Counting in Arabic | Beginners' guide to Arabic numbers 1-100 (2024)

Did you just start learning Arabic? Well, we salute you for choosing such a unique language. One of the best parts about Arabic is that it is both logical and phonetic. Numbers in Arabic follow a straightforward pattern as well.

While there are many dialects in the Arab world, all countries share the same numeral system, and they all write it in the same way. Some may have different pronunciations, but we will discuss dialects at the end of this article. First, let’s dive in and start with recognizing the numbers.

Learning Arabic numbers 1-100s

Arabic numbers 1-10

Counting in Arabic | Beginners' guide to Arabic numbers 1-100 (1)

Here is how to write numbers in Arabic 1-10.

in English

Arabic Numeral

in Arabic










































What about zero?

Zero in Arabic is ٠) صفر) and is pronounced (Sef•fer)

Did you know that it was an Arab scholar from modern-day Iraq who came up with the mathematical concept of “zero”? The idea of a symbol representing “nothing” dates back to the Babylonians. However, Al-Khwarizmi – the father of Algebra and whose name is the etymological root for algorithms – was the first scholar to give a mathematical value to “zero,” which advanced the science of mathematics.

You probably also noticed that while Arabic is a language written from right to left, the number 10 is written from left to right, similar to English. Arabic numbers are indeed written from left to right despite the fact that the Arabic script is right to left.

Arabic numbers 20-90

Just like we need to add the suffix “ty” at the end of single numbers to create tens (e.i. six becomes sixty) in the English language, in Arabic there is a similar rule. All you have to do is add either the suffix “oon” or “een” at the end of the number.

The reason why there are two possible endings for each number has to do with Arabic grammar. Depending on a word’s function in the sentence, its ending will change to allude to that function. This rule is applied to almost all plural words in Arabic, with some exceptions. When in doubt, always go with the “een” suffix, as it is the one used in spoken Arabic and is grammatically correct. You will only see words ending in “oon” in writing.

For example,

in English

Arabic Numeral

in Arabic




عشرون /عشرين

Esh•roon – Esh•reen



ثلاثون / ثلاثين

Thalath•oon – Thalath•een



أربعون / أربعين

Arba•’oun – Arba•’een



خمسون / خمسين

Khams•oon – Khams•een



ستون / ستين

Sett•oon – Sett•een



سبعون / سبعين

Sab•’oun – Sab•’een



ثمانون / ثمانين

Thaman•oon – Thaman•een



تسعون / تسعين

Tes•’oon – Tes•’een

However, once we start counting past the tens, we say the single number first before saying the ten (unlike in English). For example, to count past twenty is to say:

واحد وعشرين wahed wa eshreen (21), اثنين وعشرين ethnein wa eshreen (22), etc.

The literal translation of the number 21 would be one and twenty, unlike in English, where we would start with “twenty” and then add the single numeral “two.” This applies to all the variations of tens.

Don’t forget to add “and” between the digits, as seen in the example above, which is pronounced “wa” in speech and is written “و” in script.

Arabic numbers: the 100s

Finally, a hundred is مائة (Me•’aa) in Modern Standard Arabic. Modern Standard Arabic, or MSA for short, refers to written Arabic that is the root of all dialects but is not necessarily spoken conversationally. To say 100 in spoken Arabic is to say “مية“ (meyya), not to be confused with (mayya), which is “water” in spoken Arabic.

When writing or counting in the 100s, the pattern you’d follow is: “hundreds (and) singles (and) tens.”

For example, to say 124 is to say مائة وأربعة وعشرين (Meyya wa arba’aa wa eishreen). A literal translation would sound like – hundred and four and twenty. Some people skip the “and” between the hundreds and the rest of the number, but you are safe keeping it as it remains relevant and grammatically correct.

As for multiplying the hundreds, for example, to say 300 or 400, you would combine the word for the single numeral + the word for hundred مائة (Me•’aa) in one word. Here’s how:

in English

Arabic Numeral

in Arabic


Two Hundred




Three Hundred




Four Hundred




Five Hundred




Six Hundred




Seven Hundred



Sab•’oun – Sab•’een

Eight Hundred




Nine Hundred




You probably noticed that the number “two hundred” does not follow the same pattern as the rest of the numbers. It is not an irregular number, but it follows a different plural rule.

In Arabic, there is the singular form, the double form, and the plural form. Unlike English where doubles are considered regular plurals, Arabic has a specific plural form for twos. Doubles in Arabic can end with two possible suffixes – “an” and “ein,” but let’s focus on the suffix “ein” for now since it is used in spoken Arabic across the different dialects.

Did we spark your curiosity about Arabic grammar? Preply has a blog for Arabic learners where you can check out extra resources on grammar, tips and tricks, and even podcasts.

That was a lot! How about a quick check-in? Try figuring out how to say 73 and 451 in Arabic. Stick around, and I’ll give you the answers at the end.

Final notes to keep in mind

Arabic numbers Vs. Arabic numerals

Counting in Arabic | Beginners' guide to Arabic numbers 1-100 (2)

Don’t confuse the two. The Arabic numbers are everything that we just learned. Their shapes originated in India, and the system they follow is called the Indo-Arabic numeral system. However, the term Arabic numerals refers to the numeral system used in Latin languages today, including English.

Arabs in the Middle Ages were passionate about numbers, especially in geometry. That is why they came up with a system for writing numerals that reflects the number of angles in each shape, as you can see in the image above. Another reason why “zero” gained significance – thanks to Arab scholars – is because it not only represents nothingness but also the lack of angles geometrically, a perfect sphere.

Pronouncing the “TH” sound in Arabic numbers

There are 2 letters in the Arabic alphabet that, when spelled out in English letters, are considered “TH”, ث and ذ. One of which has a buzzy sound to it (voicedd th) while the other is simply a puff of air (unvoiced th). The “TH” sound corresponding to the letter ث, which we’ve seen multiple times with Arabic numbers in variations of three (ثلاثة) and eight (ثمانية), is the one sounding like a puff of air. The “TH” sound here resembles the “TH” sound in words like thumb or through as opposed to there or although. Watch this video to better understand the difference between the voiced and unvoiced “TH” sounds.

Choosing a dialect to learn

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are many dialects in the Arab world. The good news is that they all write in the same way and have the same linguistic root, but some pronunciations and accents may vary between countries.

In Egypt, for example, to pronounce the number 3 (thalatha or ثلاثة) all you need to do is turn the sound “TH” into a “T” sound. So, instead of saying “thalatha” you would say, “talata”.This applicable to all the Arabic numbers that have the letter ث or “TH” in their spelling. At Preply, we can match you with an online tutor native to the country you’re most interested in so you can learn the dialect you prefer here.

To conclude:

Arabic is all about logic! Once you understand the structure of the language, everything becomes easy to remember. This is all you need to know about numbers in Arabic 1-100s.

Now, remember that little quiz you solved earlier on? Here are the answers:

73 Seventy-three = ٧٣ ثلاثة وسبعين (Thalatha wa sab’een)

451 Four hundred and fifty one = ٤٥١ أربعمائة وواحد وخمسين (Arba’ame’aa wa wahed wa khamseen)

How well did you do? If you need more guidance on learning Arabic online, check out our Learn Arabic Online resources for more practice exercises. Or, if you prefer practicing through an app on the go, we have compiled a list of the best apps to learn Arabic in 2024 for you to choose from. Happy learning!

Counting in Arabic | Beginners' guide to Arabic numbers 1-100 (2024)


How to write numbers from 1 to 100 in Arabic? ›

1 (١) – واحد (wāḥid) for masculine, واحدة (wāḥidah) for feminine. 2 (٢) – اثنان (ithnān) for masculine, اثنتان (ithnatān) for feminine. 3 (٣) – ثلاثة (thlāthah) 4 (٤) – أربعة (arbaʿah)

What is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in Arabic? ›

١ one, ٢ two, ٣ three, ٤ four, ٥ five, ٦ six, ٧ seven, ٨ eight, ٩ nine, ١٠ ten. As you can see, some numbers are similar to English numbers, such as the one and the nine. Are there any sites I can go to where I can hear someone counting out the numbers?

How do Arabs write numbers? ›

Written numerals are arranged with their lowest-value digit to the right, with higher value positions added to the left. That is identical to the arrangement used for Western Arabic numerals, even though Arabic script is read from right-to-left. Columns of numbers are usually arranged with the decimal points aligned.

Which way are Arabic numbers written? ›

I know the reason why Arabs write numerals from Left to right. Because this convention was borrowed from ancient India where Sanskrit & Brahmi characters were written from Left to right i.e.: all the texts and numerals are from left to right.

What is the Arabic numbering style? ›

Arabic numbers are written using a sequence of digits from 0 to 9. In the Arabic numbers system, the position of each digit determines its value. The digits are read from left to right, and each digit represents a multiple of ten depending on its position.

Why do Arabs use 3 and 7? ›

The Roman numerals are used to symbolize the Arabic letters which don't exist, or rather, the ones that have no phonetic equivalent in English. For e.g., the Arabic letter “ح” (Haa) can't be accurately represented with Latin characters and it is, therefore, represented by the number “7”.

What is the Arabic formula? ›

ARABIC formula syntax.

The ARABIC function in Excel converts a Roman numeral to its corresponding Arabic numeral. The syntax for the ARABIC function is: =ARABIC(roman_numeral) The "roman_numeral" argument is the Roman numeral that you want to convert.

How can I memorize Arabic easily? ›

8 Memorization Tips to Make Arabic Vocabulary Stick
  1. Flash Cards. Everyone is familiar with flash cards. ...
  2. Hear & Associate. ...
  3. Make Your Own Phrases and Sentences. ...
  4. Read, Read, Read! ...
  5. Use Onomatopoeia to Remember. ...
  6. Use Cognates. ...
  7. Straight Repetition. ...
  8. Review Often.
Mar 25, 2017

What is the hardest Arabic to learn? ›

This one has many dialects but the main dialect is called San'ani or Sana' dialect. You should know that the hardest two dialects to learn are the Yemeni and Maghrebi.

How should a beginner learn Arabic? ›

It will take hard work, dedication, and time, but it's certainly achievable.
  1. Step 1: Decide which form of Arabic you want to learn. ...
  2. Step 2: Start with the basics. ...
  3. Step 3: Learn to use the Arabic dictionary. ...
  4. Step 4: Immerse yourself in study and practice. ...
  5. Step 5: Speak the language. ...
  6. Step 6: Never stop learning.
Jan 10, 2022

What is mi ah in Arabic? ›

Another Arabic word that sounds nearer to it is “Mi'aat” or مئة , and it means in Arabic : one “hundred” or “100” in figures, and also pronounced and written as : Ma'aat مائة in the MSA , and in the Arabic dialects just as : مية or Miyaa.

What does 9 mean in Arabic texting? ›

6=ط=t. 7=ح=h. 8=ait (w8=wait) 9=ص=S.

What is 313 in Arabic? ›

In religion

In Twelverism, 313 is the number of soldiers that Imam Mahdi will have and is sometimes stylized as ٣١٣ in the Arabic numeral system.

What are the numbers from 1 to 10 called in Arabic? ›

1 - One, 2 - Two, 3 - Three, 4 - Four, 5 - Five, 6 - Six, 7 - Seven, 8 - Eight, 9 - Nine, 10 - Ten, 11 - Eleven, 12 - Twelve, 13 - Thirteen, 14 - Fourteen, 15 - Fifteen, 16 - Sixteen, 17 - Seventeen, 18 - Eighteen, 19 - Nineteen, 20 - Twenty, and so on.

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