carolina" isrecognized by local scholars as one of the definitive sources for the region. I see nomention of Ester Boone in the Watauga Relatives paragraph, or any other paragraphin that chapter. In two paragraphs below I hilited the information that there seem tohave been a Boone family in Watauga that was not related to Daniel. I attached theentire chapter, in two formats, I took this information from.History of Western North Carolina - Chapter IV - Daniel Boone By John Preston Arthur, 1914HTML by Jeffrey C. Weaver, October 1998Just as seven cities contended for the honor of having been the birthplace of Homer;so, too, many states are proud to boast that Boone once lived within their borders.But North Carolina was the home of his boyhood, his young manhood and the Statein which he chose his wife. From his home at Holman's Ford he passed to his cabin

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (288)

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in the village of Boone on frequent occasions, making hunting trips from that pointinto the surrounding mountains. From there, too, he started on his trips intoKentucky.BOONE'S CABIN MONUMENT. The chimney stones of the cabin in which it issaid that Boone camped while hunting in New river valley are still visible at the siteof that cabin where it is said Boone was found one snowy night seated by a roaringfire when the young couple who had occupied it the night before and had allowedtheir fire to go entirely out, returned from a trip to the Yadkin for a "live chunk" withwhich to rekindle it; but which they had dropped in the snow when almost atBoone's cabin, thus putting it out, and leaving them as badly off as when they had setout that morning. Boone had struck fire from his flint and steel rifle and caught thespark in tow, from which he had kindled his blaze. Upon this site, that public-spiritedcitizen, the venerable and well informed Col. W. L. Bryan, now in his 76th year, haserected an imposing stone and concrete monument, whose base is seven by sevenfeet, with a shaft 26 feet in height. On the side facing the road is the followinginscription, chiseled in white marble: "Daniel Boone, Pioneer and Hunter; Born Feb.11, 1735; Died Sep.26, 1820." On the opposite side of the monument on a similarstone is the following: "W. L. Bryan, Son of Battle and Rebecca Miller Bryan; BornNov.19, 1837; Built Daniel Boone Monument, Oct. 1912. Cost $203.27."BOONE'S WATAUGA RELATIVES. William Coffey married Anna Boone, asister of Jesse Boone and a niece of Daniel Boone. She had another brother calledIsrael Boone. Jesse Boone undoubtedly lived in a cabin which used to stand in afield four miles from Shull's mills and two miles from Kelsey post office, where hehad cleared a field. The chimney foundation is still shown as his. On the 8th of July,1823, Jesse Boone conveyed to William and Alexander Elrod for $600 350 acresof land on Flannery's fork of New River and on Roaring branch, about two milessoutheast of Boone village; adjoining land then being owned by John Agers, JesseCouncil and Russell Sams, and now owned in part by J. W. Farthing. This deed wasregistered in Book M, page 391, of Ashe county records, July 2, 1841. When JesseBoone's sister, Anna Coffey, was nearly one hundred years old she talked with Mr.J. W. Farthing while he was building a house for her grandson Patrick Coffey, onMulberry creek, Caldwell county, in 1871. Mr. Mack Cook of Lenoir is a directdescendant of Daniel Boone's brother, Israel, Boone and has a rifle and powderhorn that used to belong to him. Arthur B. Boone of Jacksonville, Fla., claims dfrectdescent from Daniel Boone, and his son Robbie E. Boone, has a razor said to havebeen the property of Daniel Boone.. There are many others who are related to theBoone family. Col. W. L. Bryan thinks that Thwaites is mistaken in stating thatRebecca Boone was the daughter of Joseph Bryan, as her father's name wasMorgan, from whom he himself and William Jennings Bryan are directly descended.[11] Smith Coffey was born in 1832 in Caldwell county, and says that Jesse was abrother of Daniel Boone, and had three daughters; Anna, who married WilliamCoffey, Hannah, who married Smith Coffey, arid Celie, who married Buck Craig.The Smith Coffey who married Hannah Boone was the present Smith Coffey'sgrandfather. Smith Coffey's father moved to Cherokee in 1838 and settled onHiwassee river four miles above Murphy, after which he moved to Peach Treecreek where he died a year later, his family returning to Caldwell. In 1858 Smithreturned to Cherokee and lived on a place adjoining the farm of George Hayes on

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (289)

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Valley river, and had a fight with that gentleman concerning a sow just before theCivil War. Nevertheless he joined Hayes' company, when the war began, whichbecame Company A in the Second N. C. Cavalry. After the battle before NewBern, Hayes resigned and returned to Cherokee, and William B. Tidwell ofTusquitte, now Clay county, was elected captain from the ranks, and retained thatplace till the close of the war.THE BOONE FAMILY. Many people of the mountains claim descent or collateralrelationship with Daniel Boone. His father was Squire Boone, who was born inDevonshire, England and came to Pennsylvania, between 1712 and 1714, when hewas about 21 years old. He married Sarah Morgan July 23, 1720. Their childrenwere Sarah, Israel, Samuel, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Mary, Daniel, George, Edward,Squire and Hannah, all born at Otey, Penn. Daniel was the sixth child and was bornNovember 2, 1734. Edward was killed by Indians when 36 years old, and Squiredied at the age of 76. Daniel married Rebecca Bryan, daughter of Joseph, in thespring of 1756. Daniel's children were James, Israel, Susannah, Jemima, Lavinia,Rebecca, Daniel Morgan, John B. and Nathan. The four daughters married. Thetwo eldest sons were killed by Indians, and the three younger emigrated to Missouri.[17] None of Daniel's children was named Jesse, but there was a Jesse Boone wholived just west of the Blue Ridge, about four miles east of Shull's Mills and one milewest of Kelsey post office in Watauga county, N. C. This was on what has beencalled "Boone's Fork" of Watauga river.RECORD EVIDENCE OF THE RESIDENCE OF THE BOONES. JonathanBoone sold to John Hardin (Deed Book No.5, p.509, Asbe county) 245 acres onthe 15th of September, 1821, for $600- -on the North side of New river and onboth sides of Lynches' Mill creek, adjoining Jesse Councill's line, and running toShearer's Knob This was near the town of Boone. The John Hardin mentionedabove was the father of John and Joseph Hardin of Boone, and his wife was Lottie,the daughter of Jordan Councill, Sr., and the daughter of Benjamin Howard. On the7th of November, 1814, Jesse Boone entered 100 acres on the head waters ofWatauga river, beginning on a maple, Jesse Coffey's corner, and obtained a granttherefor on the 29th of November, 1817. (Deed Book "F," Ashe county p. 170)I would think the Rivers Family or present researchers from the Watauga Democratwould be in an advantageous position to research this. The Watauga Democrat, thelocal county newspaper, was run by the Rivers family till 1994. The family hadowned the paper since 1889. Below is the link to the history of this paper. I find itinteresting that Mr. Rivers first partner was D.B. Dougherty. Blandford Doughertyand his brother D. D. Dougherty founded Appalachian Normal School in 1903 andis my alma mater Appalachian State University. The name Democrat in the papersname is no accident. The Democratic Party had a resurgence in the South duringReconstruction. The Republican Party was the party of Ole Linkom (AbrahamLincoln) and was definitely not a popular party in the subjugated South duringReconstruction times. Southern Democrats were often given the title of Dixiecrats, todenote their ties to Ole Dixie. The Twager Damnedoldcrat has always been amouthpiece of the democrats and very all the hype about Daniel Boone in his namesake town I would have thought Iwould have heard about any additional link between Daniel and the town, other than

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (290)

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his camping on land that is now part of the town. I do not recall ever hearinganything about one of his descendants living in town, or the county for that matter. Ido know one of his descendants made the iron gates at the Daniel Boone NativeGardens in town but he lived in another county.I hope this bit of research I did will help. The majority of information about UncleDaniel and Watauga Co is in the chapter of Western NC history I am sending.Cousin GaryFrom: Dorthy%20Mack [mailto:[emailprotected]]Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 8:34 PMTo: IVAN LANCASTER; Hodges, Gary CIV USN NAVAIRTERMCc: Dorthy MackSubject: Fwd: [boone society] Who was Ester BOONE ? Ivan shares articleHello Cousin Gary,I am sending you this information, in hopes that you will know all about it. The onlyperson that I know who can tell you everything in Watauga Co, NC. I am certainthat the Ester Boone is not a descendant of Daniel Boone b 1734. I have spent wayto many years doing research on the descendants of Daniel and he has/had nodescendants in Watauga Co, NC.Thanks so much.Cousin Dorthy. (How are the shingles?) From: [emailprotected]: [emailprotected]: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:36:25 PMSubject: [boone society] Who was Ester BOONE ? Ivan shares article Investigating Significance of House on Moretz Street After Rumors of DanielBoone Descendant Living ThereBy Paul T. Choate <><> The white house on Moretz Street. Photo by Ken KetchieNov. 14, 2012. On the most recent Boone Town Council agenda, one item to bepresented by the Cultural Resources Advisory Board read, "RE: Disposal ofProperty at 122 Moretz Street (White House on Rivers Property)." Followingdeliberation, the house was temporarily spared thanks to rumors of a descendant ofDaniel Boone living there."It's been brought to our attention by the Historical Preservation Commission thatthis house may have some historical significance," said Council Member RennieBrantz. "People have suggested that a person by the name of Ester Boone, adescendent of Daniel Boone, lived in that house and taught piano to generations."On Tuesday, Oct. 16, Cultural Resources Advisory Board Director Pilar Fottaasked the Boone Town Council for an evaluation to determine the current structuralcondition of the two Rivers-Coffey Property houses — the rock house on ClayHouse Drive and the white house on Moretz Street — for possible renovation.The two homes on Clay House Drive and Moretz Street were donated to the Townof Boone in 1998 by former Watauga Democrat publishers Rachel Rivers-

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (291)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Coffey and her husband Armfield Coffey. At the Oct. 16 meeting Council MemberAndy Ball said he had recently been in the house at 122 Moretz St. and that it haddeteriorated significantly, noting that the ceiling was uneven and that the plumbingand electrical systems probably needed to be worked on.Now, however, the dilapidated white house may be spared pending furtherinvestigation into its historical significance.Ball said the council had talked about the white house for two or three years due togroups coming to the town and asking about possible uses for it. He said at thosetimes the town was not able to perform a full inspection and analysis of the property."I think now is the time, before we talk about demolition or removal, to go throughand have an official evaluation of what condition the house is in," Ball said.Brantz added that he would like to question as to whether or not there was historicalsignificance associated with the house to be answered before demolition wasconsidered. He went on to inquire to the audience in attendance if anyone couldpossibly confirm or deny the rumors associated with a Daniel Boone connection.Planning and Inspections Director Bill Bailey stepped forward."I've got staff that can probably do this in 10 minutes who could trace it back forgenerations," Bailey said, adding regarding the condition, "Any of my inspectors cango out at any time and look at it. We would probably send the fire marshal out therewith them to look at it … and give you a pretty fair assessment of what's going on.They may say that, based on their observation, you may need to get a contractor inhere to look it."Bailey said he could look at Watauga County records as far back as they go todetermine if a descendant of Daniel Boone ever owned the house."My thought is, we may decide that it's not worth saving but we should know if it hassome historical significance so we can write that in the history of our community,"Brantz said.Fotta said the property had been looked at before by town staff and that, if theproperty did not have any historical significance, it would probably cost the townmore to renovate it than would be worth it for future uses for the house. <><> The rock house on Clay House Drive. Photo by Ken KetchieIn a deed dated Oct. 28, 1998 that gifted the properties to the town it wasstipulated that a life estate be reserved for Jim Butler, who lived in one of the homes.Butler passed away in November 2011, freeing up the home for use by the town.Also in the deed restrictions was a life estate reserved for Rivers-Coffey, but shepassed away less than a year after the deed was finalized on Aug. 24, 1999.Now that the properties are free for the town to use, there is some question as towhat the two homes can be used for exactly. The 1998 deed also specified that theproperty may only be used for recreational space, green space, installation ofunderground utility provided they have minimal impact on the natural environment,flood mitigation, a wildlife sanctuary or historical purposes.The town ultimately decided to have Bailey investigate the historical significance ofthe property and Fotta said she would investigate the options in the event the housedoes not have historical significance. Fotta presented four prioritized options for theproperty if no connection of historical signifcance is found:

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (292)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Offer the house for sale to be relocated at the expense of the buyer. The offer forsale would expire by April 2013;Offer the house to the Boone Police Department and Boone Fire Department for thepurpose of an eventual burning as a training exercise. After which, the area would becleaned up and seeded with grass;Demolish the house immediately, clean the property up and seed it with grass;"Not a popular option," to allow the building to deteriorate to the point that itcollapses, after which it would be cleaned up and seeded with grass. In other matters, the town elected to go forward with looking into future possibilitiesfor use and the possibly of pursuing National Historical Registry designation for therock house located at 150 Clay House Drive.The former-Cultural Resources Board also had their name officially changed to theCultural Resources Advisory Board at the Nov. 13 meeting."Yes, we realize this makes us CRABs," joked Fotta, drawing laughter from thecouncil members. "But the board feels that this acknowledges and clearly states thatthe role of the board is to make recommendations to the council for theirconsideration and they're not a decision-making or management body."If you have more information on the property located at 122 Moretz St., pleasecontact Pilar Fotta at 828-262-4576.__._,_.___ntblReply via web post <;_ylc=X3oDMTJxNTlodjU5BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE5ODc3NDk5BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTEzNjM4MgRtc2dJZAMyMDg0BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3JwbHkEc3RpbWUDMTM1MjkzOTgwMw--?act=reply&messageNum=2084> Reply to sender <mailto:[emailprotected]?subject=Re%3A%20Who%20was%20Ester%20BOONE%20%3F%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Ivan%20shares%20article>Reply to group<mailto:[emailprotected]?subject=Re%3A%20Who%20was%20Ester%20BOONE%20%3F%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Ivan%20shares%20article>Start a New Topic<;_ylc=X3oDMTJmcnBxc2Q3BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE5ODc3NDk5BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTEzNjM4MgRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzEzNTI5Mzk4MDM-> Messages in this topic<;_ylc=X3oDMTM1Y2ttMzFsBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE5ODc3NDk5BGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTEzNjM4MgRtc2dJZAMyMDg0BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3Z0cGMEc3RpbWUDMTM1MjkzOTgwMwR0cGNJZAMyMDg0> (1) . __,_._,___

Gary married Elogene Wooten [MRIN: 61992]. Elogene was born Private.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (293)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Children from this marriage were:+ 809 F i. Wendy Hodges was born Private.+ 810 F ii. Leigh Ann Hodges was born Private.

802. Wilard Odean Wilcox (William Westley Wilcox, Jr. 7, William Westley Wilcox 6,William Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private.

803. Winnie Goodman (Grace Elizabeth Wilcox 7, William Thomas Wilcox 6, SamuelAlvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in 1930 in Gap Civil, Alleghany Co, NC. Winnie Goodman

age 3 1/12 living with her parentsdwelling 24515 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

804. Linnie Goodman (Grace Elizabeth Wilcox 7, William Thomas Wilcox 6, SamuelAlvin Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private in Oldfields, Ashe Co, NC.

Noted events in her life were:• She appeared on the census in 1930 in Gap Civil, Alleghany Co, NC. Linnie Goodman

age 1 6/12 NC living with her parentsdwelling 24515 Jan 2012 Dorthy Grissom Mack

805. Joanna Mullins (John Morgan Mullins 7, Tandy Wilson Mullins 6, Samuel Mullins

5, Nancy Matilda Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born after 1910 in Dir Line Greg Greene Submitted By Jennie Mason.

Joanna married Bud Greene [MRIN: 31613]. Bud was born after 1910 in Dir Desc Of LewisGreen See P293-294 Draper Mss.

The child from this marriage was:+ 811 M i. Greg Greene was born Private from Bill Scroggin Info 6 Jan 2000.

Greg married Jennie Mason [MRIN: 31614].

806. James Cash (Alka Greer 7, Creed C. 6, Marcus De Lafayette 5, LeviCrittenden 4, Isaac Newton 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private.

Noted events in his life were:• Descendant information: Hello Dorthy,

Thank you so much for the emails and information. Actually the family lore wassomething like that Daniel and Bennie married sisters (we know now Bennie marriedhis niece) and that they were friends. After your email I did some research and found that my great grandfather Creed Cicero Greer (1886/1972)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (294)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


who I knew well, was the first Greer in my line to be born in Kentucky. His fatherMarcus De Lafayette was listed as being born in North Carolina.On another subject, my sister is very interested in joining the DAR. She was told ithard to prove your eligibility. Since Benjamin Greer is a listed patriot and hero ofKing's mountain, I would think the process would be fairly easy. Our line is:BenjaminWilliamIsaac NewtonLevi CrittendenMarcus De LafayetteCreed CiceroAlka Greer (my grandmother)Do you know anything about the DAR requirements and what I would have to get formy sister to prove Benjamin Greer was her grandfather. Thank you again for yourtime and all the valuable information.Best Regards,Jim CashIn a message dated 8/27/2012 7:47:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [emailprotected] writes: Hello James,Further research of the whereabouts of Benjamin Greer b 1746 d 1816 in GreenRiver, Green Co, KY indidate that Benjamin was still in Wilkes Co, NC in the year1801. Information from Three Rivers Baptist Church: "Benjamine was a member of the Three Forks Baptist Church in Watauga from1790 to 1800 (according to A HISTORY OF WATAUGA COUNTY) but had toleave the church in 1801 because of his intemperance.I have been unable to find Early Census Record in KY for this Benjamin Greer. It isclear from the date his will was written that he was in KY b 1 April 1816. Since he isnot found on 1810 census records it would be my guess that he went to KYsometime after that date. According to the data that I have on the children born toNancy Wilcoxson and Benjamin Greer, they remained in NC. By his second wife,Sarah Adkinson Jones, who he married 0n 26 April 1791 in Wilkes Co, NC he hadthe following children: Thomas b 3 Oct 1790 Ashe Co, NC (Benjamin was having anaffair with Sarah.) However, something odd about this information. According to myinformation Nancy died 3 Oct 1790, now I suspect that date has been shown so thatthe correct birthdate and mother of Thomas would not be made public. In the Will ofBenjamin Greer dated 1 April 1816 Thomas is named as the son of Sarah and isamoung the children of Benjamin whose mother is Sarah. They all received land whilethe children of Nancy received $1.00 each. Siblings of Thomas: Aquilla, Sally,Elizabeth, Edmond, Polly. I am trying toidentify these children at the moment.This should answer your question whether Daniel Boone led Benjamin Greer to KYor not. It is even doubtful that they even knew each other, if so most likely a verypassing meeting.Dorthy MackManteca, CA

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (295)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


From: "Neal Hammon" <[emailprotected]>To: "Dorthy%20Mack" <[emailprotected]>Cc: [emailprotected], [emailprotected], [emailprotected]: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:17:16 AMSubject: Re: Benjamin Greer To any interested party:The various land index records for Kentucky when it was part of Virginia, andafterward, fail to show anyone with the name of Greer claiming vacant land. This is anindication (but not proof) that Benjamin Greer was not an early settler or resident inKentucky.Daniel Boone brought settlers to Kentucky in 1775, and again in the summer or fall of1779. Had Ben Greer been with Boone on either occasion, he would have arrivedearly enough to apply for vacant Virginia land, as either a late settlers or with atreasury warrant. As his wife apparently died in North Carolina in 1790, I wouldsuspect that he did not come to Kentucky before that date. Daniel Boone went toMissouri in September 1799, according to Nathan Boone.Neal Hammon.On Aug 25, 2012, at 1:41 PM, Dorthy%20Mack wrote:Hello James,Thank you for writing. I am not certain that I can answer your question but I will try.There are many stories regard Daniel Boone, some are true and many are myths. Mychronology, which I am not even certain is all fact has nothing about the manyrelationships that Daniel b 1734 may have had with the various families. Here is mybest answer. Benjamin Greer is b 1746 in Virginia. He married Nancy Wilcox(son) b1746, she the daughter of Sarah Boone and John Wilcox, on 27 Nov 1763 in RowanCo, NC. Daniel would have been 12 years old when Benjamin was born. Daniel andhis parents were still living in PA and Benjamin Greer b in VA. Daniel who marriedRebecca Bryan and on their marriage license he is called James Boone, and themarriage date is 14 Aug 1756. This still does not answer the question regard whereBenjamin Greer lived in 1756 but he would have been age 10 and is probably stillliving in VA, although I do not know that. Perhaps your Greer family knows theanswer to this question.According to my information Nancy Wilcoxson Greer died 1790 in Wilkes Co, NCand it is Benjamin who died in Green Co, KY on 23 Oct 1816. When he went toKY is not known by me. It is probably certain that Daniel Boone and BenjaminGreer did know each other but how close their friendship was is difficult to say basedon the events in the life of Daniel Boone. Here is information regard the whereaboutsfo Daniel Boone in 1799. I am more than interested in your side of the story in yourfamily history. Most everything that we know or learn about Daniel Boone, alsoknown as James Boone in Tax Records of Rowan Co, NC, is from the history ofsomeone else."According to Louis Houck's History of Missouri, Daniel Boone startedfor Upper Louisiana (Missouri) September, 1799, accompanied by agroup of about twenty-five persons, including Flanders Callaway andForrest Hanco*ck, (Daniel Forest Hanco*ck, William's son). They reachedthe Mississippi River in October and crossed Boone's stock at the mouth

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (296)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


of the Missouri. They traveled to the Femme Osage, where DanielMorgan Boone, one of his sons, had already established himself severalyears earlier. Apparently William's sons Stephen and Forrest were alsosettled, or had at least scouted out the area, prior to the actual moving ofthe remaining family members. Forrest had a survey of 400 arpentsexecuted on January 24, 1798." I have been working on the John Wilcox and Sarah Boone descendants most of thisyear, 2012, starting in January. It is clear that there are many question regard thedescendants of this couple. One of the lines that I have spent a great deal of time onis the descendants of Benjamin Greer and Mary Wilcox. Especially those thatdescend from Fanny Greer b 1796 and Isaiah Wilcoxson b 1798. Since I am tryingto complete the Allied Family lines as well as the Wilcox (any way you spell it) it isstill a work in progress. I hope to have it available as a pdf file, perhaps by the end ofthis year if possible. I do have the assistance of several descendants who have a greatdeal of knowledge and help to furnish certain information. Please feel to write me anytime.Dorthy MackManteca, CA From: [emailprotected] <mailto:[emailprotected]> To: [emailprotected] <mailto:[emailprotected]> Cc: [emailprotected] <mailto:[emailprotected]>,[emailprotected] <mailto:[emailprotected]>,[emailprotected] <mailto:[emailprotected]> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 7:26:56 PMSubject: Re: Benjamin Greer James,I'm forwarding your question to Dorthy Mack, our genealogist. Let's see if she canshed some light. Sam Compton President,The Boone Society, Inc. -----Original Message-----From: JamesRCash <[emailprotected] <mailto:[emailprotected]>>To: SAMCOMPTONS <[emailprotected]<mailto:[emailprotected]>>Sent: Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:13 pmSubject: Benjamin Greer Dear Sir,I'm trying to find out more about my 7th great grandfather Benjamin Greer and hisconnection to Daniel Boone. He married Nancy Wilcoxen, Sarah Boones' daughter.Stories were pasted down in the Greer family that Bennie and Daniel were goodfriends, and it was Boone that brought them to Kentucky where most of my Greer

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (297)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


relatives live to this day. Any information would be greatly appreciated.Best Regards,Jim Cash

807. Glenn N Holliman, (Member Boone Society) (Geraldine Stansbery 7, Mayme TOsborne 6, Frances Caroline Wilson 5, Caroline Nancy Greer 4, Jesse, Jr 3, Jesse, Sr

2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born on 28 September 1946.

Noted events in his life were:• Information: 22 July 2010, Newport, PA. Glenn lives in Newport, PA - descendant of

Sarah BOONE and John WILCOXSON His blog: 22 July 2010 Dorthy GRISSOM MACK

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (298)

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier)


Ninth Generation (6th Great-Grandchildren)

808. Patricia Parsons (Earl Parsons 8, Henry Parsons 7, Sanford Moses Parsons 6,Adolphus Parsons 5, Isaac Parsons 4, Jacintha Greer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier)

1) was born Private in Patricia Ann [emailprotected] 13 Jan 01.

809. Wendy Hodges (Gary Owen Hodges 8, Rosa Jean Wilcox 7, General Grant Wilcox

6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3,William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private.

810. Leigh Ann Hodges (Gary Owen Hodges 8, Rosa Jean Wilcox 7, General GrantWilcox 6, Martin Van Buren Wilcox 5, William M. Wilcoxson, Rev. 4, Frances FannieGreer 3, William 2, Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private.

811. Greg Greene (Joanna Mullins 8, John Morgan Mullins 7, Tandy Wilson Mullins 6,Samuel Mullins 5, Nancy Matilda Wilcox 4, Frances Fannie Greer 3, William 2,Benjamin, (Grier) 1) was born Private from Bill Scroggin Info 6 Jan 2000.

Greg married Jennie Mason [MRIN: 31614]. Jennie was born Private from Bill Scroggin Info6 Jan 2000.

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (299)

Name Index


(No surname)

Aley (GREER) (After

1788- ), 16, 29

Alka (GREER), 215, 255

Barbara (Between

1785/1795- ), 70

Catherine 'Catie'(BESHEARS) (1799-1901), 80

Lucilla (1897- ), 143,216

Lucinda (GREER) (1826-

1873), 22, 56

Lura B (1892- ), 71,


Mary Jane (WILCOX)

(1862-1941), 124, 184

Mary Malinda (YOUNCE)

(1842-1918), 39, 80

Mary, (Spinster),

(Spinster) (OWEN)

(1834-1877), 42, 82

Rhoda (YOUNCE) (1839-

1917), 39, 80

Sally Craft (1830/1840-

), 141


Hattie (1842- ), 71,


Mary Ellen (1854-1905),

71, 133


Nancy (1875-After 1900),

76, 142


Hannah (GREER) (1837-

), 66, 121


Grace (1795-1880), 56



Sarah Hannah (1770-

), 22


Ellen Susan J. (1844-

1890), 28, 65

ARTERMary Ann (1810-1849),

13, 28BAKER

Vinia (1869-1952), 104,

166, 210


Blanche B. (1897- ),

194, 242

Catherine G. (1916-1995),

194, 243

Charles A. (1867-1934),

126, 193

Charles Burnes, (Twin)

(1907- ), 194, 242

Charlie V. (1901- ),

194, 242

Clifford I. (1910- ),

194, 243

Earnest T. (1893- ),

193, 242

Lulu Belle (WILCOX)

(1875-After 1934), 126,


Mattie Unos, (Twin)

(1907- ), 194, 243

Nellie Lillian (1895-

), 194, 242


Mary Louise (1891-1971),



Aaron (1817-1892), 41, 80

Aley (1859- ), 82,



Aley A. (1880- ),

150, 222

Alice (OWEN) (1827-

1916), 41, 80

Catherine 'Catie' (1799-

1901), 80Clarissa Catherine (1846-

1943), 82, 147Cornelius (1860- ),

82, 150

Esley (1856- ), 82,


Henry Lee (1869- ),

150, 222

John (1850-1936), 82, 149

Malinda (1842- ),

82, 147

Martha (1844- ), 82,


Mary Elizabeth (1870-

1958), 150, 221

Scott (1855- ), 82,


Selena (CHURCH) (1849-

1900), 82, 149

Thomas A. (1878- ),

150, 222

William (1852- ), 82,


William (1875- ),

150, 222


Edmond Leroy (1825-

1906), 219

Florence (1867- ),

228, 249

Levi (1794-1871), 16, 29

Malinda (RAY) (1824-

), 31, 65

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (300)

Name Index




(1832-1922), 219

Martha Ellen (1863-1911),

148, 219

Sarah (GREER) (1793-

1862), 16, 29William Blackburn (1822-

), 31, 65BLEDSOE

Mary Evaline (1850-

1938), 26, 61


Sarah, (20) (1724-1815), 6


Bernice (YOUNCE)

(1909- ), 161, 226

Howard (1909- ),

161, 226


Frances (1810-1905), 19,



Andrew R. (1868-1900),


Lurena (1881-1974), 141,


Margaret W. (MULLINS)

(1870- ), 214

Minnie Dell (1890-1975),

141, 214


Charlotte L. (GREER)

(1882- ), 94, 158

Niley Thomas, 94, 158

Vera Beatrice (1910-

), 158, 225


Rebecca Jane (1848-

1936), 90


Martha Eads (1830-1923),

44, 86


Hannah (1772- ), 6,


CASEHannah (1778-1804), 37

CASHJames, 255, 288


Mary Martha (1822-

), 108


Ruth Ellen (1908-1999),

204, 252


Nancy (1803- ), 19,



Alexander (1805-1860),


Aly Esther (1874-1960),

148, 220

Bulie Rebecca (1903-

1999), 108, 171

Calvin Horace G. (1872-

1890), 148, 220

Clarissa Catherine

(BESHEARS) (1846-

1943), 82, 147

Daniel Wellborn J. (1876-

1964), 148, 220

Elizabeth Jane (1834-

1906), 221

Ella Rosedna (OLIVER)

(1881-1956), 171, 226

Fannie (1796-1880), 51

Harrison L. D. (1870-

1956), 148, 220


Henry Harrison (1835-

1897), 82, 148

Iven E. (1907- ),

158, 226

Jane (1794- ), 7, 22

Laura (1888-1888), 149,220

Martha Ellen(BLACKBURN)(1863-1911), 148, 219

Mary (ELLER) (1810-

1898), 148

Nancy Elizabeth (1885-

1907), 149, 220

Niley Monroe (1879-

1964), 171, 226

Peter (1879- ), 148,


Philip (1767-1859), 22

Rebecca Lou Ellen (1883-

1971), 149, 220

Sallie Clarcy (1881-1969),

148, 220


(1808-1876), 149

Sarah Hannah

(ANDREWS) (1770-

), 22

Sarah 'Sallie' (1790-1860),

6, 22, 62, 79

Selena (1849-1900), 82,


Thomas Aaron (1866-

1928), 148, 219

Vera Beatrice (BYERS)

(1910- ), 158, 225

William B. (1808-1889),


William John (1867-

1961), 148, 220

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (301)

Name Index



Winfield Scott, Sr. (1879-

1960), 148, 220

Winnie Mae (1890-1962),

149, 221

Zora Carmella (1877-

1973), 148, 220CLAWSON

Cora Lee (TREXLER)(1887-1974), 230

Nancy Jane (1816-1866),

19, 45

Sarah A. (JONES) (1885-

1934), 104, 167


Annie (1860-1916), 214


Emily (TRIVETT) (1925-

1972), 173, 231

Horace Clinton (1880-

1933), 231

James Randolph (1922-

1989), 173, 231

Viola T. (COOK) (1891-

1961), 231


Hazel Nancy (WILCOX)

(1905- ), 188, 237

Susan (1843-1941), 100

Viola T. (1891-1961), 231

Walter Lenoir (1886-

), 188, 238


Betsy or Nancy (1755-

1820), 19


Otis Franklin, (Twin)

(1914-1994), 175, 232

Sarah Edith (RAY) (1932-

1996), 175, 232


Kiziah (1823-1904), 93


Abigail (STEWART) (

1790- ), 53

Ezekial ( 1790- ), 53

Lydia (1814- ), 21,53

DANCYJames Vernon, Sr. (1907-

1978), 167, 230

Ora Lee (WILCOX)

(1911-1996), 167, 230


Juliette (1894-1985), 132,



Mary A. (GREER) (1868-

1942), 102, 163

William (1860- ),

102, 163


Bina Virginia (WILCOX)

(1899-1984), 188, 237

Richard Filmore (1882-

1941), 188, 237


Eva Belle (1881-1957),

132, 203


Louisa ( 1810- ), 29,



Florence (JOHNSON)

(1900-1991), 128, 197


Albert Lee (1887-1922),


Carrie Etta (1917-2000),

167, 230


Cora Lee (TREXLER)

(1887-1974), 230


Elizabeth (1834-1883),



(1890-1975), 141, 214ELLER

Caroline (1830- ),


Mary (1810-1898), 148


Sarah (1718-1764), 1


Barbary Della (WILCOX)

(1877-1945), 132, 202

Charles Henry (1871-

1945), 132, 203


Alene (1929- ), 208,


Dallas C. (1887-1984),

132, 207

Fulton H. (1847- ),


Haskell (1924- ),

208, 253

Lois (1922- ), 208,


Lucille (1927- ), 208,


Mary A., , Mrs. (1860-

), 207

Mary A., Mrs. (1860-

), 207

Mary C. (WILCOX)

(1897-1969), 132, 207


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (302)

Name Index



Charles E. (1892- ),

154, 223

Conley (1883- ),

154, 223

Everett M. (1898- ),

154, 223Frank B. (1886- ),

154, 223George A. (1850-1920),

85, 153

Kiziah (CRESS) (1823-

1904), 93

Monroe S. (1894- ),

154, 223

Rachel Alice (1859-1951),

48, 93

Reuben (1815-1902), 93

Rueben H. (1889- ),

154, 223

Sarah E. (JONES) (1862-

1927), 85, 152


Barbara Jane (HOUCK)

(1855-1951), 79, 146

Beulah Gertrude (1892-

1971), 146, 219

Charles Wesley (1885-

1960), 146, 219

Charlie ( 1890- ),

129, 200

Clyde (1895-1983), 147,


Evaline (1861- ), 55,


John Barton (1874-1966),

146, 219

John H. (1848-1914), 79,


Mary Polly (GREER)

(1808-1898), 19, 45


Minnie V. (WILCOX)

(1890-1981), 129, 200

Naoma E. (1879-1881),

146, 219

Norman Francis (1888-

1981), 146, 219Troy General (1882-1967),

146, 219William (1803-1892), 19,


William N. (1876-1960),

146, 219


Blanche (1921- ),

229, 257

Coy Alexander (1902-

1937), 166, 228

Florence (BLACKBURN)

(1867- ), 228, 249

Georgie (1927- ),

229, 257

Grace Elizabeth

(WILCOX) (1909-

1990), 199, 248

Linnie, 249, 288

Maggie (WILCOX)

(1904-1980), 166, 228

Maude (1924- ), 229,


Newton Glenn (1907-

1981), 199, 249

Richard Thomas (1862-

), 228, 249

Virginia Dare (1934-

), 229, 256

Winnie, 249, 288


Elizabeth (1798-1880), 27



Benjamin Harrison (1890-

1970), 185, 235

Bud (After 1910- ),

253, 288

Claude Franklin (1900-

1983), 185, 236Floyd Newton (1897-

1966), 185, 236Greg, 288, 293Harrison (1870- ),

185, 235

Henry Patterson (1860-

), 56, 109

James Niley (1887-1967),

185, 235

Jennie (MASON), 288,


Joanna (MULLINS) (After

1910- ), 253, 288

Lola Louise (1908-1985),

185, 236

Nancy Catherine

(WILCOXSON) (1865-

1954), 124, 184

Newton Granville (1867-

1955), 124, 185

Rhoda Melinda (GREER)

(1867-1941), 56, 109

Roosevelt Boyd (1901-

1968), 185, 236

Vertie Katherine (1895-

1967), 185, 235

William (1888-1966), 185,



(No Given Name), 55,

105, 110, 172, 175

Adalaid M. (1879- ),

100, 162

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (303)

Name Index



Albert (1875-1970), 98,


Albert T. (1858-1928), 27,

62, 68, 130

Albert W. (1906- ),

143, 217Alexander (1814- ),

21, 53Alexander (1837-1919),

53, 104

Alexander G., 169

Aley (After 1788- ),

16, 29

Alice (1863- ), 59,


Alice (1868- ), 98,


Alice M. (1884- ),

78, 145

Alice Millie

(SHEPHERD), 104,


Alice, , Mrs. (1884-

), 103, 165

Alice, Mrs. (1884- ),

103, 165

Alka, 215, 255

Allie Louella E. (1870-

), 100, 162

Almyra (MILLER) (1831-

1879), 37, 75

Amanda A. (1868- ),

98, 161

Amy Tressie, 63, 117

Andrew (1818-1878), 19,


Andrew (1834-1864), 26,


Andrew F. (1874- ),

65, 120


Andrew Gilson (1859-

1862), 55, 107

Andrew Hugh (1849-

), 47, 93

Andrew J. (1818-1863),

13, 28Andrew J. (1875- ),

78, 145Andrew S. (1827-1900),

21, 54

Ann (1850- ), 50, 98

Ann (ROBERTS) (1811-

), 20, 52

Ann (WATSON) (1821-

), 22, 55

Anna Louise (WINKLER)

(1824- ), 23, 59

Aquilla (1797-1874), 7, 23

Ardenia (1927- ),

218, 256

Barbara (YOUNCE)

(1834-1913), 37, 74

Barbara Catherine (1857-

1918), 78, 146

Baxtor Vinton (1904-

), 168, 230

Bell (1890- ), 95,


Belle Victoria (1881-

1964), 129, 146, 198,


Belva (1919- ), 215,


Benjamin (1774- ),

6, 17

Benjamin (1802- ),

19, 43

Benjamin (1812-1893),

21, 52, 123


Benjamin (1816-1870),

23, 57

Benjamin Carroll (1876-

1966), 103, 164

Benjamin Franklin (1847-

1917), 53, 101Benjamin Thomas (1859-

1930), 54, 105Benjamin W. (1860-

), 64, 119

Benjamin, (Grier) (1746-

1816), 1

Bertie May (1910-2000),

111, 175

Bessie (1916- ), 217,


Bessie E. (1893- ),

108, 170

Bessie P. (1901- ),

141, 216

Betsy (1814- ), 19,


Beulah Bell (MCGUIRE)

(1893-1968), 63, 118

Bulie Rebecca

(CHURCH) (1903-

1999), 108, 171

Calvin (1849- ), 48,


Calvin U. (1889- ),

142, 216

Carl Ellison (1890-1963),

63, 117

Caroline (1862- ),

46, 89

Caroline Nancy (1828-

1911), 45, 88

Catherine (1845- ),

50, 98

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (304)

Name Index



Catherine (JOHNSON)

(1846- ), 37, 75

Charles Alfred (1879-

1955), 103, 164

Charles G. (1906- ),

214, 255Charles L. (1871- ),

64, 120Charles W (1855- ),

45, 89

Charlotte (1802-1882), 16,

38, 57

Charlotte (1929- ),

218, 256

Charlotte L. (1882- ),

94, 158

Charlotte 'Lottie', (Father

not known) (1823-

1889), 38, 78

Charlotte Rebecca

(YOUNCE) (1822-

1912), 19, 47, 76

Cicero (1881-1889), 106,


Cicero W. (1878- ),

78, 145

Cindy Emeline (1828-

1920), 22, 39, 57, 79

Clarella (1909- ),

215, 255

Clarice (ISAACS) (1864-

), 48, 94

Cleo C. (1907- ),

215, 255

Cleo Grace (1904-1969),

63, 119

Clyde (1919- ), 217,


Cora Elizabeth (HOUCK)

(1862-1957), 54, 105


Cora G. (1879- ), 88,


Cornelia Caroline

(ISBELL) (1848-

), 44, 87

Cornelia L., Twin (1869-), 87, 155

Cosby (MULLINS) (1887-), 141, 214

Crecie (1885- ), 100,


Creed (1913- ), 213,


Creed C. (1886- ),

141, 215

Cynthia ( 1774- ), 6,


Dallas (1916- ), 169,


Darwin (1924- ),

213, 254

David (1821-1871), 22, 55

David (1843-1863), 51, 99

David M. (1862-1939),

104, 168

David S. (1821-1880), 13,


David Vincent (1781-Bef

1850), 6, 19

Don C. (1907- ),

213, 254

Dora L. (1896- ),

108, 171

Drucilla (MULLINS)

(1860-1935), 75, 141

Eddie W. (1908- ),

143, 217

Edith (PERRY), 53, 104

Edmond (1793- ), 7,



Edmond (1829-1900), 44,


Edna (1914- ), 215,


Elena (1922- ), 215,

255Elijah (1806-1870), 12,

25, 55, 130Elijah (1871-1947), 55,


Elijah Calloway (1861-

1941), 56, 109

Eliza E. (1895- ),

105, 169

Elizabeth (1795- ), 7,


Elizabeth (1804-1850), 16,


Elizabeth (1822- ),

22, 55

Elizabeth (1832- ),

44, 86

Elizabeth (1833- ),

28, 65

Elizabeth (1853- ),

50, 98

Elizabeth (1899- ),

95, 159

Elizabeth (REECE) (1805-

1888), 21, 53, 123

Elizabeth (WHEELER)

(1849-1933), 50, 97

Elizabeth (WINKLER)

(1812-1889), 20, 50

Elizabeth Jane

(CHURCH) (1834-

1906), 221

Elizabeth Victoria (1849-

), 54, 104

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (305)

Name Index



Ella D. (1909- ),

144, 218

Ellen (1854- ), 45,


Ellen (1883-1944), 63,

117Ellen Susan J.

(ARNOLDS) (1844-1890), 28, 65

Ellin (1910-1926), 118,


Elsie C. (1904- ),

141, 216

Elvira (1830-1898), 19,

37, 48, 72

Elvira E. (1845- ),

51, 100

Emeline (1826-1859), 44,


Emily E. (YATES) (1872-

), 59, 114

Emory (1891- ), 144,


Estella (1915- ), 215,


Ettie M. (1885- ),

103, 165

Eugene L. (1891- ),

94, 158

Evaline (GENTRY)

(1861- ), 55, 107

Eveline (1854-1901), 49,


Finley (1823-1918), 22,

27, 55, 62, 112

Flora E. (1887- ),

105, 169

Florence (1893- ),

141, 215


Florence Angeline (1876-

), 76, 145

Flossie (1914- ),

217, 256

Frances (1801-1850), 18,

42Frances (1841- ), 26,

61Frances (1884- ),

141, 215

Frances (1885- ), 75,


Frances (BROWN) (1810-

1905), 19, 44

Frances (WATSON)

(1873-1956), 55, 107

Frances Fannie (1796-

1866), 16, 31

Frances, , Mrs. (1827-Bef

1910), 37, 73

Frances, Mrs. (1827-Bef

1910), 37, 73

Francis (1897- ), 63,


Francis T. (WATSON)

(1832-1900), 22, 56,


Frank (1924- ), 118,


Franklin (1822-1880), 19,

46, 76

Franklin Mark (1870-

1954), 78, 145

Gaston (Bef 1853-1925),

27, 62

Geneva Lee (1934- ),

230, 257

George (1860- ), 48,



George C. (1874- ),

93, 158

George Dewey (1898-

), 141, 216

George M. (1890- ),

103, 165George W. (1870- ),

54, 105George W. (1874-1955),

99, 162

George Washington

(1866-1943), 59, 114

George, (Not

Documented) (1858-

), 85, 153

Gerome Cuthbert (1892-

), 142, 216

Gertrude (VANOVER)

(1897- ), 76, 143

Gertrude Dora (1888-

), 94, 158

Glen (1919-Bef 1930),

213, 254

Glen (1920- ), 169,


Hamilton (1826- ),

16, 42

Hannah (1837- ), 66,



(1772- ), 6, 16

Hannah L. (1872- ),

103, 164

Harrison Franklin (1892-

), 78, 145

Helen (1913- ), 165,


Henrietta (1866- ),

73, 139

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (306)

Name Index



Henry B. (1886- ),

100, 163

Henry M (1852- ),

45, 89

Henry Wilson (1868-

), 54, 105Hessie B. (1899- ),

164, 227Hettie L. (1897- ),

94, 158

Hiram Lafayette (1840-

1892), 44, 86

Homer (1910- ), 169,


Howard (1930- ),

118, 183

Howard Taft (1908-

), 108, 171

Icy L. (1906- ), 144,


Ida L. (1873- ), 87,


Ida L. (1879-1957), 105,


Inis (1912-1917), 118, 183

Isaac (1823- ), 19, 48

Isaac (1830- ), 37, 74

Isaac G. (1882- ), 78,


Isaac Newton (1798-

1871), 16, 36, 48, 92

Isaac Newton (1865-

1957), 76, 141

Ivy C. (1894- ), 94,


Jacintha (After 1788-

), 16, 29

James (1783-1869), 6, 20

James (1811- ), 20,



James (1839- ), 53,


James (1851- ), 54,


James Calvin (1848-

), 51, 100James Franklin (1877-

1950), 106, 170James Hamilton (1862-

1945), 55, 107

James J. (1827-1912), 37,


James Larkin (1861-

1940), 56, 109

James Madison, 46, 90

James W. (1851- ),

53, 104

James W. (1862- ),

73, 138

James Y. (1827- ),

19, 48

Jane (1835- ), 26, 61

Jane (CHURCH) (1794-

), 7, 22

Jane, , Mrs. (1868- ),

73, 139

Jane, Mrs. (1868- ),

73, 139

Jasper (1869- ), 98,


Jenny (1812- ), 19,


Jerome (1909- ),

215, 255

Jesse E. (1890- ),

105, 169

Jesse F. (1827-1864), 43,


Jesse W. (1812- ),

22, 57


Jesse Wilcox (1811-

), 20, 49

Jesse, Jr (1806-1892), 19,


Jesse, Sr (1778-1869), 6,

17, 72Jessie (1891- ), 141,

215Joe (1920- ), 118,


Joel W. (1825- ), 21,


John (1770-After 1850), 6,


John (1814- ), 22, 57

John (1815- ), 20,

50, 99

John (1821-1869), 22, 55

John (1845- ), 26, 62

John (1853-1902), 48, 94

John M. (1874- ),

103, 164

John Roe (1823-1902), 28,


John S. (1865- ), 64,


John Ulysses (1867-1972),

76, 143

John W. (1856- ),

54, 105

John W. (1875- ),

100, 162

John, (Grier) (1714-1788),


Joseph (1815- ), 19,


Joseph A. ( -1900),

28, 63

Joseph A. (1923- ),

169, 231

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (307)

Name Index



Joseph Franklin (1891-

1948), 63, 118

Joseph G. (1880- ),

100, 162

Joseph G. (1881- ),

105, 168Joseph Jerome (1881-

1908), 141, 213Joseph S., Grandson

(1873- ), 50, 98

Joshua (1788-1838), 7, 22

Joshua (1801- ), 13,


Joshua (1803-1878), 19,


Joy (1907- ), 144,


Julia Ann (1871-1959),

98, 161

Julia Elizabeth (1874-

1968), 46, 89, 163

Julia M. (1870-1961), 56,

109, 113, 179, 211, 245

Kelly (1846-Bef 1860),

47, 93

Kermit (1911- ),

213, 254

Larkin (1841- ), 48,


Larkin (1873- ), 98,


Laura A., , Mrs. (1878-

), 103, 164

Laura A., Mrs. (1878-

), 103, 164

Leah Lunceford

(NORRIS) (1846-

1927), 19, 45

Lela (1926- ), 118,



Lela Consadie (TRIVETT)

(1895-1968), 110, 171

Lenora (1894- ), 143,


Leon Curtis (1905- ),

213, 254Leroy (1870- ), 76,

144Lervia Hester (1893-

), 63, 119

Levi Crittenden (1833-

1908), 37, 74

Levi Crittendon (1880-

1961), 141, 212

Lily, , Mrs. (1902- ),

141, 215

Lily, Mrs. (1902- ),

141, 215

Louisa (1832-1914), 22,

57, 107

Louisa (1847-1928), 50,


Louisa Ann (1849-1895),

56, 108

Lourena (1902- ),

144, 218

Lucilla (1897- ), 143,


Lucinda (1826-1873), 22,


Lucinda (1878- ),

100, 162

Lucinda (KEMP) (1820-

), 20, 51, 99

Lucinda Jane 'Lucy' (1827-

1920), 23, 57

Lucretia (MOORE) (1881-

1973), 99, 162

Lucy Anna (SIMMONS)

(1844-1907), 51, 100


Lurena (BURKE) (1881-

1974), 141, 213

Lydia (1823-1912), 21, 53

Lydia (CURD) (1814-

), 21, 53

Mack Hamilton (1888-1975), 107, 170

Maggie (1900- ),144, 217

Maggie Rozella (1878-

1950), 106, 170

Maggie V. (1887- ),

103, 165

Mahala (1834- ), 45,


Malinda Miley (1854-

), 55, 105

Malissa (1903- ),

213, 254

Marcella (1908- ),

214, 255

Marcus De Lafayette

(1860-1935), 75, 139

Margaret (1835- ),

28, 37, 65, 76

Margaret A (1842-1891),

45, 89

Margaret E (1857- ),

45, 89

Margaret Elizabeth, , Mrs.

(1825- ), 21, 54

Margaret Elizabeth, Mrs.

(1825- ), 21, 54

Marie (1918- ), 169,


Martha (1856- ), 74,


Martha E. (1869- ),

103, 163

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (308)

Name Index



Martha E. (MCGUIRE)

(1851-1930), 55, 106

Martha E. 'Mattie' (1846-

1931), 49, 95

Martha Eads (CARLTON)

(1830-1923), 44, 86Martha Jane (1846-

), 45, 89Martha Mattie (WILCOX)

(1863-After 1920), 27,

62, 68, 129

Martha V. (1860- ),

86, 155

Martitia A (1860- ),

45, 89

Mary (1812- ), 20,

50, 99

Mary (1842-1889), 45, 89

Mary (1845- ), 47,


Mary (1848-1931), 37, 47,

76, 92

Mary (1854- ), 74,


Mary (HOUCK) (1826-

1908), 146

Mary (RAY) (1813-1906),

20, 48

Mary (SEAHORN) (1875-

), 55, 108


(1824-1902), 21, 54

Mary A. (1868-1942),

102, 163

Mary A. (1894- ),

141, 215

Mary A. (SHAW) (1820-

), 13, 27, 130

Mary A. (WATSON)

(1874- ), 56, 109


Mary Ann (ARTER)

(1810-1849), 13, 28

Mary E. (1877- ), 65,


Mary E., , Mrs. (1888-

), 63, 119Mary E., Mrs. (1888-

), 63, 119Mary Elizabeth (1849-

1944), 53, 67, 103, 123

Mary Elizabeth (1853-

1916), 56, 108

Mary Elizabeth

(BESHEARS) (1870-

1958), 150, 221

Mary Evaline

(BLEDSOE) (1850-

1938), 26, 61

Mary G. 'Jennie' (1878-

), 63, 117

Mary J. (1868- ),

100, 162

Mary Jane (1841- ),

28, 65

Mary Jane (1848- ),

45, 89

Mary Jane (SMITH)

(1838- ), 28, 64

Mary Louisa (1856-

), 73, 138

Mary McCorkle (1892-

1988), 105, 169, 240

Mary Mollie

(HAMPTON) (1790-

1814), 6, 20

Mary Polly (1799- ),

16, 37

Mary Polly (1808-1898),

19, 45


Mary Polly (1831-1914),

22, 27, 55, 62, 112

Mary Polly (MORRIS)

(1788-1880), 6, 18, 72

Mary Polly (WILSON)

(1851-1879), 47, 93Mary, (Not documented)

(1853- ), 56, 111Matilda (1822-1909), 23,


Maude Alma

(PEAco*ck) (1881-

1981), 108, 170

Mavis Faye (WEAVER),

168, 230

May (1896- ), 95,


May (1906- ), 169,


McKinley (1896- ),

141, 215

Milley (1849- ), 50,


Minnie Dell (BURKE)

(1890-1975), 141, 214

Minnie Dora (1910-

), 165, 227

Minta M. (MULLINS)

(1868- ), 76, 144

Mona (1907- ), 165,


Monroe (1860- ), 73,


Monroe F. (1886- ),

94, 158

Morgan L. (1883-1952),

141, 214

Myron T. (1904- ),

165, 227

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (309)

Name Index



Myrtle (1894- ), 95,


Myrtle (1926- ), 215,


Nancy (1805- ), 19,

44Nancy (1828- ), 26,

61Nancy (1873- ), 78,



(1875-After 1900), 76,



(1803- ), 19, 43

Nancy (HODGES) (1788-

1865), 6, 19

Nancy (NORRIS) (1803-

1878), 16, 37, 48, 92


(1843-1934), 53, 104

Nancy (OWENS) (1779-

After 1850), 6, 12


(1746-1790), 6

Nancy B. (1874- ),

76, 144

Nancy Elizabeth (1850-

1923), 56, 108

Nancy Elizabeth

(HOUCK) (1853-

1949), 78, 146, 198

Nancy Jane (CLAWSON)

(1816-1866), 19, 45

Nancy Jane (SHAW)

(1847-1919), 170

Nancy Jane, , (Twin)

(JACKSON) (1871-

1971), 55, 107


Nancy, (Not Documented

daughter) (1801-After

1880), 16, 37

Nellie, , Mrs. (MEADE)

(1877- ), 37, 73

Newton (1843-1934), 50,97

Noah (1838- ), 26,61

Noah (1840-1913), 170

Noah (1870-1952), 55,


Octa (1897- ), 105,


Odis (1933- ), 118,


Opal (1915- ), 213,


Oscar C. (1904-1991),

144, 218

Phillip (1843-1941), 37,

47, 76, 90

Polly (1799- ), 8, 23

Rachel (1768-Between

1840/1850), 6, 11

Rachel (1808- ), 20,


Rachel Alice (FRITTS)

(1859-1951), 48, 93

Rachel E. (1856- ),

64, 119

Ray (1907- ), 169,


Raymond Lester (1900-

1948), 108, 171

Rebecca (1833- ),

26, 61

Rebecca (1839-1895), 28,



Rebecca (TAYLOR)

(1851-1925), 169

Rebecca (YOUNCE)

(1848-1930), 53, 102

Rebecca Cobitha

(WATSON) (1858-1921), 56, 109

Reuben C. (1858- ),64, 119

Rhoda Melinda (1867-

1941), 56, 109

Riley (1840-1900), 50, 51,


Robert (1883-1930), 106,


Robert E. (1868- ),

65, 120

Robert S. (1857- ),

28, 65

Roy L. (1897- ), 143,


Ruby (1904-1931), 108,


Russell W. (1873- ),

64, 120

Ruth (1827- ), 44, 86

Ruth Lizzie (1902-1979),

63, 119

Sabra Ethel (After 1870-

), 138, 210

Sallie C. (1879- ),

153, 223

Sally (1794- ), 7, 23

Sally (1810- ), 19, 45

Sally (1848- ), 47, 93

Samuel (1785-1872), 6,

21, 62, 79

Samuel B. (1869- ),

64, 119

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (310)

Name Index



Samuel C. (1858-1898),

56, 109

Samuel Ellis (1891-

), 108, 170

Samuel Washington

(1856-1951), 55, 106Sarah (1793-1862), 16, 29Sarah (1844- ), 53,

101Sarah (1848-1937), 27, 62

Sarah (ELLIOTT) (1718-

1764), 1

Sarah (HAWKINS) (1808-

1853), 13, 26, 55

Sarah (WILSON) (1828-

1902), 21, 54

Sarah A. (WINKLER)

(1844-1915), 50, 51, 99

Sarah Atkinson (JONES)

(1772-1852), 7

Sarah E. (1889- ),

141, 215

Sarah E. (JONES) (1862-

1927), 85, 152

Sarah Jane (1865- ),

98, 161

Sarah L. (1847- ),

51, 100

Sarah L. (1863-1946), 55,

57, 107, 112

Sarah M. (1861-1962), 86,


Sarah 'Sallie' (CHURCH)

(1790-1860), 6, 22, 62,


Sarah 'Sally' (1829-1908),

20, 51

Satre (1852- ), 74,



Shadrack H. (1856-1930),

50, 98

Solomon Peter (1830-

), 146

Susanna (POTTER)

(1861- ), 104, 168Temperance Tatum (1827-

1916), 38, 78Theodore Teddy (1906-

1981), 214, 254

Thomas (1790- ), 7,


Thomas (1798-1885), 13,


Thomas (1808-1883), 20,


Thomas (1844-1928), 26,


Thomas (1864- ), 46,


Thomas (1876- ), 88,


Thomas B. (1845- ),

28, 65

Thomas Jefferson (1874-

1962), 106, 170

Thomas M. (1859-1940),

56, 109

Thomas M. (1888- ),

78, 145

Thomas Riley (1875-

1960), 55, 108

Victor (After 1920-

), 213, 254

Victor J. (1910- ),

143, 217

Vina M. (1901- ),

213, 254

Vincent (1840- ), 50,



Violet A. (1898- ),

213, 253

Washington (1847-

), 26, 62

Wilburn (1854- ),

53, 104Wilburn H (1833-1925),

45, 89Wiley Thomas (1876-

), 104, 167

William (1772-1862), 6,


William (1806-1883), 20,


William (1823-1901), 19,

37, 48, 72

William (1825- ), 19,


William (1834- ), 44,


William (1855- ), 48,


William (1886- ), 63,


William Franklin (1850-

), 45, 89

William Howard (1931-

1999), 171, 231

William Kelly, Rev.

(1852-1919), 78, 146,


William L., Twin (1869-

), 87, 155

William Lewis (1836-

1891), 221

William M. (1836- ),

50, 97

William Oliver (1870-

1904), 65, 120

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (311)

Name Index



William P. (1883- ),

94, 158

William Raleigh (Riley)

(1824-1925), 22, 55,


William Samuel (1823-1886), 21, 53

William Samuel, Jr.(1854- ), 54, 105

William T. (1862- ),

64, 119

Winfield Scott (1862-

), 54, 105

Winsey (WATSON)

(1860-1941), 56, 109

Zachariah A. (1860-1940),

150, 221

Zachariah Shadrack D.

(1824- ), 23, 58

Zachariah T. (1875-

), 65, 120

Zachary T. (1848-1927),

28, 65

Zana Emaline (1878-

1961), 173


(1878-1954), 105, 169

Zora Lougretha

(PARSONS) (1910-

1989), 138, 211


Ruby (GREER) (1904-

1931), 108, 171

Tyler C. (1900- ),

108, 171


Mary Josephine ( 1830-

), 65, 120


Hiley (1817-1898), 113


Mary Mollie (1790-1814),

6, 20


Cynthia (GREER) ( 1774-

), 6, 17

William ( 1774- ), 6,17

HARRISDeborah Ann (1877-

1941), 71, 136

Elizabeth (SALYERS)

(1843-1901), 136

James (1820-1896), 136


Cynthia (1892-1970), 188,



Peaarl ( 1885- ), 183,



Lavina 'Vinney' Baker

(1818- ), 35, 62,

67, 103


Sarah (1808-1853), 13, 26,



Nettie Arzona (1877-

1933), 238


Ellen Frances (1852-

1895), 71, 135


Elizabeth (GREER)

(1822- ), 22, 55

Elizabeth (GREER)

(1832- ), 44, 86

Gilson (1822- ), 22,



Gilson (1827- ), 44,



Betsy or Nancy

(COTTRELL) (1755-

1820), 19Boyd Owen (1918-2005),

188, 239Elogene (WOOTEN), 240,


Emily Eveline (1831-

1922), 109

Gary Owen (1947- ),

240, 259

Isaac Gordon (1881-

1948), 239

Leigh Ann, 288, 293

Mary Louise (BAXTER)

(1891-1971), 239

Nancy (1788-1865), 6, 19

Rosa Jean (WILCOX)

(1914-2006), 188, 239

Thomas, (First in NC)

(1730- ), 19

Wendy, 287, 293


Julia Florence (1910-

1990), 188, 238

Richard (1881-1960), 238


Nettie Arzona (HAYES)

(1877-1933), 238


Geraldine (STANSBERY)

(1923- ), 225, 256

Glenn N, (Member Boone

Society) (1946- ),

256, 292

H Bishop (1919- ),

225, 256

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (312)

Name Index



Annie Mabel (1913-1963),

169, 191, 231, 240

George Spergan (1892-

1953), 105, 169, 240

Mary McCorkle (GREER)

(1892-1988), 105, 169,240

HOPKINSMinda Ellen (RAY)

(1862-1953), 57, 111


Albert B. (1907-1967),

191, 241

Barbara (1852- ), 71,


Barbara (Between

1785/1795- ), 70

Barbara Catherine

(GREER) (1857-1918),

78, 146

Barbara Jane (1855-1951),

79, 146

Barbary (1814-1892), 35,


Charlotte 'Lottie', , (Father

not known) (GREER)

(1823-1889), 38, 78

Cora Elizabeth (1862-

1957), 54, 105

Frances (1850- ), 71,


George (After 1850-

), 71, 137

George W (Between

1785/1795- ), 70

Isaiah (After 1850- ),

71, 137

Jacob (1822-1902), 38, 78

Jane Jennie E. (1876-

1950), 68, 129, 190


Jesse ( 1827- ), 35,


Mary (1826-1908), 146

Mattie Emaline

(WILCOX) (1913-

1997), 191, 241Nancy Elizabeth (1853-

1949), 78, 146, 198Samuel (1848- ), 71,


Sidney (1846- ), 71,


Sydney Cindy (WILCOX)

(1827-1857), 35, 71

Temperance Tatum

(GREER) (1827-1916),

38, 78

William (1818-1891), 38,


William (1856- ), 71,


William Alfred (1861-

1933), 78, 146


Charles I. (1893-1967),

192, 241

George Washington

(1854-1896), 126, 192

Georgie Hattie (1895-

), 192, 242

Jeane (1891- ), 192,


Julia Amelia (WILCOX)

(1871-1967), 126, 191


Clarice (1864- ), 48,



Cornelia Caroline (1848-

), 44, 87


Lucinda C. (PETTY)

(1810-After 1880), 87

Thomas (1800-After

1860/1870), 87


Jesse W. (1843- ),107

Nancy Jane, (Twin) (1871-1971), 55, 107

Sarah (MILLER) (1846-

), 107


Catherine (1846- ),

37, 75

Florence (1900-1991),

128, 197


Elizabeth C (1851- ),

85, 152

Enoch F. (1849- ),

85, 152

Frances (GREER) (1801-

1850), 18, 42

Francis L. (1852- ),

85, 152

Hiram (1823-1899), 42, 84

Hiram S. (1866- ),

85, 154

Jesse (1830- ), 43, 85

John C. (1856- ), 85,


Martha E. (1859- ),

85, 152

Sarah (1833- ), 43,



(1826-1872), 43, 85

Sarah A. (1885-1934),

104, 167

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (313)

Name Index



Sarah Atkinson (1772-

1852), 7

Sarah E. (1862-1927), 85,


Thomas (1780-1872), 19,

42William (1839- ), 43,

85William G. (1864- ),

85, 154


Anna (1765-1853), 31


John Greer (1811-1844),

11, 25

Martha Ann Elizabeth

(SYMPSON) (1815-

1901), 11, 25

Rachel (GREER) (1768-

Between 1840/1850),

6, 11

Rebecca (1832-1913), 25,


Robert ( 1765-1847), 6, 11


Madison F W (1824-Bef

1913), 25, 61

Rebecca (JUDD) (1832-

1913), 25, 61


Lucinda (1820- ), 20,

51, 99


Ada Mae (WILCOX)

(1894-1974), 188, 236

Van Buren Dick (1893-

1974), 188, 237


Lydia (1796-After 1870),



Hannah (1818- ), 95,



Sally (1808-1876), 149


Charles (1822-1890), 21,53

Elizabeth (WILCOX)(1845- ), 71, 131

James Roby (1887-1966),

122, 183

Lydia (GREER) (1823-

1912), 21, 53

Maggie Ellen (1907-

), 183, 235

Marcia Estella

(TRIVETTE) (1885-

1982), 122, 183

William P ( 1845- ),

71, 131


Jennie, 288, 293


Eva Delores (PRIVETTE)

(1937- ), 235, 259

Maggie Ellen (LEWIS)

(1907- ), 183, 235

Oscar Haywood (1904-

1977), 184, 235

Rayburn Max (1936-

), 235, 259


Cora Lee (TREXLER)

(1887-1974), 230


Mary Amelia, Methodist

Missionary, 88, 157


Elizabeth (EASTHAM)

(1834-1883), 131


Mary Judith (1853-1926),

71, 131

Samuel (1832-1904), 131


Beulah Bell (1893-1968),

63, 118Cornelia Alice (1872-

1933), 124, 187Fannie (CHURCH) (1796-

1880), 51

Felix Parks (1846-1918),


Frank, 118

Frederick (1917- ),

158, 225

George Washington, Sr.

(1827-1901), 20, 51

Howard ( 1880- ),

90, 101, 158, 163

Leander Webster (1860-

1947), 52, 100, 158

Mamie Ann (SHOOK)

(1900- ), 90, 101,

157, 163

Martha E. (1851-1930),

55, 106

Mary Jane (WALTERS)

(1853-1927), 187

Mollie (TUCKER), 118

Nancy Louise (TRIVET)

(1864-1947), 52, 100,


Richard (1787-1867), 51

Robert T. (1821-1886),


Sarah (WALTERS) (1825-

1896), 106

Sarah 'Sally' (GREER)

(1829-1908), 20, 51

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (314)

Name Index



William (1849- ), 52,



Polly Jane (After 1855-

), 120, 183

MEADEBurton, (Stepson) (1906-

), 74, 139Nellie, Mrs. (1877- ),

37, 73


Enoch Reeves (1883-

1956), 149, 221

Martha C. (PHILLIPS),


Wilburn, 221

Winnie Mae (CHURCH)

(1890-1962), 149, 221


Almyra (1831-1879), 37,


Ellen (1869-1937), 72,

138, 174, 228, 250

Henry T ( 1828- ),

35, 72

John Alexander (1849-

1936), 56, 108

Lillie Ida, 230

Maggie Rozella (GREER)

(1878-1950), 106, 170

Malinda (WILCOX)

(1828-1894), 35, 72

Martha (WILCOX) (1837-

), 36, 72

Nancy Elizabeth (GREER)

(1850-1923), 56, 108

Sarah (1846- ), 107

Solomon ( 1837- ),

36, 72


William Berry (1870-

1912), 106, 170


John A. (1896- ),

167, 229

Mathew M. (1900- ),167, 229

Samuel D. (1895- ),167, 229

Virginia America

(WILCOX) (1871-

), 104, 166

William H. (1862- ),

104, 166


Lucretia (1881-1973), 99,



Louisa (GREER) (1832-

1914), 22, 57, 107

Samuel Ellis (1859-

), 55, 57, 107, 112

Sarah L. (GREER) (1863-

1946), 55, 57, 107, 112

Silas (1823-1884), 22, 57,



Mary Polly (1788-1880),

6, 18, 72

Nancy (1800-1895), 127



(1860-1916), 214

Cosby (1887- ), 141,


Drucilla (1860-1935), 75,


Effie, , Mrs (After 1890-

), 210, 253


Effie, Mrs (After 1890-

), 210, 253

Joanna (After 1910-

), 253, 288

John Morgan (After 1890-

), 210, 253Margaret W. (1870-

), 214Minta M. (1868- ),

76, 144

Nancy Matilda (WILCOX)

(1830-1881), 35, 72

Polly, , Mrs ( 1850-

), 72, 137

Polly, Mrs ( 1850- ),

72, 137

Sabra Ethel (GREER)

(After 1870- ),

138, 210

Sally Craft (1830/1840-

), 141

Samuel (After 1850-

), 72, 137

Smith (1830/1840- ),


Solomon ( 1830- ),

36, 72

Tandy Wilson (After

1870- ), 138, 210

Wilburn (1862-1931), 214


Elizabeth, , Mrs. (1805-

Bef 1900), 85

Elizabeth, Mrs. (1805-Bef

1900), 85

Enoch B. (1802-Bef

1880), 85

Sarah (1826-1872), 43, 85


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (315)

Name Index



Sarah Ellen (1860-1910),

66, 122


Hannah (CASE) (1778-

1804), 37

Leah Lunceford (1846-1927), 19, 45

Nancy (1803-1878), 16,37, 48, 92

William (1778-1873), 37


Ella Rosedna (1881-1956),

171, 226


Katherine S, Mrs (1901-

), 156, 224

Margaret E (1922- ),

224, 256


Bascum W (1887- ),

156, 224

Bishop B L (1881- ),

156, 224

Frances Caroline

(WILSON) (1851-After

1920), 88, 155

George Washington, Jr

(1846-1927), 88, 155

Katherine S, , Mrs

(OSBORN) (1901-

), 156, 224

Leroy (1879- ), 156,


Mayme T (1896-1943),

156, 224

Miles (1876- ), 156,


Nancy (1843-1934), 53,



Pearl E (1890- ),

156, 224

William V (1892-1968),

156, 224


Aaron (1785- ), 40Adelaide (1857-1930), 82,

150Alice (1827-1916), 41, 80Alice (1859- ), 83,


Andrew J. (1825- ),

41, 80

Barnet (1844- ), 42,


Benjamin (1840-1861),

42, 83

Elijah (1842-1909), 42, 84

Elizabeth (GREER)

(1804-1850), 16, 39

Hiram Phillip (1833-

1859), 41, 82

Larkin (1804-1894), 16,


Mary, (Spinster) (1834-

1877), 42, 82

Phillip (1837-1864), 42,


Rhoda (1786-1870), 40

Rhody (1844- ), 42,


Sarah, , Mrs., 42, 83

Sarah, Mrs., 42, 83

Violette (WILCOX)

(1836- ), 42, 84

William (1860- ), 82,



Nancy (1779-After 1850),

6, 12


Adolphus (After 1830-

), 65, 120

Callie M. (1893-1925),

138, 211

Earl (After 1905- ),

235, 259Henry ( 1885- ), 183,

235Isaac ( 1810- ), 29,


Jacintha (GREER) (After

1788- ), 16, 29

James A., (Grubbin Jim)

(1872-1931), 211

Julia E. (1877-1919), 211

Linnie Victoria (1868-

1950), 211

Louisa (DIXON) ( 1810-

), 29, 65

Mary (YOUNG), 235, 259

Mary Josephine (HALL) (

1830- ), 65, 120

Patricia, 259, 293

Peaarl (HARVEY) ( 1885-

), 183, 235

Polly Jane (MCKINNEY)

(After 1855- ),

120, 183

Roby Martin C. (1866-

1938), 211

Sanford Moses (After

1855- ), 120, 183

William Hardin ( 1788-

), 16, 29

Zora Lougretha (1910-

1989), 138, 211


Arah Ary (WILCOX)

(1825-1866), 35, 71

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (316)

Name Index



Morgan ( 1820- ),

35, 71


Florence Ivalee (1896-

1991), 188, 237

PEAco*ckMaude Alma (1881-1981),

108, 170PENN

Dora L. (GREER) (1896-

), 108, 171

W. Shelton (1895- ),

108, 171


Minnie Belle (WILCOX)

(1875-1960), 132, 202

Riley (1875- ), 132,



Edith, 53, 104


Lucinda C. (1810-After

1880), 87


Maggie (1897-1953), 166,


Martha (1832-1922), 219

Martha C., 221

Melvina (1877-1957),

127, 173, 196


Susanna (1861- ),

104, 168


Adelaide (OWEN) (1857-

1930), 82, 150

John Martin (1839-

), 82, 151

John Martin, Jr (1880-

), 151, 222


Lewis (1877- ), 151,


Malinda (1879- ),

151, 222

Mary E. (1876- ),

151, 222Rachael (1883- ),

151, 222PRIVETTE

Eva Delores (1937-

), 235, 259


Juritta (1842-1883), 160


America Brown 'Ann'

(1851- ), 68, 127

Anna S. (1871- ), 68,


Callie M. (PARSONS)

(1893-1925), 138, 211

Carrie Lena (TRIVETT)

(1907-1934), 111, 138,

174, 211

Cleo Bessie (WILCOX)

(1908-1992), 138, 199,

210, 249

Delaun Lee (1902-1960),

138, 199, 210, 250

Ellen (MILLER) (1869-

1937), 72, 138, 174,

228, 250

Hazel G. (1926- ),

174, 232

Jeremiah (1794-1872),


Jerry Larkin (1947-2011),

211, 253

Jesse Devil (1822-1908),



Jesse Radford "Lost John"

(1916-1981), 211, 253

Larkin Monroe (1864-

1936), 72, 138, 174,

228, 250

Lela (1930- ), 175,232

Malinda (1824- ),31, 65

Mary (1813-1906), 20, 48

Mattie A. (1904-1979),

138, 166, 210, 228

Minda Ellen (1862-1953),

57, 111

Nancy (MORRIS) (1800-

1895), 127

Nancy, , (William Ray)

(SMITH) (1788-1859),

48, 65


(1842-1922), 111

Sarah Edith (1932-1996),

175, 232

William (1784-1876), 48,


William Arlie (1891-

1958), 111, 138, 174,


Zora Lougretha

(PARSONS) (1910-

1989), 138, 211


Eliza Jane (1871-1955),

96, 160

Elizabeth (1805-1888), 21,

53, 123

Isaac Valentine (1836-

1926), 160

Juritta (PROFFIT) (1842-

1883), 160

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (317)

Name Index



Mary (GREER) (1845-

), 47, 92

William (1844- ), 47,



Deborah (WILCOX)(1835-1865), 36, 72

James "Mean Jim" ( 1835-), 36, 72


Ann (1811- ), 20, 52


Buell Arthur (1909-1977),

136, 209

Mabel E. (WILCOX)

(1911- ), 136, 209


Sarah Sallie (1802-1890),

47, 74


Elizabeth (1843-1901),



Mary (1875- ), 55,



Elizabeth (GRAYBEAL)

(1798-1880), 27

Mary A. (1820- ),

13, 27, 130

Nancy Jane (1847-1919),


Thomas Benjamin (1798-

Bef 1850), 27


Alice Millie, 104, 168


Clarence Thomas, (Twin)

( 1905- ), 90, 158


Doris Ella (1896- ),

90, 157

John Alexander (1846-

1930), 90

Julia Elizabeth (GREER)

(1874-1968), 46, 89,163

Lassie Leah (1909- ),90, 158

Mamie Ann (1900- ),

90, 101, 157, 163

Mary Clara, (Twin) (

1905- ), 90, 158

Rebecca Jane

(CALLOWAY) (1848-

1936), 90

Roby Spencer (1874-

1951), 46, 90, 163

Virgil Creates (1898-

), 90, 157


Lucy Anna (1844-1907),

51, 100


Mary Jane (1838- ),

28, 64

Nancy (After 1787-

), 88

Nancy, (William Ray)

(1788-1859), 48, 65


Austella (1873- ),

132, 202


Adelaide (OWEN) (1857-

1930), 82, 150

Alan L. (1891- ),

151, 223

Louellen (1886- ),

151, 223


Minnie B. (1893- ),

151, 223

Myrtle M. (1896- ),

152, 223

Thomas (1864- ), 82,


Annie E, , Mrs (1863-), 224

Annie E, Mrs (1863-

), 224

Charles S, Jr (1918-

), 225, 256

Charles Skelt, Sr (1893-

1957), 156, 224

F Louise (1915- ),

225, 256

Geraldine (1923- ),

225, 256


(1896-1943), 156, 224

William L (1861- ),



Abigail ( 1790- ), 53


Doris Ella (SHOOK)

(1896- ), 90, 157

Lute B ( 1893- ), 90,



Martha Ann Elizabeth

(1815-1901), 11, 25


Buckner (1802-1897), 16,


Nancy, , (Not Documented

daughter) (GREER)

(1801-After 1880), 16,


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (318)

Name Index



Rebecca (1851-1925), 169


Margaretha (1762-1840),



Cora Lee (1887-1974),230

TRIVETNancy Louise (1864-

1947), 52, 100, 158

Susan (COOK) (1843-

1941), 100

Thomas (1842-1929), 100


Alice (1890- ), 129,

199, 210

Anna Bell (TRIVETTE)

(1905-1952), 111, 173

Arthur (1870- ), 58,


Asa (1853-1923), 52, 101

Bertie May (GREER)

(1910-2000), 111, 175

Carrie Lena (1907-1934),

111, 138, 174, 211

David Mansfield (1909-

1996), 111, 175

David Tribet (1807-

), 20, 52

David Wilborn (1873-

1933), 56, 110, 113,

179, 211, 245

David Wilson (1947-

1947), 174, 232

Docia (Dicy)

(WILCOXSON) (1816-

1892), 35, 66

Eliza Jane (REECE)

(1871-1955), 96, 160


Elizabeth (1830- ),

52, 101

Ella Mae (1905- ),

111, 174

Ellen (1854- ), 58,

113Emily (1925-1972), 173,

231Evaline (1856- ), 58,


Freda (1933- ), 173,


Glenn May (1930- ),

175, 233

Hannah (GREER) (1837-

), 66, 121

Hettie Pearl (WILCOX)

(1912-1992), 111, 173,

197, 244

James (1858- ), 58,


John (1847- ), 66,


John Samuel (1820-1873),

23, 58

John Samuel (1864-1953),

58, 114

Joseph (1858- ), 66,


Joseph (1860- ), 58,


Joseph William (1903-

1959), 111, 172, 197,


Julia M. (GREER) (1870-

1961), 56, 109, 113,

179, 211, 245

Larkin J. (1879- ),

113, 180


Lela Consadie (1895-

1968), 110, 171

Levy E. (1860- ),

121, 183

Lucinda Jane 'Lucy'

(GREER) (1827-1920),23, 57

Lydia (LATHUM) (1796-After 1870), 58

Martha (1853- ), 58,


Martha Lettie Holly

(WATSON) (1845-

1888), 58, 110, 113

Mary (1838-1908), 52,


Matilda (1856- ), 66,


Miley (1854- ), 66,


Morgan (1844- ), 66,


Nathaniel C. (1837-1864),

66, 120

Niley Nicholas (1901-

1976), 110, 172

Owen (1815- ), 35,


Rebecca E. (1863- ),

113, 178

Rhoda (1845-1942), 52,


Samuel (1862- ), 58,


Sidney (1833-1903), 52,


Silas (1848- ), 66,


Solomon (1852-1926), 66,


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (319)

Name Index



Thomas (1832-1864), 52,


Thomas Riley (1898-

1970), 110, 172

Thomas S. (1877- ),

113, 180Thomas Smith (1848-

1938), 58, 110, 112Welborn (1850- ),

66, 121

William (1796-After

1870), 58

William F. (1872- ),

113, 178


Anna Bell (1905-1952),

111, 173

John Franklin (1880-

1974), 173

Marcia Estella (1885-

1982), 122, 183

Rachel (GREER) (1808-

), 20, 52

Sarah Ellen (NELSON)

(1860-1910), 66, 122

Zana Emaline (GREER)

(1878-1961), 173


Martha Ann (1849-1915),

68, 126

Mary E. 'Mollie' (1872-

1914), 68, 124, 200

Mollie, 118


Malissa Ida (1872-1937),

126, 191, 231


Gertrude (1897- ),

76, 143


Mamie (1893- ),

166, 227


Elvira Chloe "Ella" (1855-

1896), 68, 128, 218

Mary Jane (1853-1927),187

Sarah (1825-1896), 106WATSON

Ambrois Lee Parks (1834-

1900), 109

Ann (1821- ), 22, 55

Channal Grace (1893-

1974), 188, 236

David Otto (1817-1902),


Emily Eveline (HODGES)

(1831-1922), 109

Frances (1873-1956), 55,


Francis T. (1832-1900),

22, 56, 179

Grace (ALLEN) (1795-

1880), 56


(1817-1898), 113

Martha Lettie Holly

(1845-1888), 58, 110,


Mary A. (1874- ),

56, 109

Rebecca Cobitha (1858-

1921), 56, 109

Thomas (1795- ), 56

Winsey (1860-1941), 56,



John Leslie (1879- ),


Lillie Ida (MILLER), 230


Mavis Faye, 168, 230


Elizabeth (1849-1933), 50,



( 1934- ), 230, 257Geneva Lee (GREER)

(1934- ), 230, 257WILCOX

Ada Mae (1894-1974),

188, 236

Aletha (1867- ), 126,


Alice (TRIVETT) (1890-

), 129, 199, 210

Alvin (1841-1917), 53, 67,

103, 122

Amanda L. (1872- ),

127, 194

Ann (1836-1875), 36, 72

Anna S. (RAY) (1871-

), 68, 127

Annie Mabel (HOLMAN)

(1913-1963), 169, 191,

231, 240

Arah Ary (1825-1866), 35,


Arnald G. (1895- ),

191, 240

Arthur S. (1879- ),

129, 199

Austella (SNOOK) (1873-

), 132, 202

Barbary (HOUCK) (1814-

1892), 35, 70

Barbary Della (1877-

1945), 132, 202

Bella (1892- ), 124,


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (320)

Name Index



Belle Victoria (GREER)

(1881-1964), 129, 146,

198, 218

Berniece M. (1918-

), 206, 252

Bertha (1886- ), 136,208

Bessie E. (1906- ),197, 244

Bina Virginia (1899-

1984), 188, 237

Bula (1917- ), 204,


Burke J. (1914-2009),

204, 250

Carrie Etta (EAGLE)

(1917-2000), 167, 230

Catharine (1852- ),

68, 128

Channal Grace

(WATSON) (1893-

1974), 188, 236

Charles Coles (1909-

1969), 188, 238

Charles K. (1937- ),

239, 259

Charlie E. S. (1892-

), 191, 240

Claude (1893-1973), 166,


Cleo Bessie (1908-1992),

138, 199, 210, 249

Cornelia Alice

(MCGUIRE) (1872-

1933), 124, 187

Cynthia (HART) (1892-

1970), 188, 236

D0llie Ethel (1903-

), 197, 244


Daniel Boone (1856-

), 71, 137

Deborah (1835-1865), 36,


Deborah Ann (HARRIS)

(1877-1941), 71, 136Dempsey Lee (1911-

1966), 166, 229Dempsey Lee, Jr. (1935-

), 237, 259

Dempsey Lee, Sr. (1896-

1972), 188, 237

Donald B. (1920- ),

207, 252

Dora B. (1888- ),

129, 200

Edna (1921- ), 197,


Effie (1881- ), 136,


Elijah (1804- ), 84

Elizabeth (1845- ),

71, 131

Elizabeth Lethia (1868-

), 104, 165

Ella (1908- ), 129,


Ellen Frances

(HEABERLIN) (1852-

1895), 71, 135

Elvira Chloe "Ella"

(WALTERS) (1855-

1896), 68, 128, 218

Essie D. (1883-1967),

132, 204

Eula Brady (1904-1994),

129, 200

Eva Belle (DINE) (1881-

1957), 132, 203


Eva E. (1890- ), 132,


Fannie (1902- ), 166,


Felix Loyd (1892-1964),

188, 236Florence (JOHNSON)

(1900-1991), 128, 197Florence Ivalee (PAYNE)

(1896-1991), 188, 237

Floyd Roby (1890-1968),

166, 227

Frances Hester (1896-

1935), 104, 167

Francis Marion (1851-

1917), 71, 130

Frank (1874- ), 128,


Frank Leslie (1876-

), 133, 208

Frank Leslie (1917-1993),

136, 209

General Grant (1869-

1954), 124, 185

George Carl (1886-1961),

129, 199

George Samuel, Physician

(1873-1929), 132, 201

George Washington,

(Grandson) (1879-

1958), 124, 189

Gladys (1923- ), 207,


Grace Elizabeth (1909-

1990), 199, 248

Gussie Leigh, (Twin)

(1878- ), 133, 208

Hamilton Hardin,


(1849-1925), 71, 132

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (321)

Name Index



Hannah (1908- ),

166, 229

Harry Berniece (1894-

1965), 132, 205

Hattie (ABBOTT) (1842-

), 71, 130Hazel (1910- ), 129,

201Hazel Nancy (1905-

), 188, 237

Helen (1924- ), 237,


Herbert Allen (1920-

), 137, 209

Herman Wallace (1903-

1984), 188, 237

Hessy (1899-1988), 198,


Hettie Pearl (1912-1992),

111, 173, 197, 244

Ida Leo (1909- ),

191, 240

Isaiah (1848-1906), 71,


Isaiah S. (1845-1929), 68,


Jacintha Cynthia (1824-

), 35, 71

James Arlie (1924-2008),

198, 246

James M. (1882- ),

104, 167

James Matthew (1882-

1912), 104, 167

Jane Jennie E. (HOUCK)

(1876-1950), 68, 129,


Jean (1903- ), 136,



Jerome (1840-1843), 70,


Jesse Grant, (Twin) (1878-

), 133, 208

Jesse Howard (1909-

1917), 136, 209John Constantine,

Physician (1880-1952),132, 203

John W. (1876- ),

104, 165

John, (Sarah Boone)

(1720-After 1798), 6

Joseph D. (1879-1928),

126, 194

Joseph Isaiah (1882-

1973), 129, 199

Julia Amelia (1871-1967),

126, 191

Julia Florence (HOLLAR)

(1910-1990), 188, 238

Juliette (DASHER) (1894-

1985), 132, 206

Kermit (1917- ),

197, 245

Kermit Isaiah (1906-

), 169, 191, 231, 240

Laura (1879-1891), 136,


Lena (1902-1982), 136,


Leslie (1922- ), 204,


Linney Franklin (1901-

1996), 197, 243

Lloyd H. (1914- ),

202, 250

Lucile Belva (1912-1916),

204, 250


Lulu B, (1877-1898), 136,


Lulu Belle (1875-After

1934), 126, 193

Lura B (1892- ), 71,

133Mabel E. (1911- ),

136, 209Mack (1896- ), 124,


Mack Coy (1884-1974),

129, 199, 210

Mae (1888- ), 136,


Maggie (1904-1980), 166,



(1897-1953), 166, 227

Malinda (1828-1894), 35,


Malissa Ida (VANNOY)

(1872-1937), 126, 191,


Mamie (WALKER)

(1893- ), 166, 227

Martha (1837- ), 36,


Martha Ann (TUCKER)

(1849-1915), 68, 126

Martha Mattie (1863-After

1920), 27, 62, 68, 129

Martin Hulcher (1901-

1988), 124, 129, 189,


Martin Van Buren (1844-

1919), 68, 123, 200

Marvin (1907- ),

199, 248

Mary (1859- ), 68,


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (322)

Name Index



Mary C. (1897-1969), 132,


Mary E. 'Mollie'

(TUCKER) (1872-

1914), 68, 124, 200

Mary Elizabeth (GREER)(1849-1944), 53, 67,103, 123

Mary Ellen (ABBOTT)(1854-1905), 71, 133

Mary J. (1871- ),

127, 194

Mary Jane (1862-1941),

124, 184

Mary Judith (MCDAVID)

(1853-1926), 71, 131

Mary L. (1926- ),

237, 259

Mary Maude (1907-1992),

188, 238

Matilda (1854- ), 68,


Mattie A. (RAY) (1904-

1979), 138, 166, 210,


Mattie Emaline (1913-

1997), 191, 241

Mattie May (1899-1990),

129, 200

Meadie (1876- ),

128, 198

Melvina (PHILLIPS)

(1877-1957), 127, 173,


Mertie (1880- ), 129,


Minnie Belle (1875-1960),

132, 202

Minnie V. (1890-1981),

129, 200


Nancy (1929- ), 237,


Nancy Matilda (1830-

1881), 35, 72

Ollie Adline

(WILCOXSON) (1906-1994), 124, 129, 190,200

Ora Lee (1911-1996), 167,230

Otho Stuart (1890-1966),

188, 236

Pandora (1898- ),

124, 189

Pansy M. (1897- ),

191, 240

Patricia (1940- ),

239, 259

Paul Avis (1919-1998),

204, 251

Paul Edward (1915-

), 136, 209

Pearl B. (1892- ),

129, 200

Raymond Larnie (1920-

1921), 197, 246

Rebecca Iva (WILSON)

(1844-Bef 1880), 68,


Richard Delbert (1911-

1981), 199, 249

Richard H (1909- ),

133, 208

Romeo Emerson (1915-

1985), 206, 252

Rosa Jean (1914-2006),

188, 239

Rosie M. (1898- ),

197, 243


Ruby (1924- ), 197,


Ruth Ellen (CATA)

(1908-1999), 204, 252

Samuel (1821-1864), 35,

68Samuel (1895-1973), 138,

166, 210, 228Samuel Alvin (1854-

1940), 68, 128, 190,


Samuel R. (1913- ),

136, 209

Samuel V. (1859- ),

71, 137

Sarah (1896-1948), 166,


Sarah A. (JONES) (1885-

1934), 104, 167

Sarah, , (20) (BOONE)

(1724-1815), 6

Stewart (1900-1901), 199,


Stuart Odell (1910-1921),

197, 244

Sydney Cindy (1827-

1857), 35, 71

Vinia (BAKER) (1869-

1952), 104, 166, 210

Violette (1836- ), 42,


Virgie (1900- ), 166,


Virginia (1894- ),

136, 208

Virginia (1930- ),

198, 248

Virginia America (1871-

), 104, 166

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (323)

Name Index



Walter Charles (1902-

1995), 199, 248

Wilard Odean, 246, 288

Willard Glenn (1908-

1957), 167, 229

William (1846-1922), 68,127

William (1852-1930), 71,133

William Benjamin (1871-

1959), 104, 165, 210

William C. (1900- ),

191, 240

William Hamilton (1900-

1973), 136, 209

William Monroe (1868-

1925), 126, 190, 231

William Thomas (1877-

1969), 129, 146, 198,


William Westley (1879-

1933), 127, 173, 194

William Westley, Jr., 197,


Zeb Vance (1896-1977),

129, 200


America Brown 'Ann'

(RAY) (1851- ),

68, 127

Anna (JORDAN) (1765-

1853), 31

Docia (Dicy) (1816-1892),

35, 66

Elvina E. (1867-1952),

124, 185

Frances Fannie (GREER)

(1796-1866), 16, 31

Isaiah (1798-1870), 16, 31


Lavina 'Vinney' Baker

(HATTEN) (1818-

), 35, 62, 67, 103

Marion Van Buren (1861-

), 124, 184

Nancy (1746-1790), 6Nancy Catherine (1865-

1954), 124, 184Ollie Adline (1906-1994),

124, 129, 190, 200

Samuel (1755-1825), 31

William M., Rev. (1818-

1909), 35, 62, 66, 103


Elizabeth, , Mrs. (1807-

1883), 54

Elizabeth, Mrs. (1807-

1883), 54

Mary (1824-1902), 21, 54

William S. (1790-1863),



Caroline Nancy (GREER)

(1828-1911), 45, 88

Frances Caroline (1851-

After 1920), 88, 155

Hiram (1787-1879), 88

Isaac, Lt (1822-1864), 45,


John W (1855- ), 88,


Martha E (1857- ),

88, 157

Mary Amelia, , Methodist




Mary J (1852- ), 88,



Mary Polly (1851-1879),

47, 93

Nancy (SMITH) (After

1787- ), 88

Rebecca Iva (1844-Bef

1880), 68, 124Robert B (1860- ),

88, 157Sarah (1828-1902), 21, 54Sarah M (1856- ),

88, 157

William A, The Rev

(1861-1951), 88, 157


John Richard (1851-

), 56, 108

John, Jr. (1825-1911), 108

Johnny (1823-After 1911),


Louisa Ann (GREER)

(1849-1895), 56, 108

Malinda Miley (GREER)

(1854- ), 55, 105

Mary Martha (CASTLE)

(1822- ), 108

Miles (1850- ), 55,


Minda Ellen (RAY)

(1862-1953), 57, 111

Sarah (1842-1922), 111

Zora (1878-1954), 105,



Anna Louise (1824-

), 23, 59

Elizabeth (1812-1889), 20,


Isaac (1808-1879), 20, 50,


Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (324)

Name Index



Mary (GREER) (1812-

), 20, 50, 99

Sarah A. (1844-1915), 50,

51, 99


Elogene, 240, 287YATES

Archie Arthur (1913-), 193, 242

Caroline (ELLER) (1830-

), 192

Caswell G. (1905- ),

193, 242

Chester Buren (1905-

), 193, 242

Emily E. (1872- ),

59, 114

Gillis A. (1907- ),

193, 242

Jesse (1830- ), 192

Julia Amelia (WILCOX)

(1871-1967), 126, 191

Nora B. (1911- ),

193, 242

William Lander (1864-

1959), 126, 192


(No Given Name), 38

Ada, , Mrs. (1894- ),

111, 177

Ada, Mrs. (1894- ),

111, 177

Andrew J. (1830-1870),

22, 39, 57, 79

Ann (1875- ), 96,


Barbara (1834-1913), 37,


Bernard (1914- ),

161, 227


Bernice (1909- ),

161, 226

Charles Luther (1886-

1965), 97, 161

Charlotte (GREER)

(1802-1882), 16, 38, 57Charlotte Rebecca (1822-

1912), 19, 47, 76Cindy Emeline (GREER)

(1828-1920), 22, 39,

57, 79

Edie (1902- ), 161,


Elijah (1804-1886), 16,

38, 57

Elijah, (Twin) (1835-

), 39, 80

Eliza Jane (REECE)

(1871-1955), 96, 160

Eliza M. (1846- ),

79, 147

Elizabeth, , Mrs. (?)

(1822- ), 39, 79

Elizabeth, Mrs. (?) (1822-

), 39, 79

Elmer (1907- ), 161,


Fannie, , Mrs. (1904-

), 112, 178

Fannie, Mrs. (1904-

), 112, 178

Fred (1904- ), 161,


George Robert (1871-

1939), 96, 159

George W. (1848- ),

79, 147

George Washington

(1878- ), 97, 161



(1818- ), 95, 102

Henry Jefferson (1882-

1974), 97, 161

Howard (1929/1930-

), 178, 233Isaac (1824- ), 39, 79James L. J. (1853- ),

79, 147John (1818-1864), 95, 102

John (1845- ), 39, 80

Jonathan E. (1858- ),

79, 147

Joseph Bunyan (1880-

), 111, 175

June Monroe (1896-1986),

112, 178

Juritte (1894- ), 160,


Louise (1924- ), 178,


Margaretha (TESCH)

(1762-1840), 38

Martha (1885- ), 57,


Martha E. 'Mattie'

(GREER) (1846-1931),

49, 95

Mary (1884- ), 97,


Mary Malinda (1842-

1918), 39, 80

Milton L. (1857-1929),

57, 112

Minda Ellen (RAY)

(1862-1953), 57, 111

Nancy Elizabeth (1859-

1925), 57, 112

Nellie E. (1884- ),

111, 176

Descendants of Benjamin Greer, (Grier) Benjamin Greer ...· Benjamin Greer, (Grier), son of John Greer, (Grier) and Sarah Elliott, was born on 9 February 1746 in VA and died on 23 - [PDF Document] (325)

Name Index



Orvis J. (1895- ),

160, 226

Philip (1825- ), 57,


Rebecca (1848-1930), 53,

102Rebecca Louisa (1850-

), 79, 147Rhoda (1839-1917), 39,


Robert (1924- ), 161,


Roby (1862-After 1896),

57, 111

Sally, , Mrs. (1901-

), 112, 178

Sally, Mrs. (1901- ),

112, 178

Samuel F. (1886- ),

111, 176

Sarah Sallie (ROWLAND)

(1802-1890), 47, 74

Solomon (1798-1879), 47,


Solomon (1842-1922), 49,


Thomas Carl (1900-

), 161, 226

Walter Linney (1891-

1985), 112, 177

William C. (1876-1925),

96, 159

Worth (1926- ), 178,



Mary, 235, 259

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.