I Am Leafy Speafing (I Am Leafy) SPEE-fihng) …mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/ipr/files/I.pdf · I am leafy speafing I Am Leafy Speafing ... (Bell Chorus from the opera Pagliacci - [PDF Document] (2024)

I am leafy speafing� I Am Leafy Speafing � (I Am Leafy) SPEE-fihng) � (composition byStephen Albert [STEE-vunn AL-burt])

I brasil � I-Brasîl � ee-bruh-ZEEL � (poem by Fiona Macleod [fihO-nah m’KL����WD])

I capuleti e i montecchi � I Capuleti e i Montecchi � ee kah-poo-LAY-tee ay ee mohn-TAYK-kee � (The Capulets [KA-p’yuh-luttss] and the Montagues [MAHN-tuh-gh’yooz]) �(an opera, with music by Vincenzo Bellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto byFelice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee])

I ching � I-Ching � YEEEE-JEENG � (a classic Chinese book)

I crisantemi � I Crisantemi � ee kree-zahn-TAY-mee � (composition by Giacomo Puccini[JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee])

I el vell cavall � ee ell VAYL kah-VAHLY’ � (And the Old Horse) � (an excerpt from thesuite Suburbis [soo-BÔÔR-biss] — Suburbs — by Federico Mompou [feh-theh-REE-komawm-POOO])

I gioielli della madonna� I gioielli della Madonna � ee joeeAYL-lee dayl-lah mah-DOHN-nah� (an opera, with music by Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari [ayr-MAHN-no VAWLF-fayr-RAH-ree];libretto by Enrico Golisciani [ayn-REE-ko go-lee-SHAH-nee] and Carlo Zangarini [KAR-lodzahn-gah-REE-nee])

I lombardi alla prima crociata� I Lombardi alla prima crociata � ee lohm-BAR-dee ahl-lahPREE-mah kro-CHAH-tah � (The Lombards on the First Crusade) � (an opera, with musicby Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Temistocle Solera [tay-MEE-stoh-klay so-LAY-rah] after Tommaso Grossi [tohm-MAH-zo GROHSS-see]) � (the title is oftengiven as the shortened I Lombardi)

I marinai � I Marinai � ee mah-ree-NAH-ee � (The Mariners) � (excerpt from Les SoiréesMusicales [leh swah-ray mü-zih-kahl] by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee])

I masnadieri � I Masnadieri � ee mahss-nah-deeAY-ree � (The Bandits) � (an opera, withmusic by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAY-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Andrea Maffei [ahn-DRAY-ahmahf-FAYEE] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur])

I musici � I Musici � ee MOO-zee-chee � (string chamber orchestra) � (also a compositionby Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee])

I penitenti al sepolchro del redentore � I penitenti al Sepolchro del Redentore � ee pay-nee-TAYN-tee ahl say-POHL-kro dayl ray-dayn-TOH-ray � (overture to the oratorio I Penitential Sepolchro del Redentore by Jan Dismas Zelenka [YAHN DYISS-mahss ZEH-lenn-kah])

I pescatori di perle � ee payss-kah-TOH-ree dee PAYR-lay � (The Pearl Fishers) � (an

opera, with music by George Bizet [zhawrzh bee-zay]; libretto by Michel Carré [mee-shell kar-ray] and Eugène Cormon [ö-zhenn kawr-maw6666])

I puritani � ee poo-ree-TAH-nee � (The Puritans) � (an opera, with music by VincenzoBellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto by Carlo Pepoli [KAR-lo pay-PO-lee])

I solisti veneti � I Solisti Veneti � ee so-LEE-stee vay-NAY-tee

I und mei bua � I und mei Bua � ee ôônt m���� BOO-ah � (song by Carl Millöcker [KARLMILL-lö-kur]

I vespri siciliani� ee VAY-spree see-chee-leeAH-nee � (The Sicilian Vespers) � (an opera,with music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Eugène Scribe [ö-zhennskreeb] and Charles Duveyrier [sharl dü-vay-reeay]) � (French version of the opera known asLes vepres siciliennes [leh veh-pr’ see-see-leeenn])

I vidi in terra angelici costumi � ee VEE-deen TAYR-rahn-jay-LEE-chee ko-STOO-mee �(I Beheld on Earth Angelic Grace) � (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST])

I will not go to bed till i suld die � I Will Not Go to Bed Till I Suld Die � (I Will Not Go toBed Till I) Sood (Die) � (anonymous early Scottish tune) � (suld = should)

I zampognari don din don � I zampognari! ... Don, din, don! � ee dzahm-po-n’YAH-ree! ...DOHN, DEEN, DOHN! � (Bell Chorus from the opera Pagliacci [pah-leeAH-chee], librettoand music by Ruggiero Leoncavallo [rood-JAY-ro lay-ohn-kah-VAHL-lo])

Iam ver egelidos � EE-ahm vayr ay-JEH-lih-dohss � (excerpt from Sirmio, Tria CatulliCarmina [SEER-meeo TRIH-uh kuh-TOOL-lih KAR-mih-nuh], a cycle of autobiographicalpoems by Catullus [kuh-TOOL-lôôss] set to music by Carl Orff [KARL-AWRF])

Ian the proud � The Lament of Ian the Proud � (The Lament of) EE-unn (the Proud)

Iannaccone � Anthony Iannaccone � ANN-thuh-nee eeANN-nahk-ko-nee � (known also asAnthony Joseph [JO-zuff] Iannaccone)

Ibach � Johannes Adolf Ibach � yo-HAHN-nuss AHAH-dawlf EE-bahk

Ibanez � Federico Sopeña Ibáñez � fay-thay-REE-ko so-PAY-n’yah ee-VAH-n’yehth �(known also as Federico Sopeña)

Iberer � Silvia Iberer � ZILL-vihah EE-buh-rur

Ibert � Jacques Ibert � zhack ee-behr � (known also as Jacques François Antoine Ibert[zhack frah6666-swah ah6666-twahn ee-behr])

Ich atmet einen linden duft � Ich atmet' einen linden Duft � ihh AHT-mutt ����-nunn LINN-tunn DÔÔFT � (I Breathed a Tender Fragrant Scent) � (song by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahfMAHAH-lur])

Ich baue ganz auf deine starke � Ich baue ganz auf deine Stärke � ihh BAHÔÔ-uh GAHNTSSahôôf D����-nuh SHTEHR-kuh � (aria by Belmonte [bell-MAWN-tuh] from the musical play DieEntführung aus dem Serail [dee ennt-FÜ-rôông ahôôss daym zay-RAHIHL] — The AbductionFrom the Harem; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôssMO-tsart]; libretto by Johann Gottlieb Stephanie [YO-hahn GAWT-leep SHTEH-fah-nee]after Christoph Friedrich Bretzner [KRIH-stawf FREET-rihh BRETTSS-nur])

Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen � Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen � ihh BINNdayr VELLT ahb-HAHN-tunn guh-KAWM-munn � (I have become lost to the world) �(poem by Friedrich Rückert [FREET-rihh RÜ-kert] set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahfMAHAH-lur])

Ich bin des herrn � Ich bin des Herrn � ihh binn dess HEHRN � (composition by JosephGabriel Rheinberger [YOHOH-zeff GAHP-reeayl R����N-pehr-gur])

Ich bin die erste sangerin� Ich bin die erste Sängerin � ihh binn dee AYR-shtuh ZEHNG-uh-rinn � (trio from the opera Der Schauspieldirektor [dayr SHAHÔÔ-shpeel-tih-reck-tawr] —The Play Director; a one-act comedy, with music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Gottlieb Stephanie [GAWT-leep SHTEH-fah-nee])

Ich bin ein liedersanger � Ich bin ein Liedersänger � ihh bin ����n LEE-dur-zehng-ur � (songby Erich Wolfgang Korngold [{EH-rick WÔÔLF-gang KAWRN-gohld} AY-rih VAWLF-gahng KAWRN-gawlt])

Ich bin geliebt � ihh binn guh-LEEPT � (I Am Loved) � (composition by Robert Schumann[ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

Ich bin in mir vergnugt � Ich bin in mir Vergnügt � ihh binn inn MEER fehr-g’NÜKT � (IAm Content) � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich bin vergnugt in meinem leiden� Ich bin vergnügt in meinem Leiden � ihh binn fehr-g’NÜKT inn M����-numm L����-dunn � (I Am Contented in My Sorrow) � (aria from the cantata[kunn-TAH-tuh] Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid [AHK GAWT, vee MAHN-huss HEHR-tsuh-l����t] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahnBAHK])

Ich bin vergnugt mit meinem glucke � Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke � ihh binn fehr-g’NÜKT mitt M����-numm GLÜ-kuh � (I Am Contented With My Lot) � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn


Ich danke fraulein � Ich danke, Fräulein � ihh DAHNG-kuh, FROY-l����n � (duet from Act Iof the opera Arabella [ah-rah-BELL-lah]; music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hartSHTRAHÔÔSS] and libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal [HOO-go fawn HAWF-mahn-stahl])

Ich denke dein � ihh DEHNG-kuh d����n � (I Think of You) � (poem by Johann Wolfgang vonGoethe [YO-hahn VAWLF-gahng fawn GÖ-tuh] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

Ich esse mit freuden mein weniges brot � Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot � ihh ESS-suh mitt FROY-dunn m����n VAY-nih-guss BROHT � (With joy I eat my scanty bread) � (ariafrom the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke [ihh binn fehr-g’NÜKT mitt M����-numm GLÜ-kuh] — I Am Content With My Lot — by Johann SebastianBach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich fuhls � Ach, ich fühl’s � AHK, ihh FÜLSS � (excerpt from the opera Die Zauberflöte[dee TSAHÔÔ-bur-flö-tuh] — The Magic Flute; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart[VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder [ay-MAHAH-nooayl SHEE-kah-nay-dur])

Ich fuhls es ist verschwunden� Ach, ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden � AHK, ihh FÜLSS, essisst fehr-SHVÔÔN-tunn � (Ah, I sense it has vanished) � (aria from the opera Die Zauberflöte[dee TSAHÔÔ-bur-flö-tuh] — The Magic Flute; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart[VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder [ay-MAHAH-nooayl SHEE-kah-nay-dur])

Ich ging mit lust � Ich ging mit Lust � ihh GHIHNG mitt LÔÔST � (It was my delight towalk through the greenwood) � (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess k’NAHAH-bunnVÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahfMAHAH-lur])

Ich ging mit lust durch einen grunen wald� Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald � ihhGHIHNG mitt LÔÔST dôôrh ����-nunn GRÜ-nunn VAHLT � (It Was My Delight to WalkThrough the Greenwood) � (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess K’NAHAH-bunnVÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahfMAHAH-lur])

Ich ging zu ihm � ihh GHIHNG tsoo eem � (aria from the opera Das Wunder der Heliane[dahss VÔÔN-tur dayr hay-lihAH-nuh]; music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold [{EH-rickWÔÔLF-gang KAWRN-gohld} AY-rihh VAWLF-gahng KAWRN-gawlt]; libretto by HansMüller [HAHNSS MÜL-lur] after Hans Kaltneker [HAHNSS KAHLT-neh-kur])

Ich grolle nicht � ihh GRAW-luh nihht � (I’ll Not Complain) � (song by Charles Ives) �(poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihh H����-nuh] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert


Ich hab die nacht getraumet � Ich hab’ die Nacht geträumet � ihh hahp dee NAHKT guh-TROY-mutt � (I Dreamed All Night Long) � (song by Max Reger [MAHKSS RAY-gur])

Ich hab im traum geweinet � Ich hab’ im Traum geweinet � ihh HAHP imm TRAHÔÔM guh-V����-nutt � (I Wept in My Dream) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihh H����-nuh] set to musicby Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

Ich habe genug � ihh HAH-buh guh-NOOK � (I Have Enough) � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahnBAHK])

Ich habe genug schlummert ein ihr matten augen � Ich habe genug — Schlummert ein, ihr mattenAugen � ihh HAH-buh guh-NOOK — SHLÔÔM-murt ����n, eer MAHT-tunn AHÔÔ-gunn �(aria from Cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] 82, Ich habe genug — I Have Enough — by JohannSebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich habe meine zuversicht � Ich habe meine Zuversicht � ihh HAH-buh M����-nuh TSOO-vehr-zihht � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich hasse die flattergeister � Ich hasse die Flattergeister � ihh HAHSS-suh dee FLAHT-tur-gh����-stur � (motet [mo-TETT] by Heinrich Schütz [H����N-rihh SHÜTSS])

Ich hebe den blick zum berg empor � Ich hebe den Blick zum Berg empor � ihh HAY-buhdayn BLICK tsoom BEHRK emm-POHR � (I Will Lift up Mine Eyes) � (song fromBiblische Lieder [BIPP-lih-shuh LEE-dur] — Biblical Songs — by Antonín Dvo�ák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAW-rshahahk])

Ich kanns nicht fassen nicht glauben � Ich kann’s nicht fassen nicht glauben � ihh kahnss nihhtFAHSS-sunn nihht GLAHÔÔ-bunn � (I Cannot Grasp It) � (song from Frauenliebe und -Leben [FRAHÔÔ-unn-lee-buh ôônt -LAY-bunn] — Woman’s Love and Life — a series ofsongs by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn] based upon texts by Adalbert vonChamisso [AHAH-dahl-pert fawn kah-MISS-so])

Ich lasse dich nicht� ihh LAHSS-suh dihh NIHHT � (I'll Not Let Thee Go) � (motet [mo-TETT] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahnBAHK])

Ich lasse dich nicht du segnest mich denn � Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn � ihhLAHSS-suh dihh NIHHT, doo ZAYG-nusst mihh DENN � (I’ll Not Let Thee Go) �(cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK}zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich liebe den hochsten von ganzem gemute� Ich liebe den Höchsten von ganzem Gemüte � ihhLEE-buh dayn HÖH-stunn fawn GAHN-tsumm guh-MÜ-tuh � (I Love the Almighty withDeepest Devotion) � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich liebe dich � ihh LEE-buh dihh � (I Love You) � (song, title used by various composers)

Ich ruf zu dir herr jesu christ � Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ � ihh ROOF tsoo DIHR, hehrYAY-zoo KRISST � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich rufe von ganzem herzen � Ich rufe von ganzem Herzen � ihh ROO-fuh fawn GAHN-tsumm HEHR-tsunn � (motet [mo-TETT] by Heinrich Schütz [H����N-rihh SHÜTSS])

Ich sah das kind � Ich sah’ das Kind � ihh ZAH dahss KINNT � (duet from the operaParsifal [PAR-zih-fahl], music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur])

Ich schiess den hirsch � Ich schiess' den Hirsch � ihh SHEESS dayn HIHRSH � (song by F.Graf v. Pocci [GRAHF fawn POHK-kee]) � (Graf = Count)

Ich schleich um jenes haus herum � Ich schleich' um jenes Haus herum � ihh SHL����H oomYAY-nuss HAHÔÔSS heh-RÔÔM � (I Wander Oft) � (song from Liebeslieder [LEE-buss-lee-dur] — Love Songs — by Antonín Dvorák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAWR-shahahk])

Ich schwebe � ihh SHVAY-buh � (I Hover) � (song by Richard Strauss [RIH-hartSHTRAHÔÔSS])

Ich schwebe wie auf engelsschwingen � Ich schwebe wie auf Engelsschwingen � ihh shVAY-buh vee ahôôf EHNG-ullss-shVIHNG-unn � (I hover as if on angels’ wings) � (poem by KarlHenckell [KARL HEHNG-kull] set to music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS])

Ich schwimm dir davon� ihh shvimm deer dah-FAWN � (excerpt from Mährische Duette[MAY-rih-shuh doo-ETT-tuh] — Moravian Duets — by Antonín Dvo�ák [AHN-taw-nyeeeend’VAW-rshahahk])

Ich sehe dich in tausend bildern � Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern � ihh ZAY-uh dihh innTAHÔÔ-zunnt BILL-turn � (composition by Max Reger [MAHKSS RAY-gur])

Ich stand in dunklen traumen � Ich stand in dunklen Träumen � ihh SHTAHNT inn DÔÔNG-klunn TROY-munn � (excerpt from Songs With Piano by Bernard Wagenaar [{BUR-nurdWA-guh-nur} BEHR-nart WAH-keh-nahahr])

Ich steh mit einem fuss im grabe� Ich steh mit einem Fuss im Grabe � ihh SHTAY mitt ����-numm FÔÔSS imm GRAH-buh � (I Stand with One Foot in the Grave) � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn


Ich trage meine minne � Ich trage meine Minne � ihh TRAH-guh M����-nuh MINN-nuh � (ICarry My Love) � (poem by Karl Henckell [KARL HEHNG-kull] set to music by RichardStrauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS])

Ich traue seiner gnaden � Ich traue seiner Gnaden � ihh TRAHÔÔ-uh Z����-nur gh'NAH-dunn� (I Trust in His Mercy) � (aria from the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] In allen meinen Taten [innAHL-lunn MI-nunn TAH-tunn] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunnBAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ich wandelte under den baumen � Ich wandelte unter den Bäumen � ihh VAHN-tull-tuh ôôn-tur dayn BOY-munn � (I Wandered Beneath the Trees) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihh H����-nuh] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-behrt SHOO-mahn] in the song cycleLiederkreis [LEE-dur-kr����ss])

Ich wandte mich und sahe � Ich wandte mich und sähe � ihh VAHNT-tuh mihh ôônt ZAY-uh � (I Turned and Saw) � (text from Ecclesiastes 4:1-3, set to music by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss {BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS])

Ich was ein chint so wolgetan� ihh VAHSS ����n HINNT zo VAWL-guh-tahn � (I was once amodest maiden) � (excerpt from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nahboo-RAH-nah])

Ich weiss dass meiner lieb zu dir� Ich weiss, dass meiner Lieb zu dir � ihh V����SS, dahss M����-nur LEEP tsoo deer � (I Know That My Love to Thee) � (song from Liebeslieder [LEE-buss-lee-dur] — Love Songs — by Antonín Dvorák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAWR-shahahk])

Ich weiss ein wildes geschlecht� Ich weiss ein wildes Geschlecht � ihh v����ss ����n VILL-tuss guh-SHLEHHT � (aria from Act 1 of the opera Die Walküre [dee vahl-KÜ-ruh], music and librettoby Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur])

Ich will auf den herren schaun � Ich will auf den Herren schau’n � ihh vill ahoof dayn HEHR-runn SHAHÔÔ’n � (I Want to Look upon the Lord) � (excerpt from Cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh]No. 93 by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahnBAHK])

Ich will bei meinem jesu wachen� Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen � ihh vill b���� M����-nummYAY-zoo VAH-kunn � (I Would Beside My Lord Be Watching) � (aria from the St. Matthewpassion by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahnBAHK])

Ich will den kreuzstab gerne tragen � Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen � ihh VILL daynKROYTSS-shtahp GEHR-nuh TRAH-gunn � (I Will Gladly Carry the Cross-staff) �(cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK}

zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK], also an aria from the cantata)

Ich will dich lieben meine krone � Ich will dich lieben, meine Krone! � ihh VILL dihh LEE-bunn, M����-nuh KRO-nuh! � (choral song by Peter Cornelius [PAY-tur kawr-NAY-lihôôss])

Ich will dir mein herze schenken� Ich will dir mein Herze schenken � ihh VILL deer m����nHEHR-tsuh SHEHNG-kunn � (I wish to offer thee my heart) � (aria from the St. MatthewPassion by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahnBAHK])

Ich will meine seele tauchen� Ich will meine Seele tauchen � ihh VILL M����-nuh ZAY-luhTAHÔÔ-hunn � (I Want to Dip My Soul) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihh H����-nuh] setto music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn]) � (excerpt from Seven Songs WithPiano by Ludwig Felix [LÔÔT-vihh FAY-lickss] and Jan Brandts Buys [YAHN BRAHNTSSBÜRSS])

Ich will nicht klagen mehr � ihh vill nihht KLAH-gunn mehr � (I Will Complain No More)� poem by Novalis [no-VAH-liss] set to music by Paul Hindemith [PAHÔÔL HINN-tuh-mitt])

Ich wollt ein strausslein binden� Ich wollt’ ein Sträusslein binden � ihh VAWLT ����nSHTROYSS-l����n BINN-tunn � (I Wanted to Tie a Nosegay) � (poem by Clemens Brentano[KLAY-menss brenn-TAHAH-no] set to music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS])

Ich wurd auf meinem pfad � Ich würd' auf meinem Pfad � ihh VÜRT ahôôf m����-nummp’FAHT � (I Should Often Stand in Tears) � poem by Johann Timotheus Hermes [YO-hahntee-MO-tay-ôôss HEHR-muss] set to music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahngah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart])

Ichiyanagi � Toshi Ichiyanagi � tawsh ee-chee-yah-nah-ghee

Iconomou � Panito Iconomou � pah-NEE-taw ee-kaw-NAW-mooo

Idamante � ee-dah-MAHN-tay � (character in the opera Idomeneo, rè di Creta [ee-doh-may-NAY-o, RAY dee KRAY-tah] — Idomeneo, King of Crete; music by Wolfgang AmadeusMozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Giovanni Battista Varesco[jo-VAHN-nee baht-TEE-stah vah-RAY-sko] after Antoine Danchet [ah6666-twahn dah6666-sheh])

Iddan hermund � Iddan Hermund � EED-dahn HAR-mewn � (a song about the mythicalNorwegian giant, Iddan Hermund)

Ideale � ee-day-AH-lay � (song by Errico [ayr-REE-ko] and Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee])

Idelsohn � Abraham Zevi Idelsohn � AH-brah-hahm ZEH-vih IH-dell-sohn � (in Latvia,this Latvian National would be known as Abrahams Zevi Idelsohns [AH-brah-hahmss ZEH-vih


Idomeneo re di creta � Idomeneo, rè di Creta � ee-doh-may-NAY-o, RAY dee KRAY-tah� (Idomeneo, King of Crete) � (an opera, with music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Giovanni Battista Varesco [jo-VAHN-neebaht-TEE-stah vah-RAY-sko] after Antoine Danchet [ah6666-twahn dah6666-sheh])

Idyll � ����-d'l

Idylls of the king � Idylls of the King � ����-d’lz (of the King) � (epic poem by Alfred, LordTennyson [AL-frudd LAWRD TENN-nih-sunn], which served as the textual source for thechoral symphony The Legend of King Arthur by Elinor Remick Warren [EH-luh-nur REH-mickWAR-runn])

Idyot yeshcho � Idyot yeshcho? � idd-YAWT yihsh-SHAW? � (trio by Herman [GHEHR-mahn], Chekalinsky [cheh-kah-LYEEN-skee], Yeletsky [yeh-LYETT-skee], and chorus fromthe opera Pique dame [peek dahm] — The Queen of Spades; music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky[p’YAW-t’r ill-YEECH {chahih-KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee]; libretto by ModestTchaikovsky [mah-DYESST {chahih-KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee] after AlexanderSergeyevich Pushkin [uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r sehr-GAY-yeh-vihch POOSH-kinn])

Iesu dulcis memoria � EEAY-soo DOOL-theess may-MO-reeah � (chant from the Cancionerode Segovia [kahn-theeo-NAY-ro day say-GO-veeah] — Songbook of Segovia — containingliturgical music from Spain at the time of Christopher Columbus)

If*ckube � Akira If*ckube � ah-kee-lah eef-koo-beh

Iglesias � Julio Iglesias � HOO-leeo ee-GLAY-seeahss � (known also as Julio Iglesias Buga[BOO-gah])

Igor � Prince Igor � (Prince) EE-gur � (an opera, with music by Alexander Borodin [uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r buh-rah-DYEEN]; libretto by Borodin after Vladimir Stasov [vlah-DYEE-mihrSTAH-suff])

Igumnov � Konstantin Igumnov � kahn-stahn-TYEEN ih-GOOM-nuff � (known also asKonstantin Nikolaievich [nyee-kah-LAHIH-eh-vihch ] Igumnov)

Ihm hatt ich ein zutraun � Ihm hätt ich ein Zutraun � EEM HETT ihh ����n TSÔÔ-trahôôn �(aria from the opera Der Rosenkavalier [dayr RO-zunn-kah-fah-leer] — The Knight of theRose; music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS] and libretto by Hugo vonHofmannsthal [HOO-go fawn HAWF-mahn-stahl])

Ihr auge � Ihr Auge � eer AHÔÔ-guh � (Her Eye) � (poem by Ludwig Rellstab [LOOT-vihhRELL-shtahp] set to music by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST])

Ihr bild � Ihr Bild � eer BILT � (Her Picture) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihh H����-nuh] set to music by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert] in his Schwanengesang[SHVAHAH-nunn-guh-zahng] — Swan Song)

Ihr des unermesslichen weltalls schopfer ehrt � Die ihr des unermesslichen Weltalls Schöpfer ehrt� dee eer dess oo-nehr-MESS-lih-hunn VELL-tahlss SHÖP-fur ayrt � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart])

Ihr die ihr euch von christo nennet � Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet � eer, dee eer oyhfawn KRIH-stoh NENN-nutt � (You, Who Profess to Call Yourselves Christians) � (cantata[kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ihr einem neuen grade � Die ihr einem neuen Grade � dee eer ����-numm NOY-unn GRAH-duh � (excerpt from the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] Dir, Seele des Weltalls [DEER, ZAY-luhdess VELL-tahlss] by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart])

Ihr glocken von marling � Ihr Glocken von Marling � eer GLAW-kunn fawn MAR-lihng �(Ye Bells of Marling) � (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST])

Ihr habt nun traurigkeit � Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit � eer HAHPT noon TRAHÔÔ-rick-k����t �(And ye now therefore have sorrow) � (section of Ein deutsches Requiem [����n DOYT-shussRAY-kvihemm] — A German requiem [{REH-kôôee-umm} REH-kôôih-emm] — set to musicby Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss {BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS])

Ihr menschen ruhmet gottes liebe � Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe � eer MENN-shunnRÜ-mutt GAWT-tuss LEE-buh � (Ye Mortals, Praise Ye God's Love) � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-stihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahnBAHK])

Ihr unsre neuen leiter � Ihr unsre neuen Leiter � eer ÔÔN-sruh NOY-unn L����-tur � (song byWolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart])

Ija mia � EE-hah MEE-ah � (My Daughter) � (a medieval song of the Jews who wereexpelled from Spain in 1492 and who settled in Bulgaria)

Ikam � Catherine Ikam � KA-thuh-runn ����-k'm

Ikebe � Shin-Ichiro Ikebe � shee6666-nee-chee-law ee-keh-beh

Ikeda � Kikuei Ikeda � k’koo-ehee ee-keh-dah

Ikenouchi � Tomojirô Ikenouchi � taw-maw-jee-lawaw ee-keh-nawooch

Ikonen � Lauri Ikonen � LAHÔÔ-rih IH-kaw-nenn

Ikonomov � Boyan Georgiev Ikonomov � bo-YAHN gay-ohr-GHEE-eff ee-kaw-NAW-mawf

Il balen del suo sorriso � eel BAH-layn dayl SOO-o sohr-REE-zo � (The lightning flash ofher smile) � (aria from the opera Il trovatore [eel tro-vah-TOH-ray] — The Troubadour; musicby Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] and Leone Emanuele Bardare [lay-O-nay ay-mah-nooAY-laybar-DAH-ray] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH-neeo gar-THEE-ah goo teeAYR-rehth])

Il barbiere di siviglia� Il barbiere di Siviglia � eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah � (TheBarber of Seville [suh-VILL]) � (an opera, with music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-norohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh] andGiuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee])

Il barcheggio � eel bar-KAYD-jo � (Little Boat) � (stage work by Alessandro Stradella [ah-layss-SAHN-dro strah-DAYL-lah])

Il barone scarpia � Il Barone Scarpia � eel bah-RO-nay SKAR-peeah � (Baron Scarpia) �(character in the opera Tosca [TOH-skah]; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after Henri Murger [ah6666-ree mür-zhay])

Il cannone del porto � eel kahn-NO-nay dayl POHR-toh � (flower duet from the operaMadama [mah-DAH-mah] Butterfly — Madam [MA-dumm] Butterfly; music by GiacomoPuccini [jah-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] andGiuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after David Belasco [DAY-vudd buh-LASS-ko] and John Luther Long [JAHN LOO-thur LAWNG])

Il canto del cigno � eel KAHN-toh dayl SEE-n’yo � (song by Camille Saint-Saens [{kah-meelseh6666-sah6666ss} kah-meey’ seh6666-sah6666ss])

Il capraro che dorme � eel kah-PRAH-ro kay DOHR-may � (Largo e pianissimo sempre[LAR-go ay peeah-NEESS-see-mo saym-pray]) � excerpt from La primavera [lah pree-mah-VAY-rah] — Spring — from Le quattro stagioni [lay kooAHT-tro stah-JO-nee] — The FourSeasons — by Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee])

Il cardellino � eel kar-dayl-LEE-no � (song by Saverio Mercadante [sah-VAY-reeo mayr-kah-DAHN-tay]) � (known also as Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele Mercadante [joo-ZAYP-paysah-VAY-reeo rahf-fah-AY-lay mayr-kah-DAHN-tay])

Il carpentrasso � Il Carpentrasso � eel kar-payn-TRAHSS-so � (known in France as

Carpentras [kar-pah6666-trah])

Il castello di kenilworth � Il castello di Kenilworth � eel kah-STAYL-lo dee KEH-null-wurth � (Kenilworth [KEH-null-wurth] Castle) � (an opera, with music by Gaetano Donizetti[gahay-TAH-no doh-nee-TSAYT-tee] and libretto by Andrea Leone Tottola [ahn-DRAY-ahlay-OH-nay toht-TOH-lah])

Il cenciaiuolo � Il Cenciaiuolo � EEL chayn-chah-eeooO-lo � (ragman) � (character in theopera Iris [{����-russ} EE-reess]; music by Pietro Mascagni [peeAY-tro mah-SKAH-n’yee] andlibretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah])

Il cieco � Il Cieco � EEL CHAY-ko � (the blind man) � (character in the opera Iris [{����-russ} EE-reess]; music by Pietro Mascagni [peeAY-tro mah-SKAH-n’yee] and libretto by LuigiIllica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah])

Il cimento dellarmonia e dellinvenzione � Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’invenzione � eel chee-MAYN-toh dayl-lar-mo-NEE-ah ay dayl-leen-vayn-tseeO-nay � (a group of compositions,including The Four Seasons, by Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee])

Il commendatore � eel kohm-mayn-dah-TOH-ray � (the commander) � (character in theopera Don Giovanni [dohn jo-VAHN-nee]; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dahPOHN-tay])

Il conte ah che mai sento � Il Conte! Ah, che mai sento � eel KOHN-tay! AH, kay mahee

SAYN-toh � (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-AugustinCaron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh] and GiuseppePetrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee])

Il conte dalmaviva � Il Conte d'Almaviva � eel KOHN-tay d'ahl-mah-VEE-vah � (Conte =Count) � (character in the opera Le nozze di Figaro [lay NOHT-tsay dee FEE-gah-ro] — TheMarriage of Figaro; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôssMO-tsart]; libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay] after Pierre-AugustinCaron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh])

Il conte dalmaviva � Il Conte d'Almaviva � eel KOHN-tay d'ahl-mah-VEE-vah � (Conte =Count) � (character in the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah]— The barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron deBeaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee])

Il conte di ceprano � Il Conte di Ceprano � eel KOHN-tay dee chay-PRAH-no � (character

in the opera Rigoletto [ree-go-LAYT-toh]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] afterVictor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go])

Il conte di lerma � Il Conte di Lerma � eel KOHN-tay dee LAYR-mah � (character in theopera Don Carlo [dohn KAR-lo]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee];libretto by François Méry [frah6666-swah may-ree] and Camille Du Locle [{kah-meel dü law-kl’}kah-meey’ dü law-kl’] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur])

Il conte di luna � Il Conte di Luna � eel KOHN-tay dee LOO-nah � (conte = count) �(character in the opera Il trovatore [eel tro-vah-TOH-ray] — The Troubadour; music byGiuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] and Leone Emanuele Bardare [lay-O-nay ay-mah-nooAY-laybar-DAH-ray] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH-neeo gar-THEE-ah goo-teeAYR-rehth])

Il conte di monterone � Il Conte di Monterone � eel KOHN-tay dee mohn-tay-RO-nay �(conte = count) � (character in the opera Rigoletto [ree-go-LAYT-toh]; music by GiuseppeVerdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go])

Il coro dei malammogliati � Il coro dei malammogliati � eel KO-ro DAYEE mah-lahm-mo-leeAH-tee � (The Chorus of Unhappy Wives) � (poem by Michelangelo Buonarroti il Giovane[mee-kay-LAHN-jay-lo booo-nar-RO-tee eel jo-VAH-nay] — Michelangelo Buonarroti theYounger — set to music by Luigi Dallapiccola [looEE-jee dahl-lah-PEEK-ko-lah])

Il coro delle malmaritate � Il coro delle malmaritate � eel KO-ro DAYL-lay mahl-mah-ree-TAH-tay � (The Chorus of Unhappy Husbands) � (poem by Michelangelo Buonarroti ilGiovane [mee-kay-LAHN-jay-lo booo-nar-RO-tee eel jo-VAH-nay] — MichelangeloBuonarroti the Younger — set to music by Luigi Dallapiccola [looEE-jee dahl-lah-PEEK-ko-lah])

Il corsaro � Il corsaro � eel kohr-SAH-ro � (The Corsair [[KAWR-sauhr]) � (an opera, withmusic by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave[frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Byron [B����UH-runn])

Il court il court le furet � Il court, il court le furet � eel kôôr, eel kôôr luh fü-reh � (children’ssong)

Il dolce suono � eel DOHL-chay sooO-no � (aria featuring Lucia [loo-CHEE-ah] in the operaLucia di Lammermoor [loo-CHEE-ah dee LAHM-mer-môôuhr] — Lucy of Lammermoor[LOO-see of LAMM-mur-môôuhr]; music by Gaetano Donizetti [gahay-TAH-no doh-nee-TSAYT-tee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no]based on the novel The Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott [WAWL-tur SKAHT])

Il dolce suono spargi damaro pianto � Il dolce suono ... spargi d’amaro pianto � eel DOHL-chay sooO-no ... SPAR-jee dah-MAH-ro peeAHN-toh � (quartet from the opera Lucia diLammermoor [loo-CHEE-ah dee LAHM-mer-môôuhr] — Lucy of Lammermoor [LOO-see ofLAMM-mur-môôuhr]; music by Gaetano Donizetti [gahay-TAH-no doh-nee-TSAYT-tee];libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] based on the novelThe Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott [WAWL-tur SKAHT])

Il dottor dulcamara � Il dottor Dulcamara � eel doht-TOHR dool-kah-MAH-rah �(character in the opera L'elisir d'amore [lay-lee-ZEER dah-MO-ray] — The Elixir of Love;music by Gaetano Donizetti [gahay-TAH-no doh-nee-TSAYT-tee]; libretto by Felice Romani[fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee] after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb]) � (dottore = doctor)

Il duca di montova � Il Duca di Montova � eel DOO-kah dee mohn-TOH-vah � (The Dukeof Montova [mohn-TOH-vah] � (character in the opera Rigoletto [ree-go-LAYT-toh]; musicby Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawrü-go])

Il duca di montua � Il Duca di Montua � eel DOO-kah dee mohn-TOO-ah � (The Duke ofMontua [mohn-TOO-ah] � (character in the opera Rigoletto [ree-go-LAYT-toh]; music byGiuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go])

Il etait un roi de thule � Il était un Roi de Thulé � eel ay-teh ü6666 r’wah duh tü-lay � (aria fromthe opera Faust [FAHÔÔST]; music by Charles Gounod [sharl gôô-no]; libretto by Jules Barbier[zhül bar-beeay] and Michel Carré [mee-shell kar-ray] after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [YO-hahn VAWLF-gahng fawn GÖ-tuh])

Il etait une religieuse � Il était une religieuse � eel ay-teh ün reh-lee-zheeöz � (There Was aNun) � (composition by Orlando de Lassus [awr-lah6666-doh duh lahss-sü])

Il grande inquisitore � eel GRAHN-day een-kooee-zee-TOH-ray � (The Grand Inquisitor) �(character in the opera Don Carlo [dohn KAR-lo]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-payVAYR-dee]; libretto by François Méry [frah6666-swah may-ree] and Camille Du Locle [{kah-meeldü law-kl’} kah-meey’ dü law-kl’] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur])

Il guarany � Il Guarany � eel gooah-rah-NEE � (The Guarany) � (an opera, with music byAntônio Carlos Gomes [ah6666-TOH-nihôô KAH-lôôss GO-meess]; libretto by Antonio Scalvini[ahn-TAW-neeo skahl-VEE-nee] and Carlo D’Ormeville [kar-lo dawrm-veel] after José deAlencar [zho-ZAY jah-lenn-KAR]) � (the opera is known also as O Guaraní [o gooah-rah-NEE])

Il lamento � eel lah-MAYN-toh � (The Lament) � (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZLISST])

Il maestro di cappella � eel MAHAY-stro dee kahp-PAYL-lah � (comic monologue byDomenico Cimarosa [doh-MAY-nee-ko chee-mah-RO-zah])

Il marchese di calatrava � Il Marchese di Calatrava � eel mar-KAY-zay dee kah-lah-TRAH-vah � (The Marquis of Calatrava) � (character in the opera La forza del destino [lah FOHR-tsah dayl day-STEE-no] — The Force of Destiny; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-payVAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay]after Angel P. De Saavedra [ahn-HELL (P.) day sah-VAY-drah])

Il mio ben quando verra � Il mio ben quando verrà � eel MEE-o bayn kooAHN-doh vayr-RAH � (song by Giovanni Paisiello [jo-VAHN-nee pahee-zeeAYL-lo])

Il mio core � eel MEE-o KO-ray � (My Heart) � (vocal duet by Giacomo Carissimi [JAH-ko-mo kah-REESS-see-mee])

Il mio tesoro � eel MEE-o tay-ZO-ro � (aria featuring Don Ottavio [dohn oht-TAH-veeo] inthe opera Don Giovanni [dohn jo-VAHN-nee]; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dahPOHN-tay])

Il mistero � eel mee-STAY-ro � (The Secret) � (poem by Felice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee] set to music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee])

Il padre adorato � eel PAH-dray ah-doh-RAH-toh � (aria featuring Idamante [ee-dah-MAHN-tay] in the opera Idomeneo, rè di Creta [ee-doh-may-NAY-o, RAY dee KRAY-tah]— Idomeneo, King of Crete; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Giovanni Battista Varesco [jo-VAHN-nee baht-TEE-stahvah-RAY-sko] after Antoine Danchet [ah6666-twahn dah6666-sheh])

Il pescatore canta � eel pay-skah-TOH-ray KAHN-tah � (song by Francesco Paolo Tosti[frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee])

Il pirata � eel pee-RAH-tah � (The Pirate) � (an opera, with music by Vincenzo Bellini[veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto by Felice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee])

Il pleure dans mon coeur � Il pleure dans mon cœur � eel plör dah6666 maw6666 kör � (Tears Fall inMy Heart) � (poem from Ariettes oubliées [ah-reeett ôô-blee-ay] — Forgotten Airs — by PaulVerlaine [pohl vehr-lenn] set to music by Claude Debussy [klohd deh-büss-see])

Il podesta � Il podestà � eel po-day-STAH � (the mayor) � (character in La gazza ladra [lahGAHD-tsah LAHD-rah] — The Thieving Magpie; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-norohss-SEE-nee] and libretto by Giovanni Gherardini [jo-VAHN-nee gay-rar-DEE-nee])

Il poeta ha ragione � eel po-AY-tah hah rah-JO-nay � (duet from the opera Il Turco in Italia

[eel TOOR-ko een ee-TAH-leeah] — The Turk in Italy; music by Giaochino Rossini [joah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee] and libretto by Felice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee])

Il poveretto � eel po-vay-RAYT-toh � (The Beggar) � (poem by Andrea Maffei [ahn-DRAY-ah mahf-FAYEE] set to music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee])

Il prigioniero � eel pree-jo-neeAY-ro � (The Prisoner) � (song by Giovanni Gastoldi [jo-VAHN-nee gah-STOHL-dee])

Il primo libro de madrigali� eel PREE-mo LEE-bro day mah-dree-GAH-lee � (The FirstBook of Madrigals [MADD-rih-gullz] by Johann Grabbe [YO-hahn GRAHB-buh])

Il quarto libro de motetti a two three four e seven voci � Il quarto libro de motetti a 2, 3, 4 e 7voci � eel kooAR-toh LEE-bro day mo-TAYT-tee ah 2, 3, 4, ay 7 VO-chee � (The FourthBook of Motets [mo-TETTS] for 2, 3, 4, and 7 voices) � (motets by Claudio Monteverdi[KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Il quattro � Il Quattro � eel kooAHT-tro � (a string quartet)

Il risentimento� eel ree-zayn-tee-MAYN-toh � (Resentment) � (poem by Pietro Metastasio[peeAY-tro may-tah-STAH-zeeo] set to music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee])

Il risentimento mi lagnero tacendo four � Il risentimento (mi lagnerò tacendo, 4) � eel ree-zayn-tee-MAYN-toh (mee lah-n’yay-RO tah-CHAYN-doh, 4) � (song by Gioachino Rossini[johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee])

Il sagrestano � eel sah-gray-STAH-no � (A sacristan) � (character in the opera Tosca [TOH-skah]; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after Henri Murger[ah6666-ree mür-zhay])

Il segreto per esser felici � eel say-GRAY-toh payr AYSS-sayr fay-LEE-chee � (excerptfrom the opera Lucrezia Borgia [loo-KRAY-tseeah BOHR-jah]; music by Gaetano Donizetti[gahay-TAH-no doh-nee-TSAYT-tee]; libretto by Felice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee]after Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go])

Il signor bruschino, ossia Il figlio per azzado � eel see-n’YOHR broo-SKEE-no, OHSS-seeaheel FEE-leeo payr aht-TSAH-doh � Mr. Bruschino, or Son By Accident � (an opera, withmusic by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Giuseppe Maria Foppa[joo-ZAYP-pay mah-REE-ah FOHP-pah] after Alissan de Chazet [ah-liss-sah6666 duh chah-zeh] and E. -T. Maurice Ourry [mo-reess ohr-ree])

Il sogno � Il Sogno � eel SO-n’yo � (The Dream) � (excerpt from the opera Manon [mah-naw6666]; music by Jules Massenet [zhül {mahss-s’nay} mahss-s’neh]; libretto by Henri Meilhac

[ah6666-ree meh-yack] and Philippe Gille [fee-leep zheel] after Antoine-François Prévost [ah6666-t’wahn-frah6666-swah pray-vo])

Il tabarro � eel tah-BAR-ro � (The Cloak) � (an opera, with music by Giacomo Puccini[JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Giuseppe Adami [joo-ZAYP-pay ah-DAH-mee]after Didier Gold [dee-deeay gawld])

Il tramonto � eel trah-MOHN-toh � (Sunset) � (poem by Andrea Maffei [ahn-DRAY-ahmahf-FAYEE] set to music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee])

Il trovatore � eel tro-vah-TOH-ray � (The Troubadour) � (an opera, with music by GiuseppeVerdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-raykahm-mah-RAH-no] and Leone Emanuele Bardare [lay-O-nay ay-mah-nooAY-lay bar-DAH-ray] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH-neeo gar-THEE-ah goo-teeAYR-rehth])

Il trovatore �eel tro-vah-TOH-ray � (The Troubadour) � (song by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee])

Il tuo sangue o il mio amore volea � eel TOO-o SAHN-gooay o eel MEE-o ah-MO-ray vo-LAY-ah � (excerpt from the opera Tosca [TOH-skah]; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa[joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after Henri Murger [ah6666-ree mür-zhay])

Il turco in italia � Il Turco in Italia � eel TOOR-ko een ee-TAH-leeah � (The Turk in Italy) �(an opera, with music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee] and libretto byFelice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee])

Il vecchiotto cerca moglie � eel vayk-keeOHT-toh CHAYR-kah MO-leeay � (The old manlooks for a wife) � (aria from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-AugustinCaron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh] and GiuseppePetrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee])

Il viaggio a reims � Il viaggio a Reims � eel veeAHD-jo ah reh6666ss � (The Journey to Rheims[REEMZ]) � (a stage cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] with ballet [BAL-lay]; music by GioachinoRossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee] and libretto by Luigi Balocchi [looEE-jee bah-LOHK-kee])

Ile heureuse � L'île heureuse � leel ö-röz � (The Isle of Happiness) � (song by EmmanuelChabrier [emm-mah-nüell shah-breeay])

Ile inconnue � L'île inconnue � leel eh6666-kawn-nü � (The Unknown Island) � (poem byThéophile Gautier [tay-aw-feel go-teeay] set to music by Hector Berlioz [eck-tawr behr-leeawz])

Ilerici � Kemal �lerici � keh-MAHL ih-leh-RIH-chih � (the last name has been transcribedalso as Ilerici)

Ilhinsky � Alexander Alexandrovich Ilhinsky � uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r uh-lyick-SAHN-druh-vihch yill-YINN-skee

Iliev � Konstantin Iliev � kawn-stahn-TEEN EE-leeeff

Iliffe � Frederick Iliffe � FREH-duh-rick ����-liff

Ilitsch � Daniza Ilitsch � DAH-nih-tsah EE-lihch

Illale � ILL-lah-leh � (To Evening) � (poem by A. V. Forsman-Koskimies [(A. V.)FAWRSS-mahn-KAWSS-kih-mihess] set to music by Jean Sibelius [zhah6666 sih-BAY-lihôôss])

Illan � David Bar-Illan � dah-VEED BAR-eel-LAHN � (known also as David Jacob [yah-ah-KOHV] Bar-Illan)

Illatio � ee-l’YAH-teeo � (anonymous sacred music from 16th-century Spain)

Illica � Luigi Illica � looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah

Illuminations� Les illuminations � leh-zee-lü-mee-nah-seeaw6666 � (song cycle by BenjaminBritten [BENN-juh-munn BRITT-tunn])

Ilmenau � ILL-muh-nahôô � (song by Charles Ives [CHAH-rullz ����VZ)

Ils seloignent enfin sombre foret � Ils s'eloignent enfin ... Sombre forêt � eel seh-l'wah-n’yah6666-tah6666-feh6666 ... saw6666-br' faw-reh � (recitative [reh-suh-tuh-TEEV] and aria from the operaGuillaume Tell [ghee-yohm tell] — William Tell; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-norohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Étienne de Jouy [ay-teeenn duh zhôôee], Hippolyte-Louis-Florent Bis[eep-paw-leet-lôôee-flaw-rah6666 bee], Armand Marrast [ar-mah6666 mahr-rah], and AdolpheCrémieux [ah-dawlf kray-meeö] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur])

Ilyinski � Alexander Alexandrovich Ilyinski � uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r uh-lyick-SAHN-druh-vihch yill-YINN-skee

Im abendrot � Im Abendrot � imm AHAH-bunnt-rawt � (At Sundown) � (song, title used byvarious composers)

Im chambre separee � Im chambre séparée � imm shah6666-br’ say-pah-ray � (excerpt from theoperetta Der Opernball [dayr O-pehrn-pahl]; music by Richard Heuberger [RIH-hart HOY-bur-gur]; libretto by Victor Léon [veek-tawr lay-aw6666] and Heinrich Von Waldberg [H����N-rihhfawn VAHLT-pehrk] after Alfred Delacour [ahl-fredd deh-lah-kôôr] and Alfred Hennequin[ahl-fredd enn-nuh-keh6666])

Im dorfe � Im Dorfe � imm DAWR-fuh � (In the Village) � (poem by Wilhelm Müller[VILL-hellm MÜL-lur] set to music by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert] in the songcycle Winterreise [VINN-tur-r����-zuh] — A Winter’s Journey)

Im fruhling � Im Frühling � imm FRÜ-lihng � (In Springtime) � (poem by Ernst Schulze[EHRNST SHÔÔL-tsuh] set to music by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert])

Im fruhlingsanfange � Im Frühlingsanfange � imm FRÜ-lihng-zahn-fahng-uh � (At the Startof Spring) � (poem by C. C. Sturm [SHTÔÔRM] set to music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart[VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart])

Im herbst � Im Herbst � imm HEHRPST � (In Autumn) � (poem by Klaus Groth[KLAHÔÔSS GROHT] set to music by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss {BRAHMZ}BRAHAHMSS])

Im langen ton als gott saget zu abraham � Im langen Ton: Als Gott saget zu Abraham � immLAHNG-unn TOHN: AHLSS GAWT ZAH-gutt tsoo AHAH-brah-hahm � (compositionfrom the songbook of Adam Puschmann [AHAH-dahm PÔÔSH-mahn])

Im mayen � imm M����-unn � (In May We Hear the co*cks Crow) � (composition by Orlando deLassus) [awr-lah6666-doh duh lahss-sü])

Im ninalu shalom shabazi� Im Nin'alu (Shalom Shabazi) � eem NEE-nah-loo (shah-LAWMshah-BAH-zee) � (composition by Oedoen Partos [Ö-dön PAR-tohsh])

Im off to chez maxim � I’m Off to Chez Maxim � (I’m Off to) shay mahk-simm � (excerptfrom the operetta Die lustige Witwe [dee LÔÔ-stih-guh VITT-vuh] — The Merry Widow;music by Franz Lehár [FRAHNZ leh-HAHAHR]; libretto by Victor Léon [veek-tawr lay-aw6666]and Leo Stein [LAY-o SHT����N] after Henri Meilhac [ah6666-ree meh-yack])

Im rhein im heiligen strome � Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome � imm R����N, imm H����-lih-gunnSHTRO-muh � (In the Rhine, in the Sacred River) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihh H����-nuh] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

Im rhein im schonen strome� Im Rhein, im schönen Strome � imm R����N, imm SHÖ-nunnSHTRO-muh � (In the Rhine, in That Lovely River) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihhH����-nuh] set to music by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST])

Im schonsten wiesengrunde � Im schönsten Wiesengrunde � imm SHÖN-stunn VEE-zunn-grôôn-tuh � (In the Beautiful Meadowland) � (variation on the German folk song, Three Lilies)

Im sussen bann von deinem blick � Im süssen Bann von deinem Blick � imm SÜSS-sunnBAHN fawn D����-numm BLICK � (When Thy Sweet Glances) � (song from Liebeslieder[LEE-buss-lee-dur] — Love Songs — by Antonín Dvo�ák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAW-rshahahk])

Im tiefen walde steh ich hier � Im tiefen Walde steh' ich hier � imm TEE-funn VAHL-tuhSHTAY ihh HEER � (In Deepest Forest Glade) � (song from Liebeslieder [LEE-buss-lee-dur] — Love Songs — by Antonín Dvo�ák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAW-rshahahk])

Im treibhaus � Im Treibhaus � imm TR����P-hahôôss � (In the Hot House) � (poem byMathilde Wesendonk [mah-TILL-tuh VAY-zunn-tawngk] set to music by Richard Wagner[RIH-hart VAHG-nur] in his Wesendonk Lieder [VAY-zunn-tawngk LEE-dur] —Wesendonk Songs)

Im volkston � Im Volkston � imm FAWLKS-tawn � (composition by Amo Holz [AH-moHAWLTSS])

Im walde � Im Walde � imm VAHL-tuh � (In the Forest) � (poem by Joseph vonEichendorff [YOHOH-zeff fawn ����-hunn-tawrf] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bertSHOO-mahn])

Im wunderschonen monat mai � Im wunderschönen Monat Mai � imm VÔÔN-tur-shö-nunnMO-naht MAHEE � (In the Glorious Month of May) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihhH����-nuh] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

Im zimmer � Im Zimmer � imm TSIMM-mur � (Indoors) � (poem by Johannes Schlaf [yo-HAHN-nuss SHLAHF] set to music by Alban Berg [AHL-pahn BEHRK] in Sieben früheLieder [ZEE-bunn FRÜ-uh LEE-dur] — Seven Early Songs)

Images � ee-mahzh � (title given by Claude Debussy [klohd deh-büss-see] to books of songshe wrote)

Imagistes � Des imagistes � day-zee-mah-zheest � (five poems set to music by William Kraft[WILL-lihumm KRAFFT])

Imai � Nobuko Imai � naw-boo-kaw ee-mahee

Imbert � Hugues Imbert � ü-gö eh6666-behr

Imbody � Joel Imbody � JO-ull IMM-bah-dee

Imbrie � Andrew Imbrie � ANN-droo IMM-bree � (known also as Andrew Welsh [WELSH]Imbrie)

Imeneo � ee-may-NAY-o � (an opera, with music by George Frideric Handel [JAW-urjFRIH-duh-rick HANN-d’l] and libretto anonymously adapted from a book by Silvio Stampiglia[SEEL-veeo stahm-PEE-leeah]; also a character in the opera)

Immer � Friedemann Immer � FREE-duh-mahn IMM-mur

Immer leiser wird mein schlummer � Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer � IMM-mur L����-zurVIHRT m����n SHLÔÔM-mur � (Ever Fainter Grows My Slumber) � (poem by Hermann vonLingg [HEHR-mahn fawn LIHNG] set to music by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss{BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS])

Immer nur lacheln � Immer nur Lächeln � IMM-mur noor LEH-hulln � (excerpt from theoperetta Das Land des Lächelns [dahss LAHNT dess LEH-hullnss] — The Land of Smiles;music by Franz Lehár [FRAHNZ leh-HAHAHR]; lyrics by Victor Léon [veek-tawr lay-aw6666],Ludwig Herzer [LOOT-vihh HEHR-tsur], and Fritz Löhner [FRITTSS LÖ-nur])

Immler � Christian Immler � KRIH-stihahn IMM-lur

Imogene � Imogène � ee-maw-zhenn � (character in the opera Il pirata [eel pee-RAH-tah]— The Pirate; music by Vincenzo Bellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto byFelice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee])

Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa � eem-pay-R����-reetth day lah THEE-oo-taht ho-YO-sah �(excerpt from the Llibre vermell of Montserrat [l’YEE-vray vehr-MELL (of) mawnt-sehr-RAHT] — pilgrim songs and dances associated with the Shrine to the Virgin at Montserrat[mahnt-sehr-RAHT])

Imponete non amarlo ditegli � Imponete! / Non amarlo ditegli � eem-po-NAY-tay! / nohnah-MAR-lo dee-TAY-l’yee � (passage featuring Violetta [vee-o-LAYT-tah] and Germont[zhehr-maw6666] in the opera La traviata [lah trah-veeAH-tah] — The Worldly Woman; music byGiuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Alexandre Dumas [ah-leck-sah6666-dr’ dü-mah])

Impresiones intimas � eem-pray-seeO-nayss een-TEE-mahss � (Intimate Impressions) � (asuite by Federico Mompou [feh-theh-REE-ko mawm-POOO])

Impression du matin� Impression du matin � eh6666-press-seeaw6666 dü mah-teh6666 � (Early Morningin London) � (text by Oscar Wilde [AWSS-kur W����LD] set to music by Charles TomlinsonGriffes [CHAH-rullz TAHM-l’n-s’n GRIFF-fuss])

Impromptu � eh6666-praw6666p-tü � (composed without previous study or preparation) � (certaincompositions by Frédéric Chopin [fray-day-reek shaw-peh6666]) � (certain compositions by FranzSchubert [FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert])

Impromptu a la schumann � Impromptu a la Schumann � eh6666-praw6666p-tü ah lah SHOO-mahn� (excerpt from the Suite miniature [süeet mee-neeah-tür] by César Cui [say-zar küee])

Impromptus � eh6666-praw6666p-tü � (certain compositions by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSSSHOO-bert])

Improperia � eem-praw-PEH-reeuh � (Gregorian chant)

Improperium � eem-praw-PEH-reeôôm � (anonymous sacred composition)

Improvisations � eh6666-praw-vee-zah-seeaw6666 � (compositions by Francis Poulenc [frah6666-seesspôô-lah6666k])

Improvviso � L’Improvviso � leem-prohv-VEE-zo � (aria from the opera Andrea Chénier[ahn-dray-ah shay-neeay]; music by Umberto Giordano [oom-BAYR-toh jor-DAH-no] andlibretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah])

In allen meinen taten � In allen meinen Taten � inn AHL-lunn M����-nunn TAH-tunn � (InAll My Deeds) � (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

In assumptione beatae mariae virginis � In assumptione Beatæ Mariæ Virginis � inn ahss-soomp-tihO-nay beh-AH-tay MUH-rih-ay veer-JEE-niss � (On the Assumption of theBlessed Virgin Mary) � (Mass by William Byrd [WILL-lihumm BURD])

In coena domini � In Coena Domini � inn KAY-nuh DAW-mih-nih � (general title forindividually numbered Responsoria [reh-spohn-SO-rihuh] by Carlo Gesualdo [KAR-lo jay-zooAHL-doh])

In concordiam � In Concordiam � inn kohn-KOHR-dihumm � (composition by StephenAlbert [STEE-vunn AL-burt])

In danzig � In Danzig � inn DAHN-tsih � (poem by Joseph von Eichendorff [YOHOH-zefffawn ����-hunn-tawrf] set to music by Hans Pfitzner [HAHNSS p’FITTSS-nur])

In decachordo psalterio � inn deh-kuh-KOHR-doh p’sahl-TAY-riho � (composition byJean-Joseph Cassanéa de Mondonville [zhah6666-zho-zeff kahss-sah-nay-ah duh maw6666-daw6666-veel])

In dem weiten breiten luftgen leinenkleide � In dem weiten, breiten, luft'gen Leinenkleide � inndaym V����-tunn, BR����-tunn, LÔÔFT-gunn L����-nunn-kl����-duh � (Wide the Sleeves) � (songfrom Zigeunermelodien [tsee-GOY-nur-may-lo-dee-unn] — Gypsy Melodies — by AntonínDvo�ák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAW-rshahahk])

In den beeren � In den Beeren � inn dayn BAY-runn � (Among the Berries) � (poem byHans Schmidt [HAHNSS SHMITT] set to music by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss{BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS])

In den hugeln wird gold gefunden � In den Hügeln wird Gold gefunden � inn dayn HÜ-ghellnveert GAWLT guh-FÔÔN-tunn � (Gold Is Found in the Hills) � (song by Hanns Eisler[HAHNSS ����SS-lur])

In den weiden � In den Weiden � inn dayn V����-dunn � (In the Willows) � (song by Hanns

Eisler [HAHNSS ����SS-lur])

In der ferne � In der Ferne � inn dayr FEHR-nuh � (Far Away) � (poem by LudwigRellstab [LOOT-vihh RELL-shtahp] set to music by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert] in his Schwanengesang [SHVAHAH-nunn-guh-zahng] — Swan Song)

In der fremde � In der Fremde � inn dayr FREMM-tuh � (In the Unknown) � (song byRobert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

In der fruhe � In der Frühe � inn dayr FRÜ-uh � (In the Morning) � (song by Hanns Eisler[HAHNSS ����SS-lur])

In der nacht � In der Nacht � inn dayr NAHKT � (In the Night) � (composition by RobertSchumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

In der schatten meiner locken � In der Schatten meiner Locken � inn dayr SHAHT-tunn M����-nur LAW-kunn � (In the Shadow of My Tresses) � (Spanish folksong from The SpanishSongbook translated to German by Paul Heyse [PAHÔÔL H����-zuh] and set to music by HugoWolf [HOO-go VAWLF])

In der silberweise salve ich gruss dich schone � In der Silberweise salve ich grüss dich schöne �inn dayr ZILL-bur-v����-zuh ZAHL-fuh ihh GRÜSS dihh SHÖ-nuh � (composition from thesongbook of Adam Puschmann [AHAH-dahm PÔÔSH-mahn])

In die stadte kam ich � In die Städte kam ich � inn dee SHTETT-tuh kahahm ihh � (I Cameto the Cities) � (song by Hanns Eisler [HAHNSS ����SS-lur]

In dieser feierlichen stundeden � In dieser feierlichen Stundeden � inn DEE-zur F����-ur-lih-hunn SHTÔÔN-tuh-dunn � (aria from the opera Der Rosenkavalier [dayr RO-zunn-kah-fah-leer] — The Knight of the Rose; music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS] andlibretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal [HOO-go fawn HAWF-mahn-stahl])

In dulci jubilo � inn DOOL-chih YOO-bih-lo � (a children's chorus)

In ecclesiis � inn ayk-KLAY-zihihss � (sacred composition by Giovanni Gabrieli [jo-VAHN-nee gahb-reeAY-lee])

In einem kuhlen grunde� In einem kühlen Grunde � inn ����-numm KÜ-lunn GRÔÔN-tuh �(German folk song)

In fernem land� In fernem Land � inn FEHR-numm LAHNT � (Recitative [reh-suh-tuh-TEEV] featuring Lohengrin [LOHOH-unn-grinn] in the opera Lohengrin, music and libretto byRichard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur])

In ferner einsamkeit des waldes � In ferner Einsamkeit des Waldes � inn FEHR-nur ����N-

zahm-k����t dess VAHL-tuss � (passage featuring Ortrud [AWR-trôôt] and Elsa [ELL-zah] inthe opera Lohengrin [LOHOH-unn-grinn], music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hartVAHG-nur])

In furore giustissimae irae � In furore giustissimae irae � inn foo-RO-reh joo-STEESS-sih-may EE-ray � (motet [mo-TETT] by Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee])

In gedeonis area � In Gedeonis area � inn gheh-day-O-niss AH-reh-uh � (On Gideon’sthreshing floor) � (excerpt from the 13th-century collection Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nahboo-RAH-nah])

In goldener fulle � In goldener Fülle � inn GAWL-tuh-nur FÜL-luh � (In GoldenContentment) � (poem by Paul Remer [PAHÔÔL RAY-mur] set to music by Richard Strauss[RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS)

In grembo a me � een GRAYM-bo ah MAY � (excerpt from the opera L’Africana [lahf-ree-KAH-nah] — The African Maid; music by Giacomo Meyerbeer [JAH-ko-mo M����-ur-bayr];libretto by Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb] and François-Joseph Fétis [frah6666-swah-zho-zeff fay-tee])

In hac valle florida � inn hahk VAHL-lay FLO-rih-duh � poem by Benedictheuem [beh-neh-deek-TAYOO-emm] set to music by John Playford [JAHN PLAY-furd])

In hora ultima � In hora ultima � inn HO-ruh OOL-tih-mah � (composition by Orlande deLassus [awr-lah6666d duh lahss-sü])

In hydraulis � inn hü-DRUHÔÔ-liss � (motet [mo-TETT] by Antoine Busnoys [ah6666-twahnbü-n’wah])

In manus tuas � inn MUH-nôôss TOO-uss � (prayer set to music by John Sheppard [JAHNSHEPP-purd])

In meine innige nacht � In meine innige Nacht � inn M����-nuh INN-nih-guh NAHKT � (IntoMy Deep Night) � (poem by Hans Kaltneker [HAHNSS KAHLT-neh-kur] set to music byErich Wolfgang Korngold [{EH-rick WÔÔLF-gang KAWRN-gohld} AY-rihh VAWLF-gahng KAWRN-gawlt] in Drei Gesänge [DR���� guh-ZEHNG-uh] — Three Songs)

In memoriam nathalie koussevitzky� In Memoriam: Nathalie Koussevitzky � (In Memoriam):NA-tah-lee kooss-suh-VITTSS-kee � (No. 5 from Seven Anniversaries) � (composition byLeonard Bernstein [LEH-nurd BURN-st����n])

In mia man � een MEE-ah MAHN � (duet from Act II of the opera Norma [{NAWR-muh}NOHR-mah]; music by Vincenzo Bellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto byFelice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee])

In modo duna marcia � In modo d’una marcia � een MO-doh DOO-nah MAR-chah �(composition by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

In modo populari � een MO-doh po-poo-LAH-ree � (In the Popular Mode) � (Petite suite[p’teet süeet] No. 3 by César Cui [say-zar küee])

In nets of golden wyers � In Nets of Golden Wyers � (In Nets of Golden) W����-urz � (madrigal[MADD-rih-gull] by Thomas Morley [TAH-muss MAWR-lih])

In nomine � inn NO-mih-nay � (composition by John Taverner [JAHN TA-vur-nur];(composition by Orlando Gibbons [awr-LANN-doh GHIBB-bunnz])

In occasu sideris � inn ohk-KAH-zôô SEE-deh-riss � (As the Stars Fell) � (anonymouscomposition)

In pace � inn PAH-chay � (In Peace) � (composition by John Taverner [JAHN TA-vur-nur])

In pace in idipsum � inn PAH-chay, inn EE-dipp-sôôm � (composition by Orlande de Lassus[awr-lah6666d duh lahss-sü])

In paradisum � In paradisum � inn puh-ruh-DEE-sôôm � (In Paradise) � (section of theLatin requiem [{REH-kôôee-umm} REH-kôôih-emm] set to music by various composers)

In parasceve � inn puh-rah-SHAY-vay � (events after Good Friday and before theCrucifixion) � (general title for individually numbered Responsoria [ray-spohn-SO-reeah] byCarlo Gesualdo [KAR-lo jay-zooAHL-doh])

In pulverem mortis� inn pool-VEH-remm MAWR-tiss � (excerpt from the St. Luke Passionby Krzysztof Penderecki [kur-ZIHSH-tahf penn-deh-RETTSS-kee])

In qual fiero contrasto � een kooAHL feeAY-ro kohn-TRAH-stoh � (recitative [reh-suh-tuh-TEEV] from the opera Così Fan tutte [ko-ZEE fahn TOO-tay] — All Women Do the Same;music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] andlibretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay])

In quali eccessi � een kooAH-lee ay-CHAYSS-see � (In what enormities) � (recitative [reh-suh-tuh-TEEV] from the opera Don Giovanni [dohn jo-VAHN-nee]; music by WolfgangAmadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo daPonte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay])

In quali eccessi mi tradi quellalma ingrata� In quali eccessi - Mi tradi quellalma ingrata � eenkooAH-lee ay-CHAYSS-see - mee TRAH-dee kooayl-LAHL-mah een-GRAH-tah � (In whatenormities - That ungrateful man betrayed me) � (recitative [reh-suh-tuh-TEEV] and aria fromthe opera Don Giovanni [dohn jo-VAHN-nee]; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-

gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dahPOHN-tay])

In quegl anni � In quegl' anni � een kooAY-ly’ AHN-nee � (aria from the opera Le nozze diFigaro [lay NOHT-tsay dee FEE-gah-ro] — The Marriage of Figaro; music by WolfgangAmadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte[lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh])

In quelle trine morbide � een kell treen mawr-beed � (aria from the opera Manon Lescaut[mah-naw6666 less-ko]; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto byDomenico Oliva [doh-MAY-nee-ko o-LEE-vah] and Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] afterAntoine-François Prévost [ah6666-twahn-frah6666-swah pray-vo]; additional contributions to thelibretto by Marco Praga [MAR-ko PRAH-gah], Ruggero Leoncavallo [rood-JAY-ro lay-ohn-kah-VAHL-lo], Giulio Ricordi [JOO-leeo ree-KOHR-dee], and Puccini)

In questa reggia � een kooAY-stah RAYD-jah � (excerpt from the opera Turandot [TOO-rahn-doht]; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by GiuseppeAdami [joo-ZAYP-pay ah-DAH-mee] and Renato Simoni [ray-NAH-toh see-MO-nee] afterCarlo Gozzi [KAR-lo GOHT-tsee])

In questa tomba oscura � In questa tomba oscura � een kooAY-stah TOHM-bah o-SKOO-rah � (In This Dark Tomb) � (poem by Giuseppe Carpani [joo-ZAYP-pay kar-PAH-nee] setto music by Ludwig van Beethoven [LOOT-vihh funn BAYAY-toh-funn])

In questo semplice modesto asilo � een kooAY-stoh saym-PLEE-chay mo-DAY-stoh ah-ZEE-lo � (aria from the opera Betly [BAYT-lee]; music by Gaetano Donizetti [gahay-TAH-nodoh-nee-TSAYT-tee]; libretto by Donizetti after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb])

In solitaria stanza � een so-lee-TAH-reeah STAHN-tsah � (In a secluded room) � (poem byJacopo Vittorelli [YAH-ko-po veet-toh-RAYL-lee] set to music by Giuseppe Verdi � joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee])

In taberna � inn tah-BAYR-nah � (In the Tavern) � (a group of poems from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah] set to music by Carl Orff[KARL AWRF])

In taberna quando sumus � inn tah-BAYR-nah kooAHN-doh SOO-môôss � (When we are inthe tavern) � (excerpt from In taberna [inn tah-BAYR-nah] — In the Tavern — a group ofpoems from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah] setto music by Karl Orff [KARL AWRF])

In te domine speravi � In te Domine speravi � inn tay DAW-mih-neh spay-RAH-vih �(composition by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck [YAHN PEE-turss-zohohn SWAYAY-lihngk])

In te speravi � inn tay spay-RAH-vih � (Gregorian chant)

In tempo piacevole � een TAYM-po peeah-chay-VO-lay

In tempore paschali � inn TAYM-paw-ray pah-SKAH-lih � (Mass by William Byrd [WILL-lihumm BURD])

In trutina � inn TRÔÔ-tih-nuh � (In the wavering balance) � (excerpt from Cour d’amours[kôôr dah-môôr] — The Court of Love — a group of poems from the 13th-century manuscriptCarmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah] set to music by Carl Orff [KARL AWRF])

In trutina mentis dubia � inn TRÔÔ-tih-nuh MAYN-tiss DÔÔ-bihah � (Opposite courseshang in the balance of my wavering mind) � (excerpt from Cour d’amours [kôôr dah-môôr] —The Court of Love — a group of poems from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah] set to music by Carl Orff [KARL AWRF])

In un coupe � In un coupé? � een oon kôô-pay? � (duet from the opera La bohème [lahbaw-emm] — Bohemian Life; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee];libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after Henri Murger [ah6666-ree mür-zhay])

In un coupe o mimi tu piu non torni � In un coupé ... O Mimì, tu più non torni � een oon kôô-pay ... o mee-MEE, too peeOO nohn TOHR-nee � (duet from the opera La bohème [lah baw-emm] — Bohemian Life; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto byLuigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] afterHenri Murger [ah6666-ree mür-zhay])

In un coupe o mimi tu piu � In un coupé? ... O Mimì, tu più � een oon kôô-pay? ... o mee-MEE, too peeOO � (duet from the opera La bohème [lah baw-emm] — Bohemian Life; musicby Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after Henri Murger [ah6666-ree mür-zhay])

In unseren muhsalen trostet uns � In unseren Mühsalen tröstet uns � inn ÔÔN-zuh-runnMÜ-zah-lunn TRÖ-stutt ôôns � (In our miseries the only thing that consoles us) � (song byHanns Eisler [HAHNSS ����SS-lur])

In uomini � een ooo-MEE-nee � (aria featuring Despina [day-SPEE-nah] in the opera Così fantutte [ko-ZEE fahn TOOT-tay] — All Women Do the Same; music by Wolfgang AmadeusMozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay])

In waldeseinsamkeit � In Waldeseinsamkeit � inn VAHL-tuh-z����n-zahm-k����t � (In theLoneliness of the Forest) � (song by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss {BRAHMZ}BRAHAHMSS])

Inbal � Eliahu Inbal � eh-lee-AH-hoo een-BAHL

Inbrunst im herzen � Inbrunst im Herzen � INN-brôônst imm HEHR-tsunn � (aria from ActIII of the opera Tannhäuser [TAHN-hoy-zur], music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hartVAHG-nur])

Incarnatus � een-kur-NAH-tôôss � (section of the Latin mass set to music by variouscomposers)

Incarnatus est � Et incarnatus est � ett een-kur-NAH-tôôss esst � (section of the Latin massset to music by various composers)

Incenerite spoglie avara tomba � Incenerite spoglie, avara tomba � een-chay-nay-REE-taySPO-leeay, ah-VAH-rah TOHM-bah � (stanza from Lagrime d’amante al sepolcro dell’amata[lah-GREE-may dah-MAHN-tay ahl say-POHL-kro dayl-lah-MAH-tah] — tribute to adeceased singer by Scipione Agnelli [shee-peeO-nay ah-n’YAYL-lee] set to music by ClaudioMonteverdi [KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Indes galantes � Les Indes galantes � leh-zeh6666d gah-lah6666t � (The Amorous Indies) � (anopera-ballet [BAL-lay], with music by Jean-Philippe Rameau [zhah6666-fee-leep rah-mo] andlibretto by Louis Fuzelier [lôôee fü-z’leeay])

India � Sigismondo d’India � see-gheess-MOHN-doh DEEN-deeah

Indy � Vincent d’Indy � veh6666-sah6666 deh6666-dee � (known also as Paul-Marie-Théodore-Vincentd’Indy [pohl-mah-ree-tay-aw-dawr-veh6666-sah6666 deh6666-dee])

Ines � EE-nayss � (character in the opera Il trovatore [eel tro-vah-TOH-ray] — TheTroubadour; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by SalvadoreCammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] and Leone Emanuele Bardare [lay-O-nay ay-mah-nooAY-lay bar-DAH-ray] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH-neeo gar-THEE-ah goo-teeAYR-rehth])

Infantas � Fernando de las Infantas � fehr-NAHN-doh day lahss een-FAHN-tahss

Infante � Manuel Infante � mah-nooELL een-FAHN-tay

Infausto imene havvi un dio � Infausto Imene; Havvi un dio � een-FAHÔÔ-stoh ee-MAY-nay;AHV-vee oon DEE-o � (aria from the opera Maria di Rohan [mah-REE-ah dee RO-hahn];music by Gaetano Donizetti [gahay-TAH-no doh-nee-TSAYT-tee] and libretto by SalvadoreCammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no])

Infelici e tu credevi � Infelice! e tu credevi � een-fay-LEE-chay! ay too kray-DAY-vee �excerpt from the opera Ernani [ayr-NAH-nee]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-payVAYR-dee] and libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-


Infelici miei lumi � een-fay-LEE-chee meeAYEE LOO-mee � (Wretched Eyes of Mine) �(largo from the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] Su le sponde de Tebro [soo lay SPOHN-day dayTAY-bro] — On the Banks of the Tiber — by Alessandro Scarlatti [ah-layss-SAHN-dro skar-LAHT-tee])

Infelix anima� een-FAY-leekss UH-nih-muh � (character in Ordo virtutum [OHR-doh veer-TOO-tôôm], a musical drama by Hildegard von Bingen [HILL-tuh-gart fawn BIHNG-unn])

Infernal dance of king kastchei � Infernal Dance of King Kastchei � (Infernal Dance of King)kahst-SHAYEE � (excerpt from the Firebird Suite by Igor Stravinsky [EE-gur strah-VINN-skee])

Infidelite � Infidelité � eh6666-fee-deh-lee-tay � (Unfaithfulness) � (poem by Théophile Gautier[tay-aw-feel go-teeay] set to music by Reynaldo Hahn [ray-NAHL-doh HAHN])

Infinito � L’Infinito � leen-FEE-nee-toh � (text by Giacomo Leopardi [JAH-ko-mo lay-o-PAR-dee] set to music by Tristan Keuris [TRISS-tahn KÖ-riss])

Inflammatus et accensus � een-flahm-MAH-tôôss ett ah-CHAYN-sôôss � (section of theLatin Stabat Mater [STAH-baht MAH-tehr] set to music by various composers)

Infortunes deesse tutelaire � O des infortunés déesse tutélaire � o day -zeh6666-fawr-tü-nay day-ess tü-tay-lehr � (excerpt from the opera La Vestale [lah vay-STAH-lay] — The Vestal Virgin;music by Gaspare Spontini [gah-SPAH-ray spohn-TEE-nee] and libretto by Étienne de Jouy[ay-teeenn duh zhôôee])

Ingarden � Roman Ingarden � RAW-mahn een-GAR-denn � (known also as Roman WitoldIngarden [RAW-mahn VEE-tawlt een-GAR-denn])

Ingeborg � IHNG-uh-bawry’ � (Swedish female given name)

Ingebretsen � Kjell Ingebretsen � SHELL IHNG-eh-brett-senn

Ingegneri � Marc’Antonio Ingegneri � MARK-ahn-TAW-neeo een-gay-n’YAY-ree

Ingemisco � een-jeh-MEE-sko � (section of the Latin requiem [{REH-kôôee-umm} REH-kôôih-emm] set to music by various composers)

Ingemisco tamquam reus� inn-jeh-MEESS-ko TAHM-kôôumm REH-ôôss � (excerpt fromRequiem [RAY-kooee-aym] — American pronunciation: REH-kôôee-umm; Latin pronunciation:REH-kôôih-emm — by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee])

Ingen � Ibb van Ingen � IPP funn IHNG-unn

Ingenhoven � Jan Ingenhoven � YAHN IHNG’n-ho-vunn

Ingerimaa ohtud � Ingerimaa Õhtud � INN-gheh-rih-mahah ÔÔK-tôôt � (Ingrian [INN-grihunn] Evenings � (cycle of Balto-Finnic folk songs arranged by Veljo Tormis [VELL-yoTOHR-miss])

Inghelbrecht � Désiré-Émile Inghelbrecht � day-zee-ray-ay-meel IHNG’l-brehht

Inghilleri � Giovanni Inghilleri � jo-VAHN-nee een-gheel-LAY-ree

Ingliss � Robert Ingliss � RAH-burt IHNG-gliss

Ingoldsby � Marian Ingoldsby � MA-rihunn IHNG-g’lz-bee

Ingraham � Paul Ingraham � PAWL IHNG-grumm

Inno a diana � Inno a Diana � EEN-no ah dee-AH-nah � (Hymn to Diana) � (song byGiacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee])

Inno delle nazioni � EEN-no DAYL-lay nah-tseeO-nee � (Hymn of the Nations) �(composition by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee])

Innocentia � een-naw-CHAYN-tihuh � (character in Ordo virtutum [OHR-doh veer-TOO-tôôm], a musical drama by Hildegard von Bingen [HILL-tuh-gart fawn BIHNG-unn])

Innuebant patri � een-nôô-AY-bunnt PAH-trih � (composition by Claudio Monteverdi[KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Inquieto � een-kooee-AY-toh � (excerpt from “Octoéchos” [awk-toh-AY-kawss] for DoubleString Quartet and Soprano by Michelle Ekizian [mih-SHELL eh-KEE-zihunn])

Ins stille land � Ins Stille Land � innss SHTILL-luh LAHNT � (song by Franz Schubert[FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert])

Insanguine � Giacomo Insanguine � JAH-ko-mo een-SAHN-gooee-nay � (known also asGiacomo Antonio Francesco Paolo Michele Insanguine [JAH-ko-mo ahn-TAW-neeo frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo mee-KAY-lay een-SAHN-gooee-nay] and Monopoli [mo-NO-po-lee])

Inseparabile damore il dio e il sol dell anima che mami deh ripetime addio addio speranza edanima � Ah inseparabile d’amore il Dio ... E’ il sol dell’ anima ... Che m’ami, deh, ripetimi ...Addio, addio, speranza ed anima � AH een-say-pah-RAH-bee-lay dah-MO-ray eel DEE-o ...ay eel sohl dayl-LAH-nee-mah ... kay MAH-mee, day, ree-PAY-tee-mee ... ahd-deeO, ahd-deeO, spay-RAHN-tsah ay-DAH-nee-mah � (duet from Act 1 of the opera Rigoletto [ree-go-LAYT-toh]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco MariaPiave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go}

veek-tawr ü-go])

Insomma io ho tutti i torti � Insomma io ho tutti i torti ... � een-SOHM-mah eeo ho TOO-teeee TOHR-tee ... � (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-norohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh] andGiuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee])

Insomma mio signore � Insómma, mio signore � een-SOHM-mah, MEE-o see-n’YO-ray �(excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah]; — TheBarber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee];libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron deBeaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee])

Insula � Francus de Insula � frah6666-küss duh eh6666-sü-lah

Insull � Bonnie Insull � BAHN-nee INN-s'l

Intanto amici � een-TAHN-toh ah-MEE-chee � (excerpt from the opera Cavalleriarusticana [kah-vahl-lay-REE-ah roo-stee-KAH-nah] — Rustic Chivalry; music by PietroMascagni [peeAY-tro mah-SKAH-n’yee]; libretto by Guido Menasci [gooEE-doh may-NAH-shee] and Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti [jo-VAHN-nee tar-JO-nee-toht-TSAYT-tee] afterGiovanni Verga [jo-VAHN-nee VAYR-gah])

Intemerata � O intemerata � o een-tay-may-RAH-tah � (motet by Alessandro Grandi [ah-layss-SAHN-dro GRAHN-dee])

Inten � Ferdinand Inten � {FUR-duh-nannd INN-tunn} FEHR-tee-nahnt INN-tunn

Inter natos � EEN-tehr NUH-tohss � (composition by Claudio Monteverdi [KLAHOO-deeomohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Inter natos mulierum � Inter Natos Mulierum � EEN-tehr NUH-tohss môô-lihEH-rôôm �(section of the Latin mass set to music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart])

Intermede � Intermède � een-tehr-medd � (Intermezzo) � (excerpt from Le Bal Masqué[luh bahl mahss-kay] — The Masked Ball — a secular cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by FrancisPoulenc [frah6666-seess pôô-lah6666k])

Intermezzi � een-tayr-MAYT-tsee � (compositions by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss{BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS])

Intermezzo � een-tayr-MAYT-tso � excerpt from the opera Cavalleria rusticana [kah-vahl-lay-REE-ah roo-stee-KAH-nah] — Rustic Chivalry; music by Pietro Mascagni [peeAY-tromahss-KAHN-yee]; libretto by Guido Menasci [gooEE-doh may-NAH-shee] and GiovanniTargioni-Tozzetti [jo-VAHN-nee tar-JO-nee-toht-TSAYT-tee] after Giovanni Verga [jo-VAHN-nee VAYR-gah])

Intermezzo � een-ter-MEHTH-tho � (composition by Enrique Granados [ayn-REE-kaygrah-NAH-thawss])

Intermezzo � inn-tur-METT-tso � (song from Spanische Liebes-Lieder [SHPAHAH-nih-shuhLEE-buss-LEE-dur] — Spanish Love Songs — by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn]) � (poem by Joseph von Eichendorff [YOHOH-zeff fawn ����-hunn-tawrf] set to music byRobert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn] in the song cycle Liederkreis [LEE-dur-kr����ss])� (movement from the First Suite in E Flat by Gustav Holst [GUSS-tuvv HOHLST]) �(various compositions by Johannes Brahms [yo-HAHN-nuss {BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS]) �(composition by Sir Edward Elgar [EDD-wurd ELL-gar] from Variations on an OriginalTheme, Enigma)

Intermezzo from goyescas / Intermezzo from “Goyescas” / een-tehr-METH-tho (from) go-YAYSS-kahss / (Goyescas is an opera, with music by Enrique Granados [ayn-REE-kay grah-NAH-thawss] and libretto by Fernando Periquet y Zuaznabar [fehr-NAHN-doh pay-ree-KETTee thooath-nah-VAR])

Intermezzo in a flat � Intermezzo in A-Flat � een-tayr-mayt-tso (in A-Flat) � (compositionby Francis Poulenc [frah6666-seess pôô-lah6666k])

Intermezzo scherzando � een-tayr-MAYT-tso skayr-TSAHN-doh

Intesi ah tutto intesi � Intesi; ah tutto intesi � een-TAY-zee; ah TOOT-toh een-TAY-zee �(I heard; I heard It all] � (aria from the opera Il Turco in Italia [eel TOOR-ko een ee-TAH-leeah]; music by Gioachino Rossini [jokah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee] and libretto by Felice Romani[fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee])

Intino � Luciano d'Intino � loo-CHAH-no deen-TEE-no

Intonatio � een-toh-NAH-teeo � (composition by Claudio Monteverdi [KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Intonazione � een-toh-nah-tseeO-nay � (section for organ from the First Vespers of theAnnunciation of the Blessed Virgin after Giovanni Gabrieli [jo-VAHN-nee gahb-reeAY-lee])

Intorno allidol mio � Intorno all’idol mio � een-TOHR-no ahl-LEE-dohl MEE-o � (Gentle,Pleasant Breezes) � (song by Antonio Cesti [ahn-TAW-neeo CHAY-stee])

Intrada � een-TRAH-dah � (section of the Glagolitic [gla-go-LIH-tick] Mass set to music

by Leoš Janá�ek [LEH-awsh yah-NAHAH-check]) � (anonymous composition) � (compositionby Gordon Jacob [GAWR-d’n JAY-kubb])

Introduction and rondo capriccioso � (Introduction and) ROHN-doh kah-pree-CHO-zo �(suite by Camille Saint-Saëns [{kah-meel seh6666-sah6666ss} kah-meey’ seh6666-sah6666ss])

Introduction and variations on malborough sen vaten guerre � Introduction and Variations on“Malborough s’en va-t-en guerre” � (Introduction and variations on) mahl-bro sah6666 vah-tah6666 ghehr � (composition by Fernando Sor [fehr-NAHN-doh SAWR])

Introduction et rondo capriccioso � Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso � eh6666-traw-dük-seeaw6666ay ROHN-doh kah-pree-CHO-zo � (suite by Camille Saint-Saëns [{kah-meel seh6666-sah6666ss}kah-meey’ seh6666-sah6666ss])

Introduxit me rex � een-tro-DOOK-sitt may raykss � (motet [mo-TETT] by Giovanni daPalestrina [jo-VAHN-nee dah pah-lay-STREE-nah])

Introit � EEN-traw-itt � (section of the Latin mass set to music by various composers)

Introit et kyrie � Introit et Kyrie � EEN-traw-itt ett KÜ-reeay � (section of the Latin massset to music by various composers)

Introit for a feast day � Introit for a Feast Day � EEN-traw-itt (for a feast day) �(composition by Gerre Hanco*ck [JEHR-ree HANN-kahk])

Introitus � een-TRAW-ih-tôôss � (section of the Latin mass set to music by variouscomposers)

Inveni david � Inveni David � inn-VAY-nee DAH-fitt � (motet [mo-TETT] by AntonBruckner [AHN-tohohn BRÔÔK-nur])

Invention en do majeur � eh6666-vah6666-seeaw6666 ah6666 doh mah-zhör � (Invention in C major) �(composition by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Inverno � L’inverno � leen-VAYR-no � (Winter) � (from Le quattro stagioni [lay kooAHT-tro stah-JO-nee] — The Four Seasons — by Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee])

Invitation au voyage � L’Invitation au voyage � leh6666-vee-tah-seeaw6666 o vwah-yahzh �(Invitation to a Journey) � (poem by Charles Baudelaire [sharl bo-d’lehr] set to music by HenriDuparc [ah6666-ree dü-park])

Invitato a qui seguirmi ogni suo aver tal femmina � Invitato a qui seguirmi / Ogni suo aver talfemmina � een-vee-TAH-toh ah kooee say-gooEER-mee / O-n’yee SOO-o AH-vayr tahl

faym-MEE-nah � (duet featuring Violetta [vee-o-LAYT-tah] and Alfredo [ahl-FRAY-doh] inthe opera La traviata [lah trah-veeAH-tah] — The Worldly Woman; music by Giuseppe Verdi[joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Alexandre Dumas [ah-leck-sah6666-dr’ dü-mah])

Invitatorium circundederunt me � een-vee-tah-TOH-reeôôm seer-koon-day-day-ROONTmay � (chant from the Cancionero de Segovia [kahn-theeo-NAY-ro day say-GO-veeah] —Songbook of Segovia — containing liturgical music from Spain at the time of ChristopherColumbus)

Invito � L’invito � leen-VEE-toh � (song by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee])

Invito trascorsa e gia lora � Dell’invito trascorsa è già l’ora � dayl-leen-VEE-toh trahss-KOHR-sah ay JAH LO-rah � (septet with chorus from the opera La traviata [lah trah-veeAH-tah] — The Worldly Woman; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee];libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after AlexandreDumas [ah-leck-sah6666-dr’ dü-mah])

Invocation et danse hommage a manuel de falla � Invocation et danse (Hommage à Manuel deFalla) � eh6666-vaw-kah-seeaw6666 ay dah6666ss (awm-mazh ah mah-nooELL day {FAH-yah} FAH-l’yah) — Invocation and Dance (Homage to Manuel de Falla) — by Joaquín Rodrigo [ho-ah-KEEN rohd-REE-go])

Inzenga � José Inzenga � ho-SAY een-THAYN-gah � (known also as José Inzenga yCastellanos [ho-SAY een-THAYN-gah ee kahss-tay-l’YAH-nawss])

Io mi son giovinetta � eeo mee sohn jo-vee-NAYT-tah � (I Am but a Young Girl) � (madrigal[MADD-rih-gull] by Claudio Monteverdi [KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Io muoio non imprecare � Io muoio!; Non imprecare � eeo mooO-eeo!; nohn eem-pray-KAH-ray � (quartet from the opera La forza del destino [lah FOHR-tsah dayl day-STEE-no] —The Force of Destiny; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAY-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto byFrancesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Angel P. DeSaavedra [ahn-HELL (P.) day sah-VAY-drah])

Io non son pero morto � Io non son però morto � eeo nohn sohn pay-RO MOR-toh � (I AmNot, However, Dead) � (a madrigal [MADD-rih-gull], with music by Giaches de Wert[ZHAHSH deh VEHRT] and lyric by Francesco Petrarca [frahn-CHAY-sko pay-TRAR-kah])

Io parto � eeo PAR-toh � (madrigal [MADD-rih-gull] by Carlo Gesualdo � [KAR-lo jay-zooAHL-doh])

Io son la primavera � eeo sohn lah pree-mah-VAY-rah � (I Am Spring) � (madrigal[MADD-rih-gull] by William Hawley [WILL-lihumm HAW-lee)

Io son lumile ancella� eeo sohn loo-MEE-lay ahn-CHAYL-lah � (aria from the opera AdrianaLecouvreur [ah-dree-ah-nah luh-kôôv-rör]; music by Francesco Cilea [frahn-CHAY-sko chee-LAY-ah]; libretto by Arturo Colautti [ar-TOO-ro ko-LAHOOT-tee] after Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb] and Ernest Legouvé [ehr-nesst luh-gôô-vay])

Io son pur vezzosetta pastorella � yo SOHN poor vayt-tso-ZAYT-tah pah-sto-RAYL-lah �(I Am a Charming Little Shepherdess) � (vocal duet by Claudio Monteverdi [KLAHOO-deeomohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Io son titania � Io son Titania � eeo sohn tee-TAH-neeah � (aria from the opera Mignon[mee-n’yaw6666]; music by Ambroise Thomas [ah6666-br’wahz taw-mah]; libretto by Jules Barbier[zhül bar-beeay] and Michel Carré [mee-shell kar-ray] after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [YO-hahn VAWLF-gahng fawn GÖ-tuh])

Io sono docile � Io sono dócile � eeo SO-no DOH-chee-lay � (excerpt from the opera Ilbarbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini[chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6666 kah-raw6666 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee])

Io tacero invan dunque � Io tacerò - Invan dunque � eeo tah-chay-RO - EEN-vahn DOON-kooay � (I Will Be Silent) � (madrigal [MADD-rih-gull] by Carlo Gesualdo � [KAR-lo jay-zooAHL-doh])

Io ti sento � eeo tee SAYN-toh � (song by Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee])

Io vi vorrei veder tutta baciata � eeo vee vawr-RAYEE VAY-dayr TOOT-tah bah-CHAH-tah� (song by Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee])

Io vuo cantar di cadmo � Io vuo’ cantar di Cadmo � eeo vooO kahn-TAR dee KAHD-mo � (IWish to Sing of Cadmus) � (poem translated to the Italian by Craigher de Jachelutta(?)[KRAHEE-gher day yah-kay-LOOT-tah] and set to music by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSSSHOO-bert])

Io vuo cantar di cadmo alla cetra � Io vuo’ cantar di Cadmo (Alla cetra) � eeo vooO kahn-TARdee KAHD-mo (AHL-lah CHAY-trah) � (I Wish to Sing of Cadmus (To the Lyre)) � (poemtranslated to the Italian by Craigher de Jachelutta(?) [KRAHEE-gher day yah-kay-LOOT-tah]and set to music by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert])

Ioannidis � Yannis Ioannidis � YAHN-neess eeo-ahn-NEE-theess

Iolanta � eeaw-lah6666-tah � (an opera, with music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky [p’YAW-t’r ill-YEECH {chahih-KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee] and libretto by Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky

[mah-DYESST ill-YEECH {chahih-KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee] after Henrik Hertz[HENN-rick HEHRTSS]) � (also a character in the opera) / (other spellings are Iolanthe andJolanthe)

Iolanthe � (see Iolanta)

Ionita � Alexandru Ionita � ah-leck-SAHN-droo eeo-NEE-tah

Iove cum mercurio � Iove cum Mercurio � EEO-veh koom mayr-KÔÔ-riho � (My love (avirgo) was born) � (excerpt from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nahboo-RAH-nah])

Iparraguirre y balerdi � José María de Iparraguirre y Balerdí � ho-SAY mah-REE-ah day ee-par-rah-GHEER-ray ee bah-lehr-DEE

Ipavec � Benjamin Ipavec � BENN-yuh-minn IH-puh-vettss

Iphigenie � Iphigénie � ee-fee-zhay-nee � (character in the opera Iphigénie en Tauride [ee-fee-zhay-nee ah6666 toh-reed]; music by Christoph Willibald von Gluck [KRIH-stawf VILL-lee-bahlt fawn GLÔÔK]; libretto by Nicolas-François Guillard [NEE-ko-lah-frah6666-swah ghee-yar], based on Euripides [yôô-RIH-puh-deez])

Iphigenie en tauride � Iphigénie en Tauride � ee-fee-zhay-nee ah6666 toh-reed � (an opera, withmusic by Christoph Willibald von Gluck [KRIH-stawf VILL-lee-bahlt fawn GLÔÔK]; librettoby Nicolas-François Guillard [nee-ko-lah-frah6666-swah ghee-yar], based on Euripides [yôô-RIH-puh-deez])

Iphis � ����-fiss � (character in the oratorio Jephtha [JEFF-thuh]; music by George FridericHandel [JAW-urj FRIH-duh-rick HANN-d’l] and libretto by Thomas Morell [TAH-mussmaw-RELL] after Judges XI and G. Buchanan [G. buh-KA-nunn])

Ippolitof iwanof � Mikhail Ippolitof-Iwanof � mee-kahEEL eep-pah-LYEE-tuff-ee-vah-NAWF � (known also as Mikhail Mikhailovich [mee-KAHEE-luh-vihch] Ippolitof-Ivanof ) �(the hyphenated last name is generally spelled with terminal v’s)

Ippolitov ivanov � Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov � mee-kahEEL eep-pah-LYEE-tuff-ee-vah-NAWF � (known also as Mikhail Mikhailovich [mee-KAHIH-luh-vihch] Ippolitov-Ivanov) �(the hyphenated last name is sometimes spelled with terminal f’s)

Ipuche riva � Pedro Ipuche-Riva � PAY-dro ee-POO-chay-REE-vah

Ir kleyne likhtelekh � O ir kleyne Likhtelekh � oy ihr KL����-nuh LIHK-tuh-lehk � (O, YouLittle Candles — Hebrew folk melody, words by Morris Rosenfeld [MAWR-russ RO-z’n-felld])

Ir me quero � eer may KAY-ro � (traditional song of the Spanish Jews)

Iradier � Sebastián de Iradier � say-bahss-teeAHN day ee-rah-theeEHR � (the last name isalso spelled Yradier [ee-rah-theeEHR])

Irdische leben � Das irdische Leben � dahss EER-tih-shuh LAY-bunn � (Life on Earth) �(poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess k’NAHAH-bunn VÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’sMagic Horn — set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur])

Irene � ee-RAY-nuh � (character in the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] Tönet, ihr Pauken!Erschallet, Trompeten [TÖ-nutt, eer PAHÔÔ-kunn! ehr-SHAHL-lutt, trawm-PAY-tunn] —Sound, Ye Drums! Resound, Trumpets! — by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Irgens jensen � Ludvig Irgens Jensen � LEWD-vigg IHR-ghennss YENN-s’n � (knownalso as Ludvig Paul [PAEWL] Irgens Jensen)

Iriarte � Tomás de Iriarte � toh-MAHSS day ee-reeAR-tay � (the last name is also spelledYriarte [ee-reeAR-tay])

Irina � ee-REE-nah � (character in the musical production Trouble Man, music by Kurt Weill[KÔÔRT V����L] and words by Maxwell Anderson [MACKSS-well ANN-dur-sunn])

Irino � Yoshir� Irino � yaw-shee-lawaw ee-lee-naw

Iris � {����-russ} EE-reess � (an opera, with music by Pietro Mascagni [peeAY-tro mah-SKAH-n’yee] and libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah]; also a character in the opera)

Irme quiero madre � Irme Quiero Madre � EER-may keeAY-ro MAH-dray � (anonymousSephardic [seh-FAR-dick] (Spanish Jews) composition, about 1500 AD)

Irrgang � Heinrich Bernhard Irrgang � H����N-rihh BEHRN-hart IHR-gahng

Irrlicht � IHR-lihht � (Will-o'-the-Wisp) � (poem by Wilhelm Müller [VILL-hellm MÜL-lur]set to music by Franz Schubert [FRAHNTSS SHOO-bert] in the song cycle Winterreise[VINN-tur-r����-zuh] — The Winter's Journey)

Isaac � Adèle Isaac � ah-dell ee-sahk

Isaac � Heinrich Isaac � H����N-rihh ee-ZACK � (the last name is also spelled Isaak, Izak,Yzac, and Ysack)

Isaak � Heinrich Isaak � H����N-rihh ee-ZACK � (the last name is also spelled Isaac, Izak,Yzac, and Ysack)

Isaakian � ih-sah-kihAHN

Isang � Yun, Isang � YÔÔN, EE-HAHNG

Isamitt � Carlos Isamitt � KAR-lawss ee-sah-MEET

Isbin � Sharon Isbin � SHA-runn IZZ-binn

Iseler � Elmer Iseler � ELL-mur ����-s’lur � (known also as Elmer Walter [WAWL-tur]Iseler)

Isepp � Martin Isepp � {MAR-t’n EE-supp} MAR-teen EE-zupp � (known also as MartinJohannes Sebastian [yo-HAHN-nuss zay-BAH-stihahn] Isepp)

Isham � Mark Isham � MARK ����-shumm

Ishii � Kan Ishii � kah6666-nee-sheeee

Ishii � Maki Ishii � mahk ee-sheeee

Ishum � ����-shumm

Isidore of seville � Isidore of Seville � ee-see-THO-ray (of) say-VEE-l’yay

Isis und osiris � O Isis und Osiris � o EE-ziss ôônt o-ZEE-riss � (The Priests’ Chorus fromthe opera Die Zauberflöte [dee TSAHÔÔ-bur-flö-tuh] — the Magic Flute; music by WolfgangAmadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by EmanuelSchikaneder [ay-MAHAH-nooayl SHEE-kah-nay-dur])

Isle adam � Villiers de l'Isle-Adam � vee-leeay duh leel-ah-dah6666

Isle joyeuse � L’isle joyeuse � leel zh’wah-yöz � (The Happy Isle) � (composition byClaude Debussy [klohd deh-büss-see])

Isler � Ernst Isler � EHRNST ISS-lur

Isoldes liebestod � Isoldes Liebestod � ee-ZAWL-tuss LEE-buss-toht � (Isolde's LoveDeath) � (aria from the opera Tristan und Isolde [TRIH-stahn ôônt ee-ZAWL-tuh], music andlibretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur])

Isolfsson � Páll Ísólfsson � PAL EE-sawlf-sunn

Isolier � ee-zo-leeay � (character in the opera Le Comte Ory [luh kaw6666t aw-ree] — Count Ory;music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Eugène Scribe [ö-zhennskreeb] and Charles-Gaspard Delestre-Poirson [sharl-gahss-par d’less-tr’-pwar-saw6666])

Isomura � Kazuhide Isomura � kah-zoo-hee-deh ee-saw-moo-lah

Ison � Daniel Ison � DA-nihull ����-s'n

Isouard � Nicolò Isouard � nee-kaw-lo ee-sôôar � (known also as Nicolò [nee-kaw-lo] andNicolò de Malte [nee-kaw-lo duh mahlt])

Isselis � Steven Isselis � STEE-vunn ISS-suh-liss

Isserlis� Annette Isserlis � ann-NETT ISS-sur-liss

Isserlis� Julius Isserlis � {JOO-lihuss ISS-sur-liss} YOO-lihôôss iss-SEHR-lyiss

Isserstedt � Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt � HAHNSS SHMITT-ISS-sur-shtett

Ist ein allgemeines lamento der freunde � Ist ein allgemeines Lamento der Freunde � isst ����nahl-guh-M����-nuss lah-MENN-toh dayr FROYN-tuh � (excerpt from Capriccio [kah-PREE-cho] on the Departure of His Most Beloved Brother by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ist ein floten und geigen � Das ist ein Flöten und Geigen � dahss isst ����n FLÖ-tunn ôôntGH����-gunn � (Flutes and Fiddles Are Playing) � (poem by Heinrich Heine [H����N-rihh H����-nuh]set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

Ist ein traum � Ist ein Traum � isst ����n TRAHÔÔM � (aria from the opera Der Rosenkavalier[dayr RO-zunn-kah-fah-leer] — The Knight of the Rose; music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hartSHTRAHÔÔSS] and libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal [HOO-go fawn HAWF-mahn-stahl])

Ist eine schmeichelung der freunde um denselben von seiner reise abzuhalten � Ist eineSchmeichelung der Freunde, um denselben von seiner Reise abzuhalten � isst ����-nuh SHM����-huh-lôông dayr FROYN-tuh, ôôm denn-ZELL-punn fawn Z����-nur R����-zuh ahp-tsoo-HAHL-tunn� (excerpt from Capriccio [kah-PREE-cho] on the Departure of His Most Beloved Brother byJohann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ist eine vorstellung unterschiedlicher cassum die ihm in der fremde konnten vorfallen � Ist eineVorstellung unterschiedlicher Cassum, die ihm in der Fremde konnten vorfallen � isst ����-nuh for-SHTELL-lôông ÔÔN-tur-sheet-lih-hur KAHSS-sôôm, dee EEM inn dayr FREMM-tuhKAWN-tunn fohr-FAHL-lunn � (excerpt from Capriccio [kah-PREE-cho] on the Departureof His Most Beloved Brother by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK}zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Ist nicht ephraim mein teurer sohn � Ist nicht Ephraim mein teurer Sohn � isst nihht EH-frahihm m����n TOY-rur ZOHN � (motet [mo-TETT] by Heinrich Schütz [H����N-rihh SHÜTSS])

Ist verraten � Es ist verraten � ess isst fehr-RAH-tunn � (composition by Robert Schumann[ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn])

Istampita tre fontane � Istampita “Tre Fontane” � ee-stah6666-pee-tah “treh faw6666-tahn” �(Istampita “Three Fountains”) � (anonymous composition)

Iste puer magnus nam et manus � Iste puer magnus — Nam et manus � EE-steh PÔÔ-ehrMAH-n’yôôss — NUMM ett MUH-nôôss � (composition by Claudio Monteverdi [KLAHOO-deeo mohn-tay-VAYR-dee])

Istel � Edgar Istel � {EDD-gur ISS-tull} ETT-gar ISS-tull

Istomilas ya gorem� Akh! Istomilas ya gorem � AHK! iss-tah-MEE-luss yah GAW-remm �(Oh, I am weary of sorrow) � (Aria featuring Lisa [LEE-suh] in the opera Pique dame [peekdahm] — The Queen of Spades; music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky [p’YAW-t’r ill-YEECH{chahih-KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee]; libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky [mah-DYESST{chahih-KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee] after Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin [uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r sehr-GAY-yeh-vihch POOSH-kinn])

Istomin � Eugene Istomin � yôô-JEEN ISS-taw-minn � (known also as Eugene George[JAW-urj] Istomin)

Istrate � Mircea Istrate � MEER-cheeah eess-TRAH-teh

Istvan � Miloslav Ištvan � MIH-law-slahf IHSHT-vahn

Isum � (misspelled version of Ishum [����-shumm])

Isuri eepos � Isuri Eepos � IH-sôô-rih AY-pôôss � (song from Izhorian [ih-ZHO-rihunn]Epic, a cycle of Balto-Finnic folk songs arranged by Veljo Tormis [VELL-yo TOHR-miss])

Itai � Avner Itai � AHV-nehr ee-TAHEE

Italiana � ee-tah-leeAH-nah

Italiana in algeri � L'italiana in Algeri � lee-tah-leeAH-nah een ahl-JAY-ree � (The ItalianGirl in Algiers) � (an opera, with music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]and libretto by Angelo Anelli [ahn-JAY-lo ah-NAYL-lee])

Italienisches konzert f dur � Italienisches Konzert F-dur � ih-tah-lihAY-nih-shuss KAWN-tsehrt F DOOR � (Italian Concerto in F Major) � (composition by Johann Sebastian Bach[YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK])

Italienne � ee-tah-leeenn � (Italian) � (character in the opera Médée [may-day]; music byMarc Antoine Charpentier [mark ah6666-twahn shar-pah6666-teeay] and libretto by Pierre Corneille[peeehr kawr-nehy’])

Italienne � Une Italienne � ün ee-tah-leeenn � (An Italian) � (character in the opera Médée

[may-day]; music by Marc Antoine Charpentier [mark ah6666-twahn shar-pah6666-teeay] and librettoby Pierre Corneille [peeehr kawr-nehy’])

Italiens a paris� Les Italiens a Paris � leh-zee-tah-leeah6666 ah pah-ree � (The Italians in Paris)

Ite missa est � IH-teh MEESS-suh esst � (chant setting in a mass by an anonymous 13th or14th-century composer)

Ito � Ryûta Ito � l’yoooo-tah ee-taw

Its a long way to tipperary � It's a Long Way to Tipperary [tipp-puh-REH-ree]

Iturbi � José Iturbi � ho-SAY ee-TOOR-bee

Iturriberry � Juan José Iturriberry � hooAHN ho-SAY ee-toor-ree-BEHR-ree

Ivan at anastasias bier � Ivan at Anastasia’s Bier � ee-VAHN (at) ah-nah-STAH-zeeahz beer� (excerpt from the film Ivan the Terrible, with music by Sergei Prokofiev [sehr-GAYEE prah-KAW-fiheff]; arranged in the form of an oratorio by Abram Stasevich [ah-BRAHM stah-SAY-vihch])

Ivanov � Georgi Ivanov � gay-AWR-ghee ee-vah-NAWF

Ivanov � Konstantin Ivanov � kahn-stahn-TYEEN ee-vah-NAWF

Ivanov � Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov � mee-kahEEL eep-pah-LYEE-tuff-ee-vah-NAWF �(known also as Mikhail Mikhailovich [mee-KAHEE-luh-vihch] Ippolitov-Ivanov) � (thehyphenated last name is sometimes spelled with terminal f’s)

Ivanov � Mikhail Mikhailovich Ivanov � mee-kahEEL mee-KAHIH-luh-vihch ee-vah-NAWF

Ivanov � Nikolai Ivanov � nyee-kah-LAHIH ee-vah-NAWF � (known also as NikolaiKuzmich [kôôz-MIHCH] Ivanov)

Ivanov boretzky � Mikhail Vladimirovich Ivanov-Boretzky � mee-kahEEL vlah-DYEE-mih-ruh-vihch ee-vah-NAWF-bah-RETTZ-kee

Ivanov kramskoi � Aleksandr Ivanov-Kramskoi � ah-lyick-SAHN-d’r ee-vah-NAWF-krahm-SKAWIH

Ivanov radkevitch � Nikolai Ivanov-Radkevitch � nyee-kah-LAHIH ee-vah-NAWF-raht-KAY-vihch

Ivanovici � Ion Ivanovici � yee-AWN ee-vah-naw-VEE-chee

Ivanovs � Janis Ivanovs � YAH-niss IH-vah-nawfss � (in Latvia, this Latvian National wouldbe known as J�nis Ivanovs [YAHAH-niss IH-vah-nawfss])

Ivans appeal to the boyars � Ivan’s Appeal to the Boyars � (ee-VAHNZ (appeal to the)BAW-yurz) � (excerpt from the film Ivan the Terrible, with music by Sergei Prokofiev [sehr-GAYEE prah-KAW-fiheff]; arranged in the form of an oratorio by Abram Stasevich [ah-BRAHM stah-SAY-vihch])

Iveson � J. Iveson � J. ����V-s’n

Ivogun � Maria Ivogün � MAH-rihah IH-vaw-gün

Ivry � Richard d’Ivry � ree-shar dee-vree

Iwaki � Hiroyuki Iwake � hee-law-yook ee-wah-keh

Iwamoto � Marito Iwamoto � mah-lee-taw ee-wah-maw-taw

Iwanof � Mikhail Ippolitof-Iwanof � mee-kahEEL eep-po-LYEE-tawf-ee-vah-NOHF �(known also as Mikhail Mikhailovich [mee-KAHEE-law-vihch] Ippolitof-Iwanof) � (thehyphenated last name is usually spelled with terminal v’s, and the w in Iwanof is usually replacedby v)

Izak � Heinrich Izak � H����N-rihh ee-ZACK � (the last name is also spelled Isaac, Isaak,Yzac, and Ysack)

I Am Leafy Speafing (I Am Leafy) SPEE-fihng) …mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/ipr/files/I.pdf · I am leafy speafing I Am Leafy Speafing ... (Bell Chorus from the opera Pagliacci - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.